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Christian Living

Showing 2001–2050 of 2464 results

  • Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory 50 Pack


    With over 5 million used, The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory has helped Christians around the world identify their God-given spiritual gifts. Administered in 20 minutes, it is fun and a valuable tool for the Christian walk. Learn how God has equipped you to minister in the local church…and in daily life!

    Covers nine task-oriented “team” gifts used in daily life and ministry: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Pastoring/Shepherding, Prophecy, Serving Teaching. (For further explanation and study of spiritual gifts; different types of gifts; how gifts relate to other gifts, your daily life, etc. see the book How to Find Meaning and Fulfillment through Understanding the Spiritual Gift within You.)

    The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; brief gift descriptions; and instructions. (50 included in pack)

    Also available in Spanish and Korean, and the Youth Edition in English

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  • Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory 10 Pack


    With over 5 million used, The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory has helped Christians around the world identify their God-given spiritual gifts. Administered in 20 minutes, it is fun and a valuable tool for the Christian walk. Learn how God has equipped you to minister in the local church…and in daily life!

    Covers nine task-oriented “team” gifts used in daily life and ministry: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Pastoring/Shepherding, Prophecy, Serving Teaching. (For further explanation and study of spiritual gifts; different types of gifts; how gifts relate to other gifts, your daily life, etc. see the book How to Find Meaning and Fulfillment through Understanding the Spiritual Gift within You.)

    The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; brief gift descriptions; and instructions. (10 provided in pack)

    Also available in Spanish and Korean, and the Youth Edition in English

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  • Fruit Of The Spirit Assessment 10 Pack


    “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV).
    Scripture reveals nine fruits of the Spirit that are the inevitable result of God’s presence and control in our lives. This resource reveals characteristics of the fruits of the Spirit to help you determine if your fruit is abundant and sweet or sparse and dry. Use this evaluation to discover the qualities the Holy Spirit is producing in you and identify areas of spiritual growth to which you might give greater study, prayer, and discipline. Are you yielding to or quenching the Holy Spirit?

    Includes: 10 questionnaire and self-scoring answer sheet with a description of characteristics of the fruit.

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  • God Is Amazing


    Bogged down with the burdens of life? Maybe your God is too small. You may need a newer, bigger view of God-the awesome, powerful, mysterious God, who is, quite frankly, amazing. This brand-new book from Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz-authors of the million-selling God Is in the Small Stuff series-celebrates the majestic, heroic God we serve. God Is Amazing will help you lift your gaze above the complications and concerns of this life, to a place of wonder, incredible beauty, and vast power. . .unlike anything we can experience on our own. In their easy-to-read yet always thought-provoking style, Bruce and Stan call us to something much bigger than ourselves-the amazing God of the universe.

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  • Hit List : Taking Aim At The Seven Deadly Sins


    Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust. Early church fathers warned of them. Advertisers play to them. But doesn’t Scripture teach that all sin is equally damning? Is there any reason for modern Christians to study the seven deadly sins?

    According to Brian Hedges, there is. “These sins were considered capital sins not because they were the worst, but because they were gateway sins. These seven nest deeply in our hearts and engender whole broods of further sins.” In Hit List: Taking Aim at the Seven Deadly Sins, Hedges gets to the root of these vices. He also shows how the gospel is the only solution to these age-old problems.

    We may recognize these sins by their names, but we are often misled by the subtlety of their methods. In Hit List, Brian Hedges helps us take aim at the seven deadly sins by providing detailed dossiers for each one and equipping us with rich gospel resources for replacing vice with the virtue of Christ.

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  • Praying Through The Names Of God


    Through the names of God, you gain insight into God’s character–and how each name represents a facet of His being that He wants you to know and trust. For instance, when you understand that Jehovah Jireh means “the Lord your provider,” you can be assured of God’s provision for you.

    In Praying Through the Names of God, Dr. Tony Evans reveals fascinating insights into some of God’s powerful names and offers you a chance to benefit personally by providing several prayers based on those names. Each chapter concludes with a page for you to journal your thoughts and prayer requests.

    Your prayer life will be revitalized as you connect your needs and requests with the specific characteristic of God’s name relevant to your need.

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  • After They Are Yours


    Adoption offers a powerful testimony of grace in a world of unwanted pregnancies and on-demand abortion. But no one said adoption is easy. As an adoptive parent and pastor who has counseled many adoptive parents, Brian Borgman knows there is another side to adoption that we are often reluctant to talk about. Parenting is always a challenge, but parenting an adopted child can have some special challenges. Adoptive parents can experience much heartache and even guilt with their adopted children. Many suffer in silence. Borgman writes with a burden to minister to those who are struggling.

