Showing 4351–4400 of 8870 resultsSorted by latest
My Broken Horse Christmas (DVD)
$14.95Add to cartEach year, John anticipates the day he will accompany his father on the search for the perfect horse to bring home to their farm. When the frosty morning finally arrives, the pair eagerly sets out to find what is sure to be a wonderful addition to their stable. But when his father picks the meanest, wildest mare he’s ever seen, John is baffled. Of all the horses he could have selected, why choose one so imperfect? What follows is a poignant tale of faith and redemption as one young boy’s father lovingly teaches his son the true purpose and power of grace.
Acts 13-28 : The Church Multiplies
$8.99Add to cartAlbert Mohler guides groups through the second half of the book of Acts, showing how the missionary journeys of Paul, and his arrest, trials, and journey to Rome shape our lives and witness today.
Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.
Jesus And The Lions Den
$16.99Add to cartThe story of Daniel and the Lions’ Den teaches children many things… It teaches them about praying; it teaches them about Daniel’s faithfulness to God, and God’s faithfulness to Daniel; and it teaches them that God is the real king of everyone everywhere.
But if you peel back another layer, you’ll see that like the rest of the Old Testament, it also points to Jesus.
This stunningly-illustrated retelling of Daniel and the lions’ den helps children to see Jesus in the story of Daniel. It challenges children to spot the ‘Jesus moments’ by looking out for the hidden lion symbols. It goes on to explain the parallels between Jesus and Daniel, so that children can see the gospel heart of the whole Bible.
A great gift for children aged 3-6.
Joy In The Sorrow
$16.99Add to cartWe all wonder how we will cope in times of terrible suffering, and how we can best support others who are suffering. And we all ask the question: how does suffering square with God’s character and purpose?
As a young pastor, Matt Chandler knew he needed to learn how to help hurting people. He studied the Scriptures, and he learned from people at the Village Church who remained joyful in their suffering. And then suddenly he was having to live what he’d learned.
This is the moving story of Matt’s battle with a potentially fatal brain tumor. But it’s also the stories of those who taught him, and teach him, how to walk with joy in sorrow.
This book will make you cry, laugh, and worship God. And you will see how you can live with joy when times of sorrow come, and how you can support others going through tough times.
His Testimonies My Heritage
$16.99Add to cartHear the voices of women of color on the most important subject in any age–the word of God.
This inspiring collection of devotions is by a diverse group of women of color–African-American, Hispanic, Caribbean, and Asian women. Contributors include Kristie Anyabwile, Jackie Hill-Perry, Trillia Newbell, Elicia Horton, Christina Edmondson, Blair Linne, Bev Chao Berrus and more.
It is a faithful exposition of Psalm 119 and incorporates each contributor’s cultural expression both within the teaching and as they bring the word of God to bear on their lives.
You will be thrilled and encouraged by hearing God speak through his word as it is expounded by these faithful women teachers, and you will long for more.
Moral Questions Of The Bible
$14.99Add to cartAre all the moral commands of the Bible meant to be obeyed exactly for all time, or are there some that need to be adapted for our modern world?
Scripture contains lots of guidance on ethical issues, including statements about polygamy, slavery, divorce, sex, and other things that sound strange to our modern ears. Even Christians, who believe the Bible is God’s word, disagree on whether women should wear head coverings, whether Christians can ever lie, whether women should preach, and whether Christians should drink alcohol. How can we resolve these issues and figure out how to apply the Bible to our lives?
David Instone-Brewer helps answer this question by showing how the Bible’s moral commands were understood in their ancient cultural context. The more we understand what God and the biblical authors intended to communicate to the original audience, the better we will be able to make sense of how to apply those commands today.
In brief chapters that address a wide variety of moral issues, Instone-Brewer equips Bible readers with a paradigm they can use to discern matters for themselves: Is a biblical command timeless or time-bound? If the command itself is time-bound, what is the timeless purpose behind it? And how do we remain faithful to the Bible’s commands today even when handling subjects the Bible does not address?
The Scripture in Context series is driven by the conviction that there is nothing as exciting, direct, provocative, and spiritually enlightening as the Bible when we read it as it was meant to be read. Each book in the series dives into the ancient cultural context behind Bible passages, examining the effect this context had on what the Bible writers were saying and how we should understand their words today. When we read the Bible in light of its context, it is anything but boring. Instead, God’s word can speak to us as powerfully as it did to those who first read it.
Chapters are short and informal, so it’s easy to read one chapter at a time or the whole book straight through.
In Season And Out
$16.99Add to cartGrow in the Scriptures throughout the church year with David deSilva as your mentor.
Beginning with Advent and moving through the church year, David deSilva brings his years of experience as a biblical scholar to the church in the form of sermons delivered to his home congregation throughout the church year, now adapted into a thoughtful and inspiring collection of reflections.
