Christian Living
Showing 601–650 of 2686 resultsSorted by latest
Just Be Honest
$15.99Suffering often causes deep spiritual agony. You might be left thinking, “Where is God? Why is he allowing this? Why doesn’t he do something?” And then guilt whispers to your soul, “Am I allowed to say these things? Shouldn’t I trust God without hesitation? Am I just a faithless Christian?”
This honest, warm and personal book shows us that we don’t need to wrap up our stories of suffering with lessons and silver linings or suppress our pain. Being honest with God, and with others, about our heartache is not only “allowed” but encouraged in the Scriptures. In fact, lament is authorized by God as an act of worship.
Weaving in his own story of pain and loss with biblical reflections, Clint Watkins shows us how lament is permitted by Jesus, shaped by Scripture, fueled by grace and filled with hope. And when we lament as communities through worship and testimony, we minister hope to a hurting world.
Learn how to pray without pretending by sharing your hurts with God. As you draw near to the Father, experience genuine hope and joy amid grief and pain.
A great gift for Christians who are suffering and a useful resource for church leaders and others who are walking alongside them.
Clint Watkins is a missionary to college students.
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Greatest Hymns Devotional
$19.99Add to cartTraditional hymns are compelling expositions that proclaim biblical truths in profound ways. Poetic verse and evocative music beautifully intertwine, connecting our emotions with the heart of our glorious Creator. Hope soars in moments of doubt, fear, and tragedy; gratitude and joy erupt in a chorus of praise. Hymns connect us to the saints of old who struggled with and celebrated their faith, encouraging unity among the body of Christ in a way that crosses into eternity.
The Greatest Hymns Devotional reflects on one hymn each day, providing an interesting fact, thoughtful meditation, relevant Scripture, and inspiring prayer provoked by the hymn. As you spend time contemplating each entry, be reminded of God’s faithfulness, goodness, and grace. His very character is apparent in the powerful rhetoric that has stood the test of time.
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Found : Discover The Power Of Your True Identity
$19.99Add to cartDiscover how to live loved, and live free, because that is who you really are!
“Found” will enable you to …
– Discover your true identity and reclaim your life.
– Gain a clear perspective on how God sees you.
– Take hold of all that God wants to give you.
– Experience power and purpose in your everyday life.
– Believe that everything available to Jesus is also offered to you! -
From The Grave
$12.9940-day Lent devotional from a beloved spiritual writer
As for the field, so for the soul: “The neglected heart will soon be overrun with worldly thoughts.” Careful cultivation yields a harvest, and the heart requires great attention. .
From the Grave, a 40-day Lent devotional, reflects on this critical spiritual dynamic. It features A. W. Tozer’s best insights on faith, repentance, suffering, and redemption. Gleaned from transcribed sermons, editorials, and published books, each moving reflection has been carefully selected for the season of Lent. It addresses themes like:
*Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection
*Mortification of the flesh
*Self-denial and cross-bearing
*New life in Christ
*Christian obedience and resurrection hopeEach day features a brief portion of Scripture for meditation followed by a reflection from Tozer. Together the entries take you on a journey from the garden to the grave to light of day–the “pain-wracked path” to life.
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Experimentando A Dios A Traves – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartEn esta alegre y resumida edicion del clasico, Jeanne Guyon explica metodos de oracion cortos, faciles y efectivos. Ella descubrio la gran diferencia entre orar a Dios y experimentar a Dios a traves de la oracion, y comparte los secretos de este plano superior de comunion con Dios. Ademas, muestra como disfrutar de la presencia de Dios, crecer en el conocimiento de la Palabra, experimentar el descanso de las preocupaciones y obtener sabiduria y entendimiento. Usted descubrira el gozo de un corazon y una mente tranquilos, aprendera como sobrevivir a sus periodos “secos” de oracion y se sentira satisfecho de donde Dios lo ha colocado.
In this upbeat, abridged edition of the classic, Jeanne Guyon explains short, easy, and effective methods of prayer. She discovered the great difference between praying to God and experiencing God through prayer. In this book, she shares secrets of this higher plane of fellowship with God. In addition, she shows you how to enjoy God’s presence, grow in your knowledge of the Word, experience rest from worry, and gain wisdom and understanding. You will discover the joy of a quiet heart and mind, learn how to survive your “dry” periods of prayer, and become content where God has placed you. The sparkling gems of truth in this book were never meant to be read and put back on the bookshelf. They will compel you to share them with the world.
Enciende Tu Cerebro Todos Los – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartSegun los investigadores, la gran mayoria (entre el 75 y el 98 por ciento) de las enfermedades que nos aquejan hoy en dia son el resultado directo de nuestra vida mental. Lo que pensamos realmente nos afecta tanto fisica como emocionalmente. De hecho, el miedo por si solo desencadena mas de 1400 respuestas fisicas y quimicas conocidas en nuestro cuerpo, !activando mas de treinta hormonas diferentes! Hoy nuestra cultura esta atravesando una epidemia de pensamientos toxicos que, si no se controlan, crean las condiciones ideales para las enfermedades.
En Enciende tu cerebro, la Dra. Caroline Leaf dio a los lectores una receta para una mejor salud y plenitud a traves de patrones de pensamiento correctos. Ahora ayuda a los lectores a vivir vidas mas felices, saludables y placenteras todos los dias con este devocional compaero de su libro mas vendido. Los lectores encontraran aqui aliento y estrategias para cosechar los beneficios de una vida de pensamientos desintoxicada, !todos los dias!
According to researchers, the vast majority of the illnesses that plague us today (a whopping 75-98 percent) are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically and emotionally. In fact, fear alone triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses in our bodies, activating more than thirty different hormones! Today our culture is undergoing an epidemic of toxic thoughts that, left unchecked, create ideal conditions for illnesses.
In Switch on Your Brain, Dr. Caroline Leaf gave readers a prescription for better health and wholeness through correct thinking patterns. Now she helps readers live out their happier, healthier, more enjoyable lives every day with this devotional companion to her bestselling book. Readers will find encouragement and strategies to reap the benefits of a detoxed thought life every day!
Battle Of The Ages
$16.99Add to cartProtect Yourself in the End-Times Confusion
What is the greatest danger for believers at the end of the age?
