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Helper Growing As An Enneagram 2
$16.99Add to cartThe Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Helper, number 2 on the Enneagram personality chart. This devotional will assist Helpers, and those who love them, to better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 2, including their deadly sin of pride and their greatest strength, boldness. Also covered are motivations, fears, childhood wounds, the lost message they long to hear, and defense mechanisms, as well as common subtypes, wings, and where they are in the head/heart/gut triad. The sixty days are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and where Helpers go in times of stress and growth.
Nasty Gets Us Nowhere
$24.99Add to cartTwo women who forever changed the world followed a plan to better their lives. One chose God’s design for her. The other listened to a different voice that questioned God and rebelled against Him.
Women and men today face the same decisions that confronted Mary and Eve. We can either seek the Tree of Life with God…or keep biting into the bitter fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Statistically, women today are less happy than at any time in measured history. This extolled knowledge of good and evil has had consequences. It’s not about equality in work, pay, or choices. It’s about women wanting to become “like men” instead of being women. It’s about women who aspire to be “nasty” and men who are confused about what it means to be a real man.
Nasty Gets Us Nowhere reveals the powerful truth behind learning to do relationships like Christ, particularly relationships between men and women. Our culture often incites rebellion, but God calls us to work together. As Galatians 5:15 says, “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other” (niv).
In an age saturated with feminism and gender wars, ex-feminist Drenda Keesee combines her wit, humor, and life experience to unpack a powerful, timely message that sets the record straight. She reveals why men and women have conflict, what God’s plan for unity is, and how men and women can unite to create an unstoppable force. Drenda believes the pendulum is swinging and there are many conservative women and men who want to make amends and discover how to have relationships that work. There’s also a younger generation searching for keys to live a different life than what they’ve seen modeled.
Drenda says we can see eye to eye when we first see heart to heart and spirit to spirit, coming from a place of cooperation instead of conflict. God’s Spirit coupled with His plan is the only answer to the separation and relationally destructive forces at work in the gender wars. It’s time for restoration and healing, to bring men and women side by side, hand in hand. There’s much at stake. We must understand our uniqueness, our vulnerabilities, and Christ’s unalterable principles for successful working and loving relationships to experience fulfillment and lasting peace.
Jesus Regresa Pronto – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartSacudimientos, seales y el regreso de Cristo
Usted es mencionado en la profecia biblica. Pueda que no se mencione su nombre, pero usted esta incluido ahi. Las profecias de los ultimos tiempos hablan de los fieles seguidores de Jesus -conocidos como el “remanente”-, quienes estan listos para los ultimos dias y Su retorno, pero tambien hablan de quienes no estan preparados o abandonan antes que El regrese.
Que profecia usted cumplira?
Jesus regresa pronto le ayudara a estar seguro de que usted forma parte del remanente de Dios. Las seales del fin de esta era y la aparicion de Jesus son evidentes en el mundo fisico y espiritual. Pero la mayoria de la gente, incluyendo los cristianos, no las han reconocido. Que seales ha dado Dios para anunciar la culminacion de Sus propositos para el mundo? Como podemos discernirlas? Como podemos prepararnos? Este libro le revelara:
*La razon de los sacudimientos naturales y espirituales sin precedentes en el mundo
*Lo que nos dicen las seales, incluyendo aquellas seales inusuales como las lunas de sangre
*Como trabaja Dios segun las temporadas, las eras y la plenitud de los tiempos
*Como las fiestas judias apuntan a las edades del hombre, mostrandonos con precision el reloj del tiempo de Dios
*Que las inminentes seales y promesas biblicas aun no se han cumplido
*Los juicios que Dios esta trayendo a la tierra
Dios ha dado profecias sobre Israel, la iglesia y el mundo. Y Su Espiritu esta revelando en este momento Sus propositos para los ultimos dias. Necesitamos saber como recibir la revelacion vital y el conocimiento profetico que El quiere compartir con Su pueblo. Cuando tenemos ese conocimiento previo, podemos entender los tiempos y prepararnos para sus planes finales para la tierra.
Dios quiere que la iglesia sea una comunidad de esperanza, avivamiento y poder sobrenatural en medio de los tiempos tenebrosos. Hay un espiritu de confusion en el mundo de hoy. La gente debe acudir a Dios por las respuestas que solo El nos puede dar, y la iglesia debe estar preparada para proporcionar esas respuestas.
En estos tiempos finales, no necesita tener miedo, desanimarse o distraerse. Al contrario, usted puede conocer su verdadera posicion en Dios antes del regreso de Cristo. Puede estar gozosamente preparado, vigilando y esperando con expectativa, con sus ojos espirituales abiertos. Viva en la perfecta voluntad de Dios para su vida y participe en sus propositos sobrenaturales de los ultimos dias!
Jesus Is Coming Soon
$16.99Add to cartShakings, Signs, and the Return of Christ
You are mentioned in biblical prophecy. You may not be mentioned by name, but you are included there. End-times prophecies speak of faithful followers of Jesus-called the “remnant”-who are ready for the last days and His return, but they also speak of those who are unprepared or fall away before His appearing. Which prophecy will you fulfill?
