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    • Who Am I (DVD)


      Pastor Joe, is a young family man who leads a church in an active city where he reaches out to the poor and destitute in any way he can. One day, a woman named Tasha comes to his church seeking for help. Pastor Joe sits down with her and she shares an intense life story. She shares how she was born, how she was set free from a world of drugs, racism, theft, and human trafficking. Her story becomes increasingly complex as people from her past come in contact with Pastor Joe with their own life struggles of suicide, teen pregnancy, and abortion. As their stories tie together it brings hope, redemption, and salvation to the forefront and gives us a picture of what it means to experience the transformation of God, going from darkness to light, and to continue on the narrow path each and every day.

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    • Lukas Storyteller Series Season 1 (DVD)


      After meeting Jesus during one of his adventures in the Sea of Galilee, Lukas and his friend Noah the turtle share the wonderful stories of Jesus and other Heroes of the Bible with Lukas’ friends from the reef: Ana, Paul, Agnes, and Peter. Discover how these stories full of music and fun changed the lives of Lukas and his friends, and how they can change yours.

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    • Jesus Wonder Series Season One (DVD)


      Captivating stories about the life, ministry and miracles of Jesus that will delight and inspire children of all ages.

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    • Invited To Know God


      “Goodness like a fetter.”

      The hymn “Come Thou Fount” reminds us that God’s laws were created to draw us closer to him. But reading the law is intimidating. Deuteronomy is a long and ancient book full of speeches and laws for a wandering people on the cusp of entering a land filled with hostile nations. What could Deuteronomy have to say for modern readers who face vastly different issues?

      Invited to Know God shows that Deuteronomy is simply about knowing God. The book is a divine portal, drawing people into the ancient presence of God. To understand God better, we need to understand Deuteronomy better. Rather than being a dusty book of ancient laws, Deuteronomy calls those who love God to know Him better, choose the path to life, and flourish under His loving wisdom and guidance.

      God’s laws bind our wandering hearts to him.

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    • Piercing Heaven : Prayers Of The Puritans


      “That prayer is most likely to pierce heaven which first pierces one’s own heart.”

      For the Puritans, prayer was neither casual nor dull. Their prayers were passionate affairs, from earnestly pleading for mercy to joyful praise. These rich expressions of deep Christian faith are a shining example of holy living.

      The Puritan combination of warm piety and careful intellect have fueled a renaissance of interest in their movement. This combination is on display in Piercing Heaven, a collection of carefully selected prayers from leading Puritans. The language in these prayers has been slightly updated for a modern audience while still retaining the elevated tone of the Puritans. With prayers from Richard Baxter, Thomas Brooks, John Owen, and many more, each prayer reminds us that heartfelt prayer is central to the Christian life.

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    • Prayers That Avail Much 40th Anniversary Commemorative Gift Edition


      Do you long to pray powerful prayers that impact Heaven and shake earth? Do you want to partner with God to deliver victory in challenging circumstances? Do you want to see God move powerfully in the lives of your loved ones?

      For more than 30 years, Germaine Copeland, author of the Prayers That Avail Much Series(R), has been helping millions of people pray-and get results!

      This 40th anniversary commemorative edition is an all-in-one collection of Germaine Copeland’s three bestselling works. This book will enhance your ability to pray by placing dozens of specific, powerful prayers and scriptures at your fingertips. Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or a novice, this foundational work will empower you to pray with confidence, and witness the amazing effects.

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    • Analisis Profundo Del Libro De – (Spanish)


      Durante mas de cuatro decadas, los estudios biblicos de Alan Stringfellow han aportado a miles de creyentes una mayor perspectiva de la Palabra de Dios. El autor de A traves de La Biblia en un ao y Grandes personajes de La Biblia guia a los lectores en un estudio capitulo por capitulo del libro de Isaias. La enseanza en profundidad de Stringfellow aportara claridad y comprension a uno de los libros mas profeticos en las Escrituras.

      Con este estudio, los lectores aprenderan:
      *Como identificar los temas principales
      *Todas las principales doctrinas y verdades de Isaias
      *La importancia y relevancia de la profecia
      *Contexto importante y los antecedentes acerca del Isaias poco conocido
      *El papel que juega Isaias en la venida del Mesias

      Al embarcarse en este viaje, los creyentes aprenderan a comprender y apreciar mejor el papel del profeta, a predecir el futuro, y a hablar la verdad a una generacion perdida y pecadora. Stringfellow hace conexiones poderosas entre la riqueza y abundancia del tiempo de Isaias, y la abundancia y decadencia de nuestro mundo actual. El verdadero valor de esta profecia es que nos ocupa con una persona, y no solo con los eventos: la Persona de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, que viene a sufrir y vuelve a reinar. Todo esto esta predicho por un gran genio poetico cuyas palabras e imagenes apasionantes solo podian haber sido inspiradas por la mano de Dios.

