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Family Concerns

Showing 201–250 of 414 results

  • 6 Hidden Behaviors That Destroy Families


    Families are complicated. There is no such thing as a perfect family…or an easy family. We all make mistakes that hurt or disappoint our family members, and we’ve all been hurt or disappointed by those we love. Within our human makeup is a deep and basic need for healthy family relationships. Family was designed to provide us with love, a feeling of belonging, a shared history, traditions, comfort, affection, quality time, feedback, learning, and a safety net. When our family fails to provide for these needs, we feel a deep sense of loss. 6 Hidden Behaviors That Destroy Families by Dr. Magdalena Battles addresses the top conflicts in extended families that cause relationships to become strained, disjointed, or broken. These hidden behaviors are: criticism, gossip, lack of inclusion, deception, refusing to accept differences, and a failure to apologize and forgive. Dr. Battles provides practical tips and solutions based on research, biblical principles, and her own observations of what has worked in families. Most families have some dysfunction, causing pain, damage, and division. While every family has problems, what really matters is how we deal with those issues. Are we working in a way that heals and resolves problems, or are we allowing them to fester, divide, and explode, causing tremendous damage to our relationships? Families are always in a state of change, and they are a work in progress. But they can function in a way where love, support, belonging, and kindness are exemplified and practiced. Doing nothing about our family conflicts often contributes to the problems. The healing in your family can begin with you. To have a family that is loving and supportive, you need to be part of the solutions and healing. You just have to take those first steps! It is a process, but the result will be happier lives and more fulfilling relationships.

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  • Raising Up Dreamers


    How do you raise Christian kids who have dreams that seem beyond their reach?

    Parenting is an important task, but the pressure doesn’t need to be on us. As parents, we simply need to follow the leading of the Lord with the understanding that our children’s natural abilities are actually the Lord working out their destiny. When we give Christ unlimited control of our parenting, we learn that Jesus is a better parent to our children than we can ever hope to be.

    As Sheila Erwin shares personal stories of raising two successful filmmakers and delves into biblical principles, you will be encouraged to cultivate your children’s gifts and help them reach their dreams–no matter how impossible they seem.

    By parenting from a position of trust and rest in God, you can guide your children to chase their God-given dreams and channel their talents to glorify God instead of being gripped by the world.

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  • Discipling Your Grandchildren


    You are a grandparent with a passion to impact your grandkids for Christ, but sometimes you struggle to find fun and meaningful ways to disciple them and leave a lasting legacy of faith. Help is at hand in Discipling Your Grandchildren: Great Ideas to Help Them Know, Love, and Serve God, in which grandparenting expert Dr. Josh Mulvihill has compiled dozens of suggestions and strategies to help you do just that.

    With an assortment of actionable ideas–from pragmatic tips on how to better connect with your grandchildren to fun, age-appropriate activities– Discipling Your Grandchildren is an invaluable tool chest for grandparents who want to build a biblical foundation, lead by example, and point their grandchildren to Christ. Practical yet powerful, the information, ideas, and best practices shared by Mulvihill can be implemented and adapted in ways that work for your unique grandparenting situation, whether your grandkids are two or twenty, around the corner or across the globe.

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  • Love Notes For Couples


    From the bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages comes a short devotional for every couple looking to deepen their relationship with one another–and with God.

    Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t love?it’s your love language. Adapted from The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional, this devotional is perfect for the couples in your life–or for you and your spouse! As you learn how to express heartfelt love to your loved one, you’ll find yourselves deeper in love and growing closer to God–together–as a result.

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  • Emotionally Healthy Marriage


    When it comes to a successful, satisfying marriage, it’s not about how many workshops you’ve attended, how many counseling sessions you’ve experienced together, or which conflict resolution tools you’ve been taught. What it really all comes down to is emotions–understanding your own and your partner’s, and then walking hand in hand through those inevitable situations where emotions run high.

    In The Emotionally Healthy Marriage, Drs. David and Jan Stoop take you and your spouse through a 5-step process of developing the emotional intelligence you need to stay strong and stay together. With personal inventories that help you discover where you are doing well and where you need improvement, as well as practical action steps you can take now to implement what you’ve learned, this book is perfect for couples, counselors, and pastors.

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  • Together Through The Storms


    Biblical encouragements that strengthen marriages in times of trial.

    This devotional helps married couples to navigate the storms of life together. Working through the book of Job, Sarah Walton (author of “Hope when it Hurts”) and her husband Jeff reflect on their own experiences in a marriage that has faced chronic illness, baggage from the past, a child with neurological challenges, and financial difficulties-and show how to cling to Christ and each other.

    This is not a “how to” guide on having the best marriage, but, rather, a walk alongside you and your spouse, sharing the realities of suffering and the effects it can have on a marriage. It is an encouragement to lift your eyes above your trials, off your spouse, and onto our all-sufficient Savior.