On the Verge of Jesus’s Return will help you be certain you are part of God’s remnant. The signs of the end of the age and Jesus’s appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. What signs has God given to announce the culmination of His purposes for the world? How can we discern them? How can we prepare? This book will unfold:
*The reason for the unprecedented natural and spiritual shakings in our world
*What the signs tell us, including unusual signs such as blood moons
*How God works according to seasons, eras, and the fullness of time
*How Jewish feasts point to the ages of man, accurately showing us God’s time clock
*Which imminent biblical signs and promises have yet to be fulfilled
*The judgments God is bringing to the earth
God has given prophecies concerning Israel, the church, and the world. And His Spirit is disclosing His last-days purposes right now. We need to know how to receive the vital revelation and prophetic knowledge He wants to share with His people. When we have this foreknowledge, we can understand the times and prepare for His final plans for the earth.
God intends the church to be a community of hope, revival, and supernatural power in the midst of dark times. There is a spirit of confusion in the world today. People must turn to God for the answers only He can give, and the church needs to be ready to provide those answers.
In these end times, you do not need to be fearful, discouraged, or distracted. Instead, you can know your true position in God before Christ’s appearing. You can be joyfully prepared, watching and waiting in expectation, with your spiritual eyes open. Live in God’s perfect will for your life and participate in His supernatural, last-days purposes!
Harnessing The Power Of Tension
$24.99Add to cartThe word tension comes from the Latin word tendere, which means “to stretch.” It’s not a bad thing to be stretched in our careers, our parenting, our ministries, or our leadership. Without tension, we become stagnant and stop growing. In fact, we might even say that tension is both inevitable and, in many cases, desirable in life and leadership.
In Harnessing the Power of Tension: Stretched but Not Broken, international leadership consultant Sam Chand examines tension as it arises in and between the arenas of business, church, and family. The presence of tension isn’t a flaw in you or a threat from others. It’s not a problem to solve, but a strain to be used. When you develop this perspective and you encounter tension, you’ll be less confused and feel less guilty because you understand that tension isn’t the result of your error or flaw. You’ll experience less pressure to figure everything out and less compulsion to resolve it quickly and completely.
When we accept tension as a reality of life, we gain confidence and mental clarity when we encounter it. Our focus isn’t on getting rid of tension, but using it to create something better than before. We don’t walk on eggshells, afraid to say the wrong thing. We learn when to speak up, when to ask questions, when to listen, and when to let things go. As we relax in the middle of tension, we see people and situations more clearly, and we invite our families and teams into the process of creatively using tension in life and leadership.
Harbinger 2 The Return
$24.99Add to cartNew Release From 5-Time New York Times Best Selling Author Jonathan Cahn!
In 2012 Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide sensation with the release of his first book and massive best seller, The Harbinger. It has been hailed as “stunning,” “prophetic,” “mind-blowing,” and “astonishing.” Cahn followed it with his best sellers The Mystery of the Shemitah,The Book of Mysteries, The Paradigm, and The Oracle. But he has always held off on writing a sequel to The Harbinger, believing it was not yet the time. But now is the time. With the release of The Harbinger II, Cahn will reveal what could not be revealed up until now, including the mysteries that couldn’t be put into The Harbinger-the mysteries and prophetic harbingers that have manifested since the book came out-and the mysteries of what is yet to come. The Harbinger II will take the mystery to new dimensions and heights of revelation.Questions have been asked since The Harbinger first came out, and they will finally be answered.
*Has the revelation continued?
*Has the mystery progressed to a more critical stage?
*Have more harbingers now manifested on American soil?
*Is America closer now than ever before to judgment?
*Could this explain what has been happening in recent days?
*And what lies in store for the future?The Harbinger II will open up the mysteries of the Watchmen, the Half Moon, the Day of Tammuz, the Parchment in the Ruins, the Tree, the Inscription, the Image, the Eastern Gate, and much, much more. It will ultimately lead to mysteries concerning the future, which include the Window, the Island, the Other Mystery Ground, and the Prophecy.
As with The Harbinger, the revelations of The Harbinger II are completely real and manifesting in the events of our times. And as with the first book, the mysteries are revealed through a narrative. So, The Harbinger II will bring the return of Nouriel, Ana Goren, and the mysterious figure known as “the prophet.” The prophet will now take up the revelation where he left off and open mysteries as stunning and mind-blowing as in the first book.
The mysteries will be opened up, as in the prophet’s first appearance, through the giving of ancient seals, but also in dreams and through a little girl as mysterious as the prophet. In The Harbinger II you will be taken on an epic journey from the shores of New England, to the steps of the Supreme Court, to the towering heights of a Manhattan skyscraper, to a boat on the Hudson River, even to the
How To Overcome Lifes Endless Trials
$17.99Add to cartDiamonds, gold, and precious pearls don’t lie on the earth’s surface. We have to search for them. And so it is with the precious gems of the Bible. We have to dig for them. They have been hidden from the eyes those who fail to “search the Scriptures.” The life of Joseph in particular is filled with enigmatic meaning and biblical types that are easily missed by a superficial reading of the wonderful story. From his initial strange dreams, to the continual attempts to seduce him by Potiphar’s unfaithful wife, to being thrown in jail as an accused sexual predator, to his divinely assisted interpretations of the bizarre dreams of the butler, the baker, and Pharaoh-all carry amazing truths that will comfort, encourage, and thrill the godly soul.
And how we need comfort, because almost every day has a fresh curveball-the unexpected job loss, bills that come from nowhere, sickness, the neighbor’s barking dog, and the car that breaks down. It seems that the whole world has conspired to make our short life miserable. And it certainly would be, if we missed the great lessons from a young man whose life was as colorful as his famous coat.