Is it persecution? Natural disasters? Financial collapse?
Internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince warns that the most pressing danger is not any of these but rather deception.
Satanic deception in the forms of false teaching, counterfeit signs and wonders, and other spiritual treachery is a Battle of the Ages that began in the garden of Eden and is intensifying to its greatest pitch in these end times.
The danger of deception in this battle is high, even if we are confident that we are “safe.” Derek explains, “Anyone who denies his vulnerability to deception is already deceived, for Jesus has foretold it, and He does not err.”
We are living in a dangerous time in which we require God’s supernatural warnings and wisdom. We must learn to recognize our own self-deception and to discern the end-time plots of the enemy before being drawn in to his tricks and schemes.
The Battle of the Ages will equip you to:
*Test the source of supernatural signs and wonders
*Discern truth from falsehood
*Learn the characteristics of candidates for deception
*Know the safeguards against deception
*Break free from pride, a stronghold of Satan
*Resist the schemes of Satan and share in Jesus’s triumph over him
*Recognize the mixture of the false church within the true church
*Distinguish the Holy Spirit from counterfeit spirits
*Keep your heart pure and surrendered to God
*Powerfully share the gospel to bring in a great harvestYou can uncover Satan’s strategies, effectively engage in spiritual warfare, free others from the enemy’s grip–and win the battle over deception and destruction.
Experiencing The Holy Spirit (Reprinted)
$14.99Add to cartFrom the Scriptures, Andrew Murray discusses the importance and power of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life.
While exploring the biblical promises relating to the Spirit, Murray explains how you can…
*Discover God’s will for your life
*Learn the secret of spiritual growth
*Be led by the Holy Spirit
*Live in victory over sin
*Claim your inheritance in Christ
*Strengthen your spiritual walk
*Receive and attract God’s favor and blessingsDiscover the life-changing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As God’s divine power flows into your heart and permanently transforms your life, you will excel to new heights in your Christian maturity and experience!
Explore Jan-Mar 2024
$9.99Add to cartNinety-one dated and numbered devotions from January to March 2024, featuring Jason Meyer on Mark’s Gospel, Garrett Conner on Ezekiel and Carl Laferton on Easter.
These daily devotionals will take you around 15 minutes. You will be encouraged to dig into the treasures of the Bible for yourself, excited to know and love Jesus Christ more and more each day, and equipped to live for him in the time and place that he has put you in.
Spirit And Power Of Elijah
$19.99Add to cartStrongholds can’t be broken without the boldness to confront them.
After reading this book, you will have the courage to walk in the same anointing as the prophet Elijah to boldly declare the power of the Lord and break off the strongholds holding our world captive to the darkness.As it was in the days of Elijah, a great number of God’s people today dwell in a nation that is on a path of progressive moral decline. America has the most liberal abortion standard in the world. Christians are hooked on pornography. The homosexual agenda is finding acceptance even in the church. Divorce is on the rise in the church. Human trafficking is manifesting as the ugly side of globalization. Those who were once considered great leaders are now preaching a doctrine of inclusion, with Christian who leaders or that are afraid to say on national television that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
With the turn of a new decade plagued with violence, sickness, disease, and economic instability, the people cry out for the prophets to speak. And God is raising up a prophetic people who will help prepare the way for His purposes in our generation. A new company of Elijah prophets–holy, bold, and uncompromising–are being equipped to restore the spiritual destiny of the church in our generation.
In this book, Michelle McClain-Walters challenges readers to awaken to the call God is stirring in the earth and stand up as modern-day Elijahs who will partner with the Holy Spirit to change the culture by turning hearts back to God. Readers will be encouraged to:
*Identify the call of God on their lives in this hour and ask, “Am I an Elijah?”
*Learn what it takes to walk in the spirit and power of Elijah and where they may be in their own journey
*Understand the different roles miracles play during times of revival, reformation, and restoration
*Learn to pray prayers that move heaven and shake earth, as well as how to persist in prayer
This book will empower readers to discover their prophetic destiny in this hour and position themselves to receive a double portion of the spirit and power of Elijah.
Even If : Devotions And Prayers For When Life Doesnt Go As Planned
$9.99Add to cartEven when life doesn’t go as planned, our God is still good!
Do you believe it? . . .
And, with Him by your side, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible!
Have you experienced it? . . .
Inspired by Daniel 3:16-18, this uplifting collection of devotional meditations and prayers will refresh your weary soul and remind you of the hope that is found in our God of miracles–in the God of possibilities!
These 180 truth-infused devotions will help transform your heart and mind with enduring promises from God’s Word.
You’ll find your soul delighted as, on every beautiful page, you discover new strength, confidence, and courage for today, tomorrow, and all your days to come.
Becoming The Voice Of God
$19.99Add to cartNext-Level Training for Prophetic People
Many who are called to the office of the Prophet never receive effective, biblical training.
Becoming the Voice of God was written as an essential training guide to help you grow into the office of the Prophet, equipping you with biblical instruction and wisdom to fully step into your prophetic anointing.
Emma Stark–a sound, accurate, and well-respected prophet with over a decade of experience operating in her prophetic office and mentoring hundreds of others to do the same–offers this vital handbook for those called to serve as prophets in the body of Christ.
Emma’s experience and insight will be treasured guideposts on your journey in your prophetic gifting, including:
*Fear of the Lord
*Your prayer life
*The role of prophetsGod is raising up a company of prophets across the earth who will proclaim His voice with boldness, accuracy, excellence, and faith. As you allow Him to mature you as His mouthpiece, you will become the voice that changes your family, community, and nation!
Poder De La Vision (Abridged) – (Spanish) (Abridged)
$14.99Add to cartYa seas un ejecutivo de negocios, un gerente departamental, un empleado, una ama de casa, un estudiante o el gobernante de un estado, el autor de exitos de ventas Myles Munroe explica como puedes hacer realidad tus esperanzas y sueos.
Mediante El poder de la vision podras…
*Descubrir tu proposito en la vida.
*Entender por que la vision es esencial para tu exito.
*Comprender las claves necesarias para cumplir el sueo de tu vida.