    After They Are Yours: The Grace and Grit of Adoption talks transparently and redemptively about the often unspoken problems adoptive parents face. Combining personal experience, biblical wisdom, and a heart for people, Borgman recalls the humbling and difficult lessons God has taught him and his wife. This is not a success story, rather it’s a story of struggles and failures set in the broader context of a God who is gracious and continually teaches us the meaning of adoption.

    What do you do when it’s hard to hope? Here is a story of adoption that’s real, raw, redemptive, and edifiying.

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  • Taking The Limits Off God


    The twentieth century church is a product of years of unbelief which has been handed down from generation to generation. Like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, our doctrines are “the traditions of men.” We have limited God to the unbelief of our predecessors. That is the reason the church today is not seeing the power of God manifested in signs and wonders and mighty miracles. Like the prophet Elisha, we must boldly ask, “Where is the God of Elijah?” If we are not seeing the miracles in our day, we must acknowledge that God has not changed (James 1:17): we are the ones that have limited what He can do in our day. God is willing to be everything to us that He has been to any person named in the Bible. The only thing that has changed is our perception of God. Each chapter in this book is a self-contained lesson and is short enough to be read in just a few minutes. You will learn… – How we have been taught to place limits on God – How to break the cycle of destructive, negative thinking * How to establish a true sense of self-worth The key to your freedom is taking the limits off God…

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  • Company We Keep


    Friendship: it’s one of the simplest of human relationships in comparison to marriage or family relationships, yet it’s one of the least understood and practiced. For all of our progress in making connections through Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, people are consistently experiencing loneliness and growing disenchanted with the whole notion of friendship.

    Could it be that our understanding of friendship has been more informed by pop culture and social media, and less informed by the vision of friendship offered in Scripture? Is it possible that friendship exists for a greater purpose than merely our enjoyment and comfort? Does real friendship involve more than just hanging out on a weekend, participating in a book club, or hitting the golf course together? These questions and more are answered in this book.

    Broader and deeper than simple fellowship, biblical friendship is first and foremost about a relationship with Jesus Christ. As you are brought into friendship and relationship with the Father, Jesus Christ calls you a friend! It is out of this friendship that our human friendships find their beginning and their purpose.

    Aelred, a Cistercian monk who wrote a profound treatise on friendship, said, “And so in friendship are joined honor and charm, truth and joy, sweetness and good-will, affection and action. And all these take their beginning from Christ, advance through Christ, and are perfected in Christ.” This is the core of biblical friendship, and what sets it apart from what the world is offering: it all flows from Jesus Christ. Friendship finds its origin, purpose, and power in Jesus. Our human friendships then must be shaped by this life-changing truth.

    Biblical friendship is deep, honest, pure, transparent, and liberating. It is also attainable. Dig into this book, and learn how your friendships can embody this amazing and wonderful reality.

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  • Middle School The Inside Story


    Remember middle school? Many parents would rather not. It’s often a rough ride, filled with insecurity, peer pressure, awkwardness, and world-rocking change. This book provides practical, hands-on advice for helping your child through this minefield-with information about what he or she is really going through, but isn’t likely to share.

    Best-selling learning-styles expert Cynthia Tobias and veteran teacher Sue Acuna reveal what they’ve found by listening to kids when parents aren’t around-and give you insider tips on how to bless your middle-schooler with success in class, at home, and in relationships. Topics include advice for keeping communication lines open, predictable physical and social issues, and solutions for problems like self-centeredness and over-the-top emotions.

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  • Fruit Of The Spirit Assessment


    “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV).

    Scripture reveals nine fruits of the Spirit that are the inevitable result of God’s presence and control in our lives. This resource reveals characteristics of the fruits of the Spirit to help you determine if your fruit is abundant and sweet or sparse and dry. Use this evaluation to discover the qualities the Holy Spirit is producing in you and identify areas of spiritual growth to which you might give greater study, prayer, and discipline. Are you yielding to or quenching the Holy Spirit?

    Includes: questionnaire and self-scoring answer sheet with a description of characteristics of the fruit.

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  • Plain Account Of Christian Perfection


    “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
    -Matthew 5:48

    In his classic book A Plain Account of Christian Perfection, John Wesley offers a comprehensive teaching on the doctrine of Christian perfection. In it, he describes the evolution of his own theological reasoning, telling the story of how he came to understand and to preach this doctrine in his own life. In this work that is part autobiography, part spiritual contemplation, and part scriptural exegesis, Wesley shares tracts he wrote on the topic of perfection, describes the conflicts that sometimes arose over his ideas, reveals his own developing convictions, and offers probing queries for all believers to consider. Included at the end is an account of Wesley’s personal experience of “entire holiness.”