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  • Como Amarme Y Amar A Los Demas – (Spanish)


    EEl verdadero amor es un estilo de vida, mas que una emocion. Involucra la expresion de nuestro mas profundo aprecio por otro ser humano. Es una manera especial de actuar, de sentir, y de pensar. Es la mejor forma de darnos a la otra persona, sin herir, humillar ni lastimar. Porque el amor piensa, razona, reflexiona y nos conduce a una relacion extendida en el tiempo.

    “El amor crece a partir de verme como una persona realizada, plena, llena, feliz y completa. Esto es lo que me potencia para buscar a una persona con las mismas caracteristicas y asi compartir un proyecto de vida donde no dependamos, sino que nos complementemos. Entonces el amor hacia los demas se inicia en el amor hacia mi mismo”, resume Sixto Porras al presentar el tema de su nuevo libro, Como amarme y amar a los demas, un analisis profundo y aleccionador de lo que es en verdad el amor. Este libro te llevara a conocer los fundamentos de lo que hasta hoy pensaste que era tan solo una emocion que puede causarte una gran felicidad o sumirte en una triste decepcion.

    “El amor se aprende mientras caminamos juntos, es una decision que hay que cultivar, defender y proteger.”

    True love is a lifestyle, rather than an emotion. It involves the expression of our deepest appreciation for another human being. It is a special way of acting, feeling, and thinking. It is the best way to give ourselves to the other person, without hurting, humiliating or hurting. Because love thinks, reasons, reflects and leads us to an extended relationship in time.

    “Love grows from seeing me as a fulfilled, full, full, happy and complete person. This is what empowers me to look for a person with the same characteristics and thus share a life project where we do not depend, but complement each other. Then love for others begins in love for myself”, summarizes Sixto Porras by presenting the theme of his new book, How to love myself and love others, a deep and sobering analysis of what love really is. This book will take you to know the basics of what until today you thought it was just an emotion that can cause you great happiness or plunge you into a sad disappointment.

    “Love is learned while walking together, it is a decision that must be cultivated, defended and protected.”

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  • Do Yourself A Favor Love Your Wife


    This isn’t just a book. This is a manual for men, and an insight into men for women. With over half a million copies sold, marriages all over the world have been saved and renewed with its important message. Filled with good humour and invaluable lessons, this book will transform and refresh your struggling marriage, helping you to find that spark that is so desperately missed. It is a crucial guidebook for men who want to become the husbands that God intended them to be.

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  • Reconnected : Moving From Roommates To Soulmates In Marriage


    Over time, the business of life creeps in and even the most deeply committed couples can feel like they’re living parallel lives rather than enjoying life together. Their once happily-ever-after can quickly turn into an endless grind of work, chores, errands and carpool. And the pull of social media becomes more compelling than engaging with one’s spouse. In this book, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley offer practical ways to rekindle the passionate, intimate, heart-to-heart spark of connection between husbands and wives.

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  • Breaking The Strongholds Of Iniquity


    Break Free of Generational Curses!

    Though Jesus’ sacrifice grants you entry to Heaven, it’s still possible to live a life on earth in bondage.

    If you are a believer who is experiencing oppression, it may be caused by spiritual legalities granting demonic access to your life through iniquity in your bloodline!

    Bill Dennington is a respected Bible teacher, with a special emphasis on the New Covenant blessings available through the finished work of Jesus. In this groundbreaking book, Dennington reveals how it is possible for New Covenant believers to have open doors to the enemy through generational sin.

    In Breaking the Strongholds of Iniquity, you will learn how to:
    *Recognize the “mystery of iniquity” operating in your life
    *Overcome generational curses that try to hijack God’s purposes for you
    *Remove the spiritual roots of iniquity in your generational bloodline
    *Find freedom and deliverance by approaching Jesus as the Righteous Judge
    *Stop accepting delay to answered prayer and experience accelerated breakthrough

    Jesus’ work on the cross purchased total freedom from sin and iniquity. Discover how to apply the full redemptive power of Jesus to your bloodline, and experience the supernatural freedom He’s made available to you!

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  • Simple Habits For Marital Happiness


    A healthy, happy marriage is built day by day through the specific, small actions that show our love. The good news is that anyone can learn the habits that create a gratifying marriage!

    SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS is an incredible book that covers every aspect of a marriage to help you create a vibrant, rewarding relationship that grows stronger every day. Backed by over thirty years of experience, Dr. Randy Schroeder – a pastor and marriage counselor – helps you develop the habits your marriage needs.

    These straightforward, easy-to-understand lessons will show you how to…
    *Apologize and forgive.
    *Stay in love after the honeymoon.
    *Communicate effectively with your spouse.
    *Safeguard your oneness.
    *Maintain emotional and physical closeness.
    *Disagree without hurting your relationship.
    *Budget, save, and spend together.

