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    David Yanez

    • Igniter Of Faith


      Miracles Happen When Faith Is Released!

      The world is in need of miracles like never before. God wants all believers, young and old, to fully comprehend that He is able to perform the things that are written in His Word. More importantly, He wants you to know that miracles and healings are active and available today, for such a time as this.

      In Igniter of Faith, David Yanez takes you on a faith journey by sharing many of his amazing, first-hand experiences of miracles over the years, including many miracles from his recent trips to India and Africa. Through these powerful true stories, you will…

      *Learn how to change the atmosphere around you to an atmosphere of faith
      *Recognize that there is a time and a place for creative miracles
      *Understand the power of compassion in releasing miracles
      *Gain deeper revelation for working in the ministry of healing
      *Know how to release miracles for others as an Igniter of Faith

      “People often ask me why God does amazing miracles in my ministry in India. I tell them that in a nation where the people serve more than one million gods, the one true, living God likes to flex His muscles in healings and miracles.”
      David Yanez

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    • Almost Out Of Grace


      Have you ever felt that you let God down in the way you handled your dating or marriage relationship? How about that deja vu feeling that you’ve had the same bad experience before-yet you can’t help repeating behavior you know doesn’t work. Emotions related to our relationships are constantly shifting from highs to lows. Sometimes, even when we know we are not in the right relationship, we still try to convince ourselves or our partner otherwise. Living in that kind of denial can lead us away from God, Christian friends, family, and the church. Does this describe you? And if so, do you ever wonder whether all your rationalizations and poor choices have exceeded the limits of God’s patience? Do you feel that you are Almost Out of Grace? If so, this book is for you.

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