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  • Jesus And Politics


    The Christian life isn’t about doing things the easy way–it’s about living as Christ even in a hostile environment.

    After reading this book, you will understand how God wants to use Christians to change the world and how you can walk with the Holy Spirit no matter what call He places on your life.

    Using her sixteen-year political career as a backdrop, Bunni Pounds gives readers practical tools for discipling a nation one heart at a time and living the Christian life extravagantly, even in a hostile environment. In Jesus and Politics, Pounds lays out the importance of Christians engaging in politics, government, and other spheres of influence to impact systems and individuals.

    Sharing her divine appointments and unlikely interactions with prominent figures, Pounds gives readers a front-row seat to:

    *Witness the power of prayer as she supported a congressman through a terminal cancer diagnosis during a national campaign.

    *Discover how a word from God on an airplane shifted a lawmaker into a new, more influential prominent position.

    *Learn how she set her heart free from bitterness and unforgiveness after a million-dollar congressional race by paying off her opponent’s debt.

    *See how a dream about a congressman from the other side of the political aisle led to an ongoing ministry relationship that has transcended their political differences.

    But this is more than a book of stories. Jesus and Politics is a book about Jesus that equips readers to:

    *Cultivate intimacy with Jesus, even in a hostile culture and amid life’s pressures.
    *Effectively share the gospel, disciple others, and stand up for truth in various settings.
    *Engage in politics and various spheres of government to protect liberty in America.

    Reminding readers that our liberty requires our participation, Jesus and Politics is an indispensable resource for those seeking to make a lasting impact for Christ and embark on a transformative journey to live out their destiny, preserve America, and make a difference for eternity.

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  • Counterpunch : An Unlikely Alliance Of Americans Fighting Back For Faith An


    Is it possible for renewal to come through peace rather than power?

    This book will illuminate how we can implement peaceful resistance against the immorality and policies of the Radical Left to bring a renewal of liberty, freedom, and biblically based principles back to America.

    In his groundbreaking new book, Counterpunch, Floyd G. Brown issues both the battle cry and a strategic action plan for a populist movement in America that goes beyond any president or political party. Issue by issue, the Left chooses new markers in the sand and waits to see who will embrace their agenda. Those who don’t are canceled and silenced. This leads to alienation and the feeling that violence is the only option left. Brown wants readers to know there is another way, a civil disobedience of the state that allows us to be peaceful–and potentially more successful.

    Counterpunch explains step-by-step how you can take part in a second American Revolution that will completely reorder the country under new governing principles. Touted as the Christian answer to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, Brown’s Counterpunch outlines a strategy for mobilizing a peaceful resistance that leads to collective action.

    Utilizing an evergreen approach that isn’t focused on specific public policy issues, Floyd delivers a practical, biblically based plan for every American that will lead to the renewal of liberty.

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  • Cold Civil War


    America’s political landscape is experiencing dangerous polarization and fragmentation, with the extremes pulling the country apart.

    Voices on the left and right clash over different worldviews, narratives, definitions of America, and what it means to be an American citizen. The levels of incivility and hostility lead some to invoke the language of a cold civil war or even a looming civil war, one that could split the country in two. Is there any way to step back from this dangerous precipice? Political philosopher Jim Belcher shows that this is not merely a binary opposition between conservativism on the right and liberalism on the left, but also between conflicting visions of order and freedom on both sides. Through his unique quadrant framework, Belcher traces the people and movements in each position, examines their underlying narratives, and articulates their respective contributions and dangers. This quadrant framework not only reveals how polarization divides us but also shows us how to move beyond the right-left stalemate. At the core of the competing visions are the seeds of a new vital center, a robust and surprising narrative that has the ability to transcend political tribalism and bring America back together again before it is too late.

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  • Choice : The Abortion Divide In America


    For fifty years the abortion debate has remained stagnant, trapped in sterile categories and familiar rhetoric. Each side thinks they know what the other has to say, so they don’t listen. Consequently, they have become deaf to each other’s pleas.