    Instead of talking about marriage generalities, this book gives all the precise, practical answers necessary for achieving a satisfying relationship. And the implementation of just one healthier habit often makes the difference between marital happiness and divorce. Whether you’ve been married for years, are a newlywed, or are still looking for that special someone SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS can teach you how to have the marriage you’ve been praying for.

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  • Moment In Time Book 2


    Is a 365 day devotional that was written with parents in mind. After four decades of ministry to children and youth, it is obvious that parents need encouragement as they seek to
    raise their children to honor and live for the Lord.

    Each day a passage is applied to that God honoring task of raising Godly children; with a teaching moment concluding each day. It is Carl’s prayer that as each day is read that you will receive a word of truth that will assist in the life of your children or grandchildren. God’s Word is as alive and relevant as it was when your parents read you these same verses. Let’s live by it.

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  • 7 Traits Of Effective Parenting


    In today’s complex world, parenting is a tough job. Beyond the difficulties of the changing world we live in, there are also the daily frictions of imperfect people sharing a home together. However, Daniel P. Huerta, Focus on the Family’s Vice President of Parenting, offers hope and help for you to become an effective parent.Based on exhaustive research, Huerta presents a collection of seven powerful character traits designed to help parents grow and thrive as they take on the task of raising children. Parents will be encouraged to navigate family life with grace and love so their children ultimately see God’s transformative power, love, and influence.

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  • Foundations : 12 Biblical Truths To Shape A Family


    Families are shaped one day at a time through the Word of God

    You want your children to become Christ followers, obedient to His commands, and fruitful in their faith, but where do you begin? Though there isn’t a formula or prescription for raising godly kids, the things you desire for your family begin with heeding God’s instructions to remember and declare His faithful works to the next generation.

    Bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons, along with her husband, Troy, are gratefully raising six boys on a firm foundation of God’s truth by preaching truth to themselves and their family daily. In this book, they invite you to join them in the holy work of training children to know and love God for a lifetime.

    Foundations will help you direct your family one day at a time, as you explore twelve key truths that will help connect your children’s hearts to the heart of God. A simple, chapter-a-day format offers daily Scripture, thoughts, mediations, and discussions designed to equip you to guide your children with godly instruction.

    Parents don’t just teach God’s truths because their children need to hear them, but because we need to hear them too. As you instruct your children, your own heart will also be shaped and formed by the truths of God’s Word–the only thing that can change someone from the inside out.

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  • Garden The Curtain And The Cross Easter Calendar


    These two week’s worth of Easter family devotions based on The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross storybook come in a 32-page booklet. Kids aged 5-8 years old will be shown the whole story of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and will see why Jesus died and rose again.

    There is an accompanying 15-door calendar, so kids can count down to Easter and get really excited about it. (Just like an advent calendar!) Start the Sunday before Palm Sunday and begin the countdown.

    Make sure Easter is met with as much anticipation and joy as Christmas with this innovative resource based on our bestselling Children’s book.

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  • 100 Ways To Love Your Husband Wife Deluxe Edition Bundle


    Couples with great marriages know one simple truth: the best marriages are made up of many everyday decisions that say, “I love you” rather than those that say, “I love me.” When we put the other person first, even in little ways, we find true fulfillment.

    These books offer husbands and wives practical, hands-on advice to start applying immediately. Maybe you are just entering into marriage and want to start off on the right foot. Maybe you have made some mistakes along the way and are struggling to connect. Or maybe you want your marriage to go from good to great. Wherever you currently are in your relationship, let Matt and Lisa Jacobson help you learn how to love your spouse well.

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  • Prayers For Parents Of Prodigals


    Where to Turn When You Love a Wayward Child

    You know the most important thing your children need is love. And you’ve given it over and over again. You’ve done all you can to train your children up, and yet you’re left brokenhearted as you watch them choose a different path.

    Parents who love their prodigals no matter what, know the guilt, frustration, and sadness can be overwhelming. Whether you’re still waiting for your child’s return or are navigating your relationship after he or she has come home, there is One you can turn to for strength in the storm. This collection of topical prayers offers God’s comfort, wisdom, and compassion–be encouraged in your journey with heartfelt prayers for:

    As much love as you have for your prodigals, you can rest in the blessed assurance that your heavenly Father loves them even more.

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  • Setting Boundaries With Your Adult Children


    This important and compassionate new book from the creator of the successful God Allows U-Turns series will help parents and grandparents of the many adult children who continue to make life painful for their loved ones.

    Writing from firsthand experience, Allison identifies the lies that kept her, and ultimately her son in bondage–and how she overcame them. Additional real life stories from other parents are woven through the text.