Post Quarantine Church
$12.99Add to cartA trustworthy and respected guide for pastors and church leadership in the post-quarantine world, providing hope and vision for the future of your congregation.
From thousands of surveys of church leaders and in-person consultations, Thom Rainer and his Church Answers team have gathered the essential wisdom you will need to face the challenges and opportunities that the quarantine crisis creates for the local church, including:
New and better ways to lead the gathered churchA wide-open door for growing the digital churchA moment to rethink the facilitiesNew strategies for church growth . . . and much more!
This book is, in effect, your personal church consultant, helping you plan and prepare for the future. In the midst of heartbreak, tragedy, and struggle due to Covid-19, here’s hope, wisdom, encouragement and vision.
This book is valuable for those looking for local church and pastor resources to enhance church leadership, grow your church, and serve digital and online church communities in the post-quarantine world.
As a former pastor and founder of Church Answers, Thom S. Rainer is intimately familiar with the ever-present demands that pastors face. He has spent a lifetime committed to the growth and health of the local church.
Made To Flourish
$17.99Add to cartGod likes watching things grow.On each beautiful page of Made to Flourish, bestselling author and Bible teacher Beth Moore invites you to explore the fruitful life through the language of the garden-and the words of the Master Gardener Himself. The metaphor of God as Gardener plays out in Scripture as He tends His people with care, skill, and intention. When Jesus began His ministry on earth, He took this idea to whole new level, revealing that He Himself is the Vine. He invites us to the sacred ground of abiding, calling us to flourish in the abundant life He offers.
Marvelous Maker
$14.99Add to cartThe Marvelous Maker is a creation redemption parable that tells the story of creation, fall, sacrifice, and redemption. This rhyming retelling uncovers how the Maker fabulously creates a universe for His glory and for His children to enjoy. Everything is perfect and good until the Tricky Tempter enters the scene and tempts the Maker’s children, which brings a horrible darkness to creation and allows the Tempter to take the children captive. The Maker sees His children’s hardened hearts and their suffering and chooses to rescue them despite the cost. He sacrifices His life to bring healing to His children.
Their relationship restored, the Maker then trains the children to fight against the Tricky Tempter. The children’s hearts and eyes are opened as they realize that the Maker is good, and they choose to follow, love, and praise Him.
Each of The Marvelous Maker’s forty lines is based on Scripture, encapsulating the message of the gospel and sharing it with readers in a picture-book format that is poetic but powerful.
Global Prayer Journal
$19.99VOM’s Global Prayer Journal includes the same country summaries found in VOM’s Global Prayer Guide, along with additional ruled pages that you can use to write out your prayers or make note of others’ prayer needs. The ruled pages, which include Bible verses, can also be used to take notes during Sunday sermons or for journaling during your devotional time with the Lord. With an embossed cover and full-color photos, this journal makes a great gift for anyone with a burden to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.
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Action Bible New And Expanded Stories (Expanded)
$32.99Add to cartThe Action Bible presents more than 230 fast-paced narratives in chronological order, making it easy to follow the Bible’s historical flow and building up to the thrilling climax of God’s redemptive story.
Plus, these spectacular updates take the action to a whole new level:
*25 new stories showcase a more extensive exploration of God’s work in our lives.
*23 expanded stories highlight additional experiences of the people who tell God’s story.
*128 new pages of illustrations deliver a richer artistic experience with more close-up faces, historical details, and dramatic colors.Every page sparks excitement to explore God’s Word and know Him personally. Readers will witness God’s active presence in the world through stories from the life of Jesus and great heroes of the faith.
Let this blend of powerful imagery and clear storytelling capture your imagination and instill the truth that invites you to discover your own adventure of life with God.
Sergio Cariello’s illustrations for The Action Bible leap off the page with the same thrilling energy that earned him international recognition for his work with Marvel Comics and DC Comics.
Something Worth Doing
$20.00Add to cartIn 1853, Abigail Scott was a 19-year-old school teacher in Oregon Territory when she married Ben Duniway. Marriage meant giving up on teaching, but Abigail always believed she was meant to be more than a good wife and mother. When financial mistakes and an injury force Ben to stop working, Abigail becomes the primary breadwinner for her growing family. What she sees as a working woman appalls her, and she devotes her life to fighting for the rights of women, including their right to vote.
Following Abigail as she bears six children, runs a millinery and a private school, helps on the farm, writes novels, gives speeches, and eventually runs a newspaper supporting women’s suffrage, Something Worth Doing explores issues that will resonate strongly with modern women: the pull between career and family, finding one’s place in the public sphere, and dealing with frustrations and prejudices women encounter when they compete in male-dominated spaces. Based on a true story of a pioneer for women’s rights from award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick will inspire you to believe that some things are worth doing–even when the cost is great.
$21.17Add to cartZoe Johnson spent most of her life living in the shadows, never drawing attention to herself, never investing in people or places. But when a wide-eyed, bedraggled teenager with no memory walks into the diner where Zoe works, everything changes. Now, against her better judgment, Zoe, who has been trying to outrun her own painful memories of the past, finds herself attempting to help a girl who doesn’t seem to have any past at all. The girl knows only one thing: she must reach a woman in Corpus Christi, Texas, hundreds of miles away, before the government agents who are searching for her catch up to them.
Award-winning author Rachelle Dekker throws you into the middle of the action and keeps the pressure on in this page-turning story that, asks Are we who the world says we are–or can we change our story and be something more?
