Showing 2951–3000 of 6769 resultsSorted by latest
Why Does Friendship Matter
$9.99Add to cartHow you can make the best of your friendships.
In a world where making friends-and unfriending-can be done with a click, is friendship the most disposable relationship? Or is it an underappreciated treasure? How should you think about your friends?In Why Does Friendship Matter?, Chris L. Firestone and Alex H. Pierce consider the profits and perils of friendship. Everyone needs friends. Friends help us navigate and enjoy life: “The sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel” (Prov 27:9). Firestone and Pierce define friendship, draw from perspectives of the past, and consider different types of friendship, its limits, and possible red flags. Learn what makes for a good friend and how you can be one.
The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.
How Can We Help Victims Of Trauma And Abuse
$9.99Add to cartHow you can support survivors with the hope of Christ.
Chances are that you know someone who has experienced trauma-or you’ve experienced it yourself. So how can you respond wisely, carefully, and helpfully?
In How Can We Help Victims of Trauma and Abuse?, Stephen N. Williams and Susan L. Williams draw on their expertise in theology and counseling to equip you. Ignorant helpfulness can be damaging; a truly fruitful response must be informed, not just well–intentioned. Before we can aid in recovery, we must gain a deeper understanding of trauma’s emotional and spiritual implications. Moreover, we need a Christian perspective on trauma. Discover how Christ is the light and life that defeats darkness and death.
The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.
What Is Islam
$9.99Add to cartHow to love your Muslim neighbor.
Islam is the second–most popular and fastest–growing religion in the world. Islam and Christianity share some common commitments, but there are crucial differences. However, the greatest barrier to dialogue is that Christians and Muslims often misunderstand each other. Do you understand Islam?
In What Is Islam?, Chawkat Moucarry compares the teachings of Islam and Christianity on the most essential issues, such as the Bible, God, Jesus, sin and forgiveness, Muhammad, and God’s kingdom. Moreover, Moucarry dispels the many myths and misconceptions that both religions hold about the other, paving the way for charitable discussion. Understand how the gospel is good news for everyone.
The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.
52 Weekly Devotions For Family Prayer
$16.99Add to cartPacked with stories of contemporary families, hands-on activities that help children understand basic principles of prayer, and discussions that encourage you to dig into what happens when we pray.
Imagine what would happen if Christian families really took time to pray together and did it with knowledge of how to pray. Yours can be one of those families! Develop your family’s prayer life the easy way. These 52 weekly devotions will equip your family to pray together as you explore various aspects of prayer. The ideas are practical and easy for busy families to use, choosing what best fits their schedule. Contemporary stories based on true stories show how families respond to tragedy, rejoice with God, and persist in prayer during hard times.
Use 52 Week Devotions for Family Prayer before bedtime. Around the dinner table. Wherever and whenever you choose to have your family devotional time, 52 Weekly Devotions for Family Prayer fits perfectly into your on-the-go schedule and lifestyle. Throughout the book you’ll read what happens when Bible characters pray, praise, and live their faith:
*Nehemiah leaned on God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem while helping the people trust God against enemy threats
*Hannah wept before God and her prayer was heard
*Jesus shared what’s most important in prayer
*Elijah heard God whisper
Beautiful Hearted Women Of The Bible
$15.99Add to cartEnjoy Valuable Time with Your Daughter and the Lord by Connecting through Stories, Discussion, Prayer, Action, and Creativity
Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible is a creative, hands-on, 40-week devotional that provides a sweet space for moms and daughters ages 5-10 years old to grow in their relationship with God and each other.
Each devotional features a woman of the Bible who served God in word and action. The examples will develop beautiful hearts of strength, courage, and love in both moms and daughters as they admire the fortitude and inner beauty of these women and will ultimately point them to Jesus.
Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible reaches beyond the mind to the heart, connecting moms and daughters and helping to raise difference-makers for Jesus.
*Imaginative and reflective questions within each story
*Three questions and a simple prayer at the end of each story
*”Girls in Action”-practical ways to put your faith in action
*”Creative Fun” with lots of clever activities -
When The Universe Cracks
$16.99Add to cartGlobal conflicts, civil unrest, fallen leaders, health crises, financial meltdowns-the world is ripe with strife. When we face unexpected personal crises or when society around us seems to be collapsing, we wonder: Why is this happening? Can God be trusted?
Who can I trust to help me follow Jesus through this current crisis?
When the Universe Cracks is a sweeping, multifaceted look at the role of crisis in the life of faith from an esteemed gathering of pastors, faith leaders, and experts. You’ll find honest and realistic reflections to help you navigate a present trouble or anticipate changes. Inspired by a global pandemic, these writers examine the whole history of God’s people and offer a fresh perspective for every time the universe cracks.
Scholar and church leader Angie Ward facilitates this energizing and fascinating discussion. Thought leaders Jo Anne Lyon, Efrem Smith, Christine Jeske, D. A. Horton, Kyuboem Lee, Marshall Shelley, Matt Mikalatos, Sean Gladding, Catherine McNiel, and Lee Eclov each contributed a chapter.
When the Universe Cracks is the first in a series of Kingdom Conversations, books that bring together experts and faith leaders to address the most urgent and perplexing challenges of our time in resonant and redemptive ways for each of us and all of us.
Sacudimiento Y Avivamiento De – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cart!Sacudimiento… avivamiento… y cosecha!