*Desarrollar un plan especifico para alcanzar tu vision.
*Vencer obstaculos para tu vision.Tu exito no depende del estado de la economia, de que carreras profesionales estan en demanda en la actualidad, o de como es el mercado de trabajo. No tienes que verte obstaculizado por lo que la gente te cree capaz o por una falta de recursos. Este libro proporciona principios probados por el tiempo, que te capacitaran para llevar a cabo tu vision sin importar quien seas o de donde provengas.
No fuiste creado para una vida mediocre o rutinaria. No existes solamente para ganarte la vida. Revive tu pasion por vivir. Persigue tu sueo. Descubre tu vision y encuentra tu verdadera vida.
Whether you are a businessperson, a departmental manager, an employee, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, best-selling author Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality.
*Through Vision Principles, you will…
*Discover your purpose in life.
*Understand why vision is essential to your success.
*Grasp the necessary keys for fulfilling your life’s dream.
*Develop a specific plan for achieving your vision.
*Overcome obstacles to your vision.Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy, what careers are currently in demand, or what the job market is like. You do not need to be hindered by what people think you are capable of or a lack of resources. This book provides you with time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from.
You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Revive your passion for living. Pursue your dream. Discover your vision–and find your true life.
Diablo No Prevalecera – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartVivimos en una era sin precedentes de distraccion y tentacion. No puedes levantar tu telefono, encender tu televisor o salir por la puerta sin ser bombardeado con imagenes y mensajes de placeres y actividades mundanas.
En esta compilacion de enseanzas nunca antes publicada, A.W. Tozer ofrece una vision penetrante y una aplicacion practica para ayudarte a tomar decisiones que honren a Dios, y den vida en una cultura que valora lo que es malo. Aprenderas a
– reconocer las tacticas del enemigo,
– resistir la tentacion,
– impedir que el diablo se aproveche de ti, y
– caminar de cerca y confiadamente con Dios.La vanidad de este mundo es grande, pero nosotros servimos a un Dios aun mayor. Aqui esta la sabiduria y el conocimiento biblico que necesitas para resistir al diablo y mantenerte firme en tierra santa.
We live in an unprecedented era of distraction and temptation. You can’t pick up your phone, turn on your television, or walk out your door without being bombarded with images and messages of worldly pleasures and pursuits.
In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A. W. Tozer offers piercing insight and practical application to help you make God-honoring, life-giving decisions in a culture that prizes what is evil. You will learn how to:
*recognize the tactics of the enemy
*resist temptation
*prevent the devil from taking advantage of you
*walk closely and confidently with GodThe vanity of this world is great, but we serve a God greater still. Here is the wisdom and biblical insight you need to resist the devil and stand firm on holy ground.
He Gives More Grace
$16.99Add to cartMotherhood is one of life’s most joyful yet most difficult gifts. We are eager to get it “right”, yet parenting usually highlights our weaknesses and leaves us worried about our mistakes.
These hope-filled, positive devotions recognize the realities and pressures, joys and disappointments of motherhood and will give you a precious reminder of grace from God’s word to hold onto each day. They will help you to trust that God’s grace is enough for you and your kids. As the authors say in the introduction, “Our children do not need a perfect mother. What they do need is a mother who recognizes her need for a perfect Savior and understands that this is the greatest need of her children as well.”
As you focus on the work of Jesus rather than your own efforts, you will feel less pressure and more freedom and joy in all the ups and downs of motherhood.
Written by a mother-daughter combination (one with four kids aged 10-16 and one with three grown kids and ten grandchildren) who are both grateful recipients of God’s grace and faithfulness in the many seasons, situations and realities of motherhood.
Mission Possible : A Daily Devotional: 365 Days Of Inspiration For Pursuing
$22.00NATIONAL BESTSELLER – In his first devotional, Tim Tebow challenges you to find your mission and pursue a bolder, brighter, more fulfilling life–by building your faith every single day (previously published as Mission Possible One-Year Devotional).
Tim Tebow knows a thing or two about living a mission-possible life. The two-time national champion, Heisman Trophy winner, first-round NFL draft pick, former professional baseball player, college football analyst, and New York Times bestselling author now shares what it takes to move toward your mission.
Tim reveals how you can find your mission and take a step each day to reach your purpose and your best future. Through 365 Bible-based readings, you’ll discover how to:
– Align your responsibilities.
– Identify your priorities.
– Elevate your convictions.
– Make decisive, wise choices.
– Fuel your drive and passion.
– Set your sights on eternity.The secret to a truly meaningful life doesn’t involve more comfort or ease. It requires a clear focus on who God made you to be and a proven guide to get you there. Tim is ready to help you live that mission-possible life.
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Truth For Each Day
$26.99When the world around you feels chaotic and hard to navigate, you can be reminded of the unchanging truth of the Bible in this 365-day devotional from beloved evangelist Billy Graham.
Truth for Each Day gives you a full year of hopeful reminders and grounded messages to encourage you to live and walk in God’s truth. Each passage invites you to meditate on the unchanging Word of God and includes a thoughtful message from Mr. Graham to give you daily encouragement.
This year-long devotional features a larger size and more readable print, a leathersoft cover, and a ribbon marker, making it a beautiful gift book for all ages. Longtime fans of Graham’s ministry and books will appreciate this collection of writings, as will newcomers who are encountering his words for the first time.
If you find yourself in a place where truth is hard to find, Truth for Each Day will remind you of the foundational need for the Gospel and its powerful hope for your life.
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Daily Devotional Minutes For Men
$16.99Add to cartMan of God, your Father is always with you to guide, protect, and encourage.
Steel your soul with these wonderful truths (and more!) as you read through 365 days of powerful, inspiring devotions. Each turn of the page reveals a thoughtful devotional that can be read in just 60 seconds alongside a related scripture selection and prayer starter, guaranteed to challenge and comfort your heart every day of the year.
Here are readings for every day of the year, featuring both contemporary devotions and classics from the likes of Charles Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, John Wesley, and D. L. Moody.
Spend daily time with these devotions, where you’ll encounter the wisdom, strength, and courage of your Creator–who longs to impart His goodness to you. -
Persevering Power : Encouragement For When You’re Oppressed By Life
$18.99Add to cartLife is filled with challenges. We might be weary and overwhelmed by the world around us. Whether we are facing personal struggles or working against unjust circumstances, it can feel like the odds are against us. Does God care? How can we carry on?