Essential Fasting : Ancient Medicine For Your Body, Soul, And Spirit – 12 B
$26.99Add to cartThis ancient practice will take your physical health and spiritual life to a whole new level!
Are you ready to experience a major breakthrough in your life? More than a fad diet or passing health trend, Essential Fasting from New York Times bestselling authors, give you the keys to take your spiritual and physical health to another level.
The Biblical secret of fasting has been practiced since ancient times by Daniel, Esther, Jesus, the early church fathers and many others to achieve physical and spiritual breakthrough. By applying God’s ancient plan for the human body, Jordan Rubin and Josh Axe share how you can unlock power in your spiritual life and experience a major upgrade in your physical life.
As you learn to implement various kinds of fasting, such as spiritual fasting, the Daniel fast, and intermittent fasting, you will experience the spiritual and physical benefits that fasting can bring, including…
*A deeper relationship with God.
*Freedom from addictions.
*Increased spiritual sensitivity.
*Relief from depression and anxiety.
*A mind cleared of negative thoughts.
*Weight loss.
*Normalized insulin sensitivity.
*More energy.
*Lower blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and arterial plaque.
*Learn the different kinds of fasting and the unique health benefits they provide
*Plans and recipes to guide you through different kinds of fasting.Unlock a new level of breakthrough in your life by harnessing the power of fasting!
Warring With Wisdom
$19.99Add to cartSpiritual warfare impacts more than just your spirit.
Spiritual warfare is not limited to the spiritual realm, but affects the entirety of your life-your spirit, your soul, and even your body. Satan and his demons are launching a full-on assault against you, attacking every part of your being.
Author, speaker and co-founder of the Bethel SOZO movement, Dawna De Silva believes that understanding the scope of the enemy’s attacks – and countering with a holistic warfare strategy – is key to experiencing total victory and wholeness. In Warring with Wisdom, she offers a complete battle plan to help you wage warfare on every front.
You will be equipped with powerful warfare secrets. Discover…
*The warfare strategies for attaining physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness.
*The power that forgiving your body can have in bringing healing.
*How to stay one step ahead of the enemy’s multi-faceted attacks.Leave no front opened to the enemy. Discover the power and freedom that comes with spirit, soul and body spiritual warfare!
Scribe : Receiving And Retaining Revelation Through Journaling
$17.99Add to cartAn interactive guide to hearing from God.
After centuries of neglect, the Church is re-awakening to the fact that God desires to communicate with His people through prophets and the prophetic voice. These supernatural encounters are available for every believer!
In this bible-based, interactive journal, James Goll writes with clarity and authority. The Scribe is an interactive, step-by-step process designed to help you record, interpret, and understand the purpose and meaning of the prophetic words from the Holy Spirit.
Learn how to:
*Discern what God is communicating through supernatural experiences
*Document Holy Spirit’s revelations through journaling
*Unlock the meaning of your personal revelatory language
*Experience the Holy Spirit in your everyday lifeIf you long to hear from God, this interactive manual is a powerful resource to equip you in your pursuit of Him. Start encountering God in exciting new ways today!
Flirting With Darkness
$16.99Add to cartIn Flirting with Darkness, Ben shares his journey through personal tragedy and debilitating depression. Along the way, he discovered tools that helped him cling to God in the dark times. You will learn how:
*ditching your masks can help you discover who you really are
*spending time in prayer and growing closer to God can give you a new perspective
*turning your focus off your problems and on God’s promises can help you find new purposeFor anyone feeling weighed down by darkness, longing to renew their joy for life, Ben brings his childlike wonder to help you find a way out of your pain to glimpse the light in your own story.
Last Days Survival Guide
$26.99Add to cartGod is Calling You to Thrive!
Turbulent times are all around us, and Bible prophecies foretold centuries ago read like today’s news headlines. Should we run for the nearest cave? Face reports boldly but blindly? Resign ourselves to trouble ahead? No! God has always had a survival plan to equip believers for the end times. In Last-Days Survival Guide, author and seasoned student of the Greek Rick Renner delivers rock-solid advice for sailing through turbulent seasons with victory. Rick shares how to supernaturally navigate stormy seas of the last days with the power and insight of the Word of God and the Spirit of God. You’ll be strengthened and encouraged as you learn to not only survive but thrive!
Family Discipleship : Leading Your Home Through Time, Moments, And Mileston
$24.99Add to cartThe most important disciple a parent will make is within their own home, and yet this is the most difficult disciple to make. Family Discipleship by Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin helps readers develop a sustainable rhythm of gospel-centered discipleship through a guided framework focusing on moments of discipleship in 3 key areas: time (intentional time gathering your family around gospel activities or conversations), moments (leveraging opportunities throughout the day), and milestones (celebrating significant life events). Each section provides parents with Scriptures to consider, questions to answer, structures to implement, and ideas to try out as they seek to see Christ formed in their children. Here is a book that begins with the end in mind, offering ideas and examples of what gospel-centered family discipleship looks like, helping parents design their own discipleship plan as they seek to raise children in the love and fear of the Lord.
You Matter For Teen Girls
$12.99Add to cartGuess What, Beautiful Girl?
You Matter to the Heavenly Creator. . .and He Has a Perfect Plan for Your Life!
This delightful devotional, created just for teen girls like you, is a beautiful reminder of your purpose. . .your worth. . .your place in the world. 180 encouraging readings and inspiring prayers, rooted in biblical truth, will reassure your doubting heart. In each devotional reading, you will encounter the bountiful love and grace of your Creator, while coming to understand His plan-for you and you alone. You Matter: Devotions and Prayers for a Teen Girl’s Heart is a wonderful, quiet-time devotional!
