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    • Spikenard


      SKU (UPC): 634357110060 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Lily Of The Valley


      SKU (UPC): 634357110046 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Oil Holder Gift Set With Oil


      SKU (UPC): 634357340054 Color: GoldManufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Rose Of Sharon


      SKU (UPC): 634357110114 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Unscented


      SKU (UPC): 634357110022 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Frankincense And Myrrh Imported Crystal


      SKU (UPC): 634357135001Altar SizeManufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Frankincense And Myrrh Roll On


      SKU (UPC): 634357111005 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Pomegranate


      SKU (UPC): 634357110176 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Pomegranate


      SKU (UPC): 634357110077 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Hyssop


      SKU (UPC): 634357110183 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Frankincense And Myrrh


      SKU (UPC): 634357110107 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Spikenard Roll On


      SKU (UPC): 634357111067 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Hyssop Roll On


      SKU (UPC): 634357111081 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Spikenard


      SKU (UPC): 634357110169 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Lily Of The Valley


      SKU (UPC): 634357110121 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Latter Rain


      SKU (UPC): 634357110053 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Unscented Roll On


      SKU (UPC): 634357111029 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Frankincense And Myrrh


      SKU (UPC): 634357110008 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Rose Of Sharon Roll On


      SKU (UPC): 634357111012 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Latter Rain


      SKU (UPC): 634357110152 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Hyssop


      SKU (UPC): 634357110084 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Unscented


      SKU (UPC): 634357110145 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Wedding Inspirational


      SKU (UPC): 894339000011Table Talkers Manufacturer: James Lawrence, Ltd

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    • Pomegranate Imported Crystal


      SKU (UPC): 634357135070Altar SizeManufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Spikenard Imported Crystal


      SKU (UPC): 634357135063Altar SizeManufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • Latter Rain Roll On


      SKU (UPC): 634357111050 Manufacturer: Every Good Gift

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    • You Are Special


      This special paperback gift edition of a beloved storyteller’s classic will point children and adults to the important truth that God loves us just the way we are. You Are Special tells the story of Punchinello, the wooden Wemmick. The inhabitants of Wemmicksville spend their days placing stickers on each other. Golden star stickers are put on the talented, smart, and attractive Wemmicks. Gray dot stickers are for those who make mistakes and don’t stand out. Punchinello, despite his best efforts to get stars from the other Wemmicks, is covered in dots and begins to believe he’ll never be worth anything. Then one day he visits Eli the woodcarver, his creator, and everything changes. Max Lucado’s beautiful story reminds us that we are precious to God just the way we are. It is through spending daily time with him that we begin to see ourselves through his eyes. Parents and children will enjoy this classic illustration of an eternal truth. This best-seller has sold millions of copies and is now available as a special paperback gift edition.

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    • Living In The Balance Of Grace And Faith


      Popular Bible teacher and host of the Gospel Truth broadcast, Andrew Wommack takes on one of the biggest controversies of the church, the freedom of God’s grace verses the faith of the believer. Wommack reveals that God’s power is not released from only grace or only faith. God’s blessings come through a balance of both grace and faith. Addressing many of the misconceptions believers are taught in the Church today, this book opens up the Scriptures revealing the vital connection between grace and faith. Many believers think they walk in both grace and faith when actually they are missing one or both of these principles. Wommack Addresses:
      – Some believer willingly sin believing God’s grace will cover them, while the blessing of grace is not to sin, but to release guilt and condemnation when they make a mistake.
      – Other believers think they must “work” their faith by ritualistic prayer, confession, or Bible study. Although all of these things are good, Jesus Christ set believers free from works of the law. God wants a relationship where He can communicate directly to each believer.

      1 in stock

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    • Enemies Of The Heart


      Break free from the destructive power of guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy.

      Divorce. Job loss. Estrangement from family members. Broken friendships.

      The difficult circumstances you are dealing with today are likely being fed by one of four emotional forces that compels you to act in undesirable ways, sometimes even against your will.

      Andy Stanley explores each of these destructive forces-guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy-and how they infiltrate your life and damage your relationships. He says that left unchallenged they have the power to destroy your home, your career, and your friendships.

      In Enemies of the Heart, Andy offers practical, biblical direction to help you fight back, to take charge of those feelings that mysteriously control you, and to restore your broken relationships.

      Includes a four-week discussion guide-a valuable resource for small groups!