      For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a chapter-by-chapter study of the book of Isaiah. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most prophetic books in Scripture.

      With this study, readers will learn…
      *How to identify the major themes
      *All the major doctrines and truths of Isaiah
      *The importance and relevance of prophecy
      *Important context and background for the little-known Isaiah
      *The role Isaiah plays in the coming of the Messiah

      By embarking on this journey, believers will learn to better understand and appreciate the role of the prophet–to foretell the future, but also to speak truth to a lost and sinful generation. Stringfellow makes powerful connections between the wealth and plenty of Isaiah’s time and the abundance and decadence of our present world. The true value of this prophecy is that it occupies us with a person,

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    • Praying Clear Through


      Most believers do not rise to their full privilege in prayer. Successful prayer cannot be rushed. If we want to hear from heaven, we must allow time for God’s voice to successfully break through the din of life. When we have a tremendous amount of work to be done for the day, we dare not leave out prayer. As Martin Luther observed, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” The real danger in not taking sufficient time to commune with God and implore him for our requests is the resulting slow erosion of the Spirit’s voice, when life’s static distracts a Believer from what is truly important and necessary to a successful life.

      In Praying Clear Through, Will Harney demonstrates by examples from his own life that there are vast rewards in store for those who make prayer a top priority. Prayer should not be a chore for the growing Christian but one of the highest privileges accorded us. The author decries the fast pace of his age for crowding out the time of prayer–a century ago. He urges the believer to “pray clear through”– that is, to pray with urgency until he or she hears from heaven.

      This book has thirty-three short chapters (5-6 pages each) that bounce from prayer topic to prayer topic–including obedience, the prayer closet, not looking but trusting, and how prayer is the secret to revival. The final chapter is a short guide on how to use prayer to obtain great victories. Contains modern Introduction by Nick Harrison.

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    • Insights On The Book Of Isaiah


      For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a chapter-by-chapter study of the book of Isaiah. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most prophetic books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…
      *How to identify the major themes
      *All the major doctrines and truths of Isaiah
      *The importance and relevance of prophecy
      *Important context and background for the little-known Isaiah
      *The role Isaiah plays in the coming of the Messiah

      By embarking on this journey, believers will learn to better understand and appreciate the role of the prophet–to foretell the future, but also to speak truth to a lost and sinful generation. Stringfellow makes powerful connections between the wealth and plenty of Isaiah’s time and the abundance and decadence of our present world. The true value of this prophecy is that it occupies us with a person, and not merely with events–the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who comes to suffer and returns to reign. All of this is foretold by a great poetic genius whose gripping words and imagery could only have been inspired by the hand of God.

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    • When God Calls The Heart Devo And Journal Combo


      Follow Your Heart to Hope Valley Inspired by best-selling author Janette Oke and the Hallmark Channel original TV series When Calls the Heart, these inspirations from Hope Valley are about finding moments of grace, joy, and beauty amid the unexpected circumstances of life. In this collection of 40 devotions, Brian Bird, executive producer and co-creator of When Calls the Heart, and Michelle Cox illuminate the “God-moments” from the fictional, 1910 mining town of Hope Valley-the stories of faith, hope, and love from each episode that will inspire and encourage with wonderful virtues and relatable life lessons. Each chapter contains a quote from one of your favorite “citizens,” a Scripture verse, a devotional reflection, a prayer, and questions to help you think a little deeper about what’s on your own heart. You don’t want to miss this journey-because as Elizabeth Thatcher learned when she headed West to fulfill her dream of becoming a teacher-when God calls the heart, you can expect an adventure.

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    • Beginners Guide To Essential Oils


      The safe, natural alternative to the dangers of prescription meds, conventional personal care products, and common household cleaners.

      In their quest to help people around the world discover healing and a vibrant life, health experts and bestselling authors Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin, and Ty Bollinger have joined forces to share this important message:

      Essential oils are one of the most powerful forms of plant-based medicine in the world, and they may be the crucial missing piece of your wellness program!

      There are so many essential oils on the market, it is hard to know where to begin. In this pocket guide edition of Essential Oils, Ancient Medicine, you will find the most commonly used oils and directions on how to use them. It’s the perfect resource for beginners, or for the expert who needs a travel-sized guide. This is sure to be your go-to reference for essential oils.

      Oils featured in this book include:
      1. Frankincense
      2. Lavender
      3. Peppermint
      4. Lemon
      5. Rosemary
      6. Oregano
      7. Tea Tree Oil
      8. Cinnamon
      9. Orange
      10. Myrrh
      11. Spikenard
      12. Eucalyptus
      13. Clary Sage

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    • Kingdom Mysteries Hidden In Plain Sight


      Make Daily Withdrawals from Your Kingdom Inheritance!

