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Charismatic Interests

Showing 201–250 of 343 results

  • Declare Vida – (Spanish)


    Cuando usted este en acuerdo con las maravillosas promesas dadas en la Palabra de Dios, comenzara a cosechar los dones de Dios de amor, gozo, paz, salud y favor. Cuando declara esas promesas en voz alta a las vidas de otros, sus palabras pueden obrar maravillas.

    Ahora, E. W. Kenyon y Don Gossett unen fuerzas para edificar nuestra fe, ofreciendo sabiduria intemporal y desafiandonos a vivir una vida mas valiente para Dios. Mediante el poder de Dios, los creyentes deberian ser capaces de vencer la adversidad y el pecado en areas tales como finanzas, salud, matrimonio y otras relaciones, y emociones. !Hay poder en la sangre de Jesus para derrotar cualquier cosa y todo lo que el enemigo traiga contra usted!

    Tambien puede declarar palabras de vida a quienes estan perdidos, sufren y tienen necesidad. Deje que fluya su compasion. Cuanto mas valientes sean sus palabras de fe, mayores seran sus resultados.

    When you agree with the marvelous promises given in the Word of God, you will begin to reap God’s gifts of love, joy, peace, health, and favor. When you speak those promises out loud and into the lives of others, your words can work wonders.

    Now, E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett join forces to build our faith, offering timeless wisdom and challenging us to live a bolder life for God. Through His power, believers should be able to overcome adversity and sin in such areas as finances, health, marriage and other relationships, and emotions. There is power in the blood of Jesus to defeat anything and everything the enemy brings against you!

    You, too, can speak words of life into those who are lost, suffering, and needy. Let your compassion flow. The bolder your faith words are, the greater your results will be.

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  • Como Sanar A Los Enfermos – (Spanish)


    !Nunca mas vuelva a sentirse incapaz!

    Un ser querido esta enfermo, su amigo acaba de sufrir un accidente, un familiar se enfrenta a una crisis emocional.

    Ha anhelado alguna vez desesperadamente extender su mano y llevar sanidad a esas necesidades? A veces, nuestros corazones se duelen por el deseo de ayudar, pero no sabemos como o sentimos temor y no lo hacemos. !La verdad es que el Espiritu Santo en usted esta listo para sanar a los enfermos! Charles y Frances Hunter presentan solidos metodos de sanidad con base biblica que producen no solo salud fisica sino tambien salud espiritual y vida abundante para usted, su familia y todos los que le rodean.

    Never feel helpless again!

    A loved one is sick, your friend was just in an accident, a family member is facing an emotional crisis.

    Have you ever desperately longed to reach out your hand and bring healing to these needs? At times, our hearts ache with the desire to help, but either we don’t know how, or we are afraid and stop short. The truth is, the Holy Spirit within you is ready to heal the sick! Charles and Frances Hunter present solid, biblically based methods of healing that can bring not only physical health but also spiritual health and abundant life to you, your family, and everyone around you.

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  • Explorando E Interpretando Sue – (Spanish)


    Benny Thomas le acompaa en un recorrido introductorio de un mundo que a menudo se malinterpreta y se representa mal, un lugar cuyos terrenos han sido mapeados en la Escritura: el mundo, dado por Dios, de los sueos. La Biblia esta llena de personas como Daniel y Jose, quienes oyeron mensajes divinos de parte de Dios en sus sueos.

    Thomas comparte con cristianos creyentes en la Biblia un enfoque equilibrado para oir de parte de Dios en el periodo nocturno. Aprenda a reconocer patrones y principios divinos en sus sueos que aportaran a su vida revelacion celestial.

    “Al registrar y analizar detalladamente mis sueos, pude obtener conocimiento, sabiduria y destreza para oir de parte de Dios en el periodo nocturno. Una prueba convincente tras otra me aseguraron que Dios me estaba hablando, y que El le hablara a usted mediante sueos, de modo continuo y regular”. -Benny Thomas

    Benny Thomas accompanies an introductory tour of a world that is often misunderstood and is wrong, a place whose lands have been mapped in Scripture: the world, God-given dreams. The Bible is full of people like Daniel and Joseph, who heard divine messages from God in his dreams.

    Thomas shares with Bible believing Christians a balanced approach to hear from God in the night period. Learn to recognize patterns and divine principles in their dreams that will provide your life heavenly revelation.

    “By recording and analyzing in detail my dreams, I gain knowledge, wisdom and skill to hear from God in the night period. Convincing proof after another assured me that God was speaking, and that He will speak to you through dreams, a continuous and regular basis. ”
    -Benny Thomas

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  • Prophetic Praise : Upload Worship Download Heaven


    Passionate Praise for an Extravagant God!