    A tough-love book to help readers cope with dysfunctional adult children, Setting Boundaries(R) with Your Adult Children will empower families by offering hope and healing through S.A.N.I.T.Y.–a six-step program to help parents regain control in their homes and in their lives.

    *S = STOP Enabling, STOP Blaming Yourself, and STOP the Flow of Money
    *A = Assemble a Support Group
    *N = Nip Excuses in the Bud
    *I = Implement Rules/Boundaries
    *T = Trust Your Instincts
    *Y = Yield Everything to God

    Foreword by Carol Kent (When I Lay My Isaac Down)

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  • Mom Heart Moments


    Beloved author Sally Clarkson shares her heart and wisdom for mothers-and offers hope for each day.A mother living well in her God-ordained role is of great beauty and inestimable value to the future history of any generation. Her impact is irreplaceable and necessary to the spiritual formation of children who will be the adults of the next generation. Fun, comfort, humor, graciousness, spiritual passion, compassion for the lost, hospitality, chores, meals, training, life-giving words, hours and hours of listening and playing and praying and reading-all are parts of the mosaic of soul development.Spend the year with Mom Heart Moments, the first devotional by beloved author Sally Clarkson, and discover how as a mother you can draw closer to the heart of God. In a world constantly vying for our attention, it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos. Each day of this beautiful devotional offers encouragement and direction to become the mother God has called you to be.

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  • Moment In Time Book 1


    Is a 365 day devotional that was written with parents in mind. After four decades of ministry to children and youth, it is obvious that parents need encouragement as they seek to raise their children to honor and live for the Lord.

    Each day a passage is applied to that God honoring task of raising Godly children; with a teaching moment concluding each day. It is Carl’s prayer that as each day is read that you will receive a word of truth that will assist in the life of your children or grandchildren. God’s Word is as alive and relevant as it was when your parents read you these same verses. Let’s live by it.

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  • Good Man Great Family


    Are You A Good Man?

    What makes a good man? As a husband and father, how do you raise a healthy family?

    In a culture where men are burdened by shame and confused about their identity, there remains one beacon of hope which every man must follow: God’s Word.

    In Good Man, Great Family, Dr. Bill Moore offers Biblical truths, practical steps, and engaging examples to guide you on your journey to becoming the husband and father that God created you to be.

    Dr. Moore shares:
    *How to affair-proof your marriage
    *4 things most men don’t know about life
    *That God is bigger than any failure

    Become the man that God created you to be, and discover the true satisfaction that comes from being a good man, with a great family!

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  • Love Language Minute For Couples


    From the bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages comes a beautiful gift for every couple looking to deepen their relationship with one another-and with God.Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t love, it’s your love language. Adapted from The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional, this 100-day giftable devotional is perfect for the couples in your life-or for you and your spouse! As you learn how to express heartfelt love to your loved one, you’ll find yourselves deeper in love and growing closer to God-together-as a result.

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  • Dad Tired And Loving It


    Do You Want to Be a Spiritual Leader? Start Here

    Have the day-to-day realities of being a dad and husband left you frustrated or just plain worn out? You’re not alone.

    Jerrad Lopes felt that way too…until he started blogging about his struggles and discovered thousands of other men who want to be good husbands and fathers but don’t know where to start.

    You will learn that spiritual leaders:
    *realize their story isn’t the story-it’s all about Jesus
    *point their wives, children, community, and world toward God
    *stumble their way through spiritual leadership rather than doing nothing
    *seek humility rather than striving for perfection
    *refuse to let their sin and shame stop them from leading their family
    *look for adventure in the kingdom of God, not in the world
    *create gospel-centered memories with their wife and children

    When you begin to understand the bigger picture of God’s purpose for you in your marriage and family, you’ll see that the good news of Jesus makes it possible for you to love and lead without fear and discouragement.

    Get equipped and encouraged as you become the man God is calling you to be-even when you’re dad tired.

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  • Christmas Promise Advent Calendar


    This attractive lift-the-flap Advent Calendar for children 5-11 years old matches the illustrations in The Christmas Promise storybook. It comes with a booklet containing 25 devotions for December to help families explore the Bible together in the run up to Christmas.

    Each window in the Advent Calendar opens to reveal a rich, full-color illustration of the events of the first Christmas.

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  • Risen Motherhood : Gospel Hope For Everyday Moments


    Find Hope and Joy in Everyday Moments

    Motherhood is a series of moments-some of them magical, others messy and mundane. In every part, God is there and wants to pour gospel truth into you. Learn how you can grow spiritually and share His love with others, especially with your family, right where you are.

    Discover how the gospel impacts all the areas of your everyday life, including your:
    *Attitude-examine your heart and get answers to overcome common issues, such as anger and frustration.
    *Marriage-see your husband the way God sees him and transform your view of your spouse.
    *Body image-reject cultural pressure for physical perfection and pursue internal beauty.
    *Relationships-love those you interact with from a gospel-motivated mindset.
    *Home life-spend your time at home with purpose and intentionality.