      Are you living up to your supernatural potential?

      Many Christian live their lives in a spiritual desert, never witnessing the incredible things that Jesus promised. This is because they fail to make regular withdrawals from their Kingdom inheritance!

      Adrian Beale, co-author of the international bestseller, The Divinity Code, is a globally recognized prophetic voice and a Bible-based interpreter of God’s prophetic mysteries.

      In this user-friendly guide, Adrian shows you how to access all that Jesus promised!

      Discover how to:
      *Access Kingdom mysteries and insights hidden throughout the Scriptures.
      *Make withdrawals from your invisible Kingdom account to see miracles, breakthroughs, and answered prayers come speedily.
      *Partake in Heaven’s prosperity and provision every day.

      Presented in short chapters, ideal for daily reflections, this book features practical ways to begin unlocking your Kingdom inheritance today!

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    • 100 Bible Verses That Will Change Your Life


      God is madly in love with you!

      You’ve heard the phrase “God loves you.” But what does it really mean? And do you even believe it?

      The 100 Bible verses compiled in this book are a profound glimpse into the heart of Father God. They tell a story of the God who made you, knows everything about you, and who loves you so much that He bankrupted Heaven to win you back.

      If your daily life hasn’t been radically changed by the power of this love, then this book is for you.

      Author and compiler, Mark Stibbe, is passionate about awakening people to the reality of the Father’s incredible love. These carefully selected Bible verses from the Old and New Testaments will gently guide you to experience the depth of God’s love in amazing new ways.

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    • Activating The Gift Of Prophecy


      Start Operating in the Gift of Prophecy Today!

      When it comes to prophecy, the three most common questions among Christians are:
      1. Can every believer speak prophetically?
      2. If so, how do I start hearing God’s voice?
      3. Once I’ve heard a prophetic word, what should I do next?
      Jermaine and Rebecca Francis answer the first question with a resounding “yes!”–every believer can receive words from Heaven!

      With this in mind, they tackle the other two questions, offering this book as a user-friendly guide to hearing from God and speaking His words.

      Jermaine and Rebecca represent the next generation of prophetic voices under the leadership of renowned prophet and teacher, Bill Hamon. Their passion is to activate and instruct other believers in the prophetic anointing.

      Activating the Gift of Prophecy will help you:
      *Start operating in the gift of prophecy in accordance with Scripture.
      *Discern the voice of God through different spiritual senses.
      *Separate soul from spirit when it comes to hearing God.
      *Operate in prophetic protocol to deliver words effectively.
      *Develop a pure heart that God can trust with prophetic revelation.

      As a follower of Jesus, you are filled with the Holy Spirit, which means you have access to God’s prophetic words. Learn how to receive and release these words today!

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    • Bible By Jesus A Modern Paraphrase


      ENCOUNTER JESUS IN EVERY PAGE OF SCRIPTURE!   The Bible is the only answer that can satisfy the longing of every human heart.  The Bible by Jesus is a unique presentation of the Scriptures from the perspective of Jesus the Author Himself. This powerful paraphrase of the Old and New Testaments will usher you into a fresh level of intimate experience with God through His Word.   You will see Christ in every book of the Bible. Then you will understand Scripture that transforms your life. Encounter the Old Testament as a gateway to know Jesus.Read to hear the voice of Jesus speaking through the Gospel as He tells you of His birth, ministry, death and resurrection.Experience Acts, the epistles, and the book of Revelation to know Jesus and His will for our life. Read the pages of Scripture to hear the Son of God Himself and draw near to encounter His presence.  

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    • Grace For Today


      Grace for Today Mini Devotions features 180 short yet powerful devotions focused on God s faithfulness and lovingkindness, reflecting on His power, presence, and promises.

      Grace for Today Mini Devotions fits perfectly in any pocket or handbag or briefcase, allowing the reader to pause, reflect and spend time with God anywhere and at any time.

      Author Solly Ozrovech (1927-2015) pastored in the Cape Province, South Africa, for more than 40 years. After his retirement, he focused on writing Christian books. Every book that flowed from his pen has been a best-seller.

      Grace for Today Mini Devotions makes a great gift for friends and family members who need to be reminded of God’s character and promises. Wrap one as a Christmas gift, birthday gift or graduation gift. It will become a treasured little companion to any reader.

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    • Just In Case You Ever Wonder


      This book assures children of God’s love through all their experiences-including during hard times such as being afraid of the dark or being bullied-and gives assurance that the parent was there when they were first born and will be with them even in heaven.

      From New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado comes Just in Case You Ever Wonder, the classic children’s book that has made its way into hearts and story times around the world. This award-winning book about the love between a parent and child:
      *has sold 1.7 million copies, touching lives for more than 25 years;
      *now includes new, breathtaking art from Eve Tharlet;
      *reminds children of Jesus’ unconditional love.