Berenstain Bears Love Is Kind
$5.99Original price was: $5.99.$3.97Current price is: $3.97.In The Berenstain Bears Love is Kind, good manners have been wearing a little thin in the Bear family’s tree house. Maybe the bears just woke up on the wrong side of bed. Maybe they’re all so busy that they’re getting grouchy and cranky. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that things are on the wrong track in the politeness department. Grizzly Gran does not approve. But rather than scold, she brings the Bears a gift-a handmade sampler with a gentle reminder from 1 Corinthians about how important love and respect are. Before long, Gran’s idea works, and the whole family begins to sound more like their kind and polite selves again.
This important addition to the popular Berenstain Bear Living Lights series-beloved by parents, grandparents, caregivers, and children alike-will quickly earn a top spot on children’s bookshelves. The kid-friendly text and easy-to-read, easy-to-remember Scripture verses teach valuable life lessons, encourage discussion, and take you down memory lane with each subsequent reading.
Parents, grandparents, and caregivers looking for a Bible-based, read-aloud story that helps children understand the importance of being kind and showing good manners need look no further than another soon-to-be classic in the Living Lights series-The Berenstain Bears Love is Kind!
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Lunch Box Notes For Brave Boys
$8.99Make lunchtime memorable with Lunch Box Notes for Brave Boys!
These fun and inspiring Lunch Box Notes for Brave Boys gives you the opportunity to share a moment of humor, truth, and encouragement during your child’s lunchtime. Adorable designs alongside delightful text will make your boy’s day as he reads each special, heartfelt message. Perfect for elementary school kids of all ages, each colorful, perforated card offers a special message on side one, and a truth-filled scripture selection on side two. Make lunchtime a faith- and confidence-building time with Lunch Box Notes for Brave Boys!
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Moment In Time Book 3
$16.99Is a 365 day devotional that was written with parents in mind. After four decades of ministy to children and youth, it is obvious that parents need encouragement as they seek to raise their children to honor and live for the Lord.
Each day a passage is applied to that God honoring task of raising Godly children; with a teaching moment concluding each day. It is Carl’s prayer that as each day is read that you will receive a word of truth that will assist in the life of your children or grandchildren. God’s Word is as alive and relevant as it was when your parents read you these same verses. Let’s live by it.
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Love Has A Name
$20.00Some people make it really hard to love them. But we can learn how to love better–often from those we would never expect to teach us. This hopeful guide offers a practical approach to loving like Jesus does.
Loving people is hard. Especially when it involves the difficult people in our lives and those different from us. Adam Weber knows firsthand that whether you’re new to following Jesus or you’ve been doing so for decades, loving people can be painful, uncomfortable, and downright exhausting. Now more than ever, love seems to be absent from our attitude, words, and actions. The chapters of this book record Adam’s own journey to understanding how to love, named after the people who’ve radically loved him, or that he’s tried to love well. Through these stories–some touching, some difficult, some amusing–you’ll see what real love looks like in the lives of real people. Sometimes the people we least expect.
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Dazzle Of Diamonds
$25.00Add to cartPenelope Hunter loves her job as the events manager at one of Savannah’s premier historic venues–until her ex-fiance walks into her office with his new bride-to-be. To make matters worse, a scheming social matriarch is intent on seeing Penelope fired, especially if she insists on being seen with Tucker Westbrook.
Since returning from serving two tours in the Middle East, Tucker has built a thriving security company. His work is nearly as stabilizing as his friendship with Penelope, who has been by his side since childhood. But when the lone candidate for county sheriff goads him, Tucker loses his cool and ends up on the ballot–and on the receiving end of a smear campaign claiming the Westbrooks were traitors to the South.
To clear his name, Tucker and Penelope must join forces to find the truth behind a 150-year-old lost treasure. But the more time they spend together, the closer she comes to losing her job–and falling helplessly in love.
Mockingbirds Song
$15.99Add to cartWhere Is the Hope in Grief for a Young Amish Widow?
Sylvia has been nearly paralyzed with grief and anxiety since the tragic death of her husband, father, and brother in a traffic accident. She tries to help in the family’s greenhouse while caring for her two young children, but she prefers not to have to deal with customers. Her mother’s own grief causes her to hover over her children and grandchildren, and Sylvia seeks a diversion. She takes up birdwatching and soon meets an Amish man who teaches her about local birds. But Sylvia’s mother doesn’t trust Dennis Weaver, and as the relationship sours, mysterious attacks on the greenhouse start up again.
Piecing It All Together
$15.99Add to cartWhen Savannah Mast’s fiance dumps her a week before their wedding, she flees California for the safety of her Amish grandmother’s farm near Nappanee, Indiana. She’s not planning on staying long but becomes unexpectedly entangled in the search for a missing Amish girl. She can’t leave–especially not when her childhood friend Tommy Yoder is implicated as a suspect.
When Savannah accompanies her grandmother to Plain Patterns, a nearby quilt shop, the owner and local historian, Jane Berger, relates a tale about another woman’s disappearance back in the 1800s that has curious echoes to today.
Inspired by the story, Savannah does all she can to find the Amish girl and clear Tommy’s name. But when her former fiance shows up, begging her to return to California and marry him after all, she must choose between accepting the security of what he has to offer or continuing the complicated legacy of her family’s faith.