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  • Life More Abundantly


    “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
    -John 10:10

    A 31-Day Study of God’s Greatest Gift

    In this monthlong study, famed pastor and evangelist A. B. Simpson delves into the meaning of life itself, helping the believer to develop an understanding and appreciation of the indwelling Christ as the source of victory.

    “The most humble and uncultured saint, perhaps the poorest new convert in the jungles of Africa, or a lowly laborer, toiling in some factory or mine, can look in the face of the most brilliant human genius who knows not God in personal faith and fellowship, and say, ‘I live in a higher world than you, for I have spiritual life, I have eternal life, I have a life that death cannot destroy and sin cannot defile and judgment cannot dismay, and eternal ages can never end. I have everlasting life.'”
    -A. B. Simpson, Life More Abundantly

    Christians were never meant to lead insignificant lives devoid of impact or achievement. By focusing on the abundant life that God offers, you can make the most out of the days you have been given.

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  • LifeQuest : Navigating The Gap Between Your Current Reality And Your Future


    Moving from Unconscious Living to Wide-awake Destiny!

    Are you stuck in an unfamiliar place where nothing looks or works the way it used to? Do you feel stranded on strange seas without a map or compass? Are you drifting rudderlessly through life without meaning and direction?

    Welcome to the gap-a messy but miraculous patch of real estate that lies between your current state of reality and the location of your destiny. Traversing that gap is a vital step in every human journey. But how does one navigate the unknown?

    Many Christians have been taught that God controls everything about their lives. He doesn’t. God never handed you a script to memorize and follow. Instead, He created you with the capacity to invoke, evoke, and provoke your personal destiny. That’s right-you have all you need to call your destiny into being.

    Through LifeQuest, pastor and life coach Mark Chironna will guide you to chart a course for your life’s journey by helping you to ask the right questions, encouraging you to explore the perilous gap, and showing you that change is not your enemy. This is your journey, and you get only one. Don’t waste another minute of it. Get started on your quest today!

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  • Spiritual Gifts For Spiritual Warfare


    What are spiritual gifts, and why are they important? Perhaps you have never heard of spiritual gifts outside of their few appearances in the New Testament, or perhaps you are wondering how a concept to seemingly ancient is still applicable to you today.

    Spiritual gifts are important tools in battling and overcoming Satan, and God freely gives them to His followers. The church need not be ignorant any longer. In Spiritual Gifts for Spiritual Warfare, Tom Brown presents the spiritual gifts and describes their uses in spiritual warfare, equipping you to…
    *Recognize the various spiritual gifts
    *Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
    *Activate the spiritual gifts in your life
    *Appropriate the gifts of revelation, power, and speech
    *Become wise by discerning God’s will
    *Impart wisdom and other spiritual gifts to others

    You are not alone. You have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who wants to assist you in overcoming temptation and defeating the enemy in your life. Don’t be alarmed by Satan’s work. The Spirit who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (See 1 John 4:4.) So, stand up and use the tools you’ve been given to walk boldly in the way of truth!

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  • Passionate Pursuit : Getting To Know God And His Word


    “You were created with an internal void that only God Himself can fill.”

    “The depth of your hunger for God is the length of your reach to Him.”

    “You can be as close to God as you want to be.”

    Many of us have heard these statements-or similar ones. Are they mere cliches? Or do they point to a truth that is so profound it should be the main focus of our life?

    The mighty God of the universe is also your heavenly Father who loves you deeply. He understands you inside and out, and He desires for you to know Him personally, too. Author James W. Goll joyfully guides you past the cliches and into the spiritual reality of knowing God’s heart through an intentional, ongoing relationship with Him.

    Passionate Pursuit shows you how to open your heart to encounter the living Lord. As your discovery of God unfolds, and your relationship with Him deepens, you will be surprised and delighted to hear His voice, to learn from Him-and to touch His heart. You will be filled with the life of God, and you will always desire to come back for more. In the process, you will gradually be transformed to become like Him and to reflect His image to others.

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  • Real Salvation


    “I believe that God is putting the question of the text to every man and woman, to every Christian, and to everyone who is not a Christian. ‘Where art thou?’ Where do you stand as regards spiritual and eternal things? Where do you stand as regards God, as regards heaven, as regards righteousness, as regards Christ, as regards eternity? ‘Where art thou?’ Every wise man will be glad to face and answer that question. Every truly intelligent man desires to know just where he is.”