These reflections, which draw on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary, will inform and inspire your understanding of Scripture, written with Dr. deSilva’s characteristic warmth and wisdom.
In Season and Out makes for excellent devotional reading that will feed saints both in front of and behind the pulpit.
How To Keep Your Head On Straight In A World Gone Crazy
$19.99Add to cartWe are living in a day when countless multitudes have lost their way both morally and spiritually. Like a ship without anchor, this last day’s generation is being tossed to and fro by a flood of deception and wrong influences that is tragically causing people to lose their moorings. What should we do to make sure we don’t get sucked in to the chaotic swirl of moral and spiritual confusion sweeping the world today? That is the vital question prolific author and Greek scholar Rick Renner answers in this riveting and timely book.
Seeing Angels Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$19.99Add to cartJoshua Mills’s book Seeing Angels is one of the most in depth, scriptural examinations of angelic ministry by one of the cutting-edge charismatic leaders in the church today. Joshua goes beyond the usual takes on angels regarding spiritual warfare and explores who they are, how to recognize them, what they do, and how to cooperate with them in your life. This companion study guide, designed for both individual and group study, will help readers delve deeper into the meaning of angels and apply these miraculous truths.
Amistades Que Sanan – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartMuy pocas personas disfrutan durante su vida el calor y la solidaridad de la amistad. Algunos llegan a la adultez sin haber tenido la experiencia enriquecedora de tener amigos; esas personas que nos sanan el alma porque son nuestros hombros para llorar y compaeros para celebrar.
Durante una entrevista, le preguntaron a Otoniel Font que haria diferente en su juventud si pudiera volver atras. El respondio que hubiera cultivado mas la amistad, y comento la importancia de tener amigos. Unos meses despues, en el cumpleaos de su esposa, un amigo suyo hablo emotivamente a los invitados acerca del valor de la amistad. Eso calo hondo en el. Fue el momento en que decidio escribir y compartir los grandes beneficios que nos dan las relaciones de amistad, entre otras: mayor longevidad, mejor salud, resiliencia, sentido de pertenencia y proposito, y la sanidad del corazon ante las adversidades y desilusiones de la vida. Aprende a escoger y a apreciar a tus amigos, y aprovecha las lecciones en este novedoso libro que marca una primicia en el estilo literario de Otoniel Font.
Very few people enjoy the warmth and solidarity of friendship during their lives. Some reach adulthood without having the enriching experience of having friends; those people who heal our souls because they are our shoulders to cry and comrades to celebrate.
During an interview, Otoniel Font was asked what he would do differently in his youth if he could go back. He replied that he would have cultivated friendship more, and commented on the importance of having friends. A few months later, on his wife’s birthday, a friend of his spoke emotionally to the guests about the value of friendship. That settled deep in him. It was the moment when he decided to write and share the great benefits that friendship gives us, among others: greater longevity, better health, resilience, sense of belonging and purpose, and the healing of the heart in the face of adversities and disappointments of life. Learn to choose and to appreciate your friends, and take advantage of the lessons in this new book that marks a scoop in the literary style of Otoniel Font.
Creados Para Un Proposito – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartUsted no es un accidente. Su presencia en esta tierra no es un error. Tampoco es insignificante. Por el contrario, usted es querido aqui–!y necesitado!
Usted es una creacion de Dios con un proposito unico. Muchas personas “hacen” cosas para tratar de ganar aceptacion por parte de otros, para poder “ser” alguien. Se convierten en esclavos de la opinion publica y nunca saben realmente quienes estaban supuestos a ser.
Cuando sabemos que somos hijos amados de Dios, elegidos desde la fundacion del mundo, y descubrimos quien El nos diseo para ser, pensaremos y actuaremos desde esa perspectiva. Todo lo demas se desarrollara a partir de nuestra identidad y existencia en El. Esa identidad va aun mas alla de nuestro proposito personal hasta el punto de alcanzar los planes eternos de Dios para el mundo y el emocionante rol que desempeamos en ellos.
Dios creo a todos los seres humanos para tener dominio sobre la tierra. Y El nos ha asignado a cada uno de nosotros una porcion del “territorio” donde podemos ejercer la medida de nuestro dominio en la tierra. Este dominio se basa en la fe, la uncion y los dones que El nos ha dado. Nuestras palabras y acciones son mas efectivas cuando estamos en el territorio que Dios nos ha asignado y cuando estamos buscando primero Su Reino. Este poder “territorial” no es meramente simbolico. Es una realidad en la que debemos vivir. El territorio en el que vamos a ser fructiferos no es fortuito o general, sino especifico.
En Creados para un proposito, usted descubrira el plan de Dios para su vida como un miembro amado y valioso de Su creacion, que significa ser llamado por Dios y como conocer y vivir en su proposito a lo largo de su vida.
