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    Deborah Buckingham

    • Biblical EQ : Developing Your Emotional Intelligence Through God s Wisdom (DVD)


      Serv Others LLC Title

      Welcome to Biblical EQ.

      EQ is short for “emotional quotient.” People with high EQ are emotionally intelligent and mature.

      They are wise people. The Bible has a lot to say about EQ because it talks about wisdom.

      While you cannot grow your IQ – your innate intelligence-you can grow your EQ, and the Bible urges us to do so by seeking wisdom.
      In this study, we’ll learn what EQ is, what specific character traits we can cultivate in order to grow our EQ, and how EQ is connected to spiritual growth. Through video teaching and small-group discussion, we’ll come to understand and better manage our powerful God-given emotions. Let’s grow together in wisdom.

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    • Heart Of Mercy (DVD)


      Serv Others LLC Title


      Jesus wants us to live merciful lives even through seasons of conflict with others that can challenge us to not just know about mercy, but to practice it. As Christians, the greatest opportunity we have to prove our faith is when we are rejected or when we are hurting, whether emotionally or physically.

      Mercy is more than feeling sympathy toward someone. Powered by love, mercy takes action in order to spare someone from harm, pain, and suffering.

      As Christians, the greatest opportunity we have to prove our faith is when we are rejected or when we are hurting, whether emotionally or physically. This is why Jesus told the leaders of His day in Matthew 9 that He didn’t come to earth to witness their religious practices, but rather, He came to teach mercy and they should learn what it means. Wow! What a thought!

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