Showing 2701–2750 of 9024 resultsSorted by latest
Guided Prayer Journey
$16.99Add to cartBegin Your Journey to a New Dimension in Prayer
Have you struggled for the right words when you pray? Have you wanted to pray with someone who really knows how to get answers? Do you crave a more intimate prayer conversation with your heavenly Father?This prayer journey will take you there!
Whether you’re new to prayer or a seasoned pray-er, A Guided Prayer Journey will lead you on a journey like no other. With encouragement and guidance, you will discover that you are skilled to write the best prayers for you!Bestselling author of the Prayers That Avail Much series, Germaine Copeland, who’s taught a generation to pray, will walk hand-in-hand with you through the prayer process, teaching you how she builds strong, effective prayers that get results.
You’ll discover:
*Seven building blocks of strong prayer
*Guides, cues, and tips page by page to enhance your prayer life
*How God’s Word can write powerful prayers for you
*How to enjoy authentic, heart-to-heart conversation with your Father-God
*A personal, interactive journal experience to elevate your prayers
*No matter where you are in prayer, there’s a deeper place to goYou’ll come away excited and confident that the best way to learn even more about prayer is to pray more. Begin your journey now. Changing your prayer life will change your entire life!
Fresh Hope For Today
$14.99Add to cartSometimes the road we travel feels lonely or too steep. Often, it winds through dark valleys, follows unfamiliar ways, and leaves us weary from the inside out. With warmth and wisdom, Grace Fox offers you ninety daily devotions to refresh your soul and lead you to a place of joy on the journey. Read and reflect on these gems; let their truth remind you of God’s presence and care. You don’t walk alone, my friend. Each day’s devotion offers a key Bible verse, insights on which to pause, an application question to ponder, and a sentence prayer. You’ll also find an encouraging quote from others who walked a difficult journey but discovered joy along the way.
Readers of these devotions are facing difficult circumstances and need spiritual encouragement in bite-sized pieces. Their greatest need is hope. They need reassurance that God’s love will never let them go. His presence will never leave them, and his strength will carry them through. Fresh Hope for Today addresses these needs as follows: Its overall message directs their minds to God’s character and promises. These bite-size bits of truth will feed their souls and give them the strength and encouragement needed for that day. Devotions are short enough to read and keep their focus even when their minds are on overload. All segments work together to make it easy for readers to recall truth. Relevant quotes reinforce the day’s teaching.
Freedom From Shame
$6.99Add to cartShame is to the soul what cancer is to the body. Typically acquired in childhood and carried into adulthood, shame causes people to feel defective, unworthy, and flawed.
Countless people are weighed down by shame, creating many emotional, spiritual, relational, and physical problems. Shame results in the breakdown of self-esteem, the erosion of relationships, and the inability to move forward in life. In fact, toxic shame is often the driving force in a person’s compulsions, addictions, anxieties, and depression.
The good news is that freedom is possible for anyone willing to take an honest look at the issue and invest in the healing process. Although there are no quick fixes or magic formulas to cure our deepest pain, wellness and peace can be achieved based on biblical wisdom and reliable psychological principles.
While shame keeps people trapped and troubled, God wants His children to experience freedom and fullness. Dr. Gregory Jantz guides readers through the pain of shame and into wholeness and health. Learn:
*Common sources of shame
*Damaging consequences of unaddressed shame
*Principles in God’s Word for accepting grace
*Key strategies for overcoming shame -
Chosen Season 1 Revised And Expanded
$19.99Add to cartBased on the acclaimed video series The Chosen, the most amazing story ever told–the life of Jesus–gets a fresh, new telling from New York Times bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins. What was it like to encounter Jesus face-to-face? How would he have made you feel, changed your way of thinking about God? Would he have turned your world upside down? Journey to Galilee in the first century. See the difference he made in the lives of those he called to follow him and how they were forever transformed. Experience the life and power of the perfect Son of God as never before–through the eyes of everyday people just like you.
– The official novel based on Season 1 of the immensely popular TV series, which has been seen in every country in the world, with over 85 million views– The latest fiction from Jerry Jenkins, perhaps the bestselling Christian novelist of recent times
– Jacketed hardcover with spot gloss
Unshackled : Finding God’s Freedom From Trauma
$16.99Add to cartBreak through Barriers to Healing from Trauma and Discover Paths to Healing
Trauma can either be used as a catalyst for growth, sparking empathy and a closer relationship with God, or as fuel for shame, avoidance, and isolation. Many veterans and first responders know firsthand the toll that trauma can take but lack the knowledge of how to grow from it and move forward.In Unshackled, Elizabeth Stevens uses her unique perspective as both a trauma survivor and a professional psychiatrist to help veterans and first responders, as well as other trauma victims, learn how to grow and heal from their traumatic experiences so that they can experience the abundant life God has for them.
Specifically, you will come to understand and learn:
*the effects of trauma from Elizabeth’s story of brain injury, multiple sexual assaults, an eating disorder, post-traumatic stress, suicidal thoughts, depression, and loss of independence;
*how to get past barriers to healing;
*which paths will move you forward;
*the importance of holistic healing–physical, psychological, and spiritual; and
*that Jesus Christ delivers the ultimate healing.
