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Christian Living

Showing 1451–1500 of 2458 results

  • Way Of Life Updated Edition


    When the Christian church was born on the Day of Pentecost, it was launched through the demonstration of signs, wonders, and miracles. The gospel of the Kingdom of God was never meant to simply be spoken through words; it was intended to be both declared and demonstrated. Naturally, the question is: Why doesn’t much of modern Christianity experience the miraculous power of God like the early church? This is not a new question. In fact, it has been asked by spiritually hungry men and women through the ages.

    Many have attempted to answer this question. Unfortunately, many of the answers have caused spiritual seekers to stop short of their divine destiny because they were taught that the “age of miracles” ended with the closing of the Scriptural canon.

    But while Scripture is no longer being written, the Gospel must continue to be supernaturally demonstrated through the lives and actions of every believer…including you!

    Get ready to discover The Way of Life. Jesus modeled it. The early church demonstrated it. And now, the invitation is being extended to you. Learn how you can move in the signs, wonders, and supernatural power that the Bible says are available!

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  • How To Pray A Simple Guide For Normal People


    Pete Greig is a worldwide authority and the face of a generation when it comes to prayer. One of the founders of the 24-7 prayer movement, he has seen, experienced, and chronicled amazing works of God in the world. While you might imagine him to be puffed up, Pete Greig is entirely the opposite. He is enchanting, down-to-earth, friendly, and most of all, very normal-and yet he tells preposterous tales about prayer (and they’re true). He is basically a regular dude who loves to talk with God.

    How to Pray is written to evoke a passion for prayer in everyone-the committed follower of Jesus as well as the skeptic and the scared. The enormous blessing of How to Pray is that it is accessible, full of surprising stories of answered prayer, and tremendously engaging. The basic idea is that prayer is a conversation between you and God. Pete Greig demystifies and reenchants prayer, helping you to find prayer achievable and enjoyable, and ultimately life-giving and life-changing.

    How to Pray is designed to be used together with The Prayer Course (a free video curriculum associated with the Alpha course), making it useful for personal and group or church-wide reading.

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  • 1 Year Salt And Light Devotional


    This year, learn to bring the light and hope of Christ into your home, your community, and your world.Scripture calls us to be the salt of the earth and lights in the world-preserving, flavoring, brightening, and warming the lives of those around us. But too often, it seems the world is getting more and more closed off to the hope and promise of faith. How do we bring the light of Christ to the world around us, showing His love to the people who need it the most?In The One Year Salt and Light Devotional, beloved author Chris Tiegreen provides inspiration and practical insight on how we can offer glimpses of God everywhere we go as we live our faith in a way that begins deep inside and works its way out. Through each day’s reading, God will encourage you, move you, and use you in surprising ways to bless this world with His wisdom, power, and love.

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  • Anxious For Nothing


    Anxiety is at an all time high, but there’s a prescription for dealing with it. Max Lucado invites readers into a study of Philippians 4:6-7 where the Apostle Paul admonishes the followers of Christ, “Do not be anxious about anything . . .”

    Philippians 4:6 encourages the believer to “be anxious for nothing.” As Lucado states, the apostle Paul seems to leave little leeway here. “Be anxious for nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero.”

    What’s he suggesting? That we should literally be anxious for absolutely nothing? Lucado says, “The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional. It’s the life of perpetual anxiety that Paul wants to address. Don’t let anything in life leave you perpetually in angst.”

    Americans especially know about living in perpetual anxiety. According to one research program, anxiety-related issues are the number one mental health problem among women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men. Stress-related ailments cost the nation $300 billion every year in medical bills and lost productivity. And use of sedative drugs like Xanax and Valium have skyrocketed in the last 15 years. Even students are feeling it. One psychologist reports that the average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s.

    “The news about our anxiety is enough to make us anxious,” says Lucado. But there’s a prescription for dealing with it. Lucado invites readers into a study of Philippians 4:6-7, the most highlighted passage of any book on the planet, according to Amazon:

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    “With His help you will learn to face the calamities of life. You’ll learn how to talk yourself off the ledge. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will learn to view bad news through the lens of sovereignty; to discern the lies of Satan and tell yourself the truth. You will manifest a gentleness that is evident to others. Anxiety comes with life. But it doesn’t have to dominate your life.”

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  • Jesus Skeptic : A Journalist Explores The Credibility And Impact Of Christi


    Award-winning journalist and pastor answers young adults’ questions with clear and compelling evidence for the historical Jesus and the timeless influence of his teaching, presenting Christianity as the greatest force for social good in history.

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  • Is Jesus History


    What can we really know for sure about the past? Can anything from ancient history be regarded as ‘fact’? In particular, how seriously can we take the historical sources for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth? Did he really even live in first-century Galilee and Judaea, or is he a figure of legend?