Usted no es un accidente. Usted esta presente en esta tierra por una razon importante. !Descubra quien esta usted supuesto a ser!
You are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!
You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.
When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our
Created For Purpose
$16.99Add to cartYou are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!
You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.
When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our personal purpose to God’s eternal plans for the world and our exciting role in them.
God created all human beings to have dominion over the earth. And He has assigned each of us a portion of “territory” where we can exercise the measure of our dominion on earth. This dominion is based on the faith, anointing, and gifts He has given us. Our words and actions are most effective when we are in the territory God has assigned to us and are seeking first His kingdom. This “territorial” power is not merely symbolic. It is a reality in which we must live. The territory in which we are to be fruitful is not random or general but specific.
In Created for Purpose, you will discover God’s plan for your life as a loved and valuable member of His creation, what it means to be called by God, and how to know and live in your purpose throughout your life.
You are not an accident. You are present on this earth for a significant reason. Find out who you were meant to be!
Best Of Smith Wigglesworth
$24.99Add to cartA collection of excerpted chapters from ten of Smith Wigglesworth’s most cherished and best-selling books, including:
*Smith Wigglesworth on Faith
*Smith Wigglesworth on Healing
*Smith Wigglesworth on Heaven
*Smith Wigglesworth on Spirit-Filled Living
*Smith Wigglesworth on Spiritual Gifts
*Smith Wigglesworth on the Anointing
*Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit
*Smith Wigglesworth Only Believe
*Smith Wigglesworth Ever Increasing Faith
*Smith Wigglesworth on God’s PowerTogether, these books have sold more than 900,000 copies. Wigglesworth was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal movement. His life led him from simple plumber to one of the world’s premier healing evangelists. Now, in one volume, readers can savor his inspirational teaching on an array of subjects, including prayer, spiritual healing, miracles, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the realities of heaven, and how to develop the faith to ask for miracles. This is the perfect introduction to Wigglesworth’s teachings for the new Christian or a cherished addition to the library of a seasoned believer.
Seeing Angels : How To Recognize And Interact With Your Heavenly Messengers
$16.99Add to cartA recent study found that 57 percent of Catholics, 66 percent of Evangelical Protestants, and 10 percent of Jews have reported having a personal experience with a guardian angel. And 20 percent of those who identified themselves as having no religion also claimed having encountered an angel.
Seeing Angels is one of the most in depth examinations of angelic ministry by one of the cutting-edge charismatic leaders in the church today. Joshua Mills goes beyond the usual takes on angels regarding spiritual warfare and explores who they are, how to recognize them, and what they do.
*Part I, Understanding Your Angels, is all about understanding who angels are, exploring why they are necessary and how different angels minister comfort, healing, love, prosperity. It reveals who they carry out specific geographic assignments for cities and nations, as well as the more unique and extraordinary assignments they receive.
*Part II, Discerning Your Angels, explains how to become more aware of the unseen heavenly realm, as well as how to recognize divine intervention when it does reveal itself to human sight. Such manifestations include random strangers, visions, or signs and messengers that believers receive. Joshua also explains the way he has interacted with visions of radiant light, swirling colors, and what he describes as atmospheric shifts. All of this is intended to make believers become more aware of both invisible and revealed spiritual realities.
*Part III, Working with Your Angels, deals specifically with how to minister alongside these heavenly messengers as they stand watch, provide protection, and administer strength and comfort. This includes recognizing their movements and how to effectively pray for angelic encounters to take place.With a foreword by Patricia King, Seeing Angels is among the most comprehensive teachings on recognizing angelic beings and understanding how to partner with them in ministry.
Letters From Jesus
$24.99Add to cart“In Revelation 2:2, Jesus tells the church in Ephesus something intimate-Google Street View intimate. He says, ‘I know your works’ (Oida ta erga sou). Four words don’t seem like much, but in the Greek, it packs a punch…. Jesus chooses the Greek word oida, which expresses total, comprehensive knowledge. It is intimate knowledge that comes from being up close and personal. This knowledge isn’t hazy on the details. It doesn’t struggle to remember. It preserves the particulars. In the mind’s eye, everything is sharp and clear, like a well-taken photograph.” -Chris Palmer
Letters from Jesus: Studies from the Seven Churches of Revelation explores Christ’s warnings to the seven most prominent churches in Asia Minor in the book of Revelation. These letters date back to 95 A.D., but they help us make a fascinating discovery about civilization: life hasn’t changed that much over the last two millennia.
Author Chris Palmer illustrates the truths contained in the Letters from Jesus using modern, everyday day examples. The host of the popular podcast Greek for the Week, he unpacks Greek words and phrases in these verses from Revelation with humor, joy, and biblical scholarship.