Unhindered Abundance : Restoring Our Souls In A Fragmented World
$16.99Add to cartRewire Your Brain with Truth from Scripture
Have you ever felt stuck in your Christian life? Have you wondered if the abundant life Jesus promised is really available for you right here and right now? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this book is for you. This book will help you identify the spiritual growth barriers that are keeping you stuck as well as show you the way to experience more of the abundant life: a life characterized by more love, joy, peace, and hope than you ever dreamed possible before. Ken Baugh draws us into the inner workings of the brain and the heart, which inform how we process negative and traumatic experiences, but which also can be diverted from health and wholeness by such negative experiences. How we process hard things intellectually and spiritually recalibrates us toward either health and wholeness or bitterness and defeatism. Ken helps us rewire our brains by simmering in the Scriptures that remind us whom we belong to and what God has promised us. The end result is a resilient, robust faith prepared to weather every storm and keep in step with Jesus.
Como Superar El Sentirte Abrum – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartEs hora de abordar las cosas que intentan invadir tu vida. Te sientes atrapado en un lio? Te preguntas como llegaste a este lugar y tratas de darle sentido a todo? !No te rindas! Como superar el sentirte abrumado, el pastor y autor mas vendido del New York Times, Jentezen Franklin, ofrece cinco pasos vitales para ayudarte a levantarse, salir y liberarse, y caminar hacia el destino que Dios ha preparado para usted.
Jentezen abre el telon sobre las tacticas del enemigo para obstaculizar su crecimiento espiritual, distraer su atencion y evitar que viva a su maximo potencial durante esta temporada critica de la historia profetica. Si descubre que cada batalla que esta peleando se ha vuelto mas dificil de conquistar, si esta paralizado y no sabe que camino tomar, recuerde que Dios no lo llama simplemente un sobreviviente. El le llama un vencedor.
It is time to tackle the things trying to overrun your life. Do you feel stuck in a mess? Are you wondering how you got to this place and trying to make sense of it all? Don’t give up! In Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin offers five life-giving steps to help you get up, get out and get free, and walk into the destiny God has prepared for you.
Jentezen pulls back the curtain on the enemy’s tactics to hinder your spiritual growth, distract your attention and keep you from living to your fullest potential during this critical season of prophetic history. If you find that every battle you’re fighting has gotten more difficult to conquer–if you are paralyzed and don’t know which way to go–remember God doesn’t call you just a survivor. He calls you an overcomer.
Valores Del Reino – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartInestabilidad cultural. Desintegracion familiar. Despotricando en las redes sociales. Narcisismo desenfrenado. La unica forma de luchar contra esta atmosfera toxica de nuestro mundo actual es a traves del caracter. Al vivir los valores del reino en lugar de simplemente sealar la virtud (tratar de parecer que nos preocupamos por todas las cosas correctas), podemos levantarnos y modelar lo que el mundo necesita ver.
Pero los valores del reino no son solo algo que adoptamos para mejorar el mundo que nos rodea. Vienen con un beneficio, una bonificacion. Vienen con bendiciones. Al alinear tus pensamientos, palabras y acciones con los valores de Dios, recibiras la paz, el consuelo y el proposito que siempre has estado buscando.
El Dr. Evans brinda ideas basadas en las virtudes biblicas que se encuentran en las Bienaventuranzas, asi como en el resto de las enseanzas de Cristo. Cuando vives la vida a la manera de Dios, demostrando sus valores a quienes te rodean, introduciras un cambio autentico no solo en los demas sino tambien en la cultura. Los valores del Reino son contagiosos. Pasalas.
Cultural instability. Family breakdown. Social media ranting. Unchecked narcissism. The only way to fight against this toxic atmosphere of our world today is through character. By living out kingdom values rather than merely virtue signaling (trying to appear like we care about all the right things), we can rise up and model what the world needs to see.
But kingdom values aren’t just something we embrace to improve the world around us. They come with a benefit–a bonus. They come with blessings. By aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with God’s values, you will receive the peace, comfort, and purpose you’ve been looking for all along.Dr. Evans provides insights based on biblical virtues found in the Beatitudes as well as throughout the rest of Christ’s teachings. When you live life God’s way, demonstrating His values to those around you, you will usher in authentic change not only in others but in the culture as well. Kingdom values are contagious. Pass them on.
Miracle Of The Oil
$16.99Add to cartThis beautiful hardcover book, suitable for gifting, describes the miraculous power of God’s anointing-represented by oil-flowing through the life of the believer. The central theme is the anointing oil recipe that God gave to Moses, focusing on each ingredient and what it prophetically represents in our personal lives:
*liquid myrrh
*sweet-scented cinnamon
*fragrant cane
*olive oilThe Miracle of the Oil also includes historical and contemporary testimonies of God’s anointing oil brimming with miracles, including the oil of the original Hanukkah menorah and what it signifies for us today.
God is Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord our Provider. There is abundant provision in His realms of glory for all our needs to be met according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Let God’s supernatural, heavenly oil flow into your life to meet every area of need
Your Divine Invitation
$14.99Add to cartAfter years of discontent, feeling a lack of the Holy Spirit’s power and believing for healings and miracles, Frankie Mazzapica was fighting insomnia one night when he decided to look for a book that would put him to sleep.