    David wrote that God is “enthroned in the praises of Israel” (Psalm 22:3). When God’s people take their praise to a higher level, they begin to unlock their “kingdom authority.” Praise is a spiritual weapon, and it’s a necessary part of ruling and reigning with Christ. More than merely the preliminary part of a church service, praise is an essential ingredient to experiencing the presence of God and moving into the spiritual realm of prophecy.

    Joshua Fowler’s calling will stir within you a greater hunger and passion for the Lord as you arise as one of God’s praiseworthy children. In this book, you will discover how praise…
    *Opens your access to the heavenly places
    *Draws the lost into the kingdom
    *Releases signs and wonders
    *Allows you to govern territories and impact nations for Christ!

    Allow the truths of Prophetic Praise to penetrate your heart and transform your expressions of praise into prophetic decrees that will shatter the enemy’s territory and release the kingdom of God!

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  • Divine Healing Sermons


    The Groundbreaking Healing Ministry of Aimee Semple McPherson

    In 1915, Aimee Semple McPherson began traveling around the United States, holding tent revivals with some crowds reaching well over thirty thousand people. The tent revivals of this vivacious and spirited speaker would last weeks in any given city across the country. She used a brass band, choirs, and props of all sorts in her sermons.

    During her ministry, tens of thousands of people were healed when Aimee prayed for them, but she herself took no credit for the healings, instead giving full credit to God. She insisted that divine healing was not found in the emergency room, the world of entertainment, or in the scientist’s laboratory; it was a church sacrament, accessible by faith and devotion alone.

    Divine Healing Sermons is a collection of the messages McPherson preached during her amazing ministry. They remain as powerful and accessible today as they were a century ago.

    “What is my task? First of all, my task is to be pleasing to Christ. To be empty of self and be filled with Himself. To be filled with the Holy Spirit; to be led by the Holy Spirit.”
    -Aimee Semple McPherson

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  • Kingdom Of Power


    The kingdom of God is…

    * a supernatural kingdom.

    * a kingdom of power, not just words.

    * a kingdom whose reality can be experienced here and now.

    * within you!

    The kingdom of God is His will and dominion exercised on earth as it is in heaven. It expands its influence in the world through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit as He works through our humanity.

    Wherever God’s kingdom governs on earth, it is visibly demonstrated. Jesus manifested the power of the kingdom with miracles, signs, healing, and deliverance. Each time He announced the good news of the kingdom, sin, sickness, demons, and death were defeated.

    When Jesus returned to heaven, He delegated authority to the church, activating it to continue expanding His kingdom in each succeeding generation of believers. The kingdom has everything we need: righteousness, healing, wholeness, prosperity, and joy. It is a reality to be experienced today-not just in the future-and it may be applied to each circumstance we encounter in life. In The Kingdom of Power How to Demonstrate It Here and Now by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, you will discover how to enter the kingdom of God, receive its benefits, and expand its dominion throughout the earth.

    The kingdom of God is within you. The only thing you need to do is to demonstrate it here and now!

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  • Im Sold On Being Bold


    The righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1

    We are the righteousness of the Lord. And the righteous are bold as a lion! Is it possible to live boldly in today’s world of fear and timidity? Don Gossett shouts a glorious Yes!

    Boldly living the Christian life will help you to…
    *Have a more vibrant family life
    *Gain control over your finances
    *Receive healing from sickness
    *Overcome discouragement and depression
    *Reap success in your career
    *Go to a higher level in your prayer and praise life

    Bold living based on God’s Word brings such victory and freedom to your life that you will never go back to a weak and timid Christianity

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  • Exploring And Interpreting Dreams


    “The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure.”
    -Daniel 2:45

    Benny Thomas writes to Bible believing Christians on how to hear from God in the night season-a very scriptural experience.

    As a frequent traveler to the world of dreams, Thomas is qualified to lead you on an exploratory journey into this realm.

    This balanced approach to a frequently misunderstood subject will encourage you to hear from God even while you sleep!

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  • Smith Wigglesworths Keys To Power


    Secrets of God’s Power Revealed

    God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry through powerful signs and wonders. These included the restoration of hearing and sight, the creative formation of missing limbs, the disappearance of cancerous growths, the recovery of mental wholeness by the violently insane, and the raising of several people from the dead.