Wherever You Go I Want You To Know
$14.99Add to cartTells children that whatever they do and wherever they go, your greatest hope is that they will love and follow Jesus.
Kids love to dream about what they might do when they grow up: jobs they might have, places they might go, people they might meet. And parents and carers love to encourage and support them. But for Christian parents and carers, their greatest hope for their children, their dream of all dreams, is that whatever their kids do and wherever they go, they will love and follow Jesus.
As children embark on life’s journey with all their potential and aspirations, express to them your biggest dream with this beautiful illustrated rhyming children’s book.
As well as teaching children about the only thing that really matters in life, this book also reminds parents that telling their kids about Jesus is more important than anything else.
Makes a wonderful gift for a wide range of children-from 3 year olds to 8 year olds and even beyond-for birthdays, Christmas or graduation.
Pastors Kid : What It’s Like And How To Help (Revised)
$16.99Add to cartAdvice on how to care for pastors’ kids and allow them to find their own faith and identity.
Pastors’ kids are often burdened by others’ expectations, but there is a wonderful solution, both at home and in the church: grace.
In this revised, refreshed version of Barnabas Piper’s best-known book, the author candidly shares his own experiences as son of pastor and bestselling author John Piper, offering a challenge to our churches and to the families at their very heart: how to care for pastors’ kids and allow them to find their own faith and identity.
Proverbs For You
$8.99Add to cartEight studies exploring how Proverbs’ ancient wisdom should shape our lives today.
If there’s one thing we need for navigating life in the 21st century, it’s this: wisdom. But God hasn’t left us guessing as to what that looks like. He’s given us a whole book of wisdom, Proverbs, which points us to Jesus – wisdom personified and exemplified.
Discover how to enjoy living in line with God’s wisdom as you walk through Proverbs in these eight engaging and practical Bible studies.
Proverbs For You
$17.99Add to cartIn the Proverbs, God offers us wisdom for real life and he shows us Jesus, who was wisdom personified and exemplified.
This accessible, absorbing expository guide to Proverbs by Kathleen Nielson brings these ancient sayings to life, helping ordinary Christians to see what it can look like to enjoy living in line with God’s wisdom in the great multitude of everyday situations and decisions we face.
This book gives an expository rather than topical treatment to the book of Proverbs, so it can be read as originally intended. It also has more application than a typical commentary, making it a great resource for personal devotions, as well as useful for leading small-group studies or sermon preparation.
Sinless Flesh : A Critique Of Karl Barth’s Fallen Christ
$28.99Add to cartDid Christ assume a fallen human nature?
“What is not assumed is not healed.” So goes the Chalcedonian maxim articulated by Gregory of Nazianzus regarding the nature and extent of Christ’s work in assuming a human nature. But what is the nature of that assumption? If Christ is to stand in solidarity with us, must he have assumed not merely a human nature, but specifically a fallen human nature?
In Sinless Flesh: A Critique of Karl Barth’s Fallen Christ, Rafael Bello argues against the assertion made by Karl Barth, T. F. Torrance, and those who follow them that Christ assumed a fallen nature. Through retrieval of patristic, medieval, and Reformed orthodox theologians, Bello argues that a proper understanding of human nature, trinitarian inseparable operations, and the habitual grace-grace of union distinction leads to the conclusion that the assertion that Christ assumed a fallen human nature is at odds with faithful theological and historical understandings of the incarnation.
Readers interested in theological retrieval for issues in contemporary theology will find a faithful model and way forward for a thorny issue in modern dogmatics.
When Did Eve Sin
$19.99Add to cartDid Eve sin before Adam?
When responding to the serpent’s temptation to eat the forbidden fruit, Eve says that one “must not touch it” (Gen 3:2-3). In this, Eve appears to embellish upon God’s clear command that one must not eat from the tree (Gen 2:17). Did Eve add to God’s command, becoming the first legalist? Was this an innocent mistake? Or is the answer altogether different?
Jeffrey J. Niehaus tackles this issue head-on in When Did Eve Sin? Though many commentators believe that Eve altered God’s command, there are notable exceptions in the history of interpretation that suggest another answer. Using Scripture to interpret Scripture and analyzing biblical stories where characters retell the facts, Neihaus recognizes a common scriptural pattern that resolves the mystery of Eve’s words.
Niehaus examines his view’s implications for biblical historiography, what it meant to eat from the tree of life, how a sinless being can fall into sin, and the nature of the mysterious serpent. Everyone engaging with these questions will be deftly guided by Niehaus’ thorough study of this thorny issue.
Precepts For Living Regular Print 2021-2022
$19.95Add to cartPastors and educators alike praise Precepts For Living(R), UMI’s best-selling annual Bible commentary. This indispensable resource is based on the texts outlined in the International Uniform Lesson Series and provides 52 weeks of in-depth Bible studies for personal or classroom use. Unlike other Bible study lesson plans, Precepts For Living(R) highlights the cultural relevance and contributions of Africans in Bible history – a bonus for African American churches. Each easy-to-use weekly lesson explores the life-changing power of God’s Word and takes a creative approach to teaching and applying those truths today. The interactive and encouraging students are practical and clear – perfect for students and leaders. Scripture text in parallel King James Version – New Living Translation, In-depth Bible Commentary to promote insight and understanding, Teaching Tools such as illustrations, maps, charts, tips, and daily Bible readings, Instructive Bible Commentary, Proven, effective Teaching Tools, Historical, Biographical, and Geographic Insights, with Greek and Hebrew translations and pronunciation guides, “Perspective” Quarterly Essays by leading theologians and Christian educators, Heritage Profiles of notable African Americans to introduce Bible themes, offering the unique African American perspective readers anticipate from UMI. Precepts For Living(R) is an invaluable study guide for all who desire to further their knowledge, understanding, and application of biblical truths.