He downloaded Power from on High: What It Is and How to Obtain It by Charles Finney for his e-book reader. However, rather than sleeping, he stayed up and kept reading until he finished the book early the next morning.
Frankie says Finney’s book made him realize that “power from on high” is something that God wants for every believer. He decided to write Your Divine Invitation: Access the Holy Spirit to Complete Your Assignment to help Christians everywhere discover that power.
“The belief that only a small few are selected to receive supernatural power is a fallacy. God knows that before we have anything to offer, we must have His power,” Frankie says. “We have the same assignment the disciples did. If they needed power then, we need power now.”
Frankie’s mission statement is, “I live to walk with the Lord and share His love and His power.”
His conviction is that Jesus’ three-year ministry, where teaching and miracles attracted seekers and built disciples, is the model for today’s church. Believers should not rest until the same power displayed in the life of the Lord’s disciples is present in their lives.
Your Divine Invitation includes practical steps every believer can take to position themselves to receive God’s promised endowment of power.
Exploring The Bible Activity Book
$16.99Add to cartCalling all explorers! Get ready for a fun expedition to explore new parts of the Bible and discover some amazing things about God and His Son, Jesus. This activity book covers topics such as the fruits of the Spirit, the twelve apostles, books of the Old Testament, the parable of the lost sheep, and the armor of God. Activities include word searches, word scrambles, fill-in-the-blanks, and crosswords make exploring the Bible fun while also helping kids retain new aspects of their faith. Puzzle activities promote exceptional word association, higher reading speeds, improved vocabulary, and superior spelling skills.
Sailing Into The Bible Activity Book
$16.99Add to cartKids can set sail on an adventure to find their favorite Bible stories. Along the way, they will discover new places, meet new Bible characters, learn new verses, and have a grand old time. This activity book separates each Bible story into two to four activities to encourage familiarity and memory retention while keeping it fun, colorful, and adventurous. Stories include the seven days of creation, Adam and Eve, Noah’s ark, David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion’s den, and the birth of Jesus. Word searches, word scrambles, fill-in-the-blanks, and crosswords will keep kids entertained for hours.
Miracles Of The Bible Large Print Word Search (Large Type)
$12.99Add to cartDiscover the miracles of the Old and New Testaments in over 150 easy-to-read, large print word searches!
Miracles of the Bible Large Print Word Search is a wonderful source of inspiration and reflection on miracles of the Bible. Unlock the mysteries of Moses parting the Red Sea, Joshua’s march around Jericho to bring down the city walls, Daniel finding safety in a lions’ den, Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes, and many other miracles that will gladden your heart.
Word search puzzles are a fun, relaxing way to pass the time, whether you are waiting for a friend or just need some stress relief. Searching for words relating to the miracles that God has provided can help to grow your faith in Him and His promises. Word searches can also improve your vocabulary and spelling, develop pattern recognition skills, and keep your memory sharp.
Courage To Heal
$16.99Add to cartCan you really start over again and have a meaningful life?
After experiencing deep emotional hurts?
After struggling with ingrained dysfunctional habits?
After falling into addiction?
After making destructive choices that alienate your family and friends?
Can guilt, shame, and regret ever be healed?
Many people feel that once they’ve made mistakes or bad decisions, or once they’ve been damaged by others, they can never set their life on a positive course again. If you feel this way, the real answer is that you can.
Author Tracy Strawberry, wife of baseball great Darryl Strawberry, says it starts with who you are. Both she and her husband have been in that hopeless place and successfully moved past it. Tracy knows what it takes to get free and to stay free in multiple areas of life, and for twenty years, she has helped numerous people do the same. She knows how hard it is to face the daily challenges of moving forward from the past and the consequences it brings. She understands that it takes step-by-step direction, faith, and encouragement to achieve it, and you will find all of that in abundance in these pages.
This book presents proven, practical, systematic steps for attaining healing from past pain, addictions, and dysfunctional patterns of living. Tracy explains that God does not just evacuate us out of our struggles. It requires a process of change where we learn to make positive and creative new choices. You can live a victorious life by relying on the transformative power of God and actively engaging in the process of change, one choice at a time.
Your struggles are not who you are-they are what you are overcoming. No matter where you are in life, you have permission to hope and dream again. To dare to image yourself in a better place with a good future. To have The Courage to Heal.
My Blessed Is She Prayer Journal
$15.99Add to cartPrayer can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Are any requests off-limits? And is God really listening at all? My Blessed Is She Prayer Journal can help guide you along your intercessory prayer journey and inspire you to rely on the Lord for all things. Fill its 160pages with big and small joys and sorrows. And for encouragement, you’ll find hopeful Scripture, inspirational quotes by women, and plenty of space for reflection.
Is The End Near
$19.99Add to cartWhen will the insanity end?
This book will answer your questions about end times issues by examining statements that Jesus Himself made about what was to come. You will be encouraged as you anticipate Christ’s return.