    What changed an ordinary plumber, who suffered from stage fright, into one of the most compelling healing evangelists of the twentieth century? Author Peter Madden unfolds specific keys from the life and ministry of Smith Wigglesworth that will enable you to understand God’s ways and take your life from ordinary to extraordinary. You, too, can…
    *See the “incurable” healed.
    *Find purpose for your life.
    *Receive God’s favor and blessings.
    *Be led by the Holy Spirit.
    *Deal with evil powers.
    *Have freedom from fear.
    *Experience His love and joy.

    Jesus wants us to understand and use the power of the Spirit, because He said: “He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do” (John 14:12 NKJV).

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  • Smith Wigglesworth Prophecy And Greatest Revival Of All Time


    “You will have the privilege to see and to participate in the most glorious and mightiest sweeping revival that has ever been known in Christian history!” -Smith Wigglesworth

    This revelation was part of a prophecy given in 1936 by legendary evangelist and healing minister Smith Wigglesworth to a young man named David du Plessis. The revival Wigglesworth foresaw was a continuation of the Pentecostal movement into the charismatic renewal that continues to this day.

    Later, in 1961, God gave Rev. Tommy Hicks a vision of the continuation of that revival: a worldwide movement in which the “Awakening Giant”-the body of Christ-receives spiritual power and authority on such a scale as has not been seen since the book of Acts.

    This book retells these two amazing prophecies in their entirety and also discusses their implications for the world today. The revival of God’s church continues, but it won’t be complete until every Spirit-filled believer understands his or her unique role in its fulfillment. Study these prophecies and ask God to reveal how He would use you to bring the greatest revival in history to completion.

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  • Tongues Interpretation And Prophecy


    Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
    -1 Corinthians 14:39

    Is everyone supposed to speak in tongues? What are the differences among “new tongues,” “other tongues,” “kinds of tongues,” and “unknown tongues”? Does the gift of prophecy always contain predictions about the future?

    Here are answers to the most often asked questions concerning tongues, interpretation, and prophecy. Some of the topics covered include…
    *The difference between gifts and ministries
    *The difference between spiritual gifts and mankind’s talents
    *The difference between praying in tongues and speaking in tongues
    *Modern examples of speaking in tongues
    *When to interpret tongues
    *The gift of prophecy

    Don Basham also discusses why so many Spirit-baptized Christians experience only the gift of speaking in tongues and why they do not move on into other gifts.

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  • Healing From Heaven 2


    Through these testimonies, you ‘ll see the realities of the power of our resurrected Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You’ll also find the teachings on faith motivating and practicable as Pastor Chris shares with you the same principles of Faith put to work by the testifiers and encourages you to activate your faith for your own miracle. As you read, open your heart and let the Holy spirit touch you. The power of the Lord is mightily present to heal, and not only will you receive Healing from Heaven, you ‘ll also learn to walk in health and bring healing to others.

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  • You Will Receive Power


    You were created for glory! Christ came so that you might be restored to the initial glory for which God made you. The whole place of redemption is to put the divine nature back into your spirit, as it was meant to be from the very beginning. As William Law reveals the power of the Holy Spirit to you, he explains how you can…
    *Know Christ as your source of strength
    *Receive your heart’s desires
    *Move mountains with your faith
    *Minister to others effectively
    *Be led by God
    *Have the power of the Holy Spirit
    *Experience the presence of God

    Discover how you can have the Christ-centered, Spirit-filled life that God originally created you for!

    “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
    -2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

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  • Freedom Beyond Comprehension


    You’ve prayed for deliverance and you’ve forgiven those who have hurt or abused you and yet you’re still nursing the painful wounds of your past. Does this describe your experience? Many Christians have suffered unspeakable trauma and wonder why they aren’t experiencing the freedom God has promised. The reason is that trauma goes deeper than the mind. It infiltrates the body at the cellular level, and only a deliverance that deals with the whole mind, soul, spirit, and body will treat the trauma and set you completely free. Speaking as one who has received miraculous healing herself and also ministered it to others, Christian author and healing expert Joan Hunter demonstrates how to find true freedom through such methods as:

    *Cursing cellular memory of rape and other forms of sexual abuse
    *Replacing painful memories with positive thoughts
    *Escaping the stress that wears you down
    *Renewing your mind with the mind of Christ
    *Forgiving those who have harmed you
    *Learning to love yourself
    *Accepting the unconditional love of your heavenly Father

    As you break free from the bondage of trauma and pain, you will walk in deliverance and discover your true identity as a beloved child of God. You can be healed and whole! Start the recovery process today.

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  • End Times In Chronological Order


    Bible prophecy expert Ron Rhodes offers an easy-to-understand yet detailed chronology and explanation of end-times events.