      1 in stock

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    • Smooth Stones : Bringing Down The Giant Questions Of Apologetics


      Street-level apologetics for everyday Christians. Because faith in Jesus makes sense. And you don’t need an advanced degree to understand why. This book was written for two reasons: First, too many people think believing in Christianity means blind faith, against all evidence, the way a child believes in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Second, every few years a new book intended to undermine Christianity becomes a best seller and shakes the faith of many. Yet the arguments in these books are rarely compelling. Jesus likened faith in God to a house built on a foundation. If built on sand, storms of doubt will tear the house apart. But if we build on a solid foundation, we will stand. In these pages, Joe Coffey inspects our foundation – so we can know why we believe, and so we can speak of our faith to others with greater confidence and clarity. The conclusion? The Christian faith is built on a tremendous amount of credible evidence. You don’t need to be a scientist, an historian, an archeologist, or a philosopher to understand why belief in Jesus makes perfect sense. Think of the last time an unbeliever asked you a seemingly unanswerable question as a way of supporting their unbelief. Did you feel thwarted in your attempt to “give an account for the hope that is in you”? Smooth Stones answers six of the toughest of these questions: How do you know God exists? How can you be sure the Bible is authentic and true? If God exists, why is there evil and suffering? Doesn’t science disprove the Bible? Aren’t all religions the same? How can you be sure the claims of Christ are true? Joe Coffey writes in a style that is clear, winsome, and compelling. Smooth Stones will equip you with answers to some of the toughest apologetics questions a Christian can face. There is plenty of evidence to support the claims of Christianity. Smooth Stones puts much of that evidence at your fingertips and offers practical guidelines for how to unpack it in ways that are “gentle and reverent.”

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    • Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      !El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!

      “Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)

      El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
      Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:

      Desarrollar fe para los milagros

      Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo

      Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural

      Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos

      Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.

      Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.

      Through Maldonado’s insights on the supernatural, you will:
      ” Recognize human substitutes for God’s power
      ” Develop faith for the miraculous
      ” Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling
      ” Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence
      ” Protect yourself from the devil’s deception
      ” Learn to hear God’s voice
      ” Overcome demonic attacks
      ” Understand how to operate in the supernatural

      Once you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!

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    • How To Walk In The Supernatural Power Of God (Student/Study Guide)


      Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.

      Through this companion to Guillermo Maldonado’s How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God, you will:

      Recognize human substitutes for God’s power

      Develop faith for the miraculous

      Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling

      Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence

      Protect yourself from the devil’s deception

      Learn to hear God’s voice

      Overcome demonic attacks

      Understand how to operate in the supernatural

      Once you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!

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    • Sons Of Encouragement


      Discover five biblical men who quietly changed eternity without recognition or fame—knowing their reward wouldn’t come until the next life. In this all-in-one collection, Rivers illuminates the lives of Aaron, Caleb, Jonathan, Amos, and Silas—and shows how they acted in the shadow of God’s chosen leaders. Each story includes an in-depth study guide.

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    • But God : The Two Words At The Heart Of The Gospel


      Whether from the pen of Moses, Paul, or other biblical authors, “But God” appears in various forms hundreds of times in the Bible. To understand these two words as they are used in Scripture is to understand the gospel. This book focuses on nine of the most important appearances of this key phrase, drawing in numerous other passages of Scripture and in the process unfolding the magnificent drama of God’s sovereign grace-from his mercy on Noah to our security in a resurrected Savior. Taken together, this collection of brief Bible expositions provides a big-picture overview of the consistent way in which God has chosen to save sinners. It has always been by his might, his power, his grace, and his initiative. James Montgomery Boice wrote that “If you understand those two words-‘but God’-they will save your soul. If you recall them daily and live by them, they will transform your life completely.”

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    • Living In Hope


      All Christians say they believe in Christ’s second coming to earth but they are far from clear about what will precede or follow that world event. Taking Matthew chapters 24 and 25 as a basis, David Pawson clarifies the signs of his approaching advent and the separation of Christians that will be the result. Together they spell out what it means to live in hope.

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    • Men Of God


      Has there ever been a more urgent time for Christian men to stand up and be counted? Family life is being systematically destroyed in our culture. Biblical Christianity is being undermined from within the historic denominations. The demands and insecurity of working life are increasing.

      This book is designed to encourage Christian men to live for Christ: in their homes; in their workplaces; in their leisure; and in their churches. It is a resource for developing strong men’s ministries in the local church which will lead to the mutual nurture, support and encouragement of men to keep going in our resolve to know Christ and to make Him known.

      Includes contributions from John Benton, Richard Coekin, Phillip Jensen, David Jackman, Hugh Palmer, Vaughan Roberts, William Taylor, Rico Tice, John Tindall, Trevor Archer & Tim Thornborough.