Why study Greek, even just a little bit? As Chris explains, looking at the New Testament in the original language in which it was written can offer us some beautiful insights into God’s Word. “It’s like reading the Bible in high definition,” he says. Also, “studying God’s Word in the original language forces us to approach it with reverence and awe, humbling ourselves to obey what it says, whether it’s something we want to hear or not.”
Divine Revelation Of Heaven And Hell
$19.99Add to cartIn A Divine Revelation of Heaven, after thirty nights in which God gave her visions of the depths of hell and the punishments of the lost, Mary K. Baxter was shown for ten nights the glories of heaven–the home of redeemed souls. Included in this book are her depictions of heaven’s gates, angels, music, worship, storehouses of blessings, joyful heavenly citizens, four living creatures, and brilliant throne of God. Mary also describes heaven’s perfect order and purpose, what happens to children, and much more. These breathtaking glimpses of heaven, interspersed with applicable Bible verses, will turn your heart toward the beauty and joy that await every believer in Christ.
In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. Follow Mary in her supernatural journey as she enters with Jesus into a gateway to hell and encounters the sights, sounds, and smells of that dark place of torment, including its evil spirits, cells, pits, jaws, and heart. Be an eyewitness to the various punishments of lost souls and hear their shocking stories. This book is a reminder that each of us needs to accept the miracle of salvation before it is too late–and to intercede for those who do not yet know Christ. Time is running out.
Activating Angels 365
$24.99Add to cartA New Wine International Publisher Title
Start every day of this year with God and your angels!
Receive supernatural encouragement with anointed decrees. Memorize favorite bible scripture verses. Live in God’s promises for your life…and activate angels on assignment.
Deception : Who Can You Trust
$15.99Add to cartA year and a half after the horrific Masonville High mass shooting, Owen is determined to uncover why the Creepers have converged on his land and the school-a necessary step toward his ultimate mission to drive evil forces out of Masonville. A supernatural visitor makes entrance into his life, claiming to have all the answers while leading Owen down an intriguing yet dark life path. Meanwhile, the suicide epidemic is now compounded by abductions and murders-all unsolved cases. Owen and Ray Anne seek to intervene, but it seems hell itself is out divide their commitment to each other and the cause.When Jess, Owen’s ex-girlfriend, re-enters the scene and her infant son goes missing, a divided community and a couple-Owen and Ray Anne-must come together to save the day. As the rescue mission intensifies, Owen’s courage and conviction bring about clarity concerning his future, including how to eventually defeat Molek and his army of Creepers.
1 More Tomorrow
$23.99Add to cartKatie Banks is still waiting to get over the hurt inflicted by a past love. Not even Justin Burke, her university classmate, has been able to erase the hurt Aiden Ford inflicted, or weaken Katie’s resolve to never date a man who doesn’t share her faith. Will the walls Katie’s built to protect herself keep love a distant dream?
Relentless Pursuit
$17.99Add to cartFrom the CEO and co-founder of Hope for Justice, author of Impossible Is a Dare, and creator of the Dear 26 Year Old Me podcast comes an honest, compelling, and inspiring collection of wisdom and experience to empower those in business and ministry to see their world-changing vision become a reality. In Relentless Pursuit, Ben Cooley speaks with self-made billionaires, Grammy-award winning musicians, megachurch pastors, and network marketers, who give unprecedented access to the challenges, struggles, and doubts they have faced on their journey and share what helped them maintain momentum and achieve success.
Featuring members of the band Rend Collective, Natalie Grant, John Siebling, Young Living Royal Crown Diamond members, Sir Brian Souter, and others, this book provides strikingly honest stories of how they built their careers and what they learned in the moments they felt like giving up.
This book is for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world. It will not only provide the tools you need to make your dream a reality but will allow you to apply the lessons these leaders have learned to your life.
Glory Has Come
$15.99Add to cartChristmas is a supernatural invitation to divine encounter!
More than gifts and celebrations, even beyond Bethlehem, the shepherds, and wise men, Christmas is about Heaven coming to Earth in the person of Jesus!
This unique advent devotional pulls back the veil on the wonder of the incarnation! Featuring contributions from bestselling authors and Spirit-empowered teachers, each of these 25 daily entries leading up to Christmas is a unique revelation of the glory that was released by Jesus’ birth!
Contributors include: Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Randy Clark, Heidi Baker, Robert Henderson, John Arnott, Lana Vawser, Ana Werner, Lance Wallnau, Kevin Zadai, and more!
Prepare for an Advent journey unlike any other! Discover how;
*the Christmas season can be a special time of visitation and encounter with God.
*Jesus’ incarnation connected Heaven and Earth in a supernatural way.
*”Glory in the highest” releases favor, blessing and power on Earth.
*angels and angelic activity accompany the glory of God.
*to experience God’s glory every season of the year.Encounter Jesus in powerful new ways and experience the fullness of the glory that Christmas made possible!