Both inside and outside the church, people are asking the same question: Is this the end of the world? With a global pandemic that has killed millions; nations spending millions of dollars to update their nuclear weapons arsenals; and an increase in fire, floods, plagues, and other natural disasters, Christians and non-Christians alike are concluding that history appears to be drawing to a close.
Yet Dr. Michael Youssef says now is not the time to fear. In Is The End Near? Dr. Youssef looks at Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 and 25 about the end of civilization and the coming of the one world ruler and examines:
*Whether the “birth pains” Jesus predicted in Matthew 24 are signs that the end times are near
*Evidence for potentially apocalyptic events such as asteroid or comet collisions with earth-events that could trigger unprecedented tsunamis and global darkness
*Whether it’s possible for Christians to be deceived by the Antichrist and other false messiahs in the end times
*The four dimensions of the coming judgment
*How to live in the hope and security of the Lord’s return, even as the world is collapsing around us
As believers, we don’t have to fear the end. Using God’s Word as our guide, we can look toward the future with hope, because we know the One who holds the future in His hands.
Revival If : Igniting Your Passion For Personal Renewal And National Reviva
$19.99Add to cartCould it be that God is giving us one last opportunity to allow His Spirit to be poured out upon the earth before the return of Jesus?
This book will stir you to fan the flames of revival in your own heart so you can partner with the Holy Spirit and fellow believers to see a sweeping move of God transform America and the world.
Are we living in the last days? Is it possible that God is getting ready to pour out His Spirit on the earth one last time before Jesus returns?
In Revival…IF, best-selling author Rod Parsley gives readers a road map for cultivating renewal in their own hearts and minds and for participating in spiritual revival on a national scale. Drawing from over forty years of experience with revival personally and in ministry, Parsley:
*Clarifies what revival is and what it is not
*Explains the difference between revival and awakening
*Includes historical accounts and current perspectives on various revivalsWhile the methods of revival may change, the message remains the same. This book shares timeless, biblical truths that will empower believers to seize the moment and experience true, lasting revival and personal renewal.
365 Encouraging Prayers For Girls
$9.99Add to cart365 Encouraging Prayers for Girls: Morning & Evening by Jean Fischer, Tween girls will be encouraged to spend regular time in conversation with their loving God. This wonderful prayer book, includes morning and evening prayers for each day, including topics like grace, blessings, joy, serving, patience, love, and more. Also provided are easy-to-understand scripture selections that will resonate with each young girl’s heart. Paperback, 384 pages. Ages 8 to 12 years old.
$15.99Add to cartWorlds Collide Along the Shores of the Outer Banks
Immerse yourself in the “what if” questions related to the Lost Colony of Roanoke. What if an English boy and a native girl met in the wilderness? The push-and-pull between two very different worlds begins as one seeks simple friendship and the other struggles to trust. And can it-dare they-allow it to be more?
Sparks fly between Mushaniq, free-spirited daughter of Manteo, and Georgie Howe, whose father was brutally murdered by undiscovered native warriors before they’d been on Roanoac Island a full week. As Georgie struggles to make sense of his life and to accept that not all they call “savage” are guilty of his father’s death, Mushaniq grapples with her own questions about who Manteo has become. As tentative friendship becomes more, forged in the fire of calamity and attack upon their community, both must decide whether the One True God is indeed who He claims to be and whether He is worthy of their trust.
Author Shannon McNear portrays history with vivid authenticity.
Wanda E Brunstetters Amish Friends No Waste Cookbook
$16.99When times are hard, the family budget gets tighter.
Do you struggle with feeding your family as the cost of everything rises? This cookbook is designed to help.
New, from New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, is a valuable cookbook for when times are hard and costs are on the rise. Amish and Mennonite cooks offer recipes and advice for saving money, stretching a meal, and eliminating waste in the kitchen. Over 200 recipes are divided into traditional categories from main dishes and sides to desserts and snacks. Encased in a lay-flat binding and presented in full color, home cooks of all ages will find this cookbook to be a wonderful addition to their collections.
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Impact Of Ordinary Women In The Bible
$10.99Add to cartOrdinary Women, Extraordinary God
In book two of Don Wilkerson’s series The Impact of Ordinary People, the names listed in each chapter are not well-known women of the Bible. But that’s the theme of this unique devotional.
Adah, Bilhah, Jehosheba, and Huldah are just some of the ordinary women who accomplished extraordinary things for the glory of God. Scripture contains a supporting cast of men and women often overlooked in Bible study. This devotional brings thirty lesser-known women to life with short but thought-provoking lessons. Each woman deserves attention for her significant impact, but it’s God’s redemption story that is highlighted and woven through the lives of these ordinary women.
For those seeking discipleship material for personal growth, this book will aid individual and small group Bible study.
This devotional is also a helpful resource for pastors and Christian leaders to develop biblical lessons or one-of a-kind sermons.
29:11 The Jeremiah Code
$10.99Add to cart“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
This is one of the most well-known promises of God. A promise given to the Prophet directly from the Lord.
This promise is for everyone, it gives believers encouragement and non-believers a reason to come to know the Lord.
Pastor Don Wilkerson endeavors to unwrap the meaning of 29:11 in greater depth, not just for those who may have relapsed, but for all who know the verse, and for those hearing it for the first time.