      Whether you have treasured this classic book for years or are reading it for the first time with your little ones, this timeless reminder of the love between a parent and a child-and ultimately, between God the Father and us-will come to hold a special place in your heart and home. Children long to hear they’re special and loved. Just in Case You Ever Wonder assures them that as they grow and change, in both good and bad times, you-and their heavenly Father-will always be on their side . . . just in case they ever wonder.

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    • Mini Devotions For Women


      Mini Devotions for Women offers 180 short devotions that uplift, refresh and inspire. This little devotional that focuses on the assurance of God’s love will become a little treasure that you won’t want to leave behind.

      Mini Devotions for Women fits perfectly in any pocket or handbag, allowing women to pause, reflect and spend time with God anywhere and at any time.

      Author Carolyn Larsen is a prolific and best-selling author and an experienced speaker with a God-given passion for ministering to women and children. She has spoken at conferences and retreats around the United States, Canada, and India. Carolyn has written over 50 books and her work has won various awards.

      Mini Devotions for Women will make a great gift for moms who are always on the go. It fits easily in a bag, a briefcase or diaper bag. Wrap one as a Christmas gift, birthday gift or baby shower gift. It will become a treasured little companion to any woman.

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    • Power Of Prayer


      E. M. Bounds offers 180 concise, practical and powerful devotions on prayer. In The Power of Prayer Mini Devotional, he communicates in a simple yet profound way the practical methods, the necessity, and the possibilities of prayer.

      E.M. Bounds (1835 – 1913) was a pastor in the Methodist Episcopal Church South who preached revival and restoration to civilians and soldiers during the American Civil War. To Bounds, prayer was as necessary to the Christian’s life as physical breath.

      The softcover The Power of Prayer Mini Devotional has 184 pages and a soft binding. The compact size makes it perfect for people who are always on the go and prefers to read a printed devotional. This devotional on prayer makes a thoughtful gift to those who are serving in the military or on the police force.

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    • 10 Commandments Of Progressive Christianity


      A cautionary look at ten dangerously appealing half-truths.

      In 1923, J. Gresham Machen, then a professor at Princeton Seminary, wrote his classic text, Christianity and Liberalism. The book was a response to the rise of liberalism in the mainline denominations of his own day. Machen argued that the liberal understanding of Christianity was, in fact, not just a variant version of the faith, nor did it represent simply a different denominational perspective, but was an entirely different religion. Put simply, liberal Christianity is not Christianity.

      What is remarkable about Machen’s book is how prescient it was. His description of liberal Christianity–a moralistic, therapeutic version of the faith that values questions over answers and being “good” over being “right”–is still around today in basically the same form. For this reason alone the book should be required reading, certainly for all seminary students, pastors, and Christian leaders.

      Although its modern advocates present liberal Christianity as something new and revolutionary, it is nothing of the sort. It may have new names (e.g., “emerging” or “progressive” Christianity), but it is simply a rehash of the same well-worn system that has been around for generations.

      The abiding presence of liberal Christianity struck me not long ago when I came across a daily devotional from Richard Rohr that listed ten principles he thinks modern Christianity needs to embody. These ten principles are actually drawn from Philip Gulley’s book, If the Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus. In that devotional series, ironically titled “Returning to Essentials,” Rohr sets forth the ten principles as a kind of confessional statement of modern liberalism (while at the same time pretending to deplore confessional statements). They are, in effect, a Ten Commandments for progressive Christianity.

      Indeed, these ten sound like they were gathered not so much on the mountaintop as in the university classroom. They are less about God revealing his desires and more about man expressing his own–less Moses, more Oprah.

      But take note: each of these commandments is partially true. Indeed, that is what makes this list, and progressive Christianity as a whole, so challenging. It is a master class in half-truths that sound appealing on the surface until you dig down deeper and really explore their foundations and implications. Benjamin Franklin was right when he quipped, “Half the truth is often a

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    • Jesus In Red


      If anything in this life should get our undivided attention, it’s the powerful words of Jesus of Nazareth.

      Jesus in Red is a daily devotional that focuses on the words of Jesus spoken in the New Testament. Each day includes:
      *Jesus’ words highlighted in red,
      *a short devotion,
      *a soul-searching question,
      *and an inspiring prayer.

      Experience God’s peace and presence as you meditate on the awe-inspiring teachings of Christ.

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    • Wisdom For Each Day (Large Type)


      For decades, people around the world have turned to beloved and trusted pastor Billy Graham for wisdom to live boldly for Christ.