Prophet : Creating And Sustaining A Life-Giving Prophetic Culture
$21.99Add to cartEvery believer is prophetic!
The Bible calls prophets a gift to the body of Christ. This is not because prophets hear God in our place; rather, prophets carry an impartation to connect all believers to the frequencies of Heaven with fresh clarity so they can receive and release the word of the Lord with new confidence.
James Goll is an internationally bestselling author and prophet to the nations. In this groundbreaking book, James connects you to the speaking voice of the Spirit at a greater dimension than ever before.
This comprehensive and revelatory work is broken up into four sections, focusing on Prophetic Beginnings, Development, Diversity and Commissionings.
James teaches you how to:
*Live in a realm of prophetic sensitivity
*Recognize the four levels of prophetic ministry and how they operate
*Understand the anatomy of a prophetic word
*Receive and release the gift of prophecy
*Avoid common pitfalls of prophetic ministry
*Seize your prophetic destiny
*Operate prophetically in you the sphere of influenceThese words from a respected general of the prophetic movement are saturated with divine empowerment, calling forth a generation to declare words from Heaven with power, integrity and accuracy!
Risen Motherhood : Gospel Hope For Everyday Moments
$19.99Add to cartFind Hope and Joy in Everyday Moments
Motherhood is a series of moments-some of them magical, others messy and mundane. In every part, God is there and wants to pour gospel truth into you. Learn how you can grow spiritually and share His love with others, especially with your family, right where you are.
Discover how the gospel impacts all the areas of your everyday life, including your:
*Attitude-examine your heart and get answers to overcome common issues, such as anger and frustration.
*Marriage-see your husband the way God sees him and transform your view of your spouse.
*Body image-reject cultural pressure for physical perfection and pursue internal beauty.
*Relationships-love those you interact with from a gospel-motivated mindset.
*Home life-spend your time at home with purpose and intentionality.Experience how the “big picture” of Scripture-creation, fall, redemption, and restoration-applies to you in powerful and practical ways.
That is how you live out Risen Motherhood: by remembering who you are in Christ, what He has done for you, and what He has called you to do.
Just In Case You Ever Wonder
$19.99Add to cart“Long, long ago God made a decision-a very important decision. One that I’m really glad He made. He made the decision to make you . . .” The opening lines of Max Lucado’s classic book, Just in Case You Ever Wonder, have made their way into hearts and story times around the world. This award-winning book about the love between a parent and child has sold 1.7 million copies, touching lives for more than 25 years. Now Lucado’s heartfelt assurances of a parent’s love are paired with Eve Tharlet’s breathtaking artwork to impact a whole new generation.
Written especially for children ages 3-7, Just in Case You Ever Wonder is inspiring for all of us, as it reminds us of Jesus’s unconditional love no matter what: “Remember I’m here for you. On dark nights when you hear noises in your closet, call me. On hard days when kids are mean and don’t treat you like they should, come to me.” This book assures children of God’s love throughout all their experiences, such as fear of the dark, being bullied, and even assurance that their parent was with them when they were first born and will be with them in heaven.
Whether you have treasured this classic book for years or are reading it for the first time with your little ones, this timeless reminder of the love between a parent and a child-and ultimately, between God the Father and us-will come to hold a special place in your heart and home. Children long to hear they’re special and loved. Just in Case You Ever Wonder assures them that as they grow and change, in both good and bad times, you-and their heavenly Father-will always be on their side . . . just in case they ever wonder.
This book assures children of God’s love through their experiences such as fear of dark, being bullied, even assurance that the parent was there when they were first born and will be there with them even in heaven.
Full Year Class Book
$3.49Add to cartTo keep good Sunday school class records:
*Bring class book to each session.
*Enter names alphabetically with last name first.
*Enter address, phone number and birthday of each student.
*Mark presence of teacher and students with a check mark; leave space blank when absent.
*Fill out a Visitor Card for first time students.
*Record offering and attendance totals in the spaces provided at the back of the book.
*Report new student enrollment, total attendance, number absent and offering to the secretary after each session.
*Use the attached envelope for offering and necessary supplies. -
Before I Was Born
$10.99Add to cartBefore I Was Born emphasizes the creational goodness of our bodies, our existence as men and women, and our sexual organs. This book introduces new topics as well, including the growth and change that occur as boys and girls become men and women. It includes a tactful but direct explanation of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife.
Before I Was Born explains in age-appropriate language the basic nature of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife and discusses conception, fetal development, childbirth, and breastfeeding. For children ages 5 to 8.
Remaking A Broken World
$15.99Add to cartOur world is fractured on every level?”???”from the family to international relations. The news constantly reports broken relationships, strife-ridden communities and warring nations.