This book will bring to life the passage and will give those who have relapsed back into alcoholism and drug addiction, after a period of recover, a new hope.
29:11 is one of the most powerful promises that restoration is possible for everyone. God said it is so!
Spirit Led Life
$16.99Add to cart“God has placed inside each one of us a spiritual dream. It’s what God has breathed into us-a little bit of Himself. And it’s that part that is calling us unto Him.”
As Jamie Buckingham states in this remarkable recounting of his own personal journey with the Holy Spirit–through his strict moral upbringing, his salvation experience, and his “dark pit” days as a disgraced Southern Baptist pastor, and his highly successful writing career. Jamie Buckingham shares how God broke down his resistance to the baptism of the Holy Spirit and taught him how to be led by the Spirit day by day.
Jamie shares his journey with characteristic transparency, humor and insight. He uses his own story to encourage each one of us to discover our unique identity, purpose, and power-to realize our God-given dream-through a personal experience with the Spirit of God.
Overflow : Walking In The Power Of The Holy Spirit
$15.99Add to cartOverflow exhibits “the raw passion of someone sold out to God.”
Perhaps you wonder what that feels like. Tired of lackluster faith and empty prayers? Does your Christianity feel like a religion more than a relationship? Do you have a deep belief in Jesus, yet can’t seem to feel his presence and power?
Evangelist Donna Sparks shares with you exactly what it takes to overflow with the love, peace, and joy of the Christian faith while seeing miraculous answers to prayer!
The solution is walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Donna answers the questions you may have asked about the Holy Spirit as she teaches from the Word of God and relates her own experiences ministering in prisons. Even better, she shares personal accounts written by prisoners who have been saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit. Come learn how they have found that joy and excitement of Christianity.
Divine Dining : Foods From The Bible
$15.99Add to cartThis unique cookbook-by award-winning chef Lance Nitahara and award-winning filmmaker and author Ray Comfort-utilizes foods mentioned in the world’s bestselling book of all time, the Bible. However, these biblically based recipes include a modern, gourmet touch to satisfy today’s tastebuds. These recipes will introduce you to dishes cooked around the world, present some unusual ingredients you may not have tried, and help you feed on timeless truths along the way, with verses about foods sprinkled throughout the pages.
Recipes include: Roasted Quail Stuffed with Farro and Figs | Ezekiel’s Grain Salad Broiled Tilapia | Amandine Einkorn Flatbread | Lentil Stew Braised Oxtail with Squash and Leeks | Cinnamon Raisin Loaf Beef en Croute | Ricotta, Almond, and Pomegranate Parfait
Gods Word For Me For Boys
$11.99Join the Veggies as they explore God’s word in this year-long devotional perfect for young boys who want to grow in their faith and learn more about God.
Packed with encouraging Bible messages and favorite Veggie characters, this annual devotional offers boys and their loved ones the perfect opportunity to share time together each day. Each entry includes a Bible verse, short devotion, Thought of the Day, and prayer. Rich biblical content will help boys learn more about God and develop a daily practice to keep him close in their lives. Great for bedtime reading, family devotion time, or as a fresh way to start each day, these devotionals will remind growing boys that God is there for them-no matter what.
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Kiss Is Coming
$8.99Add to cartA kiss is coming. Who is it for? You!
A Kiss Is Coming is a tender board book accompanied by adorable illustrations of sleepy animals. The story begins with a mama mouse asking her baby mouse, “A kiss is coming. Who is it for?” Children will love to guess which animal the kiss is for and will find themselves giggling in anticipation as they begin to sense that they, along with the baby mouse, have a kiss coming their way at the end of the story! Perfect for a bedtime read-aloud, or any time parents are looking for a sweet time of connection with their child
Inspire Worship : 100 Devotions For Coloring And Creative Journaling
$18.99A unique way to relax, reflect, and connect with God while using your creativity! Inspire: Worship is a music and art-themed devotional that calms your spirit and brings hope to your soul. Let this beautifully designed collection strengthen your faith as you meditate on 100 devotionals inspired by the world’s most-celebrated songs of the Christian faith. Each reading encourages you to stand strong, lean on God’s grace, and rest in knowing that he has a wonderful plan for your life. Inspired by the #1 bestselling Inspire Bible, this collection of devotionals features over 125 line-art illustrations. It has been uniquely created with the art and coloring enthusiast in mind.
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Ignited : A Fresh Approach To Getting And Staying On Fire For God
$16.99Add to cartHave you ever been absolutely fired up for God? Have you felt fully sold out for Him and promised Him that your life would never be the same again?
Too often, these overwhelming, energizing, thrilling feelings don’t last. We attend high-energy events and impassioned church services that leave us feeling so overcome and in love with God. But a few days go by, and we fall back into living our lives just like before. We assume a plateaued relationship with God is normal and that a life of on-fire faith is only possible in certain situations. Jonni Nicole Parsons understands this disconnect all too well.