    The chapters are arranged around the major end-times themes: the rapture, the tribulation, the millennial kingdom, and the eternal state. Each chapter begins with a list of the specific events it covers, making this an extremely user-friendly chronological guide to end-times biblical prophecy. Rhodes allows for various interpretations among Christians. Yet the sequence he describes is faithful to the biblical text, based on a literal approach to prophecy, and held by many Bible scholars. As readers discover that they really can understand Bible prophecy, they will come to love and trust the Scriptures like never before.

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  • Your Right Standing With God


    How do you feel when you approach God with a request? Timid? Awkward? Apologetic? Cautious? Now, picture yourself walking into the throne room boldly, as clean and confident as Jesus Christ, Himself. Did you know you can? In fact, you will the moment you discover Your Right Standing With God.

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  • Ceremony Of Marriage (Reprinted)


    The marriage union is the closest relationship that can exist between two human beings. When a man and woman decide to join together in marriage, they should do so with full realization of their responsibilities. Marriage is serious business.

    This booklet contains the wedding ceremony that Kenneth Copeland uses as a minister of God. It is based totally and completely on the Word of God.

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  • How To Receive Communion


    Communion isn’t just a religious observance. Find out what Jesus meant when He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.”

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  • Power Of The Tongue (Reprinted)


    Words have played a vital role in life since the beginning of time. In the book of Genesis, God created the world and everything in it with His words. Today, as believers, we have that same God-like ability to speak those things which be not as though they were.

    Through God’s Word, Kenneth Copeland reveals the Bible’s secret of words and the vital importance of using the tongue to create rather than destroy.

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  • Taking Action : Receiving And Operating In The Gifts And Power Of The Holy


    Having seen millions of people turn their lives over to Jesus Christ, the spiritual principles Reinhard Bonnke teaches will inspire readers to plug into the Holy Spirit for extending God’s love to the world.Jesus lived, worked, and prayed in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel of John He says, “He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also.” With His same anointing, we too can do these works.

    We need the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives so that we can serve and edify the church, reach out to unbelievers, and build ourselves up in our faith. The disciples were asked, “By what power have you done this?” It was in the power that Jesus had spoken of: “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” By studying this book, you too could become a Stephen-“full of faith and power, doing great wonders and signs among the people.”

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  • Bienvenido A La Familia – (Spanish)


    El Cristianismo No Es Una Religion; Es Una Familia.

    En este libro, Kenneth Copeland comparte personalmente los pasos a seguir para entrar a la familia de Dios.

    El muestra lo que la Palabra de Dios dice acerca de como recibir salvacion, el bautismo del Espiritu Santo, y sanidad. El cielo no seria lo mismo sin usted!

    Una excelente herramienta de ministerio.

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  • Su Camino Hacia Milagros – (Spanish)


    Do miracles just “happen”? Or, is there a path we can walk to discover how to live continuously in the miraculous?

    From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a miraculous book, and miracles are available to us today because God’s Word promises them. In Your Pathway to Miracles, renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey describes a number of the remarkable miracles she has witnessed in her many years in ministry and those she has experienced in her own life. With her signature down-to-earth, humorous style and solid biblical teaching, she takes you step-by-step as she encourages you to trust God to work great miracles in and through you. You will discover…

    *That miracles come in different sizes: small, great, and giant
    *The way in which miracles are birthed and grow
    *How God prepares us to receive miracles
    *How to find the miracles you hold in your own hand
    *The way to receive miracles of healing, financial prosperity, restored relationships, and more
    *How God turns overwhelming problems into miraculous opportunities

    God wants you to live a supernatural life. Step onto Your Pathway to Miracles and start walking in the miraculous!

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  • 2 Kinds Of Righteousness (Audio CD)


    Read by Rev. Stephen Sobozenski
    182 Minutes / Three CD’s.
    This book unfolds a truth that is the key to the faith life, and reveals God’s cure for sin consciousness.

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  • 31 Days To A Breakthrough Prayer Life


    New Wine International

    In this powerful book by Joshua Mills you will begin understanding the foundations to a healthy and successful prayer life, along with discovering remarkable truths about ‘The Breaker Anointing’ and the ‘7 Secrets to Answered Prayer’. Foreword by Matt Sorger.