There is hope for us because God is a God of justice who cares for people in distress. Bruce Strom shows how those facing difficulties can receive God’s power to persevere. By looking to God’s perspective and purpose, we can find direction for what God has in store for us. He transforms our understanding of the past and gives us resources to renew our souls and find fresh strength to continue on. Strom shares how God has been active in his life and in others’, encouraging us with examples of how lives can change and things can be different.
If you’re running on empty and are tired from the fight, discover the persevering power God has for you.
My Daily Devotional Prayer Journal
$24.99Here’s a Beautiful Way to Reflect on and Record Your Daily Time with God
This daily journal features a plan to read through the Bible in a year alongside a daily devotional reading, prayer, and prayer prompt inspired by that day’s reading. Each entry will guide you to read a passage from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Proverbs and provides plenty of lined space for you to record your own reflections and prayers.
It’s a beautiful way to keep track of a year spent in God’s Word!
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2 nivAdd to cart9 in stock
Parents Guide To Lies Boys Believe
$12.99Lies are powerful. Your son has a persistent enemy who seeks to deceive and rob him of the confidence and strength he has in Jesus. But you can help him fill his heart with God’s Truth so that he can stand strong.
A Parent’s Guide to Lies Boys Believe, a companion book to Lies Boys Believe, is your tool to come alongside your son in the fight against lies. This unique and Bible-centered resource teaches your son the Truth he will need to navigate the challenges he is facing. Join the fight against lies using this guide, packed with encouragement and biblical insight. Written by two experienced parents with a house full of boys and a heart to raise up a generation of Truth-seekers, you’ll be empowered to talk with your son and push back against the Deceiver.
Together, these books give you the tools you need to start important conversations. A Parent’s Guide to Lies Boys Believe will help you:
*Develop and communicate a right theology of lies and Truth to your son
*Initiate meaningful ongoing conversations about the topics like: the gospel, God’s Word, entertainment choices, self-control, and more.
*Build a Word-centered home
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Envy : A Big Problem You Didn’t Know You Had
$14.99Add to cartIt’s often undetected–but if you knew the damage it was causing, you’d do everything possible to root it out!
Envy. It’s insidious. Pervasive. Corrosive. In the age of materialism and social media, it’s difficult not to feel the creep of this increasing and ever-present temptation. Pastor and teacher Mike Fabarez diagnoses the problem of this pervasive sin. He brings the reader to biblical stories with often-overlooked ties to envy that expose and demonstrate the seriousness and harm caused by our unexamined motives. When envy is allowed to reside unchecked in our hearts, there are internal, relational, and societal costs–Envy explores all of these.
But we are not left to despair. Instead, we are invited to know a kind and gracious Father who calls us to identify and assault this enemy. We can live with satisfaction and contentment. This book explores biblical ways to shore up our hearts and minds and close the gaps that leave us vulnerable to envy’s temptations. By understanding life in the body of Christ, readers learn to truly rejoice with those who rejoice. And we leave with a deeper capacity for grace and selfless love. With a pastoral heart, Fabarez reassures Christians of a divine hope and promise of an eternal kingdom where hearts are content, and joy is full.
Imagine The God Of Heaven
$17.99Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do they prove the existence of a loving God?
Never in history, until now, have we been able to hear from so many people around the world who have been brought back from clinical death. Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed a goldmine of intriguing near-death experiences (NDEs) that show us the character of God. John Burke has spent the last three decades studying the commonalities of more than 1000 NDEs. His investigative journey started as a skeptical agnostic, when his own father was dying from cancer. When he first read these eyewitness accounts, he couldn’t help asking himself: “Could this be real evidence–even possible proof of God’s existence?”
In this book, you will discover:
*Analysis of 1000+ near-death experiences and how they reveal the wondrous attributes of God and correlate with the Bible
*Follow up research to Burke’s exploration of the afterlife, Imagine Heaven, a New York Times best-seller of over 1 million copies
*True stories from nearly 70 people from every continent who have died, been resuscitated, and now testify to having been more alive than ever in the presence of a loving God they never wanted to leave
*People of all ethnicities and backgrounds-including doctors, engineers, and CEO-experience the same God.
John Burke unveils the love story and characteristics of this God of all nations, revealed throughout history and in Scripture, now illustrated by these thrilling encounters. You will realize God’s love, power, compassion, friendship, and guidance are closer than you could ever imagine. And for such a time as this, people need to know a loving God is within their reach.
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When The Holy Spirit Comes Down
$21.99Add to cartExpect a Fresh Holy Spirit Outpouring in Your Life Today!
Can you sense, deep in your soul, a hunger to experience something more? Do you thirst to know God experientially, not just informationally?
God Himself is stirring these desires in your heart–because He, too, has a burning desire for a thriving, dynamic encounter with you.
With a pastor’s warmth and a theologian’s keen insight, Dr. Norman Benz reveals ancient revival strategies for preparing your heart to receive the Holy Spirit like never before.
No matter what church tradition you come from, this book is a warm invitation to all believers to receive the deepest form of ministry available: the life-changing touch of the Holy Spirit. You will discover how to:
*Press in for the fire of God.
*Be encouraged by past revivalists and reformed thinkers.
*Position yourself for an encounter with the Holy Spirit.
*Pray anointed prayers that open the heavens.
*Study blueprints of revival in the Old and New Testaments.
*Prepare the way for moves of the Holy Spirit in your church and life.God is longing to quench the thirst of those lost in a spiritual wilderness. It’s time to contend for His life-giving touch and experience an outpouring of His Spirit like a river of life.
Show Me Your Scars
$7.99Add to cartIs your soul hurting because someone has betrayed you? Do you feel as if you will never trust anyone again? Are you struggling with emotional pain, unable to approach each day with joy and hope? If so, this book is for you! You will learn the principles that Job, Joseph, David, Paul and Jesus Himself used to confront and overcome betrayal. Pastor Stephen boldly proclaims that, as you faithfully apply these principles, you will be able to move past the pain and be made whole again – so you can enjoy the life God has given you and fulfill His purpose for your life. He shares how he went through betrayal himself and how he applied these principles in his own life and experienced the healing power of God’s Word.