So what hope is there for a world of fractured relationships? Discover the Bible’s surprising answer: the local church.This revised and updated edition of Christopher Ash’s Bible overview takes readers through the big sweep of Scripture, following the theme of scattering and gathering God’s people. It shows how the local church is at the heart of the Bible story and at the centre of God’s plan for remaking a broken world.
This book will refresh your love for the local church, and give you new hope for the hurting world around you.
Quest Study Bible Comfort Print
$44.99Add to cartAnswers Thousands of Your Questions About the Bible. Over 1 Million Copies Sold!The only question and answer Bible is now available with exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print for a smooth reading experience.Get answers to the Bible questions you have… and questions you haven’t yet pondered! Over 7,000 notes written in an engaging question and answer format give insight into the common, uncommon, and sometimes perplexing passages from the Bible. You will have opportunity to consider questions like “Why did God send angels to Jacob?,” “What prevents God from hearing our prayers?,” and “Why does God test us?” as you explore God’s Word and use the many study helps.Over 7,000 insightful notes arranged in a unique question and answer formatNearly 350 articles investigate the most asked questions about the BibleBook introductions that answer questions about each book, such as “Who wrote it?,” “Why?,” and “What should I look for?”Article index and expanded subject indexSingle-column Scripture text arranged in a modern, two-color page designOver 150 charts, timelines, and mapsA reading plan with three distinct tracks to followNIV Dictionary-Concordance16-page full-color map sectionExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface
Quest Study Bible Comfort Print
$74.99Add to cartAnswers Thousands of Your Questions About the Bible. Over 1 Million Copies Sold!The only question and answer Bible is now available with exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print for a smooth reading experience.Get answers to the Bible questions you have… and questions you haven’t yet pondered! Over 7,000 notes written in an engaging question and answer format give insight into the common, uncommon, and sometimes perplexing passages from the Bible. You will have opportunity to consider questions like “Why did God send angels to Jacob?,” “What prevents God from hearing our prayers?,” and “Why does God test us?” as you explore God’s Word and use the many study helps.Over 7,000 insightful notes arranged in a unique question and answer formatNearly 350 articles investigate the most asked questions about the BibleBook introductions that answer questions about each book, such as “Who wrote it?,” “Why?,” and “What should I look for?”Article index and expanded subject indexSingle-column Scripture text arranged in a modern, two-color page designOver 150 charts, timelines, and mapsA reading plan with three distinct tracks to followNIV Dictionary-Concordance16-page full-color map sectionTwo ribbon markersExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface
Whats The Big Deal
$14.99Add to cartOne Million Copies Sold in Series!
Christian Book Award: ECPA Medallion of ExcellenceYour kids know about sex. But what they’ve gathered from TV, other kids, or the internet doesn’t tell them everything or answer all of their questions. What’s the Big Deal? was written to help parents provide the answers to their 8-to-12-year-olds. This book explains the basic facts about sex and related issues such as:
Why God made adults so that they want to have sex
What God actually says in the Bible about sex and why it’s designed for marriage
The amazing changes ahead of you during puberty
How to respond when you feel sexual pressure from friends, TV shows, movies, and magazinesYour kids can read this book with you so you can discuss it together. This provides them the safe space to ask hard questions they might find embarrassing. The book will help kids understand what a beautiful and exciting gift from God sexuality is meant to be.
Now revised and updated with:
Separate chapters on puberty for boys and girls
A chapter on the dangers of pornography -
Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence
$22.99Add to cartTextured Gray Leathersoft
Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever.
With scripture and personal reflections, bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace-for today and every day.
In this #1 New York Times bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader and are based on Jesus’ own words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture-penned by one who loves him and reveres His Word. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.
These much-loved devotions will help you look forward to your time with the Lord. Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.
This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling line. The on-trend cover is elegant and will appeal to men and those looking for a more neutral design.
Basic Steps Of Bible Study
$3.99Add to cartBeloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur has long taught the inductive study method, which has helped millions of people enjoy discovering the truths of God’s Word for themselves. This guide is a great place to start learning how to study your Bible in a truly-life-changing way.
As you cultivate the inductive skills of observation, interpretation, and application, you will…
*be equipped to study–and understand–God’s Word on your own
*increase your knowledge of God and His ways
*be greatly strengthened and encouraged in your personal faithThe more you become an active participant in God’s Word, the more you will become aware of all that it means to be in Christ and to live boldly and confidently in God’s truths.
Yours Truly : Parables And Stories
$15.00Add to cartHere is a collection of brilliant and poignant parables and stories, for personal reading and public use. Each offers a penetrating insight into some aspect of the human condition. They include:
The Spider Who Believed in Himself: a cautionary tale for millennials.
An Artist Tries to Create the World: she tries and tries again . . . but she still can’t get it right.
The Divine Call Centre: ‘Your call is important to God. Please don’t hang up.’