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  • IGI School Of Signs And Wonders Home Study Course Volume 1 (DVD)


    The Intensified Glory Institute(R) School of Signs & Wonders (Course 1) is a cutting-edge spiritual development seminar created by Joshua Mills to activate the supernatural realms of heaven within each student that learns these principles of the Glory Realm. After successfully completing this course, many students have reported being able to hear the voice of God with greater clarity and the ability to sense the spiritual atmosphere with an increased awareness of the presence of the Lord. Through this intensified training you will receive hidden revelation from the Word of God, and you will learn how to operate in the miraculous with signs following.

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  • Time And Eternity


    New Wine International

    After reading this book you’ll never NOT have enough time again! Best-selling author and keynote conference speaker, Joshua Mills, shares scriptural keys and revelatory concepts in this revolutionary book that will enable you to learn how to co-operate with heaven in order to accelerate time, reverse time and experience divine favor with time! This is the book that you’ve been waiting for! Foreward by Paul Keith Davis.

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  • Your Pathway To Miracles


    Do miracles just “happen”? Or, is there a path we can walk to discover how to live continuously in the miraculous?

    From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a miraculous book, and miracles are available to us today because God’s Word promises them. In Your Pathway to Miracles, renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey describes a number of the remarkable miracles she has witnessed in her many years in ministry and those she has experienced in her own life. With her signature down-to-earth, humorous style and solid biblical teaching, she takes you step-by-step as she encourages you to trust God to work great miracles in and through you. You will discover…

    * That miracles come in different sizes: small, great, and giant
    * The way in which miracles are birthed and grow
    * How God prepares us to receive miracles
    * How to find the miracles you hold in your own hand
    * The way to receive miracles of healing, financial prosperity, restored relationships, and more
    * How God turns overwhelming problems into miraculous opportunities

    God wants you to live a supernatural life. Step onto Your Pathway to Miracles and start walking in the miraculous!

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  • 31 Days Of Health Wealth And Happiness


    New Wine International

    Excellent book to focus on the blessings and provision of God… and begin to see them manifest in your own life! Includes 3 special teachings: 8 Reasons Why Healing Belongs to You; 3 Keys for Discovering Your Prosperity; 12 Golden Principles for Experiencing Happiness. And each of the 31 daily devotionals include a wisdom key, scripture and practical activation. Foreword by Dr. Mark Chironna.

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  • Romper Maldiciones Experimenta – (Spanish)


    Many Christians wonder why they cannot overcome sins and temptations or why they experience recurring problems in their health, finances, or relationships. Breaking Curses, Experiencing Healing exposes these life-destroying schemes from unseen but powerful spiritual enemies. Seen by millions on ABC’s 20/20, MSNBC, the History Channel, and the BBC, Tom Brown shows the relationship between spiritual deliverance and healing. Learn how to receive divine protection and use the spiritual weapons that are rightfully yours so you can:
    *Identify the causes of curses
    *Take back what Satan has stolen
    *Break free from generational curses
    *Release God’s blessings and favor
    *Experience miracles in your life

    Uncover and defeat the spiritual attacks in your life, and bring complete healing to yourself and others today!

    Como romper el poder del enemigo

    Los cristianos se preguntan por que no pueden vencer los pecados y las tentaciones, o por que experimentan problemas recurrentes en su salud, sus finanzas o sus relaciones.

    Visto por millones de personas en el programa 20/20 de la ABC, en MSNBC, History Channel y la BBC, Tom Brown muestra la relacion que existe entre la liberacion espiritual y la sanidad. Aprenda como recibir proteccion divina y utilizar las armas espirituales que son legitimamente suyas para asi poder:
    *Identificar causas de maldiciones
    *Recuperar lo que Satanas ha robado
    *Ser libre de maldiciones generacionales
    *Liberar las bendiciones y el favor de Dios
    *Experimentar milagros en su vida

    Descubra y derrote los ataques espirituales en su vida, !y lleve sanidad completa a usted mismo y a otros hoy!

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  • Atmosphere : Creating A Realm For Miracles And Success


    New Wine International

    Sharing from years of experience in the supernatural, Joshua Mills will show you the significance of your atmosphere and how it affects you and others around you in a powerful way. In this fascinating book you will learn how to develop an atmosphere for miracles and success to abound in your life! Includes the following chapters:

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  • How To Walk In The Supernatural Power Of God


    Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.

    Through Maldonado’s insights on the supernatural, you will:
    ” Recognize human substitutes for God’s power
    ” Develop faith for the miraculous
    ” Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling
    ” Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence
    ” Protect yourself from the devil’s deception
    ” Learn to hear God’s voice
    ” Overcome demonic attacks
    ” Understand how to operate in the supernatural

    Once you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!

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  • Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat – (Spanish)


    !El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!