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    • Discipleship Explored International Student Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Before We Begin
      Week 1: How Can I Be Sure I’m A Christian? – Philippians 1:1-11
      Week 2: What Am I Living For? – Philippians 1:12-26
      Week 3: Together For Christ? – Philippians 1:27 – 2:11
      Week 4: How Should I Live For Christ? – Philippians 2:5-18
      Week 5: Can I Be Good Enough For God? – Philippians 3:1-9
      Week 6: How Can I Know Christ Better? – Philippians 3:10 – 4:1
      Week 7: How Can I Rejoice In Christ? – Philippians 4:2-9
      Week 8: How Can I Be Content In Christ? – Philippians 4:10-23
      Extra: An Example To Follow? – Philippians 2:19-30

      Additional Info
      Discipleship Explored is ideal for new Christians, but is also great for anyone who wants to grow in their Christian life. Participants are taken on a life-changing journey into Philippians as the eight interactive sessions bring them to the heart of what it means to be a Christian. Carefully-crafted Bible-study questions, detailed guidance for leaders, and day-by-day Bible reading notes for participants are all included.

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    • Discipleship Explored Universal Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Section 1: How To Run The Course
      Planning Your Discipleship Explored Group
      Preparing Yourself And Your Co-leaders
      Introducing Philippians
      Running The Sessions
      What To Do If…
      Working With English Speakers
      Cross-cultural Discipleship
      You Never Stop Learning To Be A Disciple
      Section 2: Study Guide
      Before We Begin
      Week 1: How Can I Be Sure I’m A Christian? – Philippians 1:1-11
      Week 2: What Am I Living For? – Philippians 1:12-26
      Week 3: Together For Christ? – Philippians 1:27 – 2:11
      Week 4: How Should I Live For Christ? – Philippians 2:5-18
      Week 5: Can I Be Good Enough For God? – Philippians 3:1-9
      Week 6: How Can I Know Christ Better? – Philippians 3:10 – 4:1
      Week 7: How Can I Rejoice In Christ? – Philippians 4:2-9
      Week 8: How Can I Be Content In Christ? – Philippians 4:10-23
      Extra: An Example To Follow? – Philippians 2:19-30

      Additional Info
      Essential for every leader. Written in clear and simple English to help the leader use straightforward English while guiding the group through the studies. This study includes weekly Bible studies, talk outlines and training material on how to unpack any deeper concepts that may arise.

      Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.

      This Universal Edition Leader’s Guide can be used in conjunction with both the Universal Edition Study Guide and the International Student Study Guide.

      The Discipleship Explored: Universal Edition features a series of Bible studies through Philippians which can be used on their own, or in conjunction with the Discipleship Explored DVD.

      The studies are designed to be universally accessible with a special emphasis on clear and simple English, making them suitable for use with internationals who are learning English and for anyone else who appreciates really clear and simple language. The Bible studies could also be used in regular Bible-study groups or with anyone who has recently completed a Christianity Explored course.

      Key features:
      – 8 Bible studies through Philippians (plus 2 extra optional studies)
      – Written in simple and clear English
      – Training section on cross-cultural discipleship
      – Can be used with the Discipleship Explored DVD
      – Additional resource material available as free downloads.

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    • Atmosphere : Creating A Realm For Miracles And Success


      New Wine International

      Sharing from years of experience in the supernatural, Joshua Mills will show you the significance of your atmosphere and how it affects you and others around you in a powerful way. In this fascinating book you will learn how to develop an atmosphere for miracles and success to abound in your life! Includes the following chapters:

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    • Left Behind : A Novel Of The Earths Last Days


      An airborne Boeing 747 is headed to London when, without any warning, passengers mysteriously disappear from their seats. Terror and chaos slowly spread not only through the plane but also worldwide as unusual events continue to unfold. For those who have been left behind, the apocalypse has just begun.

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    • Prophets In The Projects


      This book is for any and all readers, especially those who are ready to move into the next dimension of God. There will always be talk about the next level, but God desires dimension work and faith. The prayer within each chapter is to help the reader, no matter where they are at. You would be surprised as to how many people feel that they cannot pray, the right way. Read and pray, read and pray, read and receive. Lecia Gray is married and the mother of three. She is a native of Palm Beach County and currently reside in Orlando, Florida. She has her own consulting business where she conducts multiple services and activities. A true Prayer Warrior and Praise and worshipper, Ms. Gray has been through much and has experienced a lot.

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    • Moses : Calling And Character


      As the one called by God to lead his people out of Egypt, Moses faced some significant challenges: a stubborn ruler, a fierce army, a vast desert to cross, a people prone to complaint and idolatry. But through it all, God was faithful to guide and provide for Moses as well as shape his character in powerful ways.

      These studies by Stephen D. Eyre will open our hearts to the same God and help us serve with strong character in the roles he’s called us to.

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    • How To Walk In The Supernatural Power Of God


      Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.

      Through Maldonado’s insights on the supernatural, you will:
      ” Recognize human substitutes for God’s power
      ” Develop faith for the miraculous
      ” Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling
      ” Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence
      ” Protect yourself from the devil’s deception
      ” Learn to hear God’s voice
      ” Overcome demonic attacks
      ” Understand how to operate in the supernatural

      Once you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!