Manifesto : The Minority Contract With America
$15.99Add to cartMore than in any time in our nation’s history, there’s a greater opportunity now for minority populations to let their voices be heard, influence society, and reshape the role of government in their lives.
This is not the time for violence, nor is it the time to demand more handouts from governments that have failed to give minorities what they truly need and deserve: a better life so they can achieve their own destiny.
A Manifesto: Christian America’s Contract with Minorities by Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. sets the stage for a biblical agenda or manifesto to bring about social change in our nation. Christians of every denomination and ethnic stripe are welcome to join this coalition to contribute to our national vision and strategic direction.
Rather than continuing to let government view minorities as precocious children too young to drive, A Manifesto offers an outline to strengthen people to work together to be empowered in key areas, from education and public policy reform to wealth creation and entrepreneurship.
Christians everywhere are urged to join in and build a brighter tomorrow for all of us!
Last Great Outpouring
$19.99Add to cartAfter four hundred years of prophetic silence, God sent John the Baptist to announce the coming of the Messiah, the baptism He would bring, and the in-breaking of the kingdom of God on earth. In response, people streamed to the Jordan River to hear John’s words and be baptized by him in the Jewish ritual mikveh bath for cleansing from sin and defilement. John’s calling was to prepare the people for the coming glory.
Our God is nothing if not consistent-the same yesterday, today and forever. As in the days leading to the return of Jesus, He therefore continues to send messengers in advance to announce coming moves of the Spirit in order to prepare His people to receive. Author R. Loren Sandford believes God is about to do something huge, wonderful, and even unprecedented in scope and impact, and he is urging Christians everywhere to prepare for it.
Beginning with the prophet Haggai and moving through the Bible, Loren lays a foundation for his belief that the time of the last great outpouring and the Lord’s return is now.
He writes, “The church in our day has been ravaged and diminished in influence under pressure from the idolatrous culture that surrounds us and that, figuratively speaking, a remnant is even now returning from exile. It’s time to rebuild on a biblical foundation and construct a temple adequate to contain the outpouring God is about to send.”
Loren says we must reject our present culture, which is steeped in consumerism and a focus on self, and return to a culture of covenant. The former has weakened and destroyed us, while the latter will edify and strengthen us.
As John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the way, prophetic voices are now rising to proclaim that the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in history is coming. The great last days’ move of God approaches and the call for preparation now is the same as John preached so long ago. Through reliable prophetic voices, God now cries for holiness and cleansing to uproot everything in ourselves and in our churches not solidly rooted in the nature of Jesus and the Father.
Greek Word Study
$24.99Add to cart“Flour. Sheep. Coins. Wheat. Jesus never abandoned the familiarity of His time because what He had to say was so celestial or deep. Instead, He took advantage of what people already understood. In doing so, He didn’t just leave a way of salvation for us, but also a pattern of teaching to follow. This alone was my inspiration for how I chose to write Greek Word Study.”–author Chris Palmer
In a follow-up to his highly acclaimed book Letters from Jesus: Studies from the Seven Churches of Revelation, the Rev. Chris Palmer has written Greek Word Study: 90 Ancient Words That Unlock Scripture. With wit, humor, grace, and scholarship, Chris offers biblical insights while teaching Koine Greek words and phrases one delightful bite at a time. Unlike other books that overwhelm readers with Greek grammar, word formation, tenses, and the like, Chris makes the language accessible to anyone, using modern stories and analogies that engage readers and draw them into the Scriptures. Learning some Greek words and phrases helps you read the Bible in high definition!
“You don’t need to be scholar to read this book and you don’t need to know an ounce of Greek either. In fact, you don’t even have to really know much about the Bible at all,” Chris says. “All you need to do is just kick back and enjoy.”
Rahab Woman Of Jerico
$15.99Add to cartSome biblical scholars maintain that the woman in Jericho who hid Joshua’s two spies was a harlot or a prostitute. But if that was the case, how did this woman, Rahab, become one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ? Wouldn’t the Father ensure a pure lineage for His Son?
Author Diana Wallis Taylor offers a beautiful story of intrigue that explains how Rahab came to be the mother of Boaz, grandmother of Obed, and great-grandmother of Jesse, the father of King David.In Rahab, Woman of Jericho, readers discover a Rahab who is a descendent of the tribe of Ephraim, one of the ten lost tribes of Israel. Her clan left Egypt and settled in Canaan before the Hebrews were enslaved. Although they did not wander in the desert with Moses for forty years, nor did they hear the laws that the Lord gave to His people, they still worshipped the one true God.
Rahab marries Radames, a young Egyptian officer, who is to become the new governor of Jericho. They live in the Egyptian embassy set in the city wall . When the Israelites approach Canaan with their army, pharaoh sends word that he is withdrawing his troops. Radames fabricates a story to tell Jericho’s king, but Hammurabi doesn’t believe it…and he has his eye on the beautiful Rahab.
What will happen to Rahab after the lecherous king poisons her husband? How can she save her family from the invading Israelites? God parted the waters of the Jordan River for them–will He likewise provide miracles and blessings to her Ephraimite clan if they can rejoin their people?