      Billy Graham preached to millions of people, but his message was personal to each of us: Christianity is about having a relationship with God through faith in Jesus. In Wisdom for Each Day, you’ll find 365 brief devotions and Scripture to help nurture and strengthen that relationship. This beautiful leathersoft edition of Graham’s timeless, internationally acclaimed devotional now has a larger-size font and takeaway thoughts that will make it an inviting addition to your daily study of the Word. In its pages you’ll find priceless reminders of God’s loving nature and unfailing strength to carry you through each day.

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    • Mini Devotions For Girls


      Mini Devotions for Girls offers 180 short and sweet devotions that will help busy girls slow down and take time to grow closer to God. Devotions focus on typical tween-girl issues while showing girls how to live for God at the same time.

      Mini Devotions for Girls fits perfectly in any pocket or backpack, allowing girls to pause, reflect and spend time with God anywhere and at any time.

      Author Carolyn Larsen is a trusted and prolific and best-selling author and an experienced speaker with a God-given passion for ministering to women and children.

      Mini Devotions for Girls will make a great gift for young girls aged 8-12 who are serious about living the life God calls them to. Wrap a mini devotional as a Christmas gift, birthday gift or middle school graduation gift. It will become a treasured little companion to any young lady.

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    • Choose Kindness 3 Minute Devotional Inspiration For Kids


      Got 3 minutes ? . . .

      You’ll love this delightful devotional that encourages the kids in your life, ages 8 and up, to take a few moments of their day to quiet their spirits, think on God’s amazing love for them, and to choose kindness in their thoughts, words, and actions. Dozens of just-right-sized readings pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration and are designed to meet kids right where they are in life. Minute 1: meditate on a scripture selection; Minute 2: read through a devotional created just for kids; Minute 3: read a prayer designed to help jump-start a conversation with God. In only 3 short minutes, young hearts will be on their way to touching others–and the world around them–with kindness!

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    • 1 Year Praying Through The Bible For Your Kids


      The only sure thing you can count on when it comes to your kids . . . is that God has got them.As parents we strategize and agonize. We wish for secret formulas and surefire methods. But somewhere along the way, we discover that what our kids need most is for God to do in their lives what only He can do. This beautiful deluxe edition of The One Year Praying through the Bible for Your Kids is designed to provide you with a daily dose of parenting perspective and hope.Join trusted author Nancy Guthrie as she takes you through The One Year Bible reading plan, helping you to mine each day’s passages to discover how the Scriptures speak into the triumphs and turbulence of parenting, as well as provide fresh ways to pray for each of your children. Day by day you’ll find yourself worrying less and praying more as your dreams and desires for your kids are increasingly shaped by the Scriptures rather than the culture around you. Let go of fear, and expect God to work as you pray through the Bible for your kids.

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    • How Great Is Our God


      Show the children in your life the awe-inspiring connection between the natural world and the God who created it.

      The bestselling children’s devotional Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science resonated with more than 100,000 kids and parents. Now Louie Giglio offers 100 more devotions about God and science that will expand the curiosity of your 6- to 10-year-olds. Including amazing scientific facts, beautiful photography, fun illustrations, and simple activities, How Great Is Our God covers topics like
      *Space and time
      *Earth and weather
      *The human body
      *and more!

      With this science devotional, which is based on Giglio’s “How Great Is Our God” message and A Trip Around the Sun sermon series, children will embark on a journey to discover more about God and His incredible creation. From radioactive bananas to the earth’s trip around the sun to the desert frog that hibernates for seven years, the wonders of the universe will deepen your kids’ appreciation for God’s wild imagination.

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    • Lexham English Septuagint A New Translation


      A fresh translation of the Septuagint.The Lexham English Septuagint (LES) is a new translation of the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament writings used during New Testament times and in the early church. Beautifully typeset in a comfortable, single-column format, the LES provides a literal, readable, and transparent English edition of the Septuagint for modern readers. Retaining the familiar forms of personal names and places, the LES gives readers the ability to read it alongside their favored English Bible. Translated directly from Swete’s edition of the Septuagint, the LES maintains the meaning of the original text, making the Septuagint accessible to readers today.

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    • Bible Study Map For Women


      What Does Daily Bible Study Look Like? . . . Find out in The Bible Study Map for Women.
      This unique journal is an engaging and creative way for you to dig deep into God’s Word.

      Every colorful page will guide you to create your very own Bible study map–as you write out specific thoughts, ideas, questions, and more which you can follow–from start to finish!–as you study God’s Word.

      (Be sure to record the date on each Bible study map so you can look back and see how God’s Word has been reflected in your daily life!)

      The Bible Study Map will not only encourage you to spend time focusing on and thinking about the life-changing truths of God’s Word. . .it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of daily Bible study for life!

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    • Rings Of Fire


      If you follow the works of bestselling authors Malcolm Gladwell, Faith Popcorn, Daniel Pink, and other trend forecasters, you’ll appreciate learning about the 34 rings of fire that lie ahead for Christians around the world.