    Experience how the “big picture” of Scripture-creation, fall, redemption, and restoration-applies to you in powerful and practical ways.

    That is how you live out Risen Motherhood: by remembering who you are in Christ, what He has done for you, and what He has called you to do.

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  • Whats The Big Deal


    One Million Copies Sold in Series!
    Christian Book Award: ECPA Medallion of Excellence

    Your kids know about sex. But what they’ve gathered from TV, other kids, or the internet doesn’t tell them everything or answer all of their questions. What’s the Big Deal? was written to help parents provide the answers to their 8-to-12-year-olds. This book explains the basic facts about sex and related issues such as:
    Why God made adults so that they want to have sex
    What God actually says in the Bible about sex and why it’s designed for marriage
    The amazing changes ahead of you during puberty
    How to respond when you feel sexual pressure from friends, TV shows, movies, and magazines

    Your kids can read this book with you so you can discuss it together. This provides them the safe space to ask hard questions they might find embarrassing. The book will help kids understand what a beautiful and exciting gift from God sexuality is meant to be.

    Now revised and updated with:
    Separate chapters on puberty for boys and girls
    A chapter on the dangers of pornography

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  • How And When To Tell Your Kids About Sex


    A vital tool for building the kind of Christian character in kids that will enable them to stand on their own and make the right decisions, this guide offers parents a lifelong approach to shaping their children’s sexual character.

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  • Facing The Facts


    Your body and its sexual nature are beautiful and exciting gifts from God that He wants you to understand and appreciate. Reading Facing the Facts and talking about it with your parents will give you a better understanding of God’s perfect design.

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  • Before I Was Born


    Before I Was Born emphasizes the creational goodness of our bodies, our existence as men and women, and our sexual organs. This book introduces new topics as well, including the growth and change that occur as boys and girls become men and women. It includes a tactful but direct explanation of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife.

    Before I Was Born explains in age-appropriate language the basic nature of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife and discusses conception, fetal development, childbirth, and breastfeeding. For children ages 5 to 8.

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  • Story Of Me


    This book is designed to help parents answer difficult or embarrassing questions about sex comfortably and truthfully (in age appropriate terms), and to encourage healthy communication between you and your child.

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  • Secreto De La Bendicion Multig – (Spanish)


    El sueo de los padres es que a sus hijos les vaya bien, que crezcan sintiendose parte importante de un grupo familiar, y que vivan en fe bajo la bendicion de Dios. Sin embargo, muchos fallan en lograrlo porque ignoran como crear en su hogar una cultura familiar de la fe.

    En este libro, Carla Stromberg Hornung, quien proviene de trece generaciones de servicio ininterrumpido al Seor, cuenta el secreto que encontro su familia para recibir la bendicion multigeneracional de la fe cristiana. Te va enseando, de acuerdo con cada etapa de tus hijos, como edificar la cultura familiar de la fe.

    La autora alude a un beneficio adicional de la lealtad familiar a Dios: “Al tener a Dios como centro de nuestra cultura familiar, tenemos algo en comun entre la generacion de hoy y las generaciones mas antiguas. Eso fortalece nuestras relaciones, y a cada miembro de nuestras familias”.

    Comienza contandoles tu historia a tus hijos. Decide crear en tu hogar la cultura familiar de la fe. Aprende con Carla Hornung como criar y educar a tus hijos para que la fe sea su estandarte hoy, maana y por generaciones.

    Every parent dreams on a nice, fulfilled life for his children. He wants them to be raised with values, happy to belong in a loving family, blessed by God, and embracing faith in Him. However, many of them fail at it because they don’t know how to create a faith family culture.

    In this book, Carla Stromberg Hornung, a family member from thirteen generations of uninterrupted devotion to the Lord, shares the secret that her family found to receive the multigenerational blessing of Christian faith. She shows you, in every detail, how to build the faith family culture through every stage in your children’s lives.

    There is an additional benefit from family faithfulness to God: “Since we all have God as the center of our family culture, we have something strong and unifying in common between the present generation and the old ones.That strengthens our relationships, and every member of the family.”

    Start telling your story to your kids. Determine to create the faith family culture at home. Learn with Carla Honung how to raise your kids to make sure that faith is their foundation today, tomorrow and for generations to come.

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  • Sharing Love Abundantly In Special Needs Families


    Dr. Gary Chapman and respected author, Jolene Philo, join forces to talk to parents of kids with disabilities about how the 5 Love Languages can help their marriage and family life. If you have children with special needs, your challenges are very different than most families. Here’s help for your specific needs. Look for its release in August 2019 or pre-order now.