    “Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)

    El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
    Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:

    Desarrollar fe para los milagros

    Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo

    Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural

    Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos

    Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.

    Guillermo Maldonado believes the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead, that He is alive today, and that He wants to heal and do miracles through you. Now, you can walk in the full revelation of our supernatural God.

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  • Gods Generals 4


    Other Titles By Roberts Liardon
    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    1. F.F. Bosworth “Healing Pioneer”
    2. George Jeffreys “Great Britain’s Prentecostal Apostle”
    3. Lester Sumrall “Running With A Heavenly Vision”
    4. Oral Roberts “Expect A Miracle!”
    5. Charles And Frances Hunter “If We Can Do It, You Can Do It!”
    About The Author

    Additional Info
    In his fourth God’s Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles God’s great healing evangelists of the twentieth century. Journey with such paragons of faith as:
    ” Oral Roberts-one of the most influential Christian leaders in the twentieth century, Roberts had a healing ministry that spread from rural tent meetings to a world-class university, hospital, and medical school.

    ” Lester Sumrall-after being miraculously healed of tuberculosis as a boy, Sumrall dedicated the rest of his life to sharing the gospel and God’s healing power with audiences around the world, both in person and through television broadcasts.

    ” Charles and Frances Hunter-often called the “Happy Hunters,” Charles and Frances were known around the world as two of the most anointed and enthusiastic evangelists on earth.
    ” George Jeffreys-this Welsh Pentecostal minister-along with his brother Stephen- ministered at camps, conventions, and church meetings across England and Ireland, with reports of miraculous healings and other acts of God accompanying them.

    ” F. F. Bosworth-a Depression-era Pentecostal faith healer and one of the founders of the Assemblies of God, Bosworth was known during the 1920s for his interdenominational “big tent” revivals and large auditorium healing meetings.

    As you read about the lives of these ministry pioneers, your faith for signs and miracles will grow as you anticipate seeing God’s mighty hand move in the church today.

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  • 31 Days To A Miracle Mindset


    New Wine International

    Through this powerful book you will journey into new dimensions of exploring the miracles of the bible along with discovering powerful truths that will unlock the miracle realm in your own life! Excellent resource for personal devotion or group study. Foreword by Dr. Mike Murdock (The Wisdom Center, Fort Worth, TX).

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  • Restored : 11 Gifts For A Complete Life


    Sam walked away from his wife and daughter and has been walking away from people ever since. Restored is Sam’s journal to his daughter, filled with all the things he’s wanted to say–his deepest thoughts, hopes and dreams. It is his gift to her, in case he doesn’t get to her in time.

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  • 70 Reasons For Speaking In Tongues


    600 million Christians have received the Holy Spirit gift of their own spirit language. Almost 95% of Spirit baptized Christians understand or use less than 10% of the purposes and benefits pf speaking in tongues. Learn how to use your spirit language to activate more faith and increase God’s love and power within your life and ministry.

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  • Poder De Sangre – (Spanish)


    A Mighty Weapon of Spiritual Warfare

    You know that “there’s power in the blood,” just like the old hymn says–but are you actually experiencing that power in your daily life? Join H. A. Maxwell Whyte in this revealing exploration of the blessings to be found in Christ’s blood. As you delve deep into this newly revised and expanded version of Whyte’s classic best-seller, you will find out how to…

    Experience God’s complete forgiveness
    Become spiritually empowered, equipped, and energized
    Break the terrifying grip of fear and torment
    Create an atmosphere for miracles
    Defeat oppression, addictions, and sickness

    Astounding results can take place in your life once you learn the value of this vital, yet little wielded, weapon in the believer’s arsenal and how God wants us to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. Discover the wonder-working power of the blood for yourself!


    Usted sabe que “hay poder en la sangre”, tal como dice el viejo himno; pero experimenta usted realmente ese poder en su vida cotidiana?

    Unase a H. A. Maxwell Whyte en esta reveladora exploracion de las bendiciones que se encuentran en la sangre de Cristo. A medida que profundice mas en esta version nuevamente revisada y ampliada del clasico best-seller de Whyte, descubrira como…

    Experimentar el perdon completo de Dios
    Llegar a estar espiritualmente capacitado, equipado y vigorizado
    Romper la aterradora tenaza del temor y el tormento
    Crear una atmosfera para que sucedan milagros
    Derrotar la opresion, las adiciones y la enfermedad

    Sorprendentes resultados pueden tener lugar en su vida una vez que aprenda el valor de esta arma eficaz, pero poco manejada, en el arsenal del creyente y como Dios quiere tratarla para manejar las situaciones dificiles de la vida. !Descubra por usted mismo el poder que obra maravillas de la sangre!

