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    Jim Putman

    • Disciples Journey : A 12-Week Road Map For Following Jesus In Every Sphere


      Unlock Spiritual Growth with The Disciple’s Journey !

      Embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth. From the creators of the popular Real-Life Discipleship resources comes a workbook designed for individual Christians seeking to integrate Jesus’ message into their modern lives. This comprehensive resource offers a structured pathway across five key spheres:

      1. Abiding/Relationship with God
      2. Church
      3. Home/Family
      4. World/Work
      5. Spiritual Warfare

      By exploring biblical principles through the lens of Ephesians, this workbook provides practical insights, tools, and applications that ensures transformational growth. Key
      Features include:

      *12-week structured program for guided spiritual growth,
      *Daily sessions and self-evaluation questions for deeper reflection,
      *Adaptable to individual or group study, fostering community engagement,

      Experience personal growth, community engagement, and fulfillment in living out your faith in every sphere of life. Get started now and unlock the full potential of discipleship.

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    • Real Life Discipleship


      Is your church making disciples . . . who make disciples . . . who make disciples?

      Real-Life Discipleship explains what should happen in the life of every Christian and in every small group so that the church becomes an army of believers dedicated to seeing the world saved. With the overriding goal to train disciples who know how to make more disciples, this book offers proven tools and strategies from Real Life Ministries, one of America’s fastest-growing churches.

      In this book, you will learn:

      *How to create churches that succeed and grow
      *How to intentionally disciple believers in every stage of their spiritual development
      *How to find and develop leaders in your church

      This book also contains these helpful features:

      *A summary and profile of each stage of spiritual growth
      *Recommended resources for disciple-makers
      *Spiritual facts
      *A presentation of the gospel

      Discover what the Bible says about true and effective discipleship with these strategies and practices in this great church resource.

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