    Discover why what you believe is so important. In Real Salvation, R. A. Torrey explores what God has revealed to us of the afterlife-heaven, hell, and eternity. Join him as he endeavors to answer many of the questions that are still grappled with today, such as:
    *What does it mean to be saved?
    *Who can be saved?
    *What can we expect heaven and hell to be like?
    *What are the characteristics of an effective soulwinner?
    *How can we find true rest and joy?

    In this thought-provoking book, Torrey challenges readers, even those who have not yet decided what they believe, to wrestle with age-old questions of faith, redemption, and salvation. His lucid, cogent writing is sure to compel both Christians and non-Christians to seek the truth.

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  • Conversations With The Most High


    Provoking us to intimate, fulfilling conversation, Conversations with the Most High will help prepare the Christian believer’s heart to enter the throne room of God. A blessed resource each day, 365 devotions steeped in Scripture engage our focus and prompt us in communication with the God who gives us His attention. Peppered with quotes from notable historical pray-ers and experts on prayer, the short and timely narratives make for excellent discussion starters and listening gauges for conversation with God.

    Before Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, humanity had to rely solely on the high priest to go into the “secret place” known as the Holy of Holies and petition God on our behalf. Jesus Christ’s finished work on the Cross changed everything. Now, we, too, can enter the presence of the Most High God if our hearts and minds are prepared for worshipping and engaging in the life-changing conversation that He longs to have with us. Who would forsake such a privilege?

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  • Evaluating Your Friendship Skills


    Are you a faithful friend…or a burdensome buddy? Find out where you stand with Evaluating Your Friendship Skills. Good friendships take work. Use this 72-question self-evaluation, based on twelve biblical friendship characteristics, to identify areas in which you may be weak. Then use the discussion of each characteristic to help you set goals and determine practical ways to improve. Sharpen your friendship skills to become more like Jesus and a better friend. Great for individuals and for groups preparing for Friend Day!

    Includes: questionnaire and self-scoring two-part answer sheet

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  • LEAD Personality Survey


    The L-E-A-D Personality Inventory will provide you with an in-depth study of the unique characteristics of each type of personality. Your entire family, church members-even employees-will benefit from gaining a complete knowledge and understanding of their own personalities. Improve communication and relationships as you identify and better understand your own personality type, find out what motivates/demotivates people, and learn how others are most/least effective based on personality type. Includes questionnaire; answer sheet; instructions; profiles of the different personality types such as the Leader, Expresser, Analyst, and Dependable; and descriptions of different personality patterns. 13 pages.

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  • Whole Soul : Rescripting Your Life For Personal Transformation


    Transform your life as you change your thoughts. A key to wholeness is found in this simple yet profound truth. The Whole Soul offers simple solutions to earth-shattering, overwhelming, every day life crises. Transformation has never been easy, yet we have the solution to every issue we encounter. Imagine living a lifestyle where you literally have the power to walk over every circumstance, every obstacle, and every challenge. A lifestyle where you have authority to take captive every debilitating thought and toxic mindset-changing your life permanently. Eternity is in the hearts of men/women (Eccl. 3:11) giving dominion over every thought. You see, the circumstances we face every day are simply the result of our perception and how we navigate our thought life. In the pages of this book you will find the opportunity to choose victory over defeat.

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  • Live Handbook : Your Life With Christ (Student/Study Guide)


    How To Use This Booklet
    1. How Do I Know It Is Real?
    2. What Is The Good News?
    3. Is It Worth It?
    4. A Time For Commitment
    5. New Life In Christ
    Extra Information

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    Thousands of people go on evangelistic courses each year. And then… what next?
    Countless Christians would love to brush up on the foundations of their faith. But… how to?

    Internationally renowned speaker, evangelist and author Becky Manley Pippert’s newest resource is the What Next and the How To. In five interactive, informal sessions combining DVD clips, Bible study, discussion times and testimony footage, Becky explores the truth and content of the gospel, and how to begin and keep going in the Christian life.

    This course is perfect for new believers, not-yet-believers, and Christians who want to be refreshed in their faith. Use the handbook alongside the course DVD and the free online leader’s guide.

    Becky says: “LIVE continues the journey from enquirer to disciple to spiritual maturity. My guess is there are people in your church who will really benefit from this course.”

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  • How Can I Be Sure


    Introduction: The Many Faces Of Doubt
    1. What Is Doubt?
    2. Why Is Doubt Dangerous?
    3. What Do I Have To Believe To Be A Christian?
    4. How Can I Overcome Doubt As A Christian?
    5. How Can I Develop A Confident Faith?
    Conclusion: Living With Faith And Doubt

    Additional Info
    Many Christians experience times of doubt and uncertainty. At various times we can ask: Does God love me? Am I really a Christian? – and even Is there a God at all?!