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  • My Declaration Art Print Pkg Of 25


    Are you an Intentional Christian Grandparent?

    This powerful declaration which expresses your commitment to be an intentional Christian grandparent is perfect for display in your home or office as a reminder to you and a testimony to others of your desire to leave a lasting legacy which truly matters.

    Legacy Coalition founder Larry Fowler first wrote this declaration and delivered it as part of his opening talk at the very first Legacy Coalition Grandparenting Summit in Frisco, Texas, November of 2016. The audience was so moved, they responded by standing in agreement and in unison made this declaration. Since that day, a recitation of this declaration is requested nearly every time Larry speaks and others have included it in their ministries to grandparents as well.

    Because of the overwhelming response, the Legacy Coalition asked renowned Christian calligrapher Timothy Botts, also an intentional Christian grandfather, to create this one-of-a-kind art print, so grandparents, their families and friends will be reminded of their commitment for years to come.

    The resulting reproduction is printed on thick Royal Sundance Felt Paper and in vibrant colors. It mirrors the original artwork, is suitable for framing and will fit perfectly in your home, workplace and church.

    25-Pack only 80 each: Supply one to each grandparent that you know.

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  • Jesus Calling Family Devotional


    This special edition of Sarah Young’s #1 bestselling book Jesus Calling is perfect for families.

    Each day offers an adult devotion from Jesus Calling and a children’s devotional excerpted from Jesus Calling : 365 Devotions for Kids. With the devotions side by side for children, parents and children can read their own devotion and then read, talk, and pray together. These beloved devotions are based on Scripture and written as though Jesus is speaking directly to you and your children-including enriching questions designed to take you deeper into the Savior’s heart for your family.

    Author Sarah Young has touched millions of lives through her devotionals. This special edition of Jesus Calling invites you to take your children along for the journey-grow closer while experiencing Jesus’ love in a fresh, joyful way.

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  • Promises From God For Mothers


    Promises From God For Mothers is a Christian gift book designed to fix your mind on God’s powerful promises for you and to allow His Word to guide you on your journey of motherhood. Thirty different topics will encourage and strengthen you when the days are long.

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  • In The Lingering Light


    Alzheimer’s is a particularly cruel disease. It robs us of the people we love–slowly, subtly, but unrelentingly. Our love for them is tested as their needs increase and their recall decreases, and our own needs suffer neglect as more and more of our time and attention is given to our loved one. Cynthia Fantasia is a caregiver. In this deeply understanding and empowering work she walks you through the landscape of caregiving–for your loved one and for yourself. She introduces you to friends and fellow travelers who offer their own words of empathy and insight. And she slowly, subtly, but unrelentingly empowers you to live well as you care for your loved one in the lingering light.

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  • Almost Holy Mama


    With the honesty of a close friend, the hilarity of a late-night comic, and the humility of a mom up to her eyeballs in diapers and dishes, Courtney Ellis invites us on a journey to draw closer God amidst the joyful, mundane, exhausting days of young parenthood. Probing ancient Christian practices for renewal, Almost Holy Mama chronicles one mom’s quest to discover an answer to her most pressing question: can God use the crucible of parenthood to grow us in virtue?

    Instead of adding more tasks, Almost Holy Mama will help you integrate your spiritual practices into your daily life. From studying Scripture in the shower to listening in prayer at the foot of Laundry Mountain to being forced into the discipline of stillness by a rough pregnancy, Ellis finds that meeting God in sacred disciplines can breathe new life into one of life s most joy-filled and trying seasons.

    Perfect for: Parents, Gifts for expecting parents, Single mother/father groups, Foster parents and guardians, Pastors and counselors, and more.

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  • Mama Bear Apologetics



    The problem with lies is they don’t often sound like lies. Their attraction is their appeal. They seem harmless, and even sound right. So what’s a Mama Bear to do to protect her children and raise them in the truth?

    Mama Bear Apologetics is the book you’ve been looking for. This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through honest storytelling and practical application, this band of Mama Bears offers tools to train your kids how to spot the lie traps intended to trip them up and the steps to take to stand strong on God’s Word.

    Are you ready to answer the rallying cry, “When you mess with our kids, we will demolish your arguments”? Join the Mama Bear movement and raise your voice to protect your kids.

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  • When Heaven Hits Home


    An Infinity Concepts Title

    It’s the classic story of boy meets girl–well, the classic story of wandering Jewish boy meets passionate Christian girl. With humor and ease, Myles and Katharine Weiss weave their own love story, biblical principles, and practical marriage and relationship advice together in their new book, When Heaven Hits Home. Equipped with over 25 years of experience as a marriage and family therapist and over 30 years of marriage, Myles and Katharine have helped countless couples restore and enrich their marriages.Not only does their book provide keys to a life-long journey of intimacy, but it also reveals how to come into a true blood-covenant with Yeshua and our important role in His Kingdom. With special “Try This at Home”exercises in every chapter where couples will learn how to implement practical marriage enrichment ideas, When Heaven Hits Home is an inspiring and insightful read for today’s couples. After all, we all need a little Heaven in our home.