An Atheist Troubled by His Doubts: he just wishes that he had the simple faith of other atheists.
We Are All Philosophers
$15.99Add to cartEveryone is a philosopher, and how we live reveals what we most deeply believe.
If you and God were asked the same question, would you both respond in the same way?
Are Christians right to believe what we do?In We Are All Philosophers, John M. Frame takes seven major questions of philosophy and compares the Bible’s answers with common philosophical ones:
*What is everything made of?
*Do I have free will?
*Can I know the world?
*Does God exist?
*How shall I live?
*What are my rights?
*How can I be saved?We Are All Philosophers carries all the marks of John Frame’s books: he appeals to Scripture frequently and carefully. He writes elegantly and simply, a byproduct of having mastered the complicated philosophical topics he surveys.
Modern Prodigal : How Far Would You Go To Come Back Home (DVD)
$19.95Add to cartA hot tip on the deadly drug Fentanyl that’s burning through the streets of Atlanta, catapults burned-out reporter Brian Sanderson into the dim, dank underbelly of Atlanta. Estranged from his family, and in the midst of his investigation, Brian learns of his son’s murder. As he searches for answers and the son he never knew, questions tear at the fabric of his life, revealing a story of soul-shaking proportions. From the elite power personalities, to the forgotten street people, Brian is led deeper and deeper into a story that will shake the city to its core. Ultimately, Brian makes a decision with eternal consequences as he comes face to face with two men he never knew: himself, and the man who was his child.
Defense Of New Haven (DVD)
$19.95Add to cartCaught in the upheaval when the Raiders begin attacks against the city of New Haven, Alec joins the team that forms the thin line of defense. Slowed by a physical handicap and resistance from members of the team, Alec must choose where to focus his efforts if he is to keep his job with the force, and if they are to stop the Raiders from destroying the city. Join Alec, Eddie, Pete, and the crew as they battle through perilous adventures, hilarious mishaps, and tear-jerking moments in this allegorical story filled with fun, humor, and a reminder of the importance of God’s Word in our life.
Message Through Time (DVD)
$14.95Add to cartAugusta is new to her high-school, her parents are too busy for her with their new jobs and she is immediately picked on by the local bully. She throws a page of her journal into a hollow tree, and is answered by a monk from medieval England. They encourage one another through their correspondence, enabling each other to come to terms with their situations.
Beyond The Vows (DVD)
$19.95Add to cartThe movie adaption of book “Beyond The Vows” which explores marriage and love’s imperfection. A newly married couple, seeks healing for old wounds while trying to discover what real, unconditional love looks like in their lives. Can they unlock the secrets of love, faith and understanding before the pressures and temptations of the world around them rips apart their new union?
Hope For Christmas (DVD)
$12.99Add to cartTrying to win over a skeptical congregation, recovered war veteran turned Pastor, gears up for his first Christmas sermon. However, his plans take an unexpected turn when Pastor Greg cashes in on a free shopping spree the day of his much anticipated sermon. In a frenzy to get back on time, he unwittingly gets stuck in an elevator with his cohorts and a pregnant woman. Chaos, great giggles, meaningful moments and a surprise ending will have the congregation, and viewers, on the edge of their seats.
Not Forsaken : A Story Of Life After Abuse – How Faith Brought One Woman Fr
$22.99Add to cartJenn Greenberg was abused by her church-going father. Yet she is still a Christian. In this courageous, compelling book, she reflects on how God brought life and hope in the darkest of situations. Jenn shows how the gospel enables survivors to navigate issues of guilt, forgiveness, love, and value. And she challenges church leaders to protect the vulnerable among their congregations.
Her reflections offer Biblical truths and gospel hope that can help survivors of abuse as well as those who walk alongside them.
Worldviews And The Problem Of Evil
$22.99Add to cartHow does the Christian response to the problem of evil contrast with that of other worldviews?
Most attempts at answering the problem of evil either present a straightforward account of the truth claims of Christianity or defend a minimalist concept of God. This book is different. Inside, you’ll examine four worldviews’ responses to the problem of evil. Then, you’ll hear the author’s argument that Christian theism makes better sense of the phenomenon of evil in the worlda “equipping you to reach an informed conclusion.
This book’s unique approacha “integrating worldviews with apologetics with theologya “will give you a better understanding of the debate surrounding the problem of evil, in both philosophy and theology.
Learn to think cogently and theologically about the problem of evil and Christianity’s ability to answer its challenges with Worldviews and the Problem of Evil as your guide.
World Mission : Theology, Strategy, And Current Issues
$24.99Add to cartWorld missions needs a fully biblical ethos.
This is the contention of the editors of and contributors to World Mission, a series of essays aimed at reforming popular approaches to missions.