1 Step To Freedom
$12.99Add to cartYou don’t need to be fixed, you need to be free! Problems in life can trap us in an invisible prison. Mark Delaney writes from his own experience of feeling trapped outside of the life he wanted to live. In One Step to Freedom, you will find words, pictures, and action steps to help you find your freedom. The chapters hit on hard questions such as “What went wrong?” and “Why is the journey to freedom so messy?” At the end of each chapter, he presents a challenge to move you forward. It’s not too late! You are not too messed up!
Most Important Lesson
$14.99Add to cartWhat’s the most important lesson you have ever learned?
It took almost fifty-seven years for me to learn The Most Important Lesson-and it changed my life forever. It wasn’t until I suffered a cardiac arrest, was clinically dead for five minutes, and had a profound death experience that I finally realized I had been missing the mark most of my life.
I’m here, thanks to God’s mercy, to share with you the lesson I learned. This lesson is for everyone. And the earlier this lesson is learned and applied, the better!
Don’t waste time like I did. Get started now! You’ll be glad you did.
$7.99Helen Stetson has traveled extensively and Faithful is her first published book of poems. She uses poetry to describe the places she visited and lived as well as the people she met along the way. “Direct me toward love and compassion, not to be consoled but to console, not to be understood but to understand. For it is in giving that I receive; for it is in selflessness that I find myself, for it is in dying that I will be resurrected.”
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Every Moment Holy Volume 3
$35.00Add to cartEVERY MOMENT HOLY, Vol. 3: The WORK OF THE PEOPLE is a book of liturgies for daily moments across all walks of life. Drawing on a range of writers, artists, poets, songwriters, and pastors (with Douglas Kaine McKelvey both writing and editing), this collection represents a community of believers engaged in the work of reminding all of us that our lives are shot through with sacred purpose and eternal hopes even in the midst of the everyday moments that make up our lives.
-nearly 100 new liturgies for daily life
-beautiful leather-bound hardcover
-new illustrations by Ned Bustard and others
-silk bookmark
-gilded edges -
How To Read The Bible
$19.98Add to cartAs fewer Christians read the Bible daily, fewer understand what a marvelous revelation it is from God to man. How to Read the Bible (as If Your Life Depends on It) offers believers and nonbelievers alike a new appreciation for the Bible, helping them to read it for understanding, not just as the storybook they remember from childhood.
There is no other book like the Bible. God used at least forty human writers over more than 1,600 years to compost the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments.They included kings and shepherds, a physician and a tax collector. They lived on three continents–Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Yet the Bible is a single Book with a single Author, focused on a single theme: Jesus the Messiah, our Redeemer. From beginning to end, the Bible tells the story of the Kingdom of God and its King. The Old Testament tells us He is coming. The New Testament announces that He has arrived.
The sixty-six books of the Bible do not tell sixty-six stories. Together they tell one story. It’s the story of humanity’s rebellion against God and God’s redemptive love for the human race. It’s the story of a Kingdom and a Covenant, of one Lord who saves completely and rules eternally.
The unity of the Bible confounds human wisdom. The unity of the Bible baffles its critics. The unity of the Bible challenges its enemies. There’s no book like this Book because there’s no author like its Author.
Our Faithful God Devotional
$20.00Add to cartThe bestselling author of Kisses from Katie takes you on a journey through Scripture to discover more about who God is and how much He loves you, in 52 weeks of power-packed devotional readings.
In a world of uncertainty, we can find peace in knowing that the God who carried His people through the desert, the God who calmed the seas, the God who promised His presence, is still our God today.
In this unique five-day-a-week devotional, featuring a flexible format that adapts to your schedule, Katie Davis Majors invites you into a yearlong experience of immersing yourself in the truth of who God is. As Katie has discovered, the more time we spend understanding the richness, beauty, and kindness of God, the more quickly our hearts turn toward Him with our needs and our secrets, our hurts and our longings.
Our Faithful God Devotional will help you draw daily closer to the One who sees you, who loves you, and who holds each moment in His hands.
Como Tener Un Matrimonio Salud – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartPocas personas como Sixto Porras logran interpretar los complejos acordes de una sinfonia matrimonial. Logramos trabajar como un extraordinario equipo cuando el matrimonio consigue cimentarse en tres puntos importantes: desarrollar un ambiente agradable en casa, reconocer las virtudes del otro y no dejar que el rencor nos distancie.
La propuesta de este libro es hacer de nuestro hogar el mejor lugar para vivir; y para lograrlo, se necesita una convivencia saludable, algo dificil de lograr si caemos en la trampa de las relaciones conflictivas.
Con su amplia trayectoria en temas de familia, Sixto Porras nos indica como seguir el camino correcto para un matrimonio saludable. !Un camino que tu tambien puedes transitar!
Sixto nos plantea una ruta decididamente clara, con principios aplicables desde el enamoramiento, y nos plantea algunas preguntas directas y poderosas:
*Como se que tengo un buen matrimonio?
*Cuales son las caracteristicas del amor?
*Como hacer crecer la armonia en el matrimonio?
*Como tener el matrimonio que siempre he deseado tener?Haz de tu matrimonio una relacion inquebrantable y saludable.
Few people like Sixto Porras get to interpret the complicated chords of a marriage symphony. We get to work as an amazing team when the marriage is based on three important points: developing a warm atmosphere at home, acknowledging our spouses virtues, and not letting bitterness drive us apart.
This book suggests making our home the best place to live in. In order to achieve this, a healthy cohabitation is necessary, which is difficult to reach if we fall in the trap of difficult and troubled relationships.
With a long career on family issues, Sixto Porras points out how to follow the right path towards a healthy marriage. A path you can also walk on!
Sixto sets a definitely clear route, with principles to apply from the time of failing in love. He makes some straight and powerful questions like:*How do I know I have a good marriage?
*What are the features of love?
*How can I grow harmony in my marriage?
*How can I have the marriage I always wanted?Make your marriage an unshakable and healthy relationship.