In her debut book, Ignited, Jonni explores what we need to change in our quest for a sustainable passionate faith. Using Scripture and her own personal journey, Jonni will empower you to:
*Keep your fire for God alive, despite unavoidable feelings of anxiety and fear
*Remove the distractions that are keeping you from living out God’s purposes
*Find practical ways to live out your faith no matter your circumstancesGod wants to awaken a deep longing for Him in our hearts and souls in our everyday moments. We were never meant to be lukewarm, and Ignited offers a fresh perspective on living a passionate life for Jesus.
If Mama Aint Happy
$17.99Add to cartAre you weary? Stressed? Depressed, anxious, and annoyed? And, to top it all off, do you feel guilty for feeling bad? Rachel Norman gets you, mama. She knows how much you love your kids. And how, day after day, you put your family’s needs first, which means your own needs come last. Or don’t come at all.
Rachel used to be a mom who spent her days weary, anxious, and guilt laden. She had five kids in five years, lived on three different continents, and then was blindsided by a devastating health diagnosis. Neglecting her own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long–in an effort to be a selfless mother–had left her utterly depleted. And physically unwell. Then she began asking a question she’d never considered before: Could it be that taking good care of myself is not actually selfish, but maybe, just maybe, something a responsible adult does? In this countercultural book, Rachel takes some weight off your shoulders by:
*offering hands-on, rubber-meets-the-road strategies to cultivate a life you aren’t trying to constantly escape
*teaching you to discover and claim your own limits and boundaries so you can be a calm, resilient, peaceful mother
*showing you how to shape your daily life and values around the few things that really matter, and how to let the rest go
If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. But when mama is at peace? Everyone benefits.
1 Year Experiencing Gods Presence Devotional
$22.99Add to cartThis year, experience a closer relationship with God than ever before.
All of us long for God’s presence, and we sense it–occasionally. But there are times when it seems like something’s missing . . . deep encounters with him, certainty that we have heard his voice, and a palpable experience of his presence every day.
Like no other writer can, Chris Tiegreen draws us deeper into real intimacy with our intensely relational God. This deluxe LeatherLike edition of The One Year Experiencing God’s Presence Devotional will cultivate your sense of God’s presence in your life, help you learn to recognize his voice, and deepen your trust that he is “always ready to help” (Psalm 46:1, NLT) in every situation.
Confessions Of A Crappy Christian
$17.99Add to cartWhy does it so often feel like Christians can’t talk about the real, hard stuff in life? We know our lives should reflect Jesus; what He did and said, and how He interacted with others. But if we’re being honest, there are days when we face tough, confusing things that can make us feel, well, very not like Jesus. As our culture moves further from truth and grace, Christians are burned-out, isolated, and unsure of where to turn for sound biblical advice that applies to their everyday struggles. If you’ve ever felt this way or wished someone would talk about things like forgiveness, mental health, broken friendships, redirected dreams, sex, facts versus feelings, church hurt, rest, weakness, healing, and more in honest, down-to-earth terms while sticking to what Scripture has to say about them, you’ve come to the right place. Confessions of a Crappy Christian is for you if you:
*have ever thought you’re too messed up for church
*feel exhausted and alone in your struggles
*think you need to complete a checklist before God will love you
*need a friend who cares about you too much to let you stay stuckWith honesty and vulnerability, Blake Guichet, host of the popular podcast Confessions of a Crappy Christian, helps us embrace the truth that we can’t do it all perfectly and gives us the wisdom, guidance, and hope to move from “crappy” Christian into a freer and fuller walk with Christ.
Christmas : 25 Stories About Jesus’ Arrival
$19.99This unique, family-friendly Christmas addition to the bestselling Action Bible line tells the story of Jesus’ birth from 25 “eyewitnesses”-such as the young student in the East who first saw the star, Zechariah, the innkeeper, the dove in the stable rafters-and includes fun discussion prompts for great conversations throughout Advent and the holiday season.
Stunning illustrations and intriguing original accounts of Jesus’ birth make this a thought-provoking and fun new way to celebrate the season as a family.
The Action Bible Christmas includes:
*Stories about Jesus’ birth told from the viewpoints of 25 “eyewitnesses,” including a shepherd boy, his lamb, Simeon, Mary, an angel, and a donkey
*Questions to initiate family discussion about a variety of story-related topics
Unlike any other book on the market, The Action Bible Christmas combines the ongoing appeal of Sergio Cariello’s award-winning illustrations with a family-friendly format to invite children, parents, and grandparents to create a delightful new holiday tradition.
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Is The Commission Still Great
$15.99Battling the Myths that Threaten God’s Great Plan
The primary mission of the church is to glorify God by blessing all peoples of the world through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Great Commission’s task of global disciple-making is the most ambitious project ever undertaken. Given the scale and complexity of global missions, it’s no wonder that misconceptions abound, even among invested, godly people.
Questions and skepticism about missions arise from both outside and inside the church. Is missions an outdated idea? Do missionaries do more harm than good? Are we succeeding or failing? Is it time for global believers to do the job in their own countries with minimal Western involvement? We don’t need to fear questions like these. But we do need to seek–and find–solid, biblical answers.