    In this timely book, historian Dr John Dickson unpacks how the field of history works, giving readers the tools to evaluate for themselves what we can confidently say about figures like the Emperor Tiberius, Alexander the Great, Pontius Pilate, and, of course, Jesus of Nazareth.

    He presents the evidence, methods, and conclusions of mainstream scholars–both Christian and not–and asks some pertinent contemporary questions, without offering any pushy answers: If Jesus really did exist, what are we to make of his own claims and those of his followers, and what would any of it mean for us today?

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  • Good Man Great Family


    Are You A Good Man?

    What makes a good man? As a husband and father, how do you raise a healthy family?

    In a culture where men are burdened by shame and confused about their identity, there remains one beacon of hope which every man must follow: God’s Word.

    In Good Man, Great Family, Dr. Bill Moore offers Biblical truths, practical steps, and engaging examples to guide you on your journey to becoming the husband and father that God created you to be.

    Dr. Moore shares:
    *How to affair-proof your marriage
    *4 things most men don’t know about life
    *That God is bigger than any failure

    Become the man that God created you to be, and discover the true satisfaction that comes from being a good man, with a great family!

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  • School Of The Miraculous


    Demystifying Miracles

    What if you could experience something miraculous every day?

    Many Christians think of miracles as rare events for a select and fortunate few. But miracles don’t have be something mysterious and out of reach. They don’t have to be the exception. Just as they were common in the early church, they can become common for you.

    The School of the Miraculous A Practical Guide to Walking in Daily Miracles by Dr. Kynan Bridges shows how every believer can develop a miracle mind-set, operate in miracles, and establish a life routine in which miraculous events occur.

    Dr. Kynan has encountered many believers who are frustrated because they are not seeing evidence of God’s power in their circumstances. They have a growing desperation for more of His intervention in their lives. This book was designed to answer that cry for more.

    The Holy Spirit is the Miracle Worker–but all miracles involve human participation in some way. Dr. Kynan reveals that our growing intimacy with God’s Spirit will lead us to see and participate in His miracles–living in His power and setting our expectations increasingly higher for His miraculous works in our lives.

    This practical guide for every believer is filled with ideas for personal application, encouraging testimonies, and spiritual activation prayers for tapping into the miraculous. Enroll in The School of the Miraculous today!

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  • And Yet Undaunted


    Your story. It zigs just when you thought it should zag. You honestly didn’t realize you had a plan for your life until it didn’t turn out the way you thought it would. But there’s good news. Belonging to Jesus means that your story is part of a much larger tale to be told.If you see how the real Story began-and where it’s headed-you will catch a glimpse of the good heart of God that will anchor you when life gets crazy. Authors Paula Rinehart and Connally Gilliam take a fresh look at the gospel to show you how to place your story within God’s greater Story. The life you were created for takes redemptive shape in the present as you look ahead at the hope of what’s to come.

    Through personal story and Scripture, these two women invite you to face reality head-on. In And Yet, Undaunted, you will learn how to step into the embrace of God’s goodness so you can find wholeness within the broken pieces of your life.

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  • Redefined : When Jesus Invades A Womans Heart


    In Redefined, Melissa explores the stories of women in 1st Century Israel and 21st Century America whose hearts were captivated by Jesus. Through their stories and Melissa’s teachings, Redefined speaks to the heart and encourages every woman who has ever been denied because of their gender or past.

    With a Pastor’s heart, Melissa will comfort women who struggle with guilt or condemnation because of the choices they have made or the choices that were made for them, while inspiring women to accept their forgiveness.

    Redefined is a must read for all women who have ever been rejected, devalued, or are in need of a miracle.

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  • Is It Of God


    Is It of God? Is a practical, biblically-saturated book written for those who want to know how to avoid deception and discern truth, error, and mixture in teaching, practices, and supernatural manifestations. With nearly fifty years of discerning experience in revivals, Holy Spirit movements, and spiritual warfare ministry as a pastor and professor, Dr. Paul King provides wise guidance on:
    *Biblically-based foundations and principles for spiritual discernment
    *How to maintain balance and avoid both ditches of charismania and charisphobia
    *Discerning vs. judging
    *Discerning Spirit, flesh, and demonic manifestations
    *Discerning psychic from Spirit
    *Distinguishing non-biblical from unbiblical
    *Identifying true and false revival
    *Avoiding undiscerning discernment
    *A biblical discernment response to John MacArthur’s Strange Fire
    *And much more!

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  • No Limits : Embracing The Miraculous


    The naysayers of the world want to convince us that the days of God working miracles have passed. But in No Limits: Embracing the Miraculous, Donna Sparks uses contemporary testimonies of powerful miracles released into the lives of believers and non-believers alike to show God has not changed. He has worked miracles in the past, and there are no limits on His ability to work miracles today. Backed by Scriptural truth, the author assures her readers that they can depend on God to not only know their needs but also meet them. God lives in the realm of the miraculous, and He wants us to live there too. In this new book by Donna Sparks, she inspires her readers to not only believe for their own miracles today but also take the good news to others that God is still in the miracle-working business.