Merge For Marriage
$16.99Add to cartMarriage can be surprisingly difficult when you’re first starting out.
Newly married couples face a tremendous challenge that is seldom talked about. In our social media-driven world, it’s easy to think that everyone else has it together in their marriages and wonder if maybe you made a mistake. The truth is, most couples don’t enter marriage with the communication or attachment skills needed to deal with the integration of two lives.
The Merge for Marriage helps answer the question newly married couples face: “Can we ever get on the same page?” Couples will learn:
*what it means to “merge” and the damaging effects of not dealing with differences early in a marriage;
*the seven predictable areas of conflict;
*a practical, powerful plan for dealing with differences with one’s partner; and
*how to help another couple walk through the merge process.
Full of practical stories, current research on connection and attachment, and enduring biblical principles, this book will help a couple learn how the different “merge points” in their marriage can actually strengthen their relationship so that they can enjoy a thriving marriage.
Parent Differently : Raise Kids With Biblical Character That Changes Cultur
$14.99Most parents misguidedly prioritize behavior. The why and how to instill character.
Behavior modification does not guarantee good character qualities. Character influences decisions. It’s evidenced in our speech, actions, and attitudes. It’s about who we are and what we do. The world competes for the hearts of our kids–and we see its negative impact in their pride, laziness, and entitlement. As Christians, however, we want to see the character of Jesus Christ in our children. Dads and moms, grandparents, and teachers all want to see their children grow in humility, gratitude, and respect–for others and themselves. We want our kids to be brave, compassionate, and joyful. We don’t want our kids to flounder through life. We want them to flourish and live into their God-given designs and callings. Dr. Kathy Koch helps us to that end by answering essential questions:
*What is character and why does it matter?
*Why is there a crisis of character?
*What are the challenges in developing character?
*How can we teach or improve character?Not only does character help us accomplish our goals, there are many other benefits of mature character: we will be blessed, stand out for Jesus, attract good friends, grow in wisdom, and live in freedom.
Koch provides an invaluable resource for shepherding our children in godly character.
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Collected Christian Essentials Catechism
$36.99Add to cartA life discipled by the catechism.
The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism is perfect for daily devotions, personal study, and prayer with others.
*Let the catechism of the Ten Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer guide your devotional life.
*Experience a simple liturgy of morning and evening prayer.
*Pray fresh prayers inspired by the catechism.
*Read Scripture with the church year.
*Understand the riches of the catechism with Peter J. Leithart, Ben Myers, and Wesley Hill.
The catechism- the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer-has sustained and nurtured every generation of believers, directing their faith, hope, and love. It helps Christians read, pray, and live God’s word. By giving Christians God’s word to give back to him, it plants seeds of his word and cultivates them to full growth. The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism brings the church’s ancient catechism to a new generation.
The twenty-four catechism prayers were written by the Right Reverend Joey Royal, Suffragan Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Arctic.
Mindful Devotions For Busy Days
$12.99Add to cartQuiet Your Heart. . .
[Jesus] said. . ., “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Mark 6:31 NIVNeed a little peace and quiet? Discover a little piece of heaven on earth (even when life is at its most hectic) with Mindful Devotions for Busy Days. Each devotional reading offers a rare moment to quiet your heart and mind, and connect one on one with the heavenly Father–the Giver of all of life’s blessings. With relevant readings complemented by inspiring scripture selections and prayers, this unique package is sure to refresh and rejuvenate your spirit.
200 Prayers To Encourage Your Heart
$14.99Add to cartLook Up, and Be Encouraged Today!
No matter your situation in life, you will be encouraged to look up and share what’s on your heart with the one who loves you most. Two hundred meaningful, powerful prayers touch on topics important to your heart–including life’s stresses, struggles, and strains–and will inspire and move you to grow ever closer to your loving heavenly Father who hears your every prayer.
Each prayer is complemented by inspiring scripture selections and memorable devotional takeaways!
Healing Prayer : God s Idea For Restoring Body, Mind, And Spirit
$17.99Add to cartSurprised by Healing
What if you never expected miraculous healing was possible but were surprised when it actually happened, or by the way in which it happened? And what if you found out that, all along, the Bible had principles for healing prayer that we could apply to our lives for restoring spirit, mind, and body?
Join authors Maxie Dunnam and David Chotka in their unexpected journeys of discovery that healing prayer is God’s idea, not a human concept, and that He invites us to intercede for healing in our own lives and on behalf of others. Prayer, including healing prayer, is one of the greatest activities in which Christians can participate with God to fulfill His purposes. God wants us to pray as an integral part of our relationship with Him and as a vital aspect of our life of faith.
This intriguing book covers such topics as:
*Healing prayer: what does the Bible say?
*Medicine, miracle, and mystery: how they interrelate
*Why and how we pray for healing
*The role of compassion in healing
*Christ’s forgiving and healing presence within us
*How to prepare yourself for prayer
*Eight ways healing prayer is misunderstoodHealing Prayer includes accounts of God’s power to heal today, and it provides guidance for how to organize a prayer team in your small group, church, or denomination.
Above all, this book shows that it is God who initiates healing prayer. Our part is to respond to His instructions and leading as we pray. All He asks is our openness to Him. Read this book and you, too, may be surprised by the power of Healing Prayer.
A Profundidad – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartNuestra relacion con Dios no puede ser tibia. O navega superficialmente, o se sumerge a traves de Aguas muy profundas. Bernardo Stamateas nos hace volver a lo esencial de nuestra conexion con Dios, y a traves de simples, pero profundos ejercicios practicos, nos permite hallar esa voz tierna y firme de nuestro Padre.
Oir la voz de Dios probablemente se haya convertido en la tarea mas desafiante para todo cristiano del siglo XXI, sin embargo, un analisis biblico en profundidad llevado a una sincera practica, se vuelve en algo transformador. Bernardo Stamateas descubre que cuando el Seor nos da una palabra, ella es oro sin brillo. Pero llevar esa palabra a la practica es lo que produce que ella tenga el brillo del oro.
Aguas muy profundas es un libro dinamico, donde descubriremos la fuerza de la atraccion que nos lleva directo al corazon de Dios. Dejate amar por tu Creador, lleva a la cruz tus emociones y empieza un singular proceso de transformacion de tu espiritu, que te volvera uno con el Padre.