Is the Commission Still Great? confronts the myths that threaten to undermine God’s beautiful plan to make disciples of all nations. Misperceptions discourage God’s people from joyfully participating with Him in reaching the world. Yet, deepening our understanding of the call to missions restores perspective and motivates us to participate in God’s grand design.
Author and missionary kid Steve Richardson uses stories from Scripture, history, and his own ministry experience to impart timely lessons on modern missions. Richardson also draws from the wisdom of field missionaries, sending agencies, pastors, and church members to address this all-important endeavor. Each chapter finishes with thought-provoking questions to facilitate purposeful discussion in families and small groups. Is the Commission Still Great? will equip followers of Christ to be participants–not spectators–in the redemption of the world.
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My Best Friend Holy Spirit
$12.99Add to cartChildren can know and experience Holy Spirit in all His fullness!
My Friend, Holy Spirit was written to provide beautiful shared experiences between you, your child, and Holy Spirit.
Through simple teaching and powerful activations, this book will help you naturally guide your child into a deepening relationship with Holy Spirit and a growing understanding of their spiritual gifts.
Filled with lovely illustrations and overflowing with biblical truth, this book can be revisited time and time again to cultivate a thriving, lifelong relationship between your child and God.
Model Of Devotion
$16.99Add to cartShe’s finally claimed her independence . . . how far will she go to keep it?
A brilliant engineer, Jilly Stiles has been educated since childhood to help run her father’s lumber dynasty. With the company safe from her stepfather after the marriages of her two sisters, Jilly can now focus on her dream of building a mountaintop railroad–and never marry.
Nick Ryder came into Jilly’s life when he saved her mother from her no-good stepfather, and he’s prepared to protect Jilly from anything that threatens to harm her–as long as he keeps his heart from getting involved.
But when a cruel and powerful man goes to dangerous lengths to make Jilly his own, she must make a decision between her safety and her hard-won independence.
Under The Starry Skies
$16.99Add to cartWill their faith prove to be stronger than their fear?
Sensible and independent, Cassie Barton never anticipated being on her own at thirty-two. But after the death of her father and the marriage of her sister, she’s found joy in her work as a seamstress. When a minor accident leaves her unable to sew, she decides to use her time to compile a book of stories about the men working on the Santa Fe Railroad. But worry begins to grow in San Marcial as Mexican revolutionaries set out to destroy the railroad–and put many lives in danger.
With Europe at war and his longtime friend Cassie injured, railroad worker Brandon DuBarko is burdened by his troubles. He promised Cassie’s father he would watch over her, but as their comfortable friendship slowly transforms into something deeper, he feels trapped by a secret from his youth. When a vengeful man reappears in Brandon’s life, intent on causing conflict, Brandon must face his past before he can move forward.
As the danger intensifies, Cassie and Brandon must rely on God to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of a brighter future.
Giving Your Words
$22.99Shaping the hearts, minds, and souls of your children starts with your words.
As a parent, your heart’s desire is to guide your children to love and follow God. Yet so many voices are offering help and advice. Whose voice should shape your children?
Sally and Clay Clarkson suggest the answer is as simple as it is powerful: yours. They will show you how to use your own words to shape your child’s life for Christ.
The biblical principles and wisdom they offer, drawn from their years of raising four children and mentoring parents worldwide, will equip you as a word-giving parent.
Start here to gain confidence to personally and intentionally cultivate a verbal home, one filled with words of faith formation and spiritual nurture.
Then, when your children “take your words for it,” they will hear God’s voice.
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Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children
$22.99Add to cartKeep Parenting Them Through Prayer
Even though your relationships with your children may change once they enter adulthood, you can still impact the direction of their lives by asking your heavenly Father to shape them for His glory.
This powerful book from bestselling author Stormie Omartian offers you encouragement and support as you continue to love, influence, and minister to your now-grown kids. You’ll learn how to ask for God’s divine intervention in the lives of your children as you pray that they will:
*develop hearts hungry for God, His Word, and His ways
*flourish in their relationships, careers, and health
*stand strong against temptations, stumbling blocks, and worldly distractionsNo matter how old your children are, you can find peace knowing they are in God’s hands. The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children is an inspiring reminder to turn all your hopes and dreams for your family over to God, confident that He hears and answers your every request.
Risen Motherhood Deluxe Edition (Deluxe)
Motherhood is hard. In a world of five-step lists and silver-bullet solutions to become perfect parents, mothers are burdened with mixed messages about who they are and what choices they should make. If you feel pulled between high-fives and hard words, with culture’s solutions only raising more questions, you’re not alone.
But there is hope.
You might think that Scripture doesn’t have much to say about the food you make for breakfast, how you view your postpartum body, or what school choice you make for your children, but a deeper look reveals that the Bible provides the framework for finding answers to your specific questions about modern motherhood.
Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler help you understand and apply the gospel to common issues moms face so you can connect your Sunday morning faith to the Monday morning tantrum.
Discover how closely the gospel connects with today’s motherhood. Join Emily and Laura as they walk through the redemptive story and reveal how the gospel applies to your everyday life, bringing hope, freedom, and joy in every area of motherhood.