Los ultimos tiempos se estan revelando ante nuestros ojos.
Primero, habra sacudimientos sin precedentes.
Hoy en dia, el mundo esta siendo sacudido de manera sin precedentes. Y esto es solo el comienzo. Las naciones, instituciones, economias, familias, individuos, el medio ambiente, el cosmos, el mundo espiritual; en fin, en cada dimension y esfera de la vida, veremos poderosas olas de sacudimiento que interrumpiran el curso de nuestras vidas y eliminaran nuestro falso sentido de seguridad en los recursos terrenales, obligandonos a volver la mirada a nuestro Creador.
El proposito principal de los sacudimientos es juzgar al mundo por su pecado y rebelion contra Dios. Sin embargo, Dios usara el sacudimiento que estamos experimentando ahora para refinar a los creyentes, de modo que seamos purificados hasta convertirnos en el remanente que esta listo para la inminente aparicion de Jesus.
Segundo, habra un avivamiento sin precedentes.
A medida que respondamos al sacudimiento con arrepentimiento y profundo fervor a Dios, estaremos preparados para tomar papel activo en el avivamiento de los ultimos dias, en el que se revelara la gloria soberana de Dios. Habra un movimiento sobrenatural integral caracterizado por milagros, sanidades, salvaciones, provision financiera, vision profetica, santidad renovada, adoracion poderosa, discipulado solido y profundo amor.
Finalmente, !habra una cosecha de almas sin precedentes con impacto global!
El Espiritu Santo empoderara a la iglesia para alcanzar a los perdidos con demostracion de milagros, seales y maravillas. Millones de personas en todo el mundo vendran al arrepentimiento genuino, entregando sus corazones al Seor Jesus.
En Sacudimiento y avivamiento de los ultimos tiempos, el autor de best-sellers, Guillermo Maldonado, profundiza sobre el tema de los ultimos tiempos introducido en sus libros anteriores, revelando como…
*Evitar el juicio de Dios
*Responder correctamente a los sacudimientos divinos en su vida y en el mundo
*Ser avivado y continuamente lleno del Espiritu
*Participar en la cosecha mundial de almas
*Moverse con poder sobrenatural!Necesitamos entender el ciclo de Dios en los eventos de los ultimos tiempos para poder alinear nuestras vidas a Sus propositos trascendentales en estos dias finales!
Shaking…Then Revival…Then Harvest!
The end times are unfolding before our eyes.
First, there will be unprecedented shakings.
End Time Shaking And Revival
$16.99Add to cartShaking…Then Revival…Then Harvest!
The end times are unfolding before our eyes.
First, there will be unprecedented shakings.
Today, the world is shaking in alarming ways. And this is just the beginning. Nations, institutions, economies, families, individuals, the earth’s environment, the cosmos, the spiritual realm–in every dimension and sphere of life, we will see powerful waves of shaking that disrupt the course of our lives and take away our false sense of security in earthly resources, compelling us to return to our Creator.
The main purpose of these shakings is to judge the people of the world for their sin and rebellion against God. Yet God is using the shaking we are now experiencing to refine believers so we will be purified to become the remnant that is ready for Jesus’s imminent appearing.
Second, there will be unprecedented revival.
As we respond to the shaking with repentance and wholehearted devotion to God, we will be prepared to take an active role in the coming last-days revival in which God’s sovereign glory will be revealed! There will be an all-inclusive supernatural movement characterized by miracles, healings, salvations, financial provision, prophetic visions, renewed holiness, powerful worship, strong discipleship, and profound love.
Finally, there will be an unprecedented harvest of souls with global impact!
The Holy Spirit will empower the church to reach the lost with the demonstration of miracles, signs, and wonders. Millions of people worldwide will come to genuine repentance, surrendering their hearts to the Lord Jesus.
In End-Time Shaking and Revival, best-selling author Guillermo Maldonado expands on last-days themes introduced in his previous books, revealing how to…
*Avoid God’s judgment
*Respond correctly to the divine shakings in your life and in the world
*Be revived and continuously filled with the Spirit
*Participate in the worldwide harvest
*Move in supernatural powerWe must understand God’s cycle of end-time events so we can align our lives with His momentous purposes in these last days!
Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of Diabetes
$9.99Add to cartA Pathway of Healing
Are you in a battle with type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Did you know that over 30 million Americans suffer from diabetes (90 percent of them with type 2) and the ill effects it can cause their bodies? This disease has become a plague in our anxiety-filled and often overweight society. Thankfully, God created the human body, and He has a unique and loving plan for your health. You can discover principles for moving from your illness to His pathway of healing.
Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Diabetes reveals the unseen forces that trigger disease from within and how we can overcome them. Dr. Henry Wright’s teachings, based on medical findings and powerful biblical truths, affirm that it is God’s will for you to be healthy and whole–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and disease prevention, it’s time to take another look!
Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of Autoimmune Diseases
$9.99Add to cartIdentify the Cause to Find the Cure
Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease–lupus, multiple sclerosis, Chron’s disease, Grave’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or one of so many others? Did you know that the root cause of nearly 100 autoimmune diseases is listed as unknown in medical journals? Thankfully, we can look to another source–the Bible–to understand one of the major causes of these diseases.
