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    David Stoop

    • Living Strong Finishing Well


      Growing older is inevitable and, as we often say, it beats the alternative. But just because we age does not mean we must give in to a slow deterioration of our bodies, minds, social circles, and interests. It doesn’t mean we need to give up on our dreams, goals, or aspirations. In fact, as people live longer and healthier into old age, we need to decide what we want to do with all the extra years we’ve been given!

      In Living Strong, Finishing Well, Dr. David Stoop draws upon his more than 80 years on the planet and his decades of counseling, speaking, and writing to show you how to live every moment to its fullest until you’re finally called home. He shows you how to be yourself, continue the search for meaning, stay humble, build on your friendships, develop resilience, stay teachable, and more as you learn to accept the gifts that come with growing older and wiser in a world that needs what you have to give.

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    • Soul Of A Hero


      If you are a man-or in love with one-who is stuck and empty and ready for change, this is the book for you.

      When people hear the word hero these days, the movie cliche of a superhero rescuing a desperate woman instantly comes to mind. But answering the call to be a godly hero is far from that mistaken scenario. The lives of too many guys are full of pain and frustration and an aimless desire to either medicate the pain or find another victim to rescue-the furthest thing from being a hero. The world needs men who are running on all cylinders, passionate about what they do. In The Soul of a Hero, bestselling authors and respected counselors Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop guide men to a better, hope-filled life by helping them rediscover their true God-given calling: to be a hero.When men live into their true identity as heroes, temptations lose their allure and depression gives way to energy. Men who once felt as if their best years were behind them find a second wind to help them live every moment to its fullest. This book calls and equips men to become the heroes their wives, sons, daughters, friends, and coworkers want and need them to be.In The Soul of a Hero, you will learn how to start from empty and transform yourself into a man who is thriving with purpose, joy, and true grit.

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    • Emotionally Healthy Marriage


      When it comes to a successful, satisfying marriage, it’s not about how many workshops you’ve attended, how many counseling sessions you’ve experienced together, or which conflict resolution tools you’ve been taught. What it really all comes down to is emotions–understanding your own and your partner’s, and then walking hand in hand through those inevitable situations where emotions run high.

      In The Emotionally Healthy Marriage, Drs. David and Jan Stoop take you and your spouse through a 5-step process of developing the emotional intelligence you need to stay strong and stay together. With personal inventories that help you discover where you are doing well and where you need improvement, as well as practical action steps you can take now to implement what you’ve learned, this book is perfect for couples, counselors, and pastors.

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    • Take Your Life Back


      From the creators of the #1-bestselling Life Recovery series, Take Your Life Back is a groundbreaking look at how to overcome unhealthy relationships and love others well. Counselors Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop offer personal examples, clinical insight, and scriptural truth to help you navigate your toughest relationships.

      Do you have a relationship that leaves you feeling drained? Maintaining and improving this kind of relationship-whether it’s a spouse, a friend, or a child-can feel exhausting, fruitless, and toxic to your own health. It’s complicated: You love the person, but sometimes you feel as if you’re pouring all your energy into holding your loved one, and your relationship, together. And if he or she failed or stumbled-would that make you a failure, too? What would happen if you walked away?

      Arterburn and Stoop have helped millions walk the path of health through their New Life Ministries and counseling center-and now, in Take Your Life Back, they reach out to those who walk the path alongside them. We are called to love one another deeply, but it is possible to support your loved one in a way that honors the relationship, God, and yourself. Take Your Life Back is the key to fostering healthy, God-honoring attachments that benefit you and the one you love.

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