Our relationship with God cannot be lukewarm. Either it navigates on the surface, or it plunges through Going Deep. Bernardo Stamateas takes us back again to the essentials of our connection with God. Through simple and down-to-earth exercises, he let us find the soft and strong voice of our Father.
Listening to Gods voice has probably become the most challenging task for every Christian in the 21st century. But a biblical and profound analysis taken to a heartfelt practice becomes transformational. Bernado Stamateas discovers that, when the Lord gives us a word, it is gold without brightness. But practicing that word makes it as brilliant as gold.
Going Deep is a dynamic book, where we will find the force of attraction that takes us straight to Gods heart. Let your Creator love you. Take your emotions to the cross. And start a unique changing process in your spirit, which will take you to be one with the Father.
Lord Is My Shepherd
$9.99The LORD is My Shepherd Softcover Devotional is the perfect source of encouragement to remind you of the Good Shepherd’s faithfulness, provision, and care. With 366 faith-building devotions, you’ll feel loved and cared for as you immerse yourself in the wisdom and guidance of the Good Shepherd.
A beautiful wreath of greenery forms a frame around the gold-foiled sentiment on the front of the devotional.
The LORD is My Shepherd
As you flip through the beautifully designed pages, you will notice the interior pages are printed in two colors, featuring exquisite floral decorations on every page. A handy topical index is included to help you locate a passage.
Whether you’re seeking comfort in difficult times, looking for guidance in your daily life, or simply want to deepen your faith, this devotional is the perfect companion. Each daily entry begins with a Scripture verse, followed by a devotional passage based on the text, and ends with a call to action or an inspiring thought for the day.
The LORD is My Shepherd Softcover Devotional is an ideal choice for a mom or grandmother in need of care. Its inspirational content, high-quality design, and practical features, it will make a meaningful and encouraging impact on her daily devotional time. The LORD is My Shepherd Softcover Devotional will help her find peace and comfort in the company of the Good Shepherd.
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Every Day Holy
$17.99Debut author and MOPS speaker Meredith Barnes invites all those who are weary, anxious, and searching for a better way to joyfully explore God’s gift of time in this 60-day, Bible-based devotional.
Pressed for time? Frustrated when things don’t go according to plan? Need to fit in one more thing? Time can often feel like something we have to beat or make the most of! Our love-hate relationship with time is unavoidable. Whether we have just enough time or feel like it’s moving too slow, it can be a struggle to be at peace with schedules and clocks and the notion that “time is ticking.”
What if we nurtured and improved our relationship with time? What if we recognized calm and peaceful thoughts throughout each day? What if we restructured our relationship with time and adopted God’s view? From His perspective, our heavenly Father invites us to celebrate each day, each hour, and every minute as a gift!
For anyone trying to make the most of their time, Meredith Barnes explores God’s Word and how biblical themes relate to our personal sense of time. As a mother of three young boys, Meredith understands what a precious commodity time is–with her family, herself, her friends, and most importantly her Savior!
Within the pages of Every Day Holy, readers are encouraged to examine their own use of time and discover God’s desire for us to rest in His plan.
By spending time in the presence of God with the thoughtful devotions in Every Day Holy, you will enjoy:
*60 daily devotions that thoughtfully touch on anxiety, perfectionism, brokenness, finding worth, and self-care
*Bible verses that point toward God’s design of time and humanity
*Reflective questions and journalling spaces that challenge your own perspective and develop a personal faith walk, making this an interactive devotional
Every Day Holy makes an ideal gift for any occasion such as birthdays, thinking of you, and support during a difficult time.
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Seeing As Jesus Sees
$24.99Life and relationships can be complicated and frustrating. But when we see ourselves, others, and the world through the eyes of Jesus, everything changes. Instead of pain we can see purpose. Instead of opposition, opportunity. Instead of fear, freedom.
Thankfully, Spirit-filled sight isn’t reserved for the spiritually elite. It’s available to all of us through a simple, intimate prayer: “Jesus, how do you see this?” When you see as Jesus sees, you’ll be empowered to:
* discover the wonder and beauty you’ve been missing
* clear away needless frustrations and misunderstandings
* take the limits off your life
* see others with genuine compassion and faith
* have hope again for the world through Christ’s victory over sin and deathIf you long to live with greater joy, victory, and wonder, let pastor Alan Wright lead you through the Scriptures to the Savior’s side to see everything from his perspective. You’re going to love the view!
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Youre Not Finished Yet
$19.99Are you facing a difficult season? Do your prayers feel unanswered? The middle of any endeavor–career, relationships, ministry, health–is often when our perseverance waivers, when peace seems out of reach, when the future feels uncertain. It’s when life really gets hard.
In this empowering devotional, bestselling author, human rights activist, and international speaker Christine Caine reminds you that you can go the distance–not because you have the strength but because God does. As Christine shares stories from her ministry experience, her personal life, her walk with Jesus, and her hikes through the mountains of Southern California, Christine offers Scripture and spiritual reflections to help you:
*Intentionally journey with Jesus even when you feel discouraged
*Rely on God’s strength in seasons of waiting
*Keep praying, seeking, walking with Jesus every day
*Focus your mind on spiritual practices that bring peaceEach of the 100 devotions includes a scripture, a devotion entry, and a takeaway for the reader.
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How To Put Love First
$22.99Do you feel your relationships are lacking deep connections? Do you feel your time with God could be more rewarding? New York Times bestselling author Sadie Robertson Huff and her husband, Christian, invite you on a 90-day journey to embrace a life-giving relationship with God and experience authentic, healthy relationships with your people and your community.
You are meant to be in relationships that bring joy and connection–that help you know soul-deep peace and leave you feeling loved instead of lonely. Instead, surface-level friendships, filtered social media feeds, unresolved conflicts, and unhealthy relationships can often seem to harm our self-worth, spiritual growth, and mental health–and keep us from the very relationships that could bring that true connection.