In a clear and straightforward manner , Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Autoimmune Diseases reveals how to identify the root cause and start on the journey toward healing. This is a journey from the inside out. Dr. Henry Wright’s teachings, based on medical findings and powerful biblical truths, affirm that it is God’s will for you to be healthy and whole–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and prevention, it’s time to take another look!
Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of High Blood Pressure
$9.99Add to cartBe Strategic in Your Fight Against High Blood Pressure
Are you struggling to control your high blood pressure? You’re not alone. According to the American Heart Association, the battle against high blood pressure is being fought by over 100 million Americans today–nearly half of the nation’s adult population! But God has a different plan for you–learning the spiritual roots that often lead to high blood pressure so you can better identity the cause and be strategic in winning the battle against this disease and its negative effects on the heart.
In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of High Blood Pressure, Dr. Henry Wright combines medical findings with powerful biblical truths to show you how to live in the wholeness God has always planned for you–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and disease prevention, it’s time to take another look!
Cambio Ha Cambiado – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartEl filosofo griego Heraclito dijo que el cambio es la unica constante en la vida.
!Pero el mundo ha experimentado tanta agitacion desde enero de 2020 que el cambio en si mismo ha cambiado! En los negocios, las iglesias y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, los lideres han quedado hechos polvo a medida que los eventos y los desafios pasan rapidamente. El ritmo del cambio se estaba acelerando antes… pero la pandemia presiono el pedal a fondo.
“Estamos en un punto de inflexion”, dice el arquitecto de liderazgo y estratega de cambio Sam Chand. “La forma en que eran las cosas no es la forma en que seran las cosas”.
En su nuevo libro El cambio ha cambiado, Sam se propone ayudar a los lideres a comprender la naturaleza evolutiva del cambio para que puedan guiar a sus organizaciones con sabiduria y confianza.
El autor examina tres cambios importantes que compara con tres terremotos simultaneos:
– Nuestro ambiente ha cambiado. La gente trabaja desde casa, es posible que muchos negocios nunca vuelvan a abrir, y la forma en que compramos, manejamos las necesidades de salud e incluso vamos a la iglesia ha cambiado.
– Nosotros hemos cambiado. Hemos aprendido a vivir con una incertidumbre desenfrenada y una balsa llena de temores persistentes, !pero nuestros cuerpos y nuestras almas no estaban hechos para esto!
– Las personas que nos rodean han cambiado. Estan frustradas, aisladas, deprimidas, ansiosas y enojadas. Simplemente no se sienten seguras.
Sam enfrenta estos y otros problemas relacionados ofreciendo lecciones que capacitaran a los lideres a estar preparados para la proxima normalidad. “Soliamos hablar de una nueva normalidad como si fuera el punto final del cambio”, explica Sam, “pero si hemos aprendido algo en los ultimos meses, es que el cambio es perpetuo y tenemos que anticipar el proximo cambio en el horizonte”.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said change is the only constant in life.
But the world has experienced so much upheaval since January 2020 that change itself has changed! In business, the church, and nonprofits, leaders are being left in the dust as events and challenges speed by in a blur. The pace of change was accelerating before…but the pandemic pressed the pedal to the floor.
“We’re at an inflection point,” says leadership architect and change strategist Sam Chand. “The way things were isn’t the way things will be.”
In his new book Change Has Changed, Sam sets out to help leaders understand the evo
Dishing Up Devotions
$19.99Add to cartHomeschooling is a challenging journey that’s often misunderstood. The thirty-six weeks that parents have to educate their homeschooled children don’t just come together magically. There are lessons to plan and oversee, records to keep, routines to follow, and kids to motivate. It can feel overwhelming as the teaching parent–usually Mom–tries to tackle both the educational and spiritual aspects of the children’s lives while also keeping up with household tasks such as cooking and laundry.
Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Activities for Homeschooling Families infuses faith and fun to strengthen family relationships while nourishing the teaching parent’s soul.
It features thirty-six weekly devotions, faith-building activities for the whole family, and baking recipes connected to the weekly character theme.
Author Katie Trent’s goal is to take the stress out of homeschooling with a devotional that the whole family will love through:
*Encouragement from other homeschooling parents
*Biblical lessons even toddlers can understand
*Interactive family activities
*Delicious baking recipes related to the weekly themeHomeschooling just got easier–and deliciously fun!
Change Has Changed
$16.99Add to cartThe Greek philosopher Heraclitus said change is the only constant in life.
But the world has experienced so much upheaval since January 2020 that change itself has changed! In business, the church, and nonprofits, leaders are being left in the dust as events and challenges speed by in a blur. The pace of change was accelerating before…but the pandemic pressed the pedal to the floor.
“We’re at an inflection point,” says leadership architect and change strategist Sam Chand. “The way things were isn’t the way things will be.”
In his new book Change Has Changed, Sam sets out to help leaders understand the evolving nature of change so that they can guide their organizations with wisdom and confidence.
He examines three major shifts that he likens to three simultaneous earthquakes:
*Our environment has changed. People are working from home, many businesses may never reopen, and the way we shop, handle health needs, and even go to church has changed.
*We have changed. We’ve learned to live with rampant uncertainty and a raft full of nagging fears–but our bodies and our souls weren’t meant for this!
*The people around ushave changed. They are frustrated, isolated, depressed, anxious, and angry. They just don’t feel safe.