Divine Revelation Of Angels And Demons
$19.99Add to cart2 Books in 1 from Bestselling Author Mary K. Baxter: In A Divine Revelation of Angels, Mary Baxter describes dreams, visions, and revelations of angels that God has given her. Explore the fascinating dynamics of angelic beings, including their appearance, their assigned functions and roles, and how they operate, not only in the heavenly realms, but also in our lives here on earth. Discover the difference between good angels and bad angels (demons) and their activities so you can distinguish angels of light from angels of darkness. Learn how God’s holy angels are magnificent beings who are His messengers and warriors sent to assist, sustain, protect, and deliver us through the power of Christ.
A Divine Revelation of Deliverance explains why many Christians can’t seem to overcome sins and temptations, and why they experience recurring problems in their health, finances, and relationships. Through Scripture, visions of warfare, and lessons learned through personal encounters with evil spiritual forces, Mary K. Baxter exposes the schemes of Satan and his demons and reveals powerful truths that will help you overcome your fear of the enemy, recognize and conquer satanic traps, experience victory over sins and failures, be free from unexplained attacks, and intercede for the deliverance of others. This is a war that must be fought with the supernatural power and weapons of God!
10 Foot Christian And World History Time Line
$14.99Add to cartThe 10-Foot Christian and World History Time Line offers a birds-eye view of history showing Christian historical events unfolding next to their world history counterparts. This indispensable Bible study tool is a great addition to any church resource library, Christian school, or homeschooler’s classroom.
This time line covers the life of Jesus to the modern day (AD 1 to present). It also covers the expansion of Christianity after the ascension of Jesus, including key eras such as the emergence of the Eastern Orthodox Church and monasticism, the rise of Islam and iconoclasm, the Protestant Reformation, the age of exploration, and Puritanism.
Comes in an 8.5″ x 11″ envelope; unfolds to 10′ x 11″. Easy to put together in four panels.
Common Grace Volume 3
$55.99Add to cartGod’s Gifts for a Fallen World
Common Grace is often considered Abraham Kuyper’s crowning work, an exploration of how God expresses grace even to the unsaved. Kuyper firmly believed that though many people in the world will remain unconverted, God’s grace is still shown to the world as a whole.
In this third and final volume of Common Grace, Kuyper brings his argument to its logical completion by turning to practical implications. With detailed explorations on matters of church and state, family, upbringing, and society, Kuyper provides practical guidance for all who desire to flourish within the created order, a world in which God’s grace is generously given to all.
Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft
$19.99Add to cartYour Holy Spirit Handbook to Surviving Last Days Deception.
On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?” – Matthew 7:22
Are they prophesying by the Holy Spirit… or ministering under a demonic influence?
Jennifer LeClaire received a startling prophetic word that a showdown was coming to the body of Christ-where both true and false prophets will be exposed. In this book she presents a confrontational yet constructive word of warning to the contemporary Spirit-empowered movement. More than ever, there is a great need in the modern prophetic community to be discerning of what is true and what is false.
This powerful book features intriguing chapters that provide Bible answers, supernatural clarity and timely spiritual solutions, including:
*Identify what real prophets look and sound like.
*Discover the signs of false prophets.
*Discern the difference between false prophets and false prophecy.
*Avoid “Prophetic Con Artists” who sell prophecies and engage in spiritual scams.
*Beware of “Charismatic Witchcraft.”
*Recognize the counterfeit Rise of “Christian Witches” and Psychics.
*Resist those offering deliverance and impartation who are empowered by divination.When you learn to recognize and resist satan’s counterfeits, you will build your life upon unshakeable Truth and thrive in victory during days of darkness and compromise.
Mornings And Evenings In His Presence
$26.99Add to cartSpend your morning and evening encountering God’s powerful Presence!
In our busy lives, it can be easy to forget to listen for God’s ever-present whisper. But if you choose to turn towards Him, a life-changing encounter is only a moment away.
Pastors Bill and Beni Johnson, bestselling authors and senior leaders of the Bethel movement, deliver inspiring morning and evening devotionals for every day of the year that will help you enjoy a more intimate walk with the Holy Spirit and a more victorious life empowered by the presence of God.
You will learn how to: bring Heaven to earth, live a miraculous lifestyle, host Holy Spirit’s presence, dream with God, experience the supernatural power of communion, renew your mind, strengthen yourself in the Lord, walk in divine health, discover the joy of intercession, and much more!
In your mornings and evenings, choose to spend a moment with the Lord. One encounter in His presence can set the course of your day and change your world!
Walking In Truth In A World Of Lies
$15.99Add to cartYou and I are being lied to on a regular basis. In fact, our entire culture is riddled with duplicity.
Scripture warns repeatedly of deception on a massive scale in the Last Days, so why are Christians seemingly so unconcerned? Has their access to theological information and their acceptance of orthodox doctrine caused them to believe they are impervious to being deceived?
There is only one way to stay safe from the deceiver’s powerful lies: We must allow the “love of the truth” to hold sway in our innermost being. Only then will we be capable of Walking in Truth in a World of Lies.
Our Daily Bread Fearless Faith
$12.99You will be empowered to face life head-on as you read on a wide range of everyday issues, from how to handle mistakes to understanding the Bible to dealing with bullying or loss and so much more. In about five minutes a day, you will learn more about yourself, more about relationships, and more about the God of the universe who knows you personally and loves you unconditionally. Includes devotional thoughts, a Bible verse for the day, thought-provoking questions, and optional additional Scripture reading.
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