      Len Sweet once again maps the future for the church in this sweeping survey of the twenty-first century. In the face of eruptive and disruptive culture changes from economics and communications to bioethics and beyond, how do we fight fire with fire, not only catching up to our culture but leading our friends and neighbors toward the feet of Christ? No one has done more to startle the church from its slumber than Len Sweet, and no one has equipped the church as effectively. This will be a benchmark book from a seminal leader of the modern evangelical movement.

      Mark Chironna provides incisive questions to stimulate creative thinking for individual or group study and an afterword that ties Len’s expansive work together and sets us on the right course for decades to come.

      1 in stock

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    • Voice Of Truth : The Ultimate Collection


      SKU (UPC): 190759947326Artist: Casting CrownsMedia: CDReleased: November 2019Provident Distribution Songs1. If We Are The Body2. Only Jesus3. Praise You In This Storm4. Just Be Held5. Glorious Day6. Lifesong7. Oh My Soul8. Who Am I9. Until The Whole World Hears10. 1 Step Away11. East To West12. Broken Together13. Courageous14. Thrive15. God Of All My Days16. Voice …

      Voice Of Truth : The Ultimate CollectionRead More

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    • Choose Kindness 3 Minute Devotions For Teen Girls


      Got 3 minutes? . . .

      This delightful devotional that encourages teen girls, ages 13-18, to take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and to choose kindness in your thoughts, words, and actions. Dozens of just-right-sized readings pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration and are designed to meet teens right where you are in life. In only 3 short minutes, your heart will be on its way to showing others–and the bigger world around you–kindness!

      3 in stock

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    • Journaling Through Anchors For The Soul


      John Mark Hicks Has Mapped Out a Guided Journaling Experience for Those Who Want to Process Loss and Grief Through Writing . . .

      For each chapter in Anchors for the Soul, the Journal Provides . . .

      *Scripture Readings
      *Personal Reflection Questions * Journaling Prompts
      *Space to Process
      *And more . . .

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    • Anchors For The Soul



      Drawing on his own experience with losses and tragedies through the death of his young wife and, more recently, the death of his sixteen-year-old son, John Mark Hicks tells the story of God through his own experiences of suffering.

      He does not explain suffering because, as he describes, that cannot be done; rather, he walks with sufferers through the valley of loss. He grounds them deeply in the story of God’s love, listening, empathy, sovereignty, and victory. This path is not only for those who seek to persevere in the midst of their suffering but also for those who want to prepare for the suffering that comes to all.

      In addition to helping sufferers, John Mark provides guidance for those who want to sit with people who are suffering. He offers advice to help comforters provide comfort. There are no easy answers. Our questions, in fact, are never fully answered. Despite this, however, there is a path of assurance, comfort, and trust that yields perseverance, peace, and hope.

      The “anchors” are found in God, who:

      *loves us
      *listens to us
      *empathizes with us
      *gives meaning to our suffering
      *ultimately triumphs over all suffering

      These anchors ground us in God’s redemptive story.

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    • Significant : Becoming A Woman Of Unique Purpose, True Identity And Irrepre


      In the midst of our busy, stressful lives and the increasingly chaotic state of our world, we can lose sight of-or never really discover-our personal significance. We desire meaning and fulfillment but battle the stress and loneliness that often push their way into the forefront of life.

      What makes you significant as an individual? As a woman? As a wife, mother, daughter, or friend? No matter what your age or current course in life, you can come to know your remarkable significance and eternal value. As you thirst for relief from stress and loneliness, you can build a foundation on what is divine and eternal, while also immensely practical for this life on earth. The truths God says about you as a woman are powerful and glorious!

      In Significant, you will discover that you are the steward of your own self and will be challenged to embrace every season of your life. What is God calling you to do through the power of His Holy Spirit? The days of cowering in fear, hiding behind insignificance, and wallowing in lack of opportunities are over. God is blowing doors wide open for women as never before. It is time for women to march forward in grand anticipation of all that God can do through even one woman submitted to the call of God and filled with His Spirit.

      So often we look for identity, purpose, and comfort in all the wrong places. We have sought lasting meaning from temporary fixes, immature voices, and cultural Band-Aids. This book is a call to women who possess a relentless desire to discover their unique purpose, to embrace their true identity, and to be comforted by irrepressible hope.

      Significant reminds women from every generation that identity, confidence, and purpose come from who God is-not from how we feel at any given time. How wonderful to know that we are allowed to be both God’s masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time!

      You never know your true self until you know yourself in God.

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    • When Calls The Heart Hope Valley Christmas Collection (DVD)


      A great give for a When Calls the Heart fan! The Hope Valley Christmas Collection includes all 3 movie editions DVDs and the special bonus features.