Sam tackles these and related issues head-on by offering lessons that will empower leaders to be ready for the next normal.
“We used to talk about a new normal as if it’s the end point of change,” Sam explains, “but if we’ve learned anything in the past months, it’s that change is perpetual, and we need to anticipate the next one on the horizon.”
1 Minute Bible Guide
$14.99Add to cartWant a better grasp of scripture?
The 1-Minute Bible Guide offers just that!
This easy-to-read guide covers more than 1,250 of the most important elements of God’s
Word, within seven overall categories:
*Names of God
*Figures of Speech
*IdeasEach entry includes
*a representative verse
*a concise description you can read and digest in 60 seconds or less
*and, as a bonus, additional references if you want to dig deeper!You’ll learn why each person, place, thing, or idea plays an important role in the larger story of the Bible–the ultimate story of God’s love for humanity.
Devotional Minutes To Bless Your Heart
$12.99Add to cartDozens of Delightful “Devotional Minutes” Will Bless Your Beautiful Heart
This inspiring devotional will encourage and delight your soul with deeply rooted truths from God’s Word. Each “devotional minute” reading is complemented by a heartfelt prayer that will remind you of the daily little blessings God provides. The 180 readings in Devotional Minutes to Bless Your Heart will help you to grow in your faith and increase your trust and reliance on the heavenly Father! This lovely package features a ribbon marker and two-color interior design. . .a great gift for women of all ages!
Praying Your Way To A Fearless Life
$9.99Add to cartIf you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by fearful thoughts. . .
This lovely book will walk you through 200 encouraging, inspiring, heartfelt, courage-filled prayers that will help your beautiful soul discover true trust and faith in Almighty God, the Courage-Giver Himself. Every heartfelt prayer begins with a thought-provoking scripture selection and is meant to be a fear-free beginning to your very own personal prayer time.
A courageous life. . .is just a prayer away!
Light, space, zest- that’s God! So, with him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. Psalm 27:1 MSG
Bible Promise Book For Teen Girls
$14.99Add to cartGod’s promises–especially for you.
The Bible is full of promises. And when God makes a promise, you can trust it.
Here, drawn from several popular translations of scripture, are nearly 1,000 promises of God especially relevant to your everyday life–and categorized into more than three dozen topics from Adversity through Zeal. Each topic includes a brief introductory comment to put the verses into a modern context.
Need to know what God says about Relationships? How about Temptation? Or maybe Discipline, Justice, or Wisdom are your concerns today. If you need to know what the Bible says about key life topics, turn to the Bible Promise Book for Teen Girls.
If the Bible says it, you can believe it!
Praying Your Way To Joy Devotional Journal
$12.99Add to cartIf you’ve ever felt more joy-less than joy-full. . .
This lovely devotional journal will walk you through 200 encouraging, inspiring, heartfelt, joy-filled prayers that will help your beautiful soul to discover true delight and contentment in an ever-growing relationship with the heavenly Father, the Joy-Giver Himself. With Praying Your Way to Joy Devotional Journal, you’ll encounter a beautifully joyful beginning to your very own personal prayer time.
Joy. . .is just a prayer away!
I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders.
I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy;
I’m singing your song, High God.
Psalm 9:1-2 MSG -
Letting Go And Trusting God
$9.99Add to cartThe Good, the Bad, and the Great Decisions of Biblical People
Tough decisions will always come, but the strong God who loves you shows you where to go, if only you will listen and follow. Letting God and Trusting God is a devotional that takes a look at both the well-thought-out choices and impulse decisions of biblical people. These 180 devotions can gently help you understand how to make wise decisions, no matter what life throws your way.
Rebuilding Trust After Betrayal
$6.99Add to cartPractical advice for healing and repairing broken trust and relationships.
A best friend who undermines you. A partner’s infidelity. A coworker that sabotages you or your workplace. A relative who steals from your family. Intimate betrayal strikes at the core of our capacity to trust and love, crushing the fundamental expectation that gives us the courage to connect deeply–the belief that the person we love wouldn’t hurt us. Whether the betrayal is through infidelity, emotional abuse, verbal aggression, or domestic violence, the psychological wound that cuts deepest is the perception that, ultimately, the person we love doesn’t care about our wellbeing.So how can we heal from these wounds and even rebuild trust after betrayal? God provides the strength, guidance, and peace to overcome your current heartache and regain joy. And this handbook can help you do the hard work to walk on that path to healing.
Quickly Find the Information You Need on Repairing Relationships
In this handbook, you will learn:*What to do when someone has betrayed your trust, or when you have betrayed the trust of someone else
*How to decide whether or not to repair the relationship and 10 daily steps to do so 3 essential elements of reconciliation
*And more -
Transformed : Live God’s Best
$18.99Add to cartHave you ever been outside in the hot weather wilting under the heat and took a drink of cold water that brought relief and refreshment? Transformed produces a similar response.
Transformed helps you walk through a process of healing by identifying areas in your past experiences or daily life that need God’s touch. You will be inspired by included stories of transformation to increase your faith and encourage you to press into the Lord. Chapters build upon each other to walk you through the journey until you come to a place of renewal. Then learn how to confront residual effects that surface so you may live each day to the fullest.
Are you ready to encounter freedom at a depth you have never imagined? This is your next best read.