    This short, readable book unpacks the difference between good and bad doubt, shows us where it comes from and how to deal with it in ourselves and others.

    It explains clearly and simply the liberating reality of what the Bible tells us about doubt, assurance and the Christian life.

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  • Faith After Failure


    Failure. It knocks at the doors of our lives and hopes to find permanent residence. The haunting words of our past…you failed…you should be ashamed…you’ll never measure up…resound over and over in our minds until we come to the realization that in God there is no failure! Every obstacle in life is an opportunity for our faith to be renewed and witness the miracle of God’s transforming power. God has never expected his children to be perfect; in fact He seeks to prove His love and faithfulness by perfecting us as we walk through the challenges of life. This book is all about the times we find ourselves in the pit of despair and are then equipped by God’s grace to move forward once again and experience complete fulfillment in Christ. There is no mission impossible for God. “Mission Possible” awaits you as you read Faith After Failure: Reconnecting With Your Destiny.

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  • Great Transfer Of Wealth


    You Can Be a Part of God’s Great Release of Wealth!

    “Your gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day or night, that men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles.”
    -Isaiah 60:11

    The Bible proclaims a coming day when God will release a great transfer of the world’s wealth into the hands of His people. Why would God divert the world’s wealth in such a manner? Is it driven by greed or the evil spirit of mammon? Or might there be a higher purpose?

    Revered author C. Peter Wagner delves deeply into this amazing prophecy, showing how God will bring about a miraculous, worldwide financial transformation so that the Great Commission will be fulfilled and His kingdom will be established on earth. And these things will be witnessed by this generation! With great wisdom and clarity, Wagner describes…
    *The proper uses of this wealth
    *The mechanism of its distribution
    *The goals it is intended to achieve
    *How the newly financed church will use its “seven mountains of influence” to change the world

    God is poised to shake the world’s financial foundations to their core. All Bible-believing Christians need to take steps to be prepared, for they will be the ones God uses to receive this blessing, influence the world, and help to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.

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  • Forget Not His Benefits


    SKU (ISBN): 9781629112251ISBN10: 1629112259Roberts LiardonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Publisher: Banner Publishing

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  • Run To The Battle


    This volume combines three best-selling books-The Invading Force, A Call to Action, and Run to the Battle-in their original form but updated for today’s reader. The prophetic message they bring is just as powerful and relevant today as it was when author Roberts Liardon first spoke it. “When you invade, do not have second thoughts and retreat-just invade. You are in it to the death-not your death, but the devil’s death! Your attitude needs to be… I am going to win, or I am going to die fighting.”

    The Holy Spirit is bringing revival to the church, and the church is rising up in a fresh anointing, a holy faith, and a Spirit-led zeal to win the lost as never before. If you are a believer who is serious about fulfilling God’s call on your life and taking this world for Jesus Christ, the truths in this new edition will transform you into a powerful soldier in God’s army. These three books in one provide the vital information and wisdom you need to hear God’s voice and Run to the Battle!

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  • Price Of Spiritual Power


    If you are serious about moving closer to God and doing what it takes to have a deeper walk with Jesus, here are four Roberts Liardon titles in one volume that will help you to get there!

    Holding to the Word of the Lord will teach you how to hold on to what God has told you and to move forward in victory.

    The Quest for Spiritual Hunger will point the way to a deeper, more intimate relationship with God and the victory that comes with it.

    The Price of Spiritual Power will light the path to holiness and spiritual power.

    Spiritual Timing will insure that you not only do the right thing, but that you do it at the right time, in God’s timing, where victory dwells.

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  • Finney On Revival


    Finney wrote, A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God.
    Charles Finney brought forth God’s Word with a boldness and clarity that resulted in the salvation of more than half a million people, and over 85% of the people who found Christ through his ministry remained faithful to the Lord throughout their lives.

    G. Gilchrist Lawson wrote this about him, He was the greatest evangelist and theologian since the days of the apostles, and the reader of this Pure Gold Classic will understand why.

    Finney said: The treasure is in Heaven. A pure heart cannot be a friend of the universe. The Christian warfare is a war between the will and Satan. To commit yourself to Christ implies that you merge yourself in Him–make Him your end of life–make His glory your supreme end in all you do. You merger your will in His will, so that, apart from Him, you will have no will of your own. You wish for nothing, save what pleases Him, The Bible teaches that sin is forgiven when it is repented of, but never while it is persisted in.

