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Brenda Kunneman

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  • Daily Decrees For Government And Nations


    Raise Your Voice, Agree with Heaven, and Shift Your Nation!

    Do you feel overwhelmed and fearful about what is happening in your nation? The headlines and newsfeeds are bombarded with government corruption, scandal, celebration of immorality, violence, economic turbulence, and overall uncertainty. With each passing day, it feels like the swirl of chaos gets closer and closer to your door.

    Fear not – you are not powerless! You have a weapon that, if activated and used, can supernaturally shift the course of your nation, release righteousness into the streets, protect your children and grandchildren, prosper your finances, expose corruption in high places of government, and turn around even the most hopeless of situations.

    That weapon is your voice declaring the decrees of God!

    In Daily Decrees for Awakening Your Nation, dynamic and world-renown teacher Brenda Kunneman equips you with fresh, Holy Spirit-inspired decrees that have the power to shift nations, cancel chaos, and create a peaceful life for you, your family, and future generations.

    You will:

    Stop living in fear by making faith-filled, Bible-based decrees over your nation

    Call forth God’s ordained future by declaring the rule and reign of His Kingdom to influence the direction of your nation

    Destroy the agenda of hell by making decrees that expose corruption, overturn unrighteous legislation, and flood the streets with Heaven’s goodness

    Prophesy revival and awakening over your nation, decreeing God’s ultimate desire to fill your land with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

    Don’t let hell shut you up! Without you, the powers of darkness will continue to ravage and destroy nations. But when you begin to boldly open your mouth, declaring the decrees of Heaven over the land, the floodgates of Heaven will open and the purposes of God will be released.

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  • Daily Decrees For Kids


    Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14

    Children don’t have a junior Holy Spirit, nor are they secondary members of the Kingdom of God. They, too, have been given the right to be called Kings and Priests and their words carry authority in the spiritual realm.

    Brenda Kunneman is a bestselling author and dynamic prophetic voice who has equipped believers around the world to boldly decree Heaven’s victory over every area of their lives. Now, she is equipping children with powerful, Bible-based, prophetic declarations that they can read and declare themselves!

    These decrees are specifically designed to train children to operate in their Heavenly authority, empowering them to engage the Kingdom that Jesus declared belongs to them!
    Daily Decrees for Kids contains declarations of:
    *Health and safety for themselves and those around them.
    *Alignment with their destiny.
    *Provision and abundance for their family.
    *Releasing angels to watch over them.

    As kids begin to boldly speak God’s word, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead releases Heavenly power to see Kingdom decrees carried out! It’s time for kids to decree God’s Word over their lives!

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  • Daily Decrees For Family Blessing And Breakthrough


    Decree your victory and defeat hell’s every scheme against your family!

    In an age where our families are under attack from all sides, you have a sure strategy to secure Heaven’s victory over your marriage, children and household: boldly decree the Word of God!

    Bestselling author and dynamic prophetic voice, Brenda Kunneman has equipped believers around the world to decree Heaven’s victory over every area of their lives. In Daily Decrees for Family Blessing and Breakthrough, she empowers you with powerful, Bible-based prophetic declarations to overcome every strategy of the enemy that comes against your marriage, your children, your finances, and your household.

    Decreeing God’s word over your family can restore years the enemy has stolen, bring freedom, and surround your loved ones with a supernatural shield. In this powerful resource, you will learn to…
    *Create heavenly atmospheres in your household.
    *Demolish strife, discord, and contention using the Sword of the Spirit
    *Defeat every strategy of hell aimed at your marriage, children and finances.
    *Decree Heaven’s promises of salvation over loved ones who are far from God.

    Take authority over your family! Don’t let the devil win another victory. Rise up with the word of God on your lips and decree Heaven’s promises over every area of your family life!

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