All That Is Secret
$15.99Add to cartFrom award-winning author Patricia Raybon comes a compelling new historical mystery series, a riveting puzzle confronting the hidden secrets of class, race, family, and love.
In the winter of 1923, Professor Annalee Spain-a daring but overworked theologian at a small Chicago Bible college-receives a cryptic telegram calling her home to Denver to solve the mystery of the murder of her beloved but estranged father.
For a young Black woman, searching for answers in a city ruled by the KKK could mean real danger. Still, with her literary hero Sherlock Holmes as inspiration, Annalee launches her hunt for clues, attracting two surprising allies: Eddie, a relentless young white boy searching for his missing father, and Jack, a handsome Black pastor who loves nightclub dancing and rides in his sporty car, awakening Annalee’s heart to the surprising highs and lows of romantic love.
With their help, Annalee follows clues that land her among Denver’s powerful elite. But when their sleuthing unravels sinister motives and deep secrets, Annalee confronts the dangerous truths and beliefs that could make her a victim too.
Prophecy Collection Three Books In One
$19.99Add to cartThree popular books, now collected for the first time in one special edition!
We live in a world that seems to be on the verge of coming apart. Shootings. Killer viruses. The threat of nuclear war. All of it is just too real. What is happening in our world today is moving Christians to return to the foundations of our spiritual existence. Believers everywhere must get back to what matters most. We must always remember our battle, at its most basic level, is spiritual.
In The Prophecy Collection, popular Bible teacher Mark Hitchcock helps you discover spiritual insight and spiritual tools to understand what’s happening-and to prepare for the future-through three important works:
*The End Times Survival Guide
*The Coming Apostasy (coauthored with Jeff Kinley)
*Russia RisingAs we prepare for the Lord’s coming, it’s time to understand the biblical truths you need to know in order to face an increasingly decaying, darkening world. No matter what the future holds, anchor your spiritual health and welfare on the immovable rock of God’s Word.
Pray Confidently And Consistently
$19.99Add to cartA vibrant, unstuck prayer life can begin right now.
As believers, we often struggle to let go of the things that keep us from reaching out to God. We ask ourselves, Why don’t I have this figured out by now? Why do I struggle to take my prayer life seriously? Why do I feel so weighed down by prayer? Why is it so difficult to pray without getting distracted?
But there’s good news! In Pray Confidently and Consistently, Valerie Woerner, popular author and creator of purposeful journals designed to transform your prayer life, teaches that we don’t have to limp through our prayer lives carrying the weights of every distraction. We can learn to pray boldly to the God of the universe who is beckoning us to come sit with him, share our needs and our hearts, and simply know him.
Prayer invites action into our lives by the God who is more powerful than we are on our own. What weights do we need to take off so they don’t hold us back from a deeper conversation with God? What distractions are holding us back from running freely with our Father?
Let’s get rid of the burdens that are suffocating our prayer lives and leaving us gasping for Jesus so we can experience true joy in prayer that we never thought possible. Because, ultimately, prayer changes everything.
If Youre Not Dead Youre Not Done
$9.99Add to cartYour personal odometer may be showing a bit of wear and tear: balding tires, dented fenders, body corrosion. You may be on the journey of being old, yet you’re still alive and being renewed day by day. That’s right! If you woke up this morning, God has something eternally important and purposeful for you to do or learn. James Watkins’ humorous collection of “pep talks” will have you bouncing out of bed in the mornings. Get ready to recharge your batteries with a healthy dose of hope, joy, courage, and motivation for living life to its fullest.
Big Thoughts For Little People ABC
$7.99Add to cartBeloved author Ken Taylor’s bestselling book has been turned into a delightful ABC board book. Charming rhymes and colorful diverse characters will introduce children to the alphabet while teaching them important morals and values. Each letter is paired with a Bible verse and a short rhyme. Big Thoughts for Little People has sold almost 600,000 units since it initially released.
Feel Better Fast And Make It Last
$17.99Add to cartIf you want to feel happier, more optimistic, more joyful, and resilient, Dr. Amen’s groundbreaking new book is for you.We’ve all felt anxious, sad, traumatized, grief-stricken, stressed, angry, or hopeless at some point in life. It’s perfectly normal to go through emotional crises or have periods when you feel panicked or out of sorts. It is how you respond to these challenges that will make all the difference in how you feel-not just immediately, but also in the long run. Unfortunately, many people turn to self-medicating behaviors, such as overeating, drugs, alcohol, risky sexual behavior, anger, or wasting time on mindless TV, video games, Internet surfing, or shopping. And even though these behaviors may give temporary relief from feeling bad, they usually only prolong and exacerbate the problems-or cause other, more serious ones.Is it possible to feel better-and make it last?Renowned physician, psychiatrist, brain-imaging researcher, and founder of Amen Clinics Dr. Daniel Amen understands how critical it is for you to know what will help you feel better fast, now and later. In Feel Better Fast and Make It Last, you’ll discover new, powerful brain-based strategies to quickly gain control over anxiety, worry, sadness, stress and anger, strengthening your resilience and giving you joy and purpose for a lifetime.