    Charles Finney, as the above quotes reveal was blessed with a passion for souls, the fire of John the Baptist, and great zeal for the truth of God’s Word. Each chapter within this compelling book abounds with God-pleasing thoughts, anecdotes, suggestions, and words of encouragement that will produce a yearning and hunger in the reader for a true revival that will bring about true changes in people’s lives.

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  • To Know God In The 21st Century


    To Know God in the 21St Century” offers a forum for self-reflection and renewal of the vows that came with your first love. It was written to help maturing Christians reason why their faith-life no longer holds the passion it once did. Using real life illustrations, it offers insights on why it is more difficult to live an expressly Christian life in an increasingly antagonistic world. It is a book of self-discovery that permits readers to challenge their own faith without condemnation or loss of fellowship. It is foremost a book of self-reformation and second chances, and of clearer vision, strengthened understanding towards a stronger, more committed heart connection.

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  • Red Sea Rules


    Just as Moses and the Israelites found themselves caught between “the devil and the deep Red Sea,” so are we sometimes overwhelmed by life’s problems. But God delivered the Israelites, and He will deliver us too. The Red Sea Rules reveals, even in the midst of seemingly impossible situations, God’s promise to make a way for us. His loving guidance will protect us through danger, illness, marital strife, financial problems–whatever challenges Satan places in our path. Using the Israelites’ story as an example, Robert Morgan offers ten sound strategies for moving from fear to faith. Among them:
    Realize that God means for you to be where you are. Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord. Pray. Life is hard. It is certain that we will face difficulties, and that God will allow them, as He allowed the Israelites to become trapped between Pharaoh’s rushing armies and the uncrossable Red Sea. But just as certain is the fact that the same God who led us in will lead us out. As The Red Sea Rules makes clear, He is in control. Updated edition with new study questions accompanying each chapter.

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  • Rules Of Engagement For Overcoming Your Past


    General spiritual warfare books are important-but when you have a specific issue in your life, you need a specific prayer strategy.

    We all have things in our past that can derail our futures if we don’t learn how to overcome them. In the powerful style that her fans have come to expect, Cindy Trimm identifies the spirits that attack us through our past experiences and provides specific scriptures, prayers, and declarations for breaking their power.

    There is a spiritual battle going on, and The Rules of Engagement for Overcoming Your Past is a manual to help you wage effective warfare. It is time to take a stand against the powers of Satan. Using the authority you have been given by God, you can enter the realm of prayer-power and break the spirits of…
    *Betrayal, and more!

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  • Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life


    Drawn from a rich heritage, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines. By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity. Now updated and revised to equip a new generation of readers, this anniversary edition features in-depth discussions on each of the key disciplines.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence (Deluxe)


    Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine.

    In this bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.

    This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling line. The fashionable teal color in deluxe leathersoft format has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel that will appeal to women to purchase for themselves or for all their friends.

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  • 3 Minute Devotions For Girls


    Got 3 minutes, girl? Take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and make a meaningful connection with your heavenly Father with these 3-minute readings designed just for you! This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into dozens readings designed to meet you right where you are in life. Minute 1: meditate on a scripture selection; Minute 2: read through a devotional created just for you; Minute 3: read a prayer designed to help jump-start your conversation with God. In only 3 short minutes, you’ll be on your way to beautiful blessings!

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  • Daring : A Call To Courageous Manhood


    Victory is always on the other side of a fight. Here is help to win the battles and keep on winning!

    Daring sets the tone for a new wave of masculinity by defining what it is to be a man of courage, endurance, and resolve. The unique, creative voice of Paul Louis Cole cuts through cultural clutter to speak to the issues that lay in the heart of every man.

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  • Irresistible Husband : The Strength Of Fully Expressed Manhood


    Every man should know what his father failed to teach him, what women couldn’t tell him, and what his pastor wanted to say…but only behind closed doors.

    This honest, no-nonsense book by Edwin Louis Cole provides an invaluable guide to launch a new generation of family leaders…with profound truths about sex, commitment, communication, career, child-rearing, and more. Find out…

    *The formula for life success
    *How to avoid outside forces conquering you
    *Turning the tide on fatherlessness
    *Building character step-by-step
    *Ten investments to maintain a great marriage

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  • Just Do Something


    Why won’t God reveal his special will for my life already?

    Because he doesn’t intend to… So says Kevin DeYoung in this punchy book about making decisions the godly way.

    Many of us are listening for the still small voice to tell us what’s next instead of listening to the clear voice in Scripture telling us what’s now. God does have a will for your life, but it is the same as everyone else’s: Seek first the kingdom of God. And quit floundering.