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  • Heart Of The Caregiver


    Ascender Books Title

    As a long-hour caregiver, you face incredible stress: financial, emotional, and physical. Yet, in the midst of all that, God is gently calling you to come to Him. Come, so you no longer feel desperate and overwhelmed. Come, so you can discover the deep soul-satisfying meaning in your difficult work. Come, experience satisfaction, peace and joy like never before. The Heart of the Caregiver is the path to finding God’s heart in your unique situation. Diving into scripture that is relevant to all caregiving situations, fellow caregiver Mary Tutterow shares personal insights and Scripture passages that will help transform your perspective and purpose as you move from overwhelmed to overjoyed. Discover how you were made to love others through the care you provide. The Heart of the Caregiver is the first study in a ministry resource series dedicated to supporting caregivers by addressing issues specific to their spiritual needs. In addition to meeting the spiritual needs of caregivers, this two-part series aims to equip local churches with quality resources as they minister to these dynamic families.

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  • Parenting Beyond The Rules


    Parenting teens is one of the most challenging seasons of parenting, isn’t it? While this can be a difficult time of transition for parents and teens, there is hope. You can parent well and build a stronger relationship even through the teen years.

    After 30 years of parenting five children and 20 years of working with teens, Connie Albers has witnessed the negative impact of well-intentioned but misguided parenting styles, all focused on managing teens rather than guiding them. But through learning to focus on the hearts of your teens, you can avoid those pitfalls and build relationships that last beyond the transition years as you intentionally learn about, connect with, and listen to your teens. In a world filled with distractions and devices, it is possible to guide their hearts and remain the primary influence in their lives. In Parenting beyond the Rules, you will discover how to raise a teen according to his or her strengths, talents, and personality type, as these things equip teens to manage life.

    Join Connie Albers in discovering practical solutions for every parent trying to raise a responsible, godly teenager.

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  • What A Great Word For Moms


    WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR MOMS is a unique gift book that offers inspiring devotional thoughts, literary quotes, Scriptures and prayers, all built around key Bible words. Each word is intended to encourage, challenge, and bless those who are moms at any age and stage.
    Readers will discover words meant to be pondered and digested, each one offering a fresh, new perspective on a biblical word as it applies to motherhood. Each word will inspire the hearts of moms and help them remember that God is with them wherever they may be.
    WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR MOMS offers encouragement for the hearts and minds of moms, grandmothers, and those who are like a mom to others, giving them a new opportunity to draw closer to God.

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  • Before You Say I Do


    Is marriage on your mind? Have you found “the one”? This popular and helpful interactive workbook is designed to strengthen your love relationship and deepen your bond. You’ll find all you need for fun and thoughtful discussions as you explore vital areas, including:

    -What does the Bible teach about marriage?
    -What makes you feel loved?
    -How do you handle conflicts?
    -Do you plan to have children? Why or why not?
    -What are your priorities when it comes to money?

    Drawn from years of marriage preparation seminars and counseling sessions, these insightful questions will help you build a solid future together. With Jesus as your cornerstone, your partner and you can create a loving, successful marriage.

    More than 500,000 couples helped!

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  • Before You Say I Do Devotional


    You’re engaged or thinking about getting engaged–how exciting! Now you’re ready to dig deeper and really get to know each other. Through noted Christian counselor Norm Wright’s interactive questions and insights, you’ll explore the interests you have in common, identify the qualities you appreciate in each other, and discover important areas worthy of further discussion. You’ll also find biblical wisdom, practical advice, and time-tested principles to help you

    -make Jesus the cornerstone of your relationship
    -create special times for the two of you
    -establish a healthy sexual relationship
    -understand each other’s role expectations
    -clarify how you’ll handle joint finances

    As you and your partner enjoy reading the Before You Say “I Do” Devotional, you’ll also be cultivating tools to help you keep your relationship vibrant and strong.

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  • 5 Things To Pray For Your Kids


    Praying That God Will…
    Save My Child
    Fill My Child With Spiritual Fruit
    Watch Over My Child
    Praying That My Child Will…
    Have Confidence In Jesus
    Experience God’s Greatness
    Delight In God’s Word
    Live In Harmony With Others
    Be Wise
    Prayerfully Seek God
    Be Content In All Things
    Love Others
    Stand Firm
    Praying That I Will…
    Share The Goodness Of God
    Create A Home Of Patience And Kindness
    Trust The Lord With My Child
    Praying For My Child When They Are…
    Suffering From Disappointment, Loss, Or Hurt
    Making Friends
    Experiencing Change, Uncertainty, Or Fear
    Making A Difficult Decision
    Grown Up

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    Our culture says that the most important things for children are education, good health, treats, entertainment, and material things. Yet as Christians, we know that children’s spiritual health is the most important thing. So we need to pray for them, but where do we start?