Persevere With Power
$19.97Add to cartInspired by the story of Elisha’s faithfulness, bestselling author Samuel Rodriguez explores the power of persevering with hope amid the dark times in which we live. If unending struggles have left you weary or discouraged, then know it is possible not only to break free but also to discover the assignment, anointing, and authority God has waiting for you. Samuel Rodriguez will help you:
– understand that “pushing your plow, breaking the ground, and sowing seed” leads to blessings, resources, and harvest
– remain faithful to God and experience his power and provision in the face of impossible circumstances
– discover God’s guidance for the time and season you are in
– uncover how the plow of perseverance will always lead to the mantle of promotion
If you believe that no one knows how hard you have been pushing your plow, if you don’t understand why you are still performing the same labor after so many years, then get ready. Your work is not wasted. Expect a harvest of outpouring from the limitless and living God!
Where Do We Go From Here
$26.99Add to cartToday’s headlines shout of modern plagues, social tensions, economic crises, and rampant depression. Many are asking, what day is it on God’s prophetic calendar? Trusted Bible teacher and Pastor, Dr. David Jeremiah opens up the Word of God to reveal what it has to say about the days we are living in.
Sharing how prophecies and wisdom from centuries ago still speak the truth today and point the way forward for tomorrow. Whether one is new to biblical prophecy or a longtime student of the Bible, this timely message will encourage and recalibrate us to the mission of God in our daily lives. Journey with Dr. Jeremiah back to the Bible to find out, Where Do We Go from Here?
Fasting For Fire
$17.99Add to cartFasting is about feasting on more of God!
When many hear the word “fasting,” they immediately think of what they have to give up.
But what if fasting was more about gaining from God instead of giving up? What if fasting is a sacred doorway into fresh encounters with the all consuming fire of God?Author and revival historian, Jennifer Miskov, has tapped into an ancient pathway to divine encounter. She has given her life to studying how the greater pioneers of revival experienced dynamic moves of the Holy Spirit, both in their personal lives and in the corporate church.
One of the key common denominators has been fasting. Historically, fasting was never a formula for holiness or a means to manipulate God. In fact, historically, “the fasting ones” were actually “the feasting ones” – those who single-mindedly aligned themselves with what Heaven wanted to release into earth.
In Fasting for Fire, you will discover and experience:
*Deeper levels of union and connection with Jesus
*Greater flow of revelation from the Holy Spirit
*Extraordinary miracles, signs and wonders, supernatural power
*Increased hunger for God
*The supernatural benefits of fasting
*The dimensions of fire fasting
*Testimonies of revivalists like Charles and John Wesley, Smith Wigglesworth and William Seymour who experienced significant God-encounters through fastingFeaturing easy to follow fasting exercises, Scripture meditations, reflection questions, and activations, Fasting for Fire will stir you to pursue the presence of God with more passion and zeal than ever before!
Moments With Jesus Encounter Bible
$19.99Add to cartLet Jesus capture your child’s imagination!
If you are looking for a resource to help introduce your child to Jesus, look no further. The Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible was designed to help kids encounter Him for themselves!
What makes Moments with Jesus different from other children’s bibles?
While other children’s bibles contain informative stories from the Old and New Testaments, The Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible puts kids in the middle of the action of twenty essential stories from the four Gospels. Through dynamic, first-hand storytelling, kids come face to face with the Living Word Himself, getting a clear picture of who Jesus is, what He is like, and his love for them personally.
A powerful resource for every parent, grandparent, pastor or teacher, Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible…
*Introduces kids to the living Jesus who knows and loves them
*Captures children’s imagination with twenty stories from the Gospels
*Illustrates Jesus’ nature and character as revealed in Scripture
*Cultivates a personal connection with Jesus himself
*Invites kids into a thrilling, life-long adventure with God
*Empowers children to actively engage with Scripture
*Is the perfect Kids bible for children ages 4-12The Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible combines Eugene Luning’s masterful storytelling with captivating artwork by Kevin and Kristen Howdeshell to create an imaginative, biblical encounter like no other. Presented in a simple, beautiful format, The Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible will help you shepherd your kids into a thriving, dynamic relationship with Jesus.
What are you waiting for? Start your adventure today!
Color The Promises Of God Coloring Book
$9.99Add to cartRenew your mind and spirit through coloring and meditating on the promises in the Color the Promises of God Coloring Book. As you color the promises from God’s Word, the words will soak into your heart, fill your heart and lift your spirit.
Deep red, pink, and blue wildflowers are accented with delicate blooms outlined in gold foil on the white cover of the inspirational adult coloring book. The title is displayed in large black lettering and accented in burgundy.
Color the Promises of God
The cover design is repeated on the back cover, where it also features a Scripture verse.
God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true.
Psalm 18:30Heavy-duty cardstock is used for the coloring book’s cover. Inside are 55 beautifully designed single-side printed Scripture verses to color. Perforated pages make creations are easy to remove. Illustrations include full-page line drawings, cards, and bookmarks you can color and share.
When the world around you is in constant change, take courage that the Word of God stands forever. It is eternal and unchanging -just like its author.
The Color the Promises of God Coloring Book will bless a friend on her birthday or your Mom on Mother’s Day. Put together a coloring gift basket and include the Color the Promises of God Coloring Book and a set of coloring pencils or gel pens for a gift that she will enjoy all year long.
Rewilding Motherhood : Your Path To An Empowered Feminine Spirituality
$16.99Add to cartWomen are often told by their communities that being a mother will complete or define them. But many women find themselves depleted and spiritually stagnant amid the everyday demands of being a mom. They long to experience a rich inner life but feel there is rarely enough time, energy, or stillness to connect with God in a meaningful way.