    Danielle D’Souza Gill, in a pathbreaking new book, blows the lid off the abortion debate, which is radically different than it was when the Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Technology has transformed the landscape and allowed people to see development in the womb. Ultrasound has rendered many old assumptions about abortion obsolete. The Democratic Left has become radicalized on abortion. It is no longer a necessary evil, but a positive good. Consequently, the Left has legitimized a form of mass killing in this country that dwarfs the deaths caused by cancer, smoking, homicide, terrorism, and war. Writing with freshness, intelligence, and insight, Danielle explores the contours of the debate, taking into account new ideas, new technology, and new laws and putting forth a new vision for a life-affirming society. In Socratic style, Danielle builds her case in response to the strongest contentions of the pro-choice camp. She engages their most powerful arguments head-on, carefully examines them, and then dismantles them. The result is a pro-life argument so persuasive that it will reach into the heart of the most hardened opponent. While it is a heartbreaking book, it is in the end inspiring. No matter what you believe about abortion, this book will educate, astonish, and deeply move you. It may move you to a position different from what you now hold. If you read one book about abortion, make it this one, The Choice: The Abortion Divide in America.

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  • When The Righteous Rule


    It is time for every Christian to stand up, be counted, and be educated on the issues that concern the moral fiber of our country and the future of our families. In When the Righteous Rule: Bible Positions on Political Issues, Pastor Hagee gives insight and educates you on the Bible’s position of various political issues you will face in the voting booth.

    It is time to do more than stand on a soap box and complain. Take a stand for righteousness. Register to vote. Vote our Christian beliefs. We must help take our nation back to the God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We will not be acknowledged for the problems we recognize, but for the problems we help solve.

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  • Dual Citizens : Politics And American Evangelicalism


    A window into sixty years of evangelical political engagement

    American evangelicals are often assumed to be a monolithic political force absolutely unified in their priorities. This collection of articles from Christianity Today originally published between 1956 and 2016 tells a different story. Evangelical engagement with politics has been more complex than is often remembered. Dual Citizens reveals a variety of evangelical thought towards political developments over the past few decades.

    In Dual Citizens, Timothy D. Padgett has collected a number of articles that traces a variety of perspectives in evangelical political thought, giving a more nuanced understanding of how American evangelicals have acted politically over the past decades. These essential articles provide insight into our current situation and preserve the wrestling and wisdom of the past for the benefit of the future.

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  • Manifesto : The Minority Contract With America


    More than in any time in our nation’s history, there’s a greater opportunity now for minority populations to let their voices be heard, influence society, and reshape the role of government in their lives.

    This is not the time for violence, nor is it the time to demand more handouts from governments that have failed to give minorities what they truly need and deserve: a better life so they can achieve their own destiny.

    A Manifesto: Christian America’s Contract with Minorities by Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. sets the stage for a biblical agenda or manifesto to bring about social change in our nation. Christians of every denomination and ethnic stripe are welcome to join this coalition to contribute to our national vision and strategic direction.

    Rather than continuing to let government view minorities as precocious children too young to drive, A Manifesto offers an outline to strengthen people to work together to be empowered in key areas, from education and public policy reform to wealth creation and entrepreneurship.

    Christians everywhere are urged to join in and build a brighter tomorrow for all of us!

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  • World Is Changing


    An Agustin Agencty Title

    On December 26, 1991, an event of extraordinary importance in universal history took place.

    It involved the dissolution of the Soviet Union, an event of enormous repercussions that almost no one had anticipated. In fact, only the historian Andrei Amalrík1 and Nobel laureate and writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn,2 two Russian dissidents, had enough courage and vision to forecast that such a seismic event would take place.

    Although it is indisputable that the Cold War had come to an end, there are more than a few who intend to continue analyzing the current global situation from the perspective of a historical period that ended four decades ago. Claiming to understand the present with the paradigms of the Cold War-even to a large extent with those espoused by the Left and Right-is a very serious mistake with consequences that are extremely harmful. History has continued to move forward, and just as it would have been foolish to claim to understand Europe of the end of the nineteenth century on the basis of what life was like for Napoleon, who was finally dethroned in 1815; it is absurd, and even ridiculous, to try to understand our world on the basis of what the Cold War entailed.

    In the first part of the present work, we will take into account the analysis of democracy as a recent and often failed regime, as well as consider the dangers that now threaten its very survival. The second part is devoted to the globalist agenda, which constitutes a real threat that seeks to destroy national sovereignty, the power of the Sates, and the democratic system itself. Finally, the third paints a global picture of how reactions are already perceived in light of this globalist agenda, although not all of them lead to a future of freedom, and, certainly, the human race runs a true and real risk of being subjected to totalitarian systems of various kinds. We invite you on this journey with The World is Changing.