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  • Mi Tiempo En Cielo – (Spanish)


    Is there life after death? After a tragic accident, doctors pronounced Richard Sigmund legally dead. Eight hours later, God miraculously brought him back to life on the way to the morgue. During those hours, God allowed him to experience the glorious beauty, heavenly sounds, sweet aromas, and boundless joys of heaven that await every believer. God then returned him back to earth with a mission… …to tell the world what he saw. You will thrill to Sigmund’s eyewitness account of strolling down heaven’s streets of gold, seeing angels playing with children, talking with Jesus, meeting with people from the Bible and departed family and friends, seeing the mansions, and much more! Through Sigmund’s testimony, God has restored sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf and has even raised several people from the dead. Also, you will catch a glimpse of the horrifying reality of “the other place”–a place where no one wants to go.

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  • Dones Y Ministerios Del Espiri – (Spanish)


    The gifts of the Spirit can destroy any force the devil might use against Christians. You are a candidate for the gifts of revelation, power, and inspiration. They will function anywhere-right where you are now!

    Dr. Sumrall discusses subjects including:

    The charismatic renewal
    The weapons of our warfare
    How you can receive the gifts
    The devil’s counterfeit
    The purpose of ministry gifts

    You can be included in the great outpouring of God’s Spirit!

    Usted puede tener el poder del Espiritu Santo

    Los dones del Espiritu pueden destruir cualquier fuerza que el enemigo quiera usar contra los cristianos. Usted es un candidato para recibir los dones de revelacion, poder e inspiracion !Estos funcionaran en cualquier lugar-en donde usted este ahora mismo!

    El Dr. Sumrall discute temas que incluyen:

    La renovacion carismatica
    Las armas de nuestra guerra
    Como podemos recibir los dones
    La falsificacion del diablo
    El proposito de los dones ministeriales

    !Usted puede ser incluido en el gran derramamiento del Espiritu de Dios!

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  • Yielded And Bold


    We are living in a day in which God is bringing phenomenal increase to bear on the earth. His church is increasing. His body is increasing. His people as a whole are experiencing supernatural increase on an unprecedented level. In this book, Mac Hammond lays a foundation for understanding “the move of God”, the increase that is sweeping the earth today. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of how to yield yourself to God and become a part of the increase God is bringing to the earth.

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  • Angels At Your Service


    Angels, they’re God’s supernatural messengers sent to serve, assist and protect you…if you know the biblical keys to cooperating with their heavenly mission. Unfortunately, most believers are woefully lacking in knowledge about the powerful beings the writer of Hebrews calls, “…ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.” Here Mac Hammond sets the record straight and opens your eyes to the vital but little-known services and blessings angels are commissioned to provide.

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  • Ustedes Recibiran Poder – (Spanish)


    The Scriptures show us that God desires for us to live in the realm of the supernatural. Derek Prince explains how to enter into this exciting reality, so you can:
    * Receive divine guidance.
    * Be an effective witness for Christ.
    * Walk in divine health.
    * See results when praying for the sick.
    * Be empowered to serve God.
    * Understand the will of God.
    * Be filled-and stay filled.
    * Understand the realm of spiritual conflict.
    * Experience unity with other believers.
    * Receive God’s favor and blessings.
    * Lead others into the kingdom of God.

    As you enter into the supernatural realm, you will find the Holy Spirit constantly encouraging and showing you the exciting purpose for your life. Discover Him as your Comforter, Helper, Guide, and closest Friend.

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  • Secretos Del Poder Espiritual – (Spanish)


    Watchman Nee experienced such a close intimacy with the Lord that many remarkable insights into triumphant Christian living were revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. Now these truths are available to you so that you can have the same kind of vibrant relationship with God. This collection of Watchman Nee’s time-tested words of wisdom will inspire you to…
    * Enjoy all that is yours in Christ.
    * Know for sure that you are saved.
    * Overcome adversity and Satan’s power.
    * Receive guidance from the Holy Spirit.
    * Find daily strength for daily needs.
    * See the truths of the Bible come alive.
    * Have faith that moves mountains.

    You will be set free from all sin and bondage as you discover not only that Christ is your salvation, but also that He is your sanctification. In fact, Christ will be to you all that you need-your victory, your power, your life. God will pour out His blessings to you in Christ. You can receive His powerful provision today! “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”-1 Corinthians 15:57 nkjv

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  • Revelacion Divina De La Sanida – (Spanish)


    Experience God’s Healing Power! Read the many dramatic, real-life testimonies of people who miraculously received healing from deadly diseases, illnesses, and destructive lifestyles and habits. Discover how they were healed and you, too, can:
    Remove hindrances to healing.
    Overcome fear and hopelessness.
    Learn the reasons for sickness.
    Defeat the power of evil.
    Receive physical and emotional healing.
    Walk in divine health.
    Minister healing to others.