This book takes the concept of rewilding and applies it to motherhood. Just as an environmentalist seeks to rewild land by returning it to its natural state, Shannon Evans invites women to rewild motherhood by reclaiming its essence through an expansive feminine spirituality.
Drawn from the contemplative Catholic tradition and Evans’s own parenting experience, Rewilding Motherhood helps women deepen their connection to God through practices inherent to the life they’re living now. Topics include work-life balance, identity, solitude, patience, household work, and mission for the common good. Throughout, Evans encourages women to see motherhood as an opportunity to discover a vibrant feminine spirituality and a deeper knowledge of God and self.
Holding On When You Want To Let Go Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?
In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.
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Holding On When You Want To Let Go
$17.99Add to cartAre you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?
In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.
Holding On When You Want To Let Go
$22.99Add to cartAre you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?
In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.
Mystery Of Israel And The Middle East
$19.00Add to cartPages are turning on God’s prophetic calendar, approaching the mysterious day when his Son will step once again into the world of time and space. What is the key to this fulfillment? The answer is Israel. And the controversy over her destiny affects every nation on earth.
In his urgent plea for intercessory prayer, James W. Goll calls readers to join the global prayer movement and intercede for God’s ancient covenant people according to a targeted biblical plan. The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East includes scriptural reasons to pray and stand for Israel, eight character models from the Bible to help readers carry the burden, and a strong admonition to pray for all the descendants of Abraham–the offspring of Hagar, Sarah, and Keturah, Jews and Arabs alike.
Join with intercessors worldwide to pray for Israel and watch as God fulfills his promises through her!
Living Strong Finishing Well
$22.50Add to cartGrowing older is inevitable and, as we often say, it beats the alternative. But just because we age does not mean we must give in to a slow deterioration of our bodies, minds, social circles, and interests. It doesn’t mean we need to give up on our dreams, goals, or aspirations. In fact, as people live longer and healthier into old age, we need to decide what we want to do with all the extra years we’ve been given!
In Living Strong, Finishing Well, Dr. David Stoop draws upon his more than 80 years on the planet and his decades of counseling, speaking, and writing to show you how to live every moment to its fullest until you’re finally called home. He shows you how to be yourself, continue the search for meaning, stay humble, build on your friendships, develop resilience, stay teachable, and more as you learn to accept the gifts that come with growing older and wiser in a world that needs what you have to give.
What Your Soul Needs For Stressful Times
$15.99Add to cartStress is inevitable, but letting it control your life is optional. As a bestselling author, counselor, and life coach, Holley Gerth has learned a lot about dealing with stress and what truly helps. What Your Soul Needs for Stressful Times is your invitation to pause for a few moments of encouragement, peace, and strength each day.
This 60-day devotional offers spiritual truth to soothe your soul alongside practical tools to apply that will truly make a difference. Each day, Holley offers Scripture, a prayer, questions for reflection, and inspirational quotes to help you learn to live with more peace and less pressure, more calm and less chaos, more worship and less worry.
Secret Keepers Of Old Depot Grocery
$15.99Add to cartPresent Day. After tragedy plunges her into grief and unresolved anger, Sarah Ashby returns to her childhood home determined to finally follow her long-denied dream of running Old Depot Grocery alongside her mother and grandmother. But when she arrives, her mother, Rosemary, announces to her that the store is closing. Sarah and her grandmother, Glory Ann, make a pact to save the store, but Rosemary has worked her entire life to make sure her daughter never follows in her footsteps. She has her reasons–but she’ll certainly never reveal the real one.
1965. Glory Ann confesses to her family that she’s pregnant with her deceased fiance’s baby. Pressured into a marriage of convenience with a shopkeeper to preserve the family reputation, Glory Ann vows never to love again. But some promises are not as easily kept as she imagined.
This dual-timeline story from Amanda Cox deftly explores the complexity of a mother-daughter dynamic, the way the secrets we keep shape our lives and the lives of others, and the healing power of telling the truth.
$24.99Add to cartSusie Mast’s Old Order life in Lancaster County’s Hickory Hollow has been shaped by events beyond her control, with the tragic deaths of her Dat and close-in-age brother casting a particularly long shadow. Now twenty-two, Susie remains unmarried despite her longtime affection for friend Obie Yoder. Believing Obie might never show romantic interest in her, Susie accepts Del Petersheim’s invitations–it is only after Obie leaves to take an apprenticeship that Susie realizes her mistake.
Unfortunately, Susie’s cares are soon multiplied due to her mother’s worsening health and her younger sister’s desire for answers about her adoption. Once again, Susie faces the possibility of loss. Will family secrets and missed opportunities dim Susie’s hopes for the future? Or is what seems like the end only the beginning?
Help Im Drowning
$22.99Add to cartIn the midst of a storm, it’s easy to feel lonely, exhausted, distracted, fearful, and helpless. When you’re overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and despair, you may even feel like God has forgotten you. Like the disciples in the boat in the midst of a tempest, panic ensues when your eyes are fixed on the storm instead of on Jesus.