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  • Compassion And Conviction


    Have you ever felt too progressive for conservatives, but too conservative for progressives? Too often, political questions are framed in impossible ways for the faithful Christian: we’re forced to choose between social justice and biblical values, between supporting women and opposing abortion. As a result, it’s easy for Christians to grow disillusioned with civic engagement or fall back into tribal extremes. This state of affairs has damaged Christian public witness and divided the church. The authors of this book represent the AND Campaign, which exists to educate and organize Christians for faithful civic and cultural engagement. They insist that not only are we called to love our neighbors through the political process but also that doing so requires us to transcend the binary way the debates are usually framed. In simple, understandable language, they lay out the biblical case for political engagement and help Christians navigate the complex world of politics with integrity, from political messaging and the politics of race to protests, advocacy, and more. The book includes a study guide for classroom use and group discussion. When we understand our civic engagement as a way to obey Christ’s call to love our neighbor, we see that it is possible to engage the political process with both love and truth-compassion and conviction.

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  • God Trump And COVID 19


    From the best-selling author of God and Donald Trump, which was brandished by the president at the World Economic Forum in Davos

    How the Pandemic Has Affected the World, America, and the 2020 Election

    This book is a timely follow up to God, Trump and the 2020 Election that reveals insider information about China, the virus, and the ever-increasing stakes of the upcoming election. It will answer the question for the Christian believers (and seekers) of where God is in all this? It provides a little known prophecy by the late David Wilkerson about a plague coming that would shut down the government as well as churches and bars, including shaking New York City as it’s never been shaken. Wilkerson said this plague would force believers into radical prayer that will spark an awakening–something echoed by Christian leaders and prophets.

    Just as the economy was booming and Donald Trump was fixing long-term problems and beating back attacks from his opponents, a brand-new virus shakes up everything including the outcome of this election. The author has inside information about what happened in China early in the pandemic and what went wrong. He even documents how Donald Trump has led the nation in this time of crisis.

    In 2016, God raised up Donald Trump to lead America at a pivotal time. Evangelicals who recognized this backed him more than any other presidential candidate in history. Heading into Election Day 2020, the stakes are even higher, especially with the uncertainty and upheaval caused by COVID-19. This book is really “part two” of God, Trump and the 2020 Election which details the fight for the soul of America. Strang believes readers need both books to understand and explain what’s at stake. With the shutdown caused by the pandemic, serious anti-Christian trends surfaced, such as some states closing “non-essential” churches but allowing liquor stores to provide curbside service. Or ceasing all elective surgeries except abortion, which is the taking of a life while the purpose in shutting down the economy was to save lives from this dreaded virus.

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  • God Trump And The 2020 Election


    From the best-selling author of God and Donald Trump, which was brandished by the president at the World Economic Forum in Davos

    Christians must support Trump because he is holding back the Left from crushing rights for all Americans, including Christians.

    This book will help you understand how God has used and will continue to use Donald Trump to make a difference for America.

    In 2016 we saw God raise up Donald Trump to lead America at a pivotal time. Evangelicals who recognized this backed him more than any presidential candidate in history. Heading into 2020, the stakes in his reelection are even higher. This election, nine months after the book releases, is a new fight and a new cause. Stephen E. Strang makes the case that God wants America to be great because God has raised up America, beginning with our Founding Fathers, to be a beacon of light and hope for the world. We’ve been the nation with religious liberty that has supported those who have spread the gospel around the world.

    In this book Strang looks at the election, Trump, and America from God’s perspective and helps Christians (and others) see God’s hand at work. This book is as much about God and His purposes as about Donald Trump. But it is also an articulate, impassioned apologetic about why all Christians must support this imperfect man because he has God’s blessing and because the destiny of America is riding on his reelection.

    God, Trump, and the 2020 Election is an inside look into how spiritual warfare is shaping the presidential race, which is an important subject for Bible-believing Christians. The satanic schemes are so brazen on key issues that diagramming what’s at stake is a necessary undertaking. Strang believes that the intersection of faith and politics from a smart, supernatural perspective will be a fascinating read.

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  • Faith Of Mike Pence


    The Faith of Mike Pence
    Mike Pence’s faith sets him apart and defines him as a man, a husband, a father, and the vice president of the United States of America. What is the influence of Pence’s faith upon history? Can he really apply biblical truths to political decisions? How does his faith define his role as a family man and a national leader? In this incredible book, the man emerges, not just because of faith, but because in finding faith, Pence has discovered who he is and has stepped forward to become the man God has called him to be.