How to Put Love First reminds you that prioritizing and deepening your love relationship with God is the key to growing healthy relationships in every area of life. Through personal stories of their own walks with God, their pitfalls and victories in relationships of all kinds, and biblical encouragement, Sadie and Christian will help you:
*Find peace and connection in your relationship with God
*Enjoy healthier, happier relationships with close friends and family
*Learn how to resolve conflict, offer forgiveness, and endure loneliness
*Reap the mental and spiritual health benefits of thriving in communityAs an added bonus, Dr. Josh Kirby, a psychologist and life coach, joins Sadie and Christian to speak into some of the key themes in the book to offer informed, practical counsel to further help you incorporate these important teachings into your life.
If your relationships feel more frustrating than life-giving or if you feel like something deeply important is missing in your life, join Sadie and Christian on this 90-day challenge to discover the joy and freedom of being loved and loving well.
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Rhythms Of Grace
$19.99You’re Too Blessed to be Stressed!
It is easy to become overwhelmed in our fast-paced world, especially with the myriad of challenges we face-struggling to meet basic needs, raising children in an unsafe world, and being assaulted with ever-negative headlines in the news. Yet too often we’re overloaded because we pick up things God never intended us to carry. So how do we ease the load?
In Rhythms of Grace, Duane Sheriff, senior pastor and international speaker, calls you to follow the pace of God’s guidance that will bring peace in chaos and strategies to sustain you in hardships. Pastor Duane explains how to…
*Find rest for your weary soul
*Detox from life’s troubles
*Trust God instead of facing problems alone
*Break the cycle of fear and worry
*Ignite the power of thanksgivingFollowing the calm rhythm of God’s grace allows you to enjoy a supernatural peace. Let today be a fresh start to rest in the Father’s arms
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Well Said : Choosing Words That Speak Life, Give Grace, And Strengthen Your
$17.99Add to cartHave you ever had moments when your words have gotten the better of you?
Maybe you knew how much something would hurt, but you said it anyway because it felt good in the moment. Maybe you’re fighting a habit of complaining or yelling, when you really want to be a person who speaks with kindness and patience. Or maybe you stay silent because you’re never quite sure what to say. Whatever your “maybe” may be, you are in the right place. As a wife, mom, and the creator of the popular Modern Farmhouse Family Instagram, Sarah Molitor has learned firsthand that yes, words can hurt–but they can also help and heal.
In Well Said, she uses authentic, relatable stories paired with Biblical truth to help readers:
*Use their words to create grace-filled, positive relationships
*Develop a healthy, balanced approach to social media (and find their wisdom filter)
*Feel equipped to use words to forgive and reconcile differences so they can live freely and fully . . . and so much more.Well Said helps you explore what it means to speak words that direct you to the very heart of Jesus. Sarah will be the trusted friend who walks alongside you, encouraging you to discover God’s true desire for the words we speak every day.
Trading Faces : Removing The Masks That Hide Your God-Given Identity
$18.99Add to cartA biblical and practical guide on how to replace false identities with the healthy truth
Seeking fulfilment, many Christians turn to identities that promise to give their lives meaning: profession, roles as spouse or parent, personality types, even sexuality–anything that can be held up to others as the empowering core of who they are. But when these new labels don’t give them any real foundation for hope, they end up feeling disappointed, directionless, and defeated. Those false identities turn out to be only sand.
John and Angel Beeson have seen this problem again and again in their respective roles as pastor and counselor. And they want searching Christians to know the truth: a fulfilling understanding of self can only be found by rooting one’s identity in the unchangeable and nonnegotiable understanding of who we were created to be.
This husband-and-wife team considers ten identities that masquerade as truth and challenge readers to trade those labels for the ones Christ offers. They explain why true identity matters, how our masks can suffocate us, and how substitute identities can become idolatry. They share real struggles from real people. And they offer hope in a comprehensive index of our identities in Christ, both individual and the collective identity of the church.
Sacred Seasons : A Family Guide To Center Your Year Around Jesus
$29.99Make Jesus the Center of Your Family’s Year
The time-honored traditions of the liturgical calendar guide Christians through a year-long meditation on the life of Christ. Beyond just Christmas and Easter, each season of the church year offers special opportunities to remember and celebrate the work of God.
In Sacred Seasons, Danielle Hitchen helps you incorporate the rhythms and rituals of this ancient Christian discipline into your everyday family life. Part theology, part church history, and part practical spirituality, Sacred Seasons provides an easy-to-use guide to observing the liturgical year complete with fun activities, delicious recipes, and meaningful liturgies.
Grow your family’s faith in tangible ways as you experience the meaning and joy of each sacred season together.
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What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven
$16.99Add to cartMany Christians think about heaven as a distant place we go after we die. But what if it’s a very real kingdom available to us right now, here on earth?
In What If Jesus Was Serious about Heaven?, Skye Jethani unpacks what Jesus really said about heaven and how it can transform our faith today. The fourth in Jethani’s popular What If Jesus Was Serious? series, this guide includes the author’s hand-drawn illustrations in each chapter.
Jethani explores the importance of the kingdom of heaven in Jesus’s ministry, message, and parables. In doing so, he redefines the popular understanding of heaven as a celestial home for the dearly departed and reimagines our role in God’s kingdom here on earth. This book shows what Jesus and his first followers knew about heaven that we get wrong and helps us recapture what it means for God’s kingdom to be present on earth right now.
Hopeful Lament : Tending Our Grief Through Spiritual Practices
$18.99Add to cartWe need to rediscover lament to heal and hope again.
We’ve lost the practice of lament. Most people don’t know how to process personal or communal mourning and instead struggle to honor their tears, vulnerability, and the full weight of these disillusioning times. But tending our grief might be exactly what we need to reimagine a way forward.
Tracing her difficult experiences of a catastrophic home fire, a threat to her child’s well-being, and other devastating losses and upheavals, Terra McDaniel offers a clear framework for expressing heartache and burdens. McDaniel says, “Lament is surprisingly hopeful. As strange as that may sound now, I promise it’s true. It’s an act of trust both that we can face pain and survive, and that God cares about our anger, confusion, doubt, grief, and fear. Lament refuses to bury pain or, just as dangerous, to give in to despair.”
Hopeful Lament makes space for the powerful act of crying out before a loving God and offers provoking reflection questions, embodied practices, and applications for families with children. Learn how to journey gently through suffering.