    With pastoral wisdom and tasteful wit, DeYoung debunks unbiblical ways of understanding God’s will and constructs a simple but biblical alternative: live like Christ. He exposes the frustrations of our waiting games and unfolds the freedom of finding God’s will in Scripture and then simply doing it.

    This book is a call to put down our Magic 8-Balls and pick up God’s Word. It’s a call to get wisdom, follow Christ, be holy, and live freely. To just do something.

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  • Soul Keeping : Caring For The Most Important Part Of You


    The soul is NOT ‘a theological and abstract subject.’ The soul is the coolest, eeriest, most mysterious, evocative, crucial, sacred, eternal, life-directing, fragile, indestructible, controversial, expensive dimension of your existence. Jesus said it’s worth more than the world. You’d be an idiot not to prize it above all else. Shouldn’t you get pretty clear on exactly what it is? Shouldn’t you know what it runs on? Wouldn’t it be worth knowing how to care for it? Two things are for sure. One is: you have a soul. The other is: if you don’t look after this one you won’t be issued a replacement. Bestselling author John Ortberg writes another classic that will help readers discover their soul and take their relationship with God to the next level.

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  • Gates Of Redemption


    In God’s redemptive plan, one’s heart is the center of one’s being. Actually, it is designed to be the dwelling place of God. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you…I will put My Spirit within you…” (Ezekiel 36:26-27). God has designed the heart as the gateway to one’s mind, will and emotions. By opening a single gate into the heart and letting the Spirit of the Living God come in, we start a domino effect of massive proportions. Through opening all the gates into the heart, we allow the Spirit of the Living God to dwell and abide in us.

    As we rebuild and restore these gateways, we will find that not only are we a people who God wants to bless, but that these ancient gates literally FLOW with the blessings of God-blessings of purpose, understanding, and rest for the weary soul. These gates, when properly aligned, are the entrance/exit places for God’s Glory!

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  • Guys Guide To God Girls And The Phone In Your Pocket


    The Guy’s Guide will encourage your faith, challenge you spiritually, and give you real-life advice how to live out your faith in today’s highly secularized culture, with distractions lurking around every corner. . .and just a click away.

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  • No More Ordinary


    What is the abundant life? Carol McLeod partners with the Word of God and the lives of victorious believers to show the reader how to obtain and maintain a life that is a rare and priceless treasure. Such a life is contagious in that it causes others to want it. Each chapter of this thrilling book explains how to tackle life with zest in spite of the circumstances. Each chapter also presents the life stories of people like Corrie ten Boon, Robert LeTourneau, Ruth Bell Graham, Hank and Betty Stam, Susannah Wesley, and many others. Life with a capital L begins the moment that you make the decision to enter into a partnership with the Man whose very identity is known as Life himself!” Within each chapter the reader will find a practical approach to living the abundant life. Filled with applicable prayers,Scriptures to memorize, declarations to make, and daily disciplines to incorporated into one’s life, No More Ordinary provides the answers to life that everyone is looking for. This book is a no-compromise, not-to-get-there-from-here manual that will remove the reader from the humdrum into a realm of life that is abundant and full of joy.

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  • For Life : Defending The Defenseless


    “We are one nation under God, and a nation that is under God must defend life at all stages-young and old alike.”

    John Bornschein was an almost-aborted child. Abortion isn’t an abstract political argument-it’s about life and death for individuals. In For Life Bornschein shares his story and calls the church to defend the defenseless. Exploring Scripture and history, he equips you with the baseline and background knowledge you need to stand boldly on our culture’s front lines to protect life at all stages. A special section from the Family Research Council provides you with essential information for engaging others about the issues of abortion and defending your position.

    About the Author

    John Bornschein is vice-chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, an executive member of the National Prayer Committee, and author of The Front Line: A Prayer Warrior’s Guide to Spiritual Battle. During his 18 years in ministry, Bornschein held roles as a missionary and senior pastor, and served with Mission of Mercy, Heritage Builders, and Focus on the Family.

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  • Air I Breathe


    Have you ever felt as though you don’t even deserve to breathe the air that has been provided? The author has felt this way for most of her life and is now beginning to heal through the truths outlined in this book.

    Inside this book you will find healthy nuggets to begin your healing, one small step at a time. Change can be hard for some and it may feel uncomfortable at first, though once you start grasping the healthy and helpful tips in this book, with God’s help you can be set free!

    You are loved. You are valued. You are deserving of each breath given as God has given them just for you.

    So, take a deep breath



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  • How To Stay Christian In College


    How do you stay open about your faith in the face of potential ridicule? A must-read for every college student, How to Stay Christian in College will guide you through the maze of campus realities, including dating, sex, honesty, and more.