    In this favorable look at the faith of the nation’s vice president, author Leslie Montgomery, who penned The Faith of Condoleezza Rice, details Pence’s spiritual journey and discusses how it shapes his role in everyday life. To understand his brand of faith, Montgomery traces his family legacy, his boyhood in Columbus, Indiana, his years as an Irish, Roman Catholic, and then how he gave his life to Jesus as his personal Savior as a freshman at Hanover College.

    Pence says, “When I went off to college, I made a personal decision that put my faith in Christ. And that’s been a defining characteristic of my life ever since.”

    Mike Pence is a devoted husband and father who has surrounded himself with men and women of faith and has made his commitment to Christ a key component in his life. Montgomery details encounters with numerous evangelistic leaders, including Billy Graham and James Dobson, that were pivotal in Pence’s spiritual growth. She also shows the role of Pence’s Christianity in running for various offices, implementing faith-based initiatives, and responding to 9/11, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the infamous Anthrax scare in Congress that directly affected him.

    The Faith of Mike Pence is a powerful account of one of the most conservative vice presidents in American history, with exclusive interviews and insightful commentary from friends, family, and colleagues. It is a serious and moving reflection from one of America’s most admired and respected politicians.

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  • When Harry Became Sally


    Can a boy be “trapped” in a girl’s body? Can modern medicine “reassign” sex? Is our sex “assigned” to us in the first place? What is the most loving response to a person experiencing a conflicted sense of gender? What should our law say on matters of “gender identity”?

    When Harry Became Sally provides thoughtful answers to questions arising from our transgender moment. Drawing on the best insights from biology, psychology, and philosophy, Ryan Anderson offers a nuanced view of human embodiment, a balanced approach to public policy on gender identity, and a sober assessment of the human costs of getting human nature wrong.

    This book exposes the contrast between the media’s sunny depiction of gender fluidity and the often sad reality of living with gender dysphoria. It gives a voice to people who tried to “transition” by changing their bodies, and found themselves no better off. Especially troubling are the stories told by adults who were encouraged to transition as children but later regretted subjecting themselves to those drastic procedures.

    As Anderson shows, the most beneficial therapies focus on helping people accept themselves and live in harmony with their bodies. This understanding is vital for parents with children in schools where counselors may steer a child toward transitioning behind their backs.

    Everyone has something at stake in the controversies over transgender ideology, when misguided “antidiscrimination” policies allow biological men into women’s restrooms and penalize Americans who hold to the truth about human nature. Anderson offers a strategy for pushing back with principle and prudence, compassion and grace.

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  • Under Siege Mar


    Writing from the perspective of a student of life, history, law, politics, and theology, Don Hutchinson draws on all of these areas in ‘Under Siege’ to offer perceptive insight into the Christian Church of today’s Canada. The reader will receive the benefit of his thirty years of church leadership, Christian witness, constitutional law, and public policy experience to gain a practical understanding of how we, the Church, may cast the deciding votes on the future of Christianity in our constitutionally guaranteed ‘free and democratic society.’

    How did we get here? What happened to ‘Christian’ Canada? Do we not have ‘Charter’ rights like everyone else? What does the Bible say?

    Many Christians sense that an advancing secularism is trying to force upon Canadians a culture in which faith is meant to be private. Hutchinson presents historic, legal, and theological grounds for us not to hide our faith in stained-glass closets, but instead to enter Canada’s contested public space with confidence. Together as individual Christians, congregations, denominations, and para- congregational ministries, we are the Church in Canada. And together we have the capacity to impact the nation for God’s good, the good of our neighbours, and the good of ourselves. Will we?

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  • Democracy In America


    As debates rage over the future of America and the country’s relationship to its past, there is no better time to examine the American culture from the perspective of a nineteenth century French thinker and student of democracy. Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, written in French in the early 19th century, is seen as a classic of American political and cultural studies. However, the expansive 2-volume original has never seen an accessible version that remains true to the original text. This new abridgement of Francis Bowen’s 1864 translation keeps Tocqueville’s thought intact. All chapters have been retained and no sentences have been divided. This volume offers a clear window into American political history and a concise approach to this classic outsider’s perspective on the United States. A new introduction by editor John D. Wilsey further interprets and applies Tocqueville’s thought for the modern student of American institutions, politics, religion, and society.