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    • Assassins : Assignment Jerusalem Target Antichrist


      The members of the Tribulation Force face their most dangerous challenges. As international fugitives, they struggle to find supplies for safe houses around the world. In despair over so many lost lives, Rayford Steele and Buck Williams make plans to dethrone Nicolae Carpathia and expose him as the Antichrist.
      Meanwhile, Carpathia has been busy rebuilding roads, airports, and a cellular/solar satellite phone system-all designed to help him become the supreme ruler of the world. Many believers want him stopped, but who will fulfill Scripture and help bring about the Antichrist’s death?

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    • Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets


      An alarming number of Christians have been fed the notion that our God is a mean and angry god. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Larry Huch suggests that God’s eyes are constantly searching “to and fro throughout the whole earth” (2 Chronicles 16:9), looking for someone to heal, someone to bless, someone to prosper, and someone to favor.

      In his new book, Unveiling Biblical Secrets, Huch reveals God’s ancient blessings for your life, such as:
      ” the hundredfold breakthrough in the parable of the seed
      ” the secret of prayer revealed in Jacob’s Ladder
      ” the protective power of the Mazzuzah
      ” Purim’s miracle for turning your life story around
      ” biblical faith for the last days
      ” God’s covenant of success
      ” God’s power multiplied in your life with the four cups of Communion

      By understanding and tapping into these timeless truths in the Torah, Christians can rediscover the destiny that God intends for His people. We were not meant to live lives of empty religious ritual. We were meant to be shining examples of God’s power, blessing, and favor!

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    • Total Healing : You Can Walk In Perfect Health


      Whether you are dealing with a disease, trusting God to heal your loved one, wanting to learn how to stay healthy, or simply questioning whether God wants you well, you will find this book a refreshing and encouraging resource.

      Renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey brings scriptural truths and principles to life. Explore the love of God, which prompts His desire to heal us, and the power of God,
      through which healing occurs. Find out how healing ties into your overall relationship with your heavenly Father. As you do, you will discover the answers to these questions:
      * Why is there sickness in the world?
      * Is faith necessary for healing?
      * Will God heal me?
      * Can sickness return?
      * How can I live in divine health?
      * What are the four components to miraculous living?

      Your faith will increase as you read the compelling personal, ministry, and biblical accounts of others who have been healed so that you, too, can receive healing. You will also be encouraged to reach out to those around you and allow God’s healing power to flow through your life to the sick and hurting.

      Our loving Creator is also our Healer. He desires that all of His children live in divine health and wholeness in their spirits, bodies, emotions, and minds. Like all good things, health and healing come from God, and He still heals today.

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    • Dating For Life (DVD)


      My friends are dating. Some of them are going too far, I think. My parents tell me to wait, but how long do I have to wait? How far is too far? Does the Bible say there’s just one person for me? How far can I go without regretting it later? The divorce rate is over 50% in western culture; this statistic is no longer a shocker. More disturbing than this reality, however, is the ease with which culture seems to have absorbed this trend. Incomes are being split, families are being divided and children are asked to choose which parent they want to live with. This presentation, intended for those dating age, begins the discussion on the concept of dating. Addressing many of the tough issues facing young people today. Brett explores the concepts of culture, sex and money and how these issues relate to Christian dating in the 21st century world.

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    • Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat – (Spanish)


      !El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!

      “Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)

      El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
      Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:

      Desarrollar fe para los milagros

      Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo

      Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural

      Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos

      Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.

      Guillermo Maldonado believes the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead, that He is alive today, and that He wants to heal and do miracles through you. Now, you can walk in the full revelation of our supernatural God.

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    • Su Poder En Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


      John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of the unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally…
      * Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
      * Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ.
      * Be a more powerful witness for Christ.
      * Overcome all the schemes of Satan.
      * Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name.
      * Trust God to meet all your needs.
      * Find true purpose for your life.
      * Develop a faith for miracles.
      * See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered.
      * Transform your world for Christ.

      You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting,
      hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit.
      Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers
      everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous

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    • En Puertas Del Cielo – (Spanish)


      In this book, Rebecca Springer shares a personal vision and experience about the world of heaven. Within Heaven’s Gates, is an elaborate and detailed description of the involvement of the society of heaven.

      !Hay vida despues de la muerte!

      Rebecca Springer comparte las maravillas y los gozos de su gloriosa vision del cielo y tambien ofrece esperanza para el futuro de la humanidad. Mediante este inspirador libro, obtendra usted un destello del hogar eterno que espera a los creyentes, al igual que inspiracion para continuar su caminar espiritual. !Aventurese En las Puertas del Cielo!

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