In the first set of essays, contributors develop a biblical theology of world missions from both the Old and New Testaments, arguing that the theology of each must stand in the foreground of missions, not recede into the background. In the second, they unfold the Great Commission in sequence, detailing how it determines the biblical strategy of all mission enterprises. Finally, they treat current issues in world missions from the perspective of the sufficiency of Scripture.
Altogether, this book aims to reform missions to be thoroughly – not just foundationally – biblical, a needed correction even among the sincerest missionaries.
Loving God And Neighbor With Samuel Pearce
$12.99Add to cartThe love of God and neighbor is the heart of the Christian faith. Forgotten saint Samuel Pearce teaches us how to live a life faithful to the greatest commandment.
Pearce was a Baptist pastor known in eighteenth-century England for his moving preaching and strong, pious character. In his short life, he supported believers in his own parish as well as in the many cities where he preached and helped send missionaries. Yet his personal faith, founded on the “holy love” of God, formed his most compelling witness to the world. By getting to know Pearce’s story, readers will learn from his example what it looks like to love God and neighbor – in good times as well as challenging and seemingly mundane ones.
The Lived Theology series explores aspects of Christian doctrine through the eyes of the men and women who practiced it. Interweaving the contributions of notable individuals alongside their overshadowed contemporaries, we gain a much deeper understanding and appreciation of their work and the broad tapestry of Christian history. These books illuminate the vital contributions made by these figures throughout the history of the church.
Engaging The World With Abraham Kuyper
$12.99Add to cartChrist declares “Mine!” over every square inch of creation.
In his well–known quote, Abraham Kuyper expressed the defining characteristic of his public theology: Jesus’ sovereignty extends over all things. He believed Christians should engage the whole world in all of its various spheres. But what does that comprehensive calling practically look like for us today?
In Engaging the World with Abraham Kuyper, Michael Wagenman explores the practical application of Kuyper’s public theology. Using Kuyper’s own life as an example, he shows us how the gospel can permeate all aspects of society: our identity, public discourse, education, the church, politics. Ultimately, this means engaging the world with perceptive truth that’s mindful of the dynamics at work in our time and place.
Introduction To Biblical Greek
$34.99Add to cartA complete introductory grammar that builds on a classic approach to learning Greek.
In An Introduction to Biblical Greek, John D. Schwandt integrates the rigor of a classic Greek grammar with the fruit of contemporary language learning. The result is a one–stop introduction to New Testament Greek that is both scholarly sound and academically friendly.
This textbook teaches students the basics of the Greek language through 37 lessons that are supported by translation and writing exercises from the New Testament. These practical lessons and exercises will help readers grasp Greek grammar and vocabulary as they start to translate the text of the New Testament itself. Appendixes on additional grammatical topics offer students the opportunity to dive deeper into their study of the Greek language.
Living With No Regrets
$17.99Add to cartSay Goodbye to Regrets!
No matter what you’ve been through, God has made it possible for you to be free from your past and excited about your future!
God is not mad at you!
He knew we weren’t going to be perfect. He knew we would need forgiveness from our sins and healing for our broken hearts. That’s why Jesus came! In fact, Jesus paid a high price for our failures, and the last thing He wants is for us to spend the rest of our lives looking back with regrets.
In Living with No Regrets, Greg Fritz shares simple yet profound truths from God’s Word that will set you free and give you a new lease on life.
It’s time to move on! Wave goodbye to sadness, guilt, and shame. Get ready for your future by getting over your past.
Reinicia Tu Corazon – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartHas pasado por circunstancias y eventos tan dolorosos, que te has sentido morir? Estas buscando una oportunidad para cambiar? Si sabes que necesitas hacer algo, entonces escucha a Dios decirte: “Es hora de reiniciar tu corazon”. Dale permiso para comenzar en ti una obra de sanacion.
En este inspirador devocional de 21 dias, el autor y pastor Jentezen Franklin ofrece esperanza y aliento a las personas que buscan reconciliarse, sanarse y seguir adelante. Jentezen te muestra como dejar atras el dolor y la amargura, y escoger el amor y el perdon que conducen a la inmensurable libertad y al gozo en Cristo.
Es tu tiempo para sanar. El Espiritu Santo te ayudara en cada area de tu vida. !Vive a la expectativa!
Does it sometimes feel as though painful events and circumstances have caused your heart to flatline? Have you been looking for a chance to change? If you know that something needs to be done, then hear God saying to you, “It’s time.” Give him permission to begin a work of healing within you. It’s time to restart your heart.
In this inspiring 21-day devotional, author and pastor Jentezen Franklin offers hope and encouragement to individuals seeking reconciliation, healing, and breakthrough. Pastor Jentezen shows you how to leave behind hurt and bitterness, and instead choose love and forgiveness, to release unfathomable freedom and joy in Christ.
It is your season for healing. The Holy Spirit will help you in every single area of your life. Live in expectation!