    God desires to heal His people. You can be among those who receive healing today!

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  • Divine Revelation Of Healing


    Experience God’s Healing Power! Read the many dramatic, real-life testimonies of people who miraculously received healing from deadly diseases, illnesses, and destructive lifestyles and habits. Discover how they were healed and you, too, can: ” Remove hindrances to healing. ” Overcome fear and hopelessness. ” Learn the reasons for sickness. ” Defeat the power of evil. ” Receive physical and emotional healing. ” Walk in divine health. ” Minister healing to others. God desires to heal His people. You can be among those who receive healing today!

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  • Angels : Knowing Their Purpose Releasing Their Power


    Angels, first published in 1984, has sold over 250,000 copies. This classic message provides a foundational introduction to one of the most widespread spiritual phenomena of our age. Now with a fresh new cover design, this important book takes readers on a fascinating journey of angelic intervention in biblical times and tells how to activate angels in our modern day lives as well. Other bestsellers from world-renowned author and teacher Charles Capps include, God’s Creative Power Will Work for You, Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer, and The Tongue, A Creative Force.

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  • Gods Creative Power For Finances


    Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life. They can make the difference in your finances and your well-being. God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given you that same ability. Learn to turn your financial situation around by following the powerful principles of faith contained in this book.

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  • Gods Creative Power Will Work For You


    This best selling minibook, in English, Charles Capps shows how you can learn to release the ability of God by the words of your mouth. Includes scriptures and confessions to follow for several subjects and circumstances. Fear-filled words will defeat you, but faith-filled words will put you over! Over 3 million copies of this booklet are in print. People use this booklet to make their daily ‘Word’ confessions. Many people buy dozens of these gems and give them away, producing some great miracles in people’s lives.

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  • Gods Creative Power For Healing



    God’s Creative Power Will Work for You, by Charles Capps, first published in 1976, has sold more than 2.3 million copies! The lives of Christians around the world have been revolutionized by the powerful principles of confessing God’s Word found within its pages.

    Now God’s Creative Power for Healing is here to follow in its footsteps.

    This powerful book combines all new teaching with scripture confessions for heating. You will learn how you can release the ability of God for your healing by the words of your mouth!

    Faith-filled words will put you over – God’s Creative Power for Healing will work for you!

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  • Echaran Fuera Demonios – (Spanish)


    La actividad demoniaca es completamente real, pero
    Dios nos ofrece una provision sobrenatural de
    liberacion. El bien conocido estudioso de la Biblia, Derek
    Prince, describe en lenguaje sencillo las estrategias y las
    tacticas de los demonios, la forma como se meten en la
    vida de las personas, y los pasos necesarios para recibir-y
    mantener-la liberacion. Tu tambien puedes:
    * Aprender principios poderosos de la guerra espiritual.
    * Poder identificar brujeria y engaos del ocultismo.
    * Vencer el temor y la depresion.
    * Derrotar enfermedades y dolencias.
    * Experimentar liberacion de todo tipo de opresiones.
    !Dios te ha dado la autoridad y el poder para derrotar a las
    fuerzas demoniacas!
    “Y estas seales acompaaran a los que han creido: en
    Mi Nombre echaran fuera demonios, hablaran en nuevas
    lenguas” .
    -Marcos 16:17

    What are demons? How do demons gain entry into people’s lives? Do Christians ever need deliverance from demons? In this readable, biblically based book, Derek Prince answers these and many other vital questions. If you are struggling with problems that never seem to go away, has it ever occurred to you that demons may be at work? Or perhaps you want to help others with such problems. Derek Prince points out that “Jesus never sent anyone out to preach the Gospel without specifically instructing and equipping them to take action against demons in the same way that He Himself did.” Is this not true today? Prince asks, “Who has changed? Jesus? The demons? The church?” In this practical, comprehensive handbook on deliverance, Prince shares his own struggle with demons and addresses the fears and misconceptions often associated with deliverance. Speaking from more than thirty years of personal experience in this ministry, Prince offers down-to-earth advice on how to receive and minister deliverance and how to remain free. He also describes nine characteristic activities of demons and seven ways demons gain access to people’s lives, and then leads you through nine steps to deliverance.

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