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Karisa Jessiman

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  • Acts Of God And The Apostles


    Sharing with your child miraculous stories from the books of Acts.

    In this wonderful book, some of the most thrilling acts performed by God in the early church are shared. Every child needs to understand that God not only hears and sees, God acts. These stories, taken from the book of Acts and the lives of the apostles, will build faith in your child that Christians can be used of God in very miraculous and powerful way.

    Questions will be answered like:
    *What did Peter say to the lame man at the temple gate?
    *Who was visited by an angel in prison?
    *What apostle was blinded by a light from heaven?
    *What did God do when Paul and Silas sang His praises?

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  • Follow Me


    Introducing your child to the twelve apostles.

    – How did Jesus decide who should be His apostles?
    – Which apostle betrayed Jesus?
    -Which apostle doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead?
    -Which apostle gave a banquet for Jesus in his own house?

    The nine books in the God’s Great Love Series are a powerful resource supplying great answers for inquisitive, young minds concerning our Christian faith. In this wonderful book, filled with inspiring illustrations, your child will learn about the twelve men Jesus chose as His apostles. They were just ordinary individuals who were given the extraordinary opportunity of walking with the Son of God when He was on earth. Your child will learn to identify the uniqueness of each apostle, and be challenged to be a true follower of the Lord and a world-changer, just as they were.

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  • Gods Great Love


    In this wonderful book, filled with inspiring illustrations, questions will be addressed about the experience of true salvation. Why did God send His Son into this world? Why did Jesus die on the cross? How do we know our sins are washed away? These are all questions your child may ask. Answers in the Bible all point to one thing–the great love that God has for us.

    You will find that reading this book to your child (especially ages 6 and above) will open up opportunities for you to talk about the love of God and the amazing plan of salvation for the human race.

    Every church should have this book available in your children’s classes.

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