      *When Calls the Heart: Christmas (approx. 84 minutes) – Christmas is coming to Hope Valley, and everyone’s in a festive mood! Returning from their honeymoon, Rosemary and Lee have moved in next door to Elizabeth, who’s busy helping her students mount a nativity play. But when a supply train derails—depriving the town of costumes, food, and presents—will the community’s celebration be ruined?

      *When Calls the Heart: The Christmas Wishing Tree (approx. 84 minutes) – Christmas is coming to Hope Valley and the citizens are finding the true meaning of the season through a “wishing tree” that makes their dreams come true! For Elizabeth, it means having Jack back home. Together, they help Robert with a family problem. Meanwhile, Abigail, Bill, and the townspeople work to create a heartwarming holiday parade.

      *When Calls the Heart: The Greatest Christmas Wish (approx. 80 minutes) – As Christmas draws closer, a group of orphans and their chaperones are unexpectedly stranded in Hope Valley. But the town with the big heart makes sure their holiday will be extra special. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is missing Jack terribly—and about to give birth. But will a trip to a neighboring town amidst a blinding snowstorm endanger her—and her baby? Original broadcast.

      Dove approved. Closed captions.

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    • Lords Prayer : A Guide To Praying To Our Father


      You pray it. But do you understand it?

      The Lord’s Prayer has become so familiar to us that we don’t think about what we’re praying. It’s a portrait of Jesus’ heart. And in it Christians from different times, places, and traditions have been united. We pray it, but do we actually believe it?

      When Jesus taught his followers how to pray, he emphasized how uncomplicated it should be. There’s no need for pretense or theatrics. Instead, simply ask for what you need as though you were speaking with your earthly father. This opens a window into Jesus’ prayer life and presents us with a portrait of his heart for his followers.

      Wesley Hill re-introduces the Lord’s Prayer. He shows us a God who is delighted to hear prayer. Petition by petition, in conversation with the Christian tradition, he draws out the significance of Jesus’ words for prayer today.

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    • Daniel And The Very Hungry Lions


      Discover what happened when God’s faithful servant was thrown into a den filled with roaring ravenous lions.

      In this faithful and fun retelling of a classic Bible story, we learn about how God protected Daniel from the very hungry lions and how King Darius learned that God is the one true God who lives for ever.

      This innovative approach to the story of Daniel focuses on how our faithful God protects his people. It teaches some interesting linguistic skills to children, and has bright, vivid, fun-filled illustrations by Jennifer Davison.

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    • Noah And The Very Big Boat


      Discover what happened when God told Noah to build a very big boat.

      In this faithful and fun retelling of a classic Bible story, we learn about a God who kept Noah and his family safe, safe, safe through the splish splash splosh.

      This innovative approach to the story of Noah focuses on how God saves his people. It teaches some interesting linguistic skills to children, and has bright, vivid, fun-filled illustrations by Jennifer Davison.

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    • David And The Very Big Giant


      Discover what happened when little David fought the big, bigger, biggest Giant Goliath.

      In this faithful and fun retelling of a classic Bible story, we learn about a God who is great, greater, the greatest in the whole wide world.

      In this innovative approach to the story of David and Goliath, we learn about a great big God who is greater than anyone else. It teaches some interesting linguistic skills to children, and has bright, vivid, fun-filled illustrations by Jennifer Davison.

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    • Christmas Wander : A Heist For The Holidays (DVD)


      Amelia “Amy” Pittman is a bitter, angry, washed-up rock ‘n rolling bar owner in severe financial distress. On the brink of losing her beloved business, Amy’s life is only made more complicated by a phone call from her father’s retirement home. Her father, who had been unexplainably absent from her life for 15 years, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and is now being kicked out of his home. Frustrated and callous, Amy tries to shake the interruption off, but is surprised by her father’s rambling admission of a large sum of money he stole and hid in a remote cabin many years ago. In a desperate act, Amy busts her father out of the retirement home and sets off to track down the missing money and save her bar. What she doesn’t bank on is an enlightening trip that will bond her to her father and stir up her own need for faith, forgiveness, and honesty.

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    • Crossroads Of Hunter Wilde (DVD)


      Hunter Wilde is the leader of a group of Christian survivalists who are trying to live as normal as possible two years after an EMP attack and knocking all the power down. In a world of chaos living day to day has become more treacherous. But that is nothing compared to when the gates of hell are opened up and demons are commissioned to seek and destroy the remaining believers on earth. Their targets are set on Hunter. If they can break him the whole town of Crossroads will follow.

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    • Small Miracles Collection (DVD)


      2-time Emmy winner Judd Hirsch (Taxi, Independence Day) and Kathryn Kates (Orange is the New Black, Shades of Blue) guide the way on timeless true stories that inspire and show the will of the human spirit. Based on the New York Times best-selling book series of the same name, published in 14 languages across the world.