When Calls The Heart Season 9 Collectors Edition (DVD)
$49.99Add to cartFrom the Hallmark Channel and acclaimed Director, Michael Landon Jr. comes the continuation of When Calls the Heart in the When Calls the Heart Season 9 Collector’s Edition. Inspired by the beloved books by Janette Oke; Season Nine continues the story of love, hope, courage, and faith on the Canadian frontier. Follow the adventures of the young school teacher Elizabeth Thatcher as she faces new adventures and trials along with her infant son Jack and the many citizens of Hope Valley, a town that has become a symbol of the love and support the residents have for one another.
Erin Krakow (Army Wives), Jack Wagner (Melrose Place), Pascale Hutton (Flashpoint), Kavan Smith (The 4400), and Martin Cummins (Riverdale) star in When Calls the Heart, a show that “is a testament to human perseverance and faith” (Common Sense Media). The Season 9 Collector’s Edition is the must have for When Calls the Heart fans everywhere. The set includes 10 DVD’s, the original 12 episode TV shows, as well as 6 movie versions. There are also dvd’s of behind the scenes clips, interviews, and exclusive commentaries.
Heart Of God
$14.99Add to cartTo understand the depth and reality of God’s love for us is the great adventure of the Christian faith. In A Heart of God: 31 Days to Discover God’s Love for You, a never-before-published devotional from Elisabeth Elliot, readers will embark on a month-long journey of learning to see God’s character, intentions, and plan for their lives (and the world). They will find out how to recognize the compassionate hand of God in every circumstance, even suffering, and encounter the mystery and joy of unfolding the infinite layers of His unprecedented love for us.
Christians Secret Of A Happy Life
$18.00Add to cartIs your life all you want it to be? Or do you find yourself wishing for more? More peace. More presence. More happiness.
Hannah Whitall Smith–believer, rebel, and realist–faced life as she found it, and she found it good. Despite the trials of life, she took God’s promises literally, tested them, and found them true. She stepped out of conjecture into certainty, and the shadows of life disappeared in the light of God’s power and peace.
You, too, can have that kind of confidence–confidence that leads to true happiness no matter what is going on around you.
In this classic book with more than 10 million copies sold, Smith reveals the secret to replacing unhappiness and uncertainty with serenity and confidence in every day of your life.
Whole And Healthy Family
$16.99Add to cartAll parents want their children to thrive, but what does that actually look like? And what does it take to get there? In The Whole and Healthy Family, Jodi Mockabee shares her parenting philosophy, one that encourages the equipping of each unique child to be able to function as a whole person so that they can enter adulthood as physically, spiritually, and mentally healthy individuals. Developed over years of research and personal practice, Jodi’s whole-person and whole-family approach shows you how to:
– understand your personality and those of your spouse and children
– create a simple, wholesome home environment
– make healthy and nourishing meals
– stay active as a family
– prioritize spiritual growth and serving together
– affirm and bless one another
– and moreWhether you’re just starting your family or have been in the parenting trenches for a while and are looking for a fresh alternative to the way you’ve been doing things, Jodi can help you create a family culture that allows for the flourishing of every family member in mind, body, and spirit.
What Your Mind Needs For Anxious Moments
$17.99Add to cartOne in five Americans has anxiety significant enough to be diagnosed, and a recent poll showed that 62 percent of people feel more anxious than they did a year ago. But while we’re facing new challenges, anxiety itself is as old as time. It’s an inescapable part of being human in this world, but it doesn’t have to control our thoughts, our days, or our lives.
Counselor, life coach, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Holley Gerth wants you to break free of anxiety’s grip so that you can experience an inner calm despite your outer circumstances. She knows from personal experience what it’s like to struggle with anxiety. During this 60-day journey, she comes alongside you as a trusted friend, offering hard-won personal insights, biblical advice, and the latest brain science to help you take control of your anxious thoughts once and for all. Each devotion includes Scripture, prayer, and questions for further reflection.
Clutter Fix : The No-Fail, Stress-Free Guide To Organizing Your Home
$18.99Add to cartIf you struggle with a disorganized, cluttered home, you are not alone. Fifty-four percent of women are overwhelmed with clutter and have been reported to feel embarrassed, chaotic, and even depressed by it. Home decorator Shannon Acheson is here to help. She has written the only book you’ll ever need to get every single space in your home sorted and organized for good–in a way that makes sense for you and your family’s unique, God-given personalities.
Shannon will help you discover your “Clutter Personality” and your “Organizing Personality” and then use these to create the space that best serves the rhythms and routines of you and your family. You’ll deal with sentimental items and the guilt you often feel when parting with hand-me-downs and heirlooms as you follow step-by-step instructions, checklists, cheat sheets, charts, and fun coloring sheets.
Clutter isn’t just about the stuff. It’s about how you feel in your home–and in your mind. In this book, you will gain the confidence and skill to clear the clutter and maintain the peaceful dwelling you’ve been hoping for.
Heart For God DayBrightener
$11.99Add to cartThis inspirational flip calendar features daily wisdom and encouragement from Elizabeth Elliot’s timeless teachings from her daily radio program, Gateway to Joy.
366 quotes or Scripture verses for everyday inspiration
Durable padded hardcover
Spiral binding
Stand-up easel
Size: 5.5″ x 5.25″