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  • Life Changing Bible Verses Every Woman Should Know


    Is it time for you to stretch your spiritual muscles? These encouraging Bible verses from the Old and New Testaments will help you strengthen your devotional life. Each short chapter focuses on several inspirational Bible verses on specific topics and provides timely explanations and applications. Use these readings to guide your Bible memorization or simply to experience God’s personal touch as He uses His Word to…
    *encourage, heal, and nourish you
    *sustain you in difficult times and comfort you in sorrow
    *instruct you, bringing you wisdom and discernment
    *keep you from sin and protect you from evil
    *provide stability in your ever-changing world

    As you immerse yourself in these encouraging Bible verses, your desire to read, understand, and memorize God’s Word will grow. As a result, you’ll clarify what you believe and be able to speak the truth in love and bring hope to others around you.

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  • Ultimate Security : Finding A Refuge In Difficult Times


    Where do I find security?

    Discovering the answer to that question is a universal quest. Mankind has addressed the basic human drive for security through such avenues as the police, the military, insurance policies, investments, and governmental social programs. These efforts cost billions of dollars each year.

    Yet, in spite of our best attempts, in most instances, we are ultimately powerless to achieve real security. In fact, our only hope of attaining genuine security is to first come to grips with the fact that any man-made agency is powerless to provide it in the end. Many circumstances remain totally outside our control.

    Thankfully, there is another source of security we can turn to-one that is completely different in nature and in the type of security it offers. This alternative source can provide both total and permanent security. What is it? It is the wisdom of God.

    Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explores various ways in which God provides security, highlighting the conditions we must meet in order to qualify for His protection in each area of our lives-spiritual, physical, financial, and so forth-as well as be protected from fear and worry, discouragement and depression, and criticism and lies.

    We must have a solid foundation that can endure the pressures and difficulties we inevitably face. That foundation is the Word of God and the wisdom it provides. God’s wisdom reveals His eternal nature, contains His everlasting counsel, and shows us the way through the shifting sands of time to the Eternal Rock upon which we can all build with absolute confidence.

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  • Eternity Changes Everything


    1. Your Future In Your Present
    2. Everything New
    3. He Will Dwell With Them
    4. The Future Is Certain
    5. Your Future Is Certain
    6. Tightrope Walking
    7. Restlessness
    8. Patience
    9. Heavenly Citizens
    10. Needing This World Less
    11. Loving This World More

    Additional Info
    Our view of the future affects how we feel and act in the present. Stephen Witmer excites us about where the world is heading, gives certainty about where we as individuals are heading, and thrills us about how eternity really does change everything in our daily lives.
    If you are worried about your future… or if your future doesn’t seem to make any difference to your now… or if you simply want to get more excited about where you will spend eternity… read this book!

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  • Supernatural Transformation


    The central organ of the human body is the heart. It circulates the blood throughout the whole bodily system, pumping oxygen and nutrients to the other organs and pulling toxins away from them.

    Yet we human beings have another “heart”-a spiritual one-that is the true center of our existence. Our spiritual heart is our identity. It is the foundation of our whole being, from which our desires, designs, purposes, will, thoughts, and attitudes originate.

    Yet, as a result of the fall and our sinful nature, we all have symptoms of “heart disease,” and we need to know how to become spiritually heart-healthy. As the Scriptures say, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Every spiritual, mental, and emotional matter-and many physical ones-is rooted in the heart. The state of our spiritual heart affects all aspects of our daily living. Therefore, the condition of our heart will be the condition of our life.

    Join Apostle Maldonado in a journey of discovery into the purpose, motivations, and potential of our spiritual heart. God wants us to understand how, in Christ, our heart is designed to “pump” life to our entire being-producing mental, emotional, and physical health and removing the toxins of sin.

    We were created to reflect the heart of our heavenly Father. And God is ready even now to change our heart to be like His through a supernatural transformation!

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  • Cloud Of Unknowing


    Few things are as eternal in this world as man’s quest to better know and understand his Creator. Because the human mind is far too small to fully grasp the Almighty, believers who try to approach Him intellectually often “freeze up,” entering into a “cloud of unknowing.” But God is approachable.

    The Cloud of Unknowing dates back as far as the fourteenth century and has inspired generations of seekers in their efforts to connect with God. Created as a primer to instruct young monks to develop techniques for encountering God, its tone is not academic or austere but rather a loving call for believers to grow closer to God through meditation and prayer.

    If you desire to experience God in your heart, and yourself in God’s heart, The Cloud of Unknowing will be a book to read and reread for a lifetime.

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