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    • Sunny Bank Garden Series Season One (DVD)


      Have you ever wondered how fruit and vegetables grow? So have Barney and Pippa. They join their Grampy and his friends at the Sunny Bank Gardens where they play, learn and grow their own fruit and vegetables – and have amazing adventures along the way!

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    • Our Rose Garden (DVD)


      A heartfelt story of two couples: one struggling against infidelity and the other fighting mental illness. At the end, a surprising connection will make you rethink both stories showing that true love is more than a feeling: it’s a choice that requires heroic forgiveness and devotion.

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    • Holy Ambition : To Preach Where Christ Has Not Been Named – Second Revised (Revi


      This vision of, and invitation to, the work of global missions challenges Christians everywhere to cultivate a holy ambition to preach Christ where he has not yet been named.

      The apostle Paul had a holy ambition: to preach the gospel to peoples who had never heard. He ached to proclaim Jesus where he had not yet been named. So today, missionaries cross cultures, learn languages, and pour out their lives in word and deed to break through thousands of years of darkness and the reign of Satan over a people who do not know the King of kings and the Savior of the world. Missionaries go to, and minister among, peoples who otherwise have little to no access to the saving news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

      And since Jesus’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations is still in effect–and since there are thousands of peoples today who have never heard of him–every church should pray that God would not only make all of us evangelists among our own people, but also that he would raise up from among us missionaries to take the gospel where it has never gone before.

      Note to the Second Revised Edition: This book was first released in 2011. Since then, John Piper has continued to preach and write about missions. So, to prepare this Second Revised Edition, Desiring God added four chapters of new material, removed about a third of the original, and freshly edited and organized the remainder.

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    • Traveling Light (DVD)


      Life’s a journey, and it’s easy to pick up extra baggage along the way. Bitterness, guilt, self-reliance, pride… How can we enjoy the road ahead, if we’re lugging around all this stuff? What if we could travel through life with no bags at all?

      Max Lucado’s bestselling book comes to life in Traveling Light – A Journey through Psalm 23. In this 18 Part series, Max Lucado unpacks the 23rd Psalm to help viewers get rid of excess baggage. This multi-format program features poignant teaching, real life stories, and laugh-out-loud funny interviews with life’s tiniest travelers – children! It’s time to start Traveling Light.

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    • Best News Ever


      When was the last time you heard some really incredible news that you couldn’t wait to share? The Gospel of Mark is that kind of good news! It’s a life-changing announcement about who Jesus is, and what he’s done.

      Best News Ever is a devotional that takes tweens aged 9-12 on a 100-day journey through Mark’s fast-paced, action-packed story–helping them to understand the confusing bits, showing them how it connects with their life, and bringing them face to face with Jesus: the one who changes everything.

      Each day’s devotional includes:
      – A passage to read — work through the whole of Mark’s Gospel in bite-sized chunks
      – A short explanation — guiding you though the confusing bits and showing what it means for you
      – A question to reflect on — so that you can slow down and think through what you’ve read
      – A prayer to pray — to help you respond to what God has said

      Written in a pithy and engaging style, Best News Ever will help young people of all backgrounds to read the Bible for themselves, whether they know a little or a lot about Jesus already. It is also ideal to use as a family devotional.

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    • Goodbye To Goodbyes Colouring And Activity Book


      This coloring and activity book based around the storybook by Lauren Chandler and Catalina Echeverri that tells the true story about how Jesus came to give his friends life after death. It contains 32 pages of coloring, puzzles, mazes and activities.

      3 in stock

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    • Jonah And The Very Big Fish


      Discover what happened when God told a very grumpy prophet to go to a very bad city.

      In this faithful and fun retelling of a classic Bible story, we learn that God was determined to send Jonah to talk to the nasty people of Nineveh so that he could forgive them.

      This innovative approach to the story of Jonah focuses on how how God loves to save people. It teaches some interesting linguistic skills to children, and has bright, vivid, fun-filled illustrations by Jennifer Davison.

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    • Christ The Cornerstone


      What does it mean to say Jesus is Lord?

      The late Anglican pastor John Stott–named as one of the 100 most influential people in 2005 by Time magazine-was committed to the notion that Jesus’ lordship has ramifications for all of life. Out of this conviction grew his contention that the whole mission of God includes both evangelism and social action. Christ the Cornerstone recovers several decades of his writings exploring the consequences of Jesus’ lordship from the pages of Christianity Today, including the regular “Cornerstone” column he wrote from 1977-1981. In them, he treats such diverse topics as Scripture, discipleship, the worldwide mission of the church, and social concerns such as the value of human life, care for animals, racial diversity, and economic inequality. Gain insight for today from the writings of a guiding light of evangelicalism.

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