In Help, I’m Drowning, bestselling author and podcaster Sally Clarkson encourages you to find your anchors for life’s storms. Sally will encourage you to:
– combat loneliness with intentional engagement and community
– take care of your physical body to improve your spiritual, mental, and emotional health
– find healing and forgiveness for regrets, conflict, and broken expectations
– cultivate a level of contentment and thanksgiving for the life you have
– embrace God’s strength as the determiner of your battlesOur ultimate goal is to live by faith in the reality of his way, his truth, and his presence. The disciples were indeed in a storm, but they were not alone in the boat; Jesus was there and stilled the storm when called upon. Trusting ourselves to the God who never leaves us is key to finding rest in the heart of God in the midst of life’s storms.
How Does God Change Us
$7.99Add to cartExperience Real Change through Union with Christ
Christians are instructed to “grow in the grace and knowledge” of Jesus. For some people, growing is a matter of living out a moral code. Others focus more on gaining knowledge. And still others seek a tangible experience of worship. But what if experiencing true change transcends all of these?
In How Does God Change Us?, pastor Dane Ortlund presents a way for sinners to experience real and penetrating change by bringing what they say and do in line with what they are: united with Christ. As readers recognize the depths of their own sinfulness, they become even more aware of their need for grace, and the wonder of what it means to be one with Christ. Ortlund invites anyone who is tired and weary from consistent sin patterns to lean into Jesus, for only then can God change them from the inside out.
This is the concise edition of Deeper by Dane C. Ortlund.
Stand Strong For Boys
$12.99In the footsteps of Stand Strong, the wildly successful men’s devotional, Stand Strong for Boys targets the needs of tweens (8- to 12-year-olds): from having faith, to feeling brave, to growing wiser, to helping others. Each day gives them the opportunity to read a passage of Scripture and a relevant devotional, learn a fun fact, and consider a short prayer that may lead them to more talks with God. As they realize how much God loves them and wants to give them everything they need, they’ll grow a more confident faith.
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Courage In The Colosseum
$12.95Maggie shifted on her feet and peered around Mikey at the open door. A warm breeze blew into her room from the tunnel beyond the door.
“I’m not a wimp,” she repeated – this time, raising her chin and walking past Mikey toward the door. As she approached closer she heard what sounded like a stampede of hooves, booming down the tunnel.
She stepped through the door into the tunnel. Her feet found a stone corridor with trails of sand between its paving stones. Mikey followed and closed the door behind them. The door then vanished and yet again, Maggie was on the other side unsure of where she was or when she was.
Join Maggie and Mikey in this second installment of the Virtue Adventures as they join Ancient Rome. After lying to avoid being bullied about her faith, Maggie is filled with guilt when Mikey appears with another mission from God. This time our pair will race in the Colosseum, witness the Great Fire of Rome, hide in the catacombs, and learn how the courage of one martyr can inspire thousands. But will Maggie stand up for what she believes even after witnessing such courage? Or will she lie in order to fit in again?
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Armor Of God
$14.99A Towers Of Light Chrisitan Resources Title
Their Father has become the Dark One’s Champion.
Can Lauren, Aiden, and Ethan retrieve the Lost Armor of God to stand against him?
Reunited with Mother and Uncle, twelve-year-old Lauren and her younger brothers, Aiden and Ethan, must light the Tower of Light in Blooming Glen to save Zoura. But the enemy stands in their way.
The family has one chance to overcome the enemy retrieve lost Armor of God before the enemy does.
Their father must do his new master’s bidding. Knowing the power of the armor and the children’s plans, he dispatches the Steele Brothers to retrieve the armor for the Dark One.
Lauren, Aiden, and Ethan have prevailed against the forces of darkness before, but do they have the faith to stand firm against their father as he fights for the enemy?
Like a battle cry in the dark, the fourth Towers of Light book signals the importance of putting on the whole armor of God. You and your children will love this tale of faith and family.
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Radiance Of Jesus
$17.99A Lively Hope Books And More Title
RADIANCE OF JESUS: One Hundred Devotions will inspire you to live your Savior’s teachings about his divine Light in Matthew 5:14b-15 [Jesus] “You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand – SHINE!”
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Egermeiers Interactive Story Bible
$22.99With a proven track record of over 6 million copies sold, Egermeier’s(R) Bible Storybook has been a favorite for generations. The Egermeier’s(R) Interactive Story Bible now brings the Bible to life with new colorful illustrations and an entire series of quick-sketching videos that tell the stories as they magically appear on the screen. Readers now have the choice to read the stories or to watch them being drawn before their very eyes! Egermeier’s(R) Interactive Story Bible is a chronological journey through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation with text that gleans the best of each story without being watered down. With Scripture references and several discussion questions conveniently located at the end of each story, this new story Bible is the ideal teaching tool for Sunday school teachers and parents alike. Biblical literacy is a gift to our kids that lasts a lifetime. The challenge is making it relatable to them. Now the presentation of the gospel found in the Egermeier’s(R) Interactive Story Bible is more engaging than ever!
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Good News Of Great Joy
$19.99Add to cart25 Advent Readings by Pastor and Author John Piper
Joyous reflection and eager anticipation mark the season of Christmas, as Christians around the world celebrate the coming of their Savior. In Good News of Great Joy, John Piper invites readers to refocus their hearts on Jesus during the Advent season. Each of the 25 daily readings highlights a Bible passage and a short reflection. Perfect for personal reading and family devotions, these daily readings are a great way to contemplate the magnificence of the promise of salvation through the birth of Jesus Christ.