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  • Time For Action


    America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, by moral leaders, by pastors and God-fearing men and women. The first settlers were committed Christians seeking refuge from religious persecution abroad. In the last hundred years, America has been on a slippery slope, moving away from its founding principles, and in large part with little resistance from the Church.

    In A Time for Action, Rafael Cruz presents a simple underlying message: For Christians, Jesus Christ should be the foundation of the lives they build and they should be active in making a difference in the world around them. In practical terms, that means we should strive for a free society that respects each of God’s children; we should embrace the Judeo-Christian values of love, joy, and peace; and we should seek a relationship with the living God. It means people of faith should actively participate in the political process in order to combat the debilitating and deceptive progressive mantra that there should be a separation of church and state.

    A Time for Action is the story or one man’s quest for refuge from Cuban persecution to realizing the American dream. It is a story about one man finding true freedom that comes from faith in Jesus Christ. It is the story of this great nation that was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and why it has fallen from grace. It is a wake-up call to the faithful across the land to step up to the challenge of entering the public arena and taking on the forces at work to destroy the guiding principles that made this country great. Religious people must saddle up. They must vote and volunteer and campaign. They must get in the political game. The followers of Christ are, in His words, “the light of world.” But for a light to have its effect, it has to shine in the darkness. That’s why our mission is “to declare,” as St. Paul said, “the whole counsel of God.” If we instead remain silent, we have to answer to God for our silence.

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  • Why I Am A Liberal And Other Conservative Ideas


    In a delightfully refreshing and revealing tone, Dr. Piper exposes the potential fallacy in today’s liberal academia and political spheres. He masterfully addresses educational, social, political, and religious issues that have shaped American culture. His commentary rhetorically confronts the reader to consider issues such as freedom, justice, common sense, human dignity, and moral objectivity. Piper is specifically passionate in arguing that postmodern political correctness is really nothing more than an unvarnished ploy to consolidate power among society’s elites and to, thus, restrict the individual freedoms and rights of the general public.

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  • Half The Sky


    Introduction: The Girl Effect
    1. Emancipating 21st Century Slaves
    2. Prohibition And Prostitution
    3. Learning To Speak Up
    4. Rule By Rape
    5. The Shame Of Honor
    6. Maternal Mortality – One Woman A Minute
    7. Why Do Women Die In Childbirth
    8. Family Planning And The “God Gulf”
    9. Is Islam Misogynistic
    10. Investing In Education
    11. Microcredit: The Finanical Revolution
    12. The Axis Of Equality
    13. Grassroots Vs Treetops
    14. What You Can Do

    Appendix: Organizations Supporting Women

    Additional Info
    Starred Review. New York Times columnist Kristof and his wife, WuDunn, a former Times reporter, make a brilliantly argued case for investing in the health and autonomy of women worldwide. More girls have been killed in the last fifty years, precisely because they were girls, than men were killed in all the wars of the twentieth century, they write, detailing the rampant gendercide in the developing world, particularly in India and Pakistan. Far from merely making moral appeals, the authors posit that it is impossible for countries to climb out of poverty if only a fraction of women (9% in Pakistan, for example) participate in the labor force. China’s meteoric rise was due to women’s economic empowerment: 80% of the factory workers in the Guangdong province are female; six of the 10 richest self-made women in the world are Chinese. The authors reveal local women to be the most effective change agents: The best role for Americans… isn’t holding the microphone at the front of the rally but writing the checks, an assertion they contradict in their unnecessary profiles of American volunteers finding compensations for the lack of shopping malls and Netflix movies in making a difference abroad. (Sept.)
    Copyright (C) Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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  • As America Has Done To Israel


    God’s everlasting promise to bless those who bless Israel-and curse those who curse Israel-is still in effect today. Throughout its history, America has been in a unique position to bless the Jewish people, and has experienced many blessings as a result. In more recent years, however, America has failed to consistently stand by Israel and suffered dramatic disasters.

    In this interesting and thorough book, McTernan traces the history of the Jewish people in America and how America’s spectacular rise to power was tied to blessing the Jews. He examines America’s integral role in fulfilling God’s plan for the rebirth of the Jewish nation, and details the times when our nation defaulted on this call. Through a step-by-step analysis of political events, McTernan gives conclusive proof that God’s judgment on those who curse Israel is still active. In every case where America has failed Israel, it has faced dramatic consequences within 24 hours.

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