    This little guide is both deep and do-able. Melissa Kruger takes us back to the Bible to show us what God’s will for children is, so we can pray in line with it. She selects 21 key areas of spiritual growth and character development. For each one, there are five short prayer prompts drawn straight from the Bible.

    When we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)-and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.

    This book can be used in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever a particular need arises. Either way, its worth stepping out of the busyness of daily life for five minutes to pray meaningfully for your child, grandchild, godchild, or kids in your church-from tots to teens, and every age in between.

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  • Communication Sex And Money (Reprinted)


    Three Essential Elements to Build Relationships that Last!

    Most men would do almost anything to overcome their three primary problems in relationships with women. Communication, Sex & Money has solid solutions for all three. Filled with everyday examples, the book will teach readers how to defeat difficulties and create a satisfying, peace-filled, and long-lasting marriage.

    For years, men have called this Christian bestseller the “sex and money” book, while wives have bought it for husbands in hopes of improving communication. Whatever the motivation, thousands of men have turned their relationships around by applying these time-proven patterns and principles.

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  • Lets Talk Question Cards


    Asking intentional questions is one of the best practices for grandparents to develop with their grandkids.

    Laugh, learn, and become intimately acquainted as you connect with your grandchildren.

    This packet of 150 questions on 75 cards allows grandkids to ask grandparents, and grandparents to ask grandkids specific age-related questions.

    These questions will serve as a launchpad for meaningful conversations at mealtime, bedtime, in the car, on the phone and everywhere else.

    Remind your grandchildren that you love them and that they are important to you.

    Encourage your grandchild to share their life with you.

    Just because you can’t spend as much time with your grandchildren as you’d like, doesn’t mean you can’t have a huge impact on their lives through your prayers and conversations.

    Make the most of every opportunity you have to bless your grandchildren.

    And learn how to bless your grandchildren more effectively with meaningful conversations.

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  • Moms Guide To Lies Girls Believe


    You can’t change the world, but you can prepare her for it.

    Your daughter is facing challenges you never dealt with at her age! From skyrocketing anxiety rates to bullying on social media, the Enemy’s lies are everywhere. How do you help the girl you love walk in freedom?

    Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe, the companion book to Lies Girls Believe is your tool to come alongside your daughter in the fight against the lies the world is telling her. Based on in-depth research and focus groups led by Dannah Gresh, author of Secret Keeper Girl and Lies Young Women Believe (Coauthored with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth,) Lies Girls Believe teaches your daughter the Truth she will need to navigate the challenges she is facing. The Mom’s Guide provides research, cultural trends, and case studies about the problems tween girls face, but also offers encouragement and biblical insight to empower you to talk with your daughter about God’s truth.

    Together, these books give you the tools you need to start important conversations at an age-appropriate pace. Topics include:
    *Lies about God
    *Lies about Friendship
    *Lies about the Future
    *Lies about Myself
    *Lies about Boys

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  • Maximized Manhood Workbook


    A Real Man Masters Maximized Living
    Maximize your life, as millions of men have worldwide, by studying the Christian classic Maximized Manhood! Edwin Louis Cole, the “father of the Christian men’s movement,” spoke with a prophetic voice to men. Just months before leaving earth for heaven, he revised his signature work, adding five crucial chapters he believed would strengthen Maximized Manhood for the next generation.

    Almost two million copies of Maximized Manhood and its curriculum are in circulation today in more than forty languages. Dr. Cole and his wife Nancy served the Lord in ministry for more than fifty years. The ministry they co-founded with their son Paul, Christian Men’s Network, still strengthens men worldwide with the reality that “manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous.”

    The best-selling book for men in the world…just got better!

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  • Wonder Of Easter


    What You Can Expect
    Bible Timeline
    34 Family Devotionals Starting On Shrove Tuesday And Ending On Easter Sunday

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    Take ten minutes with your family each day to prepare for Easter.

    This flexible, easy-to-use Lent devotional will allow both adults and children to celebrate the limitless wonder of Easter. Walk through Luke’s Gospel and the Old Testament to discover why the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is the most amazing story ever told.

    This is a discussion-based resource with differentiated questions for 3-4s, 5-7s, 7-12s, teens and adults! At just 10 minutes each, these devotions are an achievable joy, not an unrealistic burden.

    There are five devotions for each week. If you can’t get to it every day, that’s alright. Stuff happens. We hope that if you miss one you can pick it up again easily. You might discover that five a week is an unrealistic target-if so, some studies have been marked as KEY to help you choose which ones to pick.

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