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  • Swing Wide : A Story About Love, Sexual Identity, And How God Redefined It


    Swing Wide is a love story, not a gay story.

    After years of believing she was “born this way,” Keri hit a wall when faced with the decision to marry a woman. With a slight hesitation in her heart and a faint memory of the love she once had for Jesus, Keri chose to walk away from the life she knew and gave God the chance to show her who she was made to be.

    “This is the love I have always longed for. Jesus picked me up, cleaned me off, renewed my mind and re-wired my desires.”
    It’s a story about experiencing the greatest love of all – the love that knows no bounds.

    Through heartfelt stories that will make you laugh and cry in one breath, Keri Cardinale shares her personal journey of how she came to identify herself as a homosexual, sensed a hint of doubt that life could be different, and eventually made the decision to trust God enough to show her who He created her to be.

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  • Stewarding Your Best Life


    Do you feel you have untapped potential? Do you want to grow your success in God’s eyes? In Stewarding Your Best Life, Sherilyn Hamon-Miller explores these ideas and reveals a critical biblical truth to equip you and maximize your role as a wise steward. Sherilyn Hamon-Miller presents practical applications for every believer to measure and grow your life through God’s eyes. Join with her as she guides you through a series of prayers and activations designed to help you live a successful and profitable life according to God’s Word. By the time you finish reading this book, you will have a greater understanding of what it takes to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

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  • Adorning The Dark


    Making something beautiful in a broken world can be harrowing work, and it can’t be done alone.

    Over the last twenty years, Andrew Peterson has performed thousands of concerts, published four novels, released ten albums, taught college and seminary classes on writing, founded a nonprofit ministry for Christians in the arts, and executive-produced a film–all in a belief that God calls us to proclaim the gospel and the coming kingdom using whatever gifts are at our disposal. He’s stumbled along the way, made mistake after mistake, and yet has continually encountered the grace of God through an encouraging family, a Christ-centered community of artists in the church, and the power of truth, beauty, and goodness in Scripture and the arts.

    While there are many books about writing, none deal first-hand with the intersection of songwriting, storytelling, and vocation, along with nuts-and-bolts exploration of the great mystery of creativity. In Adorning the Dark, Andrew describes six principles for the writing life:
    *serving the work
    *serving the audience
    *and community

    Through stories from his own journey, Andrew shows how these principles are not merely helpful for writers and artists, but for anyone interested in imitating way the Creator interacts with his creation.

    This book is both a memoir of Andrew’s journey and a handbook for artists, written in the hope that his story will provide encouragement to others stumbling along in pursuit of a calling to adorn the dark with the light of Christ.

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  • He Calls Me Friend


    How do you change the world? Dr. John M. Perkins says the answer is friendship. Find out why in He Calls Me Friend.

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  • Women Of The Word


    Women of the Word has sold over 250,000 copies since its initial release in 2014. In this updated edition with new study questions, popular Bible teacher Jen Wilkin challenges women to go deeper in their study of Scripture, offering a clear and concise plan they can use each time they open their Bible. Many Christian women know it’s important to study God’s Word-but often don’t know where to start. If they’re not careful, they can let their emotions rule their study of Scripture and forget that the Bible is primarily about God and not us. This book will equip women to engage God’s Word in a way that both trains their minds and transforms their hearts.

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  • Beholding And Becoming A Guided Companion


    A Journey to Becoming

    This beautiful guided companion to Ruth Chou Simons’ Beholding and Becoming: The Art of Everyday Worship is a thoughtfully designed way to engage in deliberate soul-work-to linger longer in God’s Word and reflect on developing a deeper relationship with the Savior.
    This companion will guide you on a journey of becoming more like Christ as you behold Him in your daily life:
    *144 pages of insightful study questions with room for notes to prompt personal growth
    *50 scripture verses featured to encourage you to meditate and reflect on God’s work in your everyday life
    *Ruth’s intricate and uplifting hand-painted artwork on every page

    Whether used on its own or alongside Becoming and Beholding, this companion creates space for God’s Word to transform your life as you direct your heart toward worship in the everyday moments of life.

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  • Beholding And Becoming


    Become What You Behold

    You are in the process of becoming. Every day is an opportunity to be shaped and formed by what moves your heart…drives your thoughts…captures your gaze. Is it any wonder that where you direct your eyes and your heart matter in your day-to-day?

    We become what we behold when we set our hearts and minds on Christ and His redemption story here in the details of our daily lives. Not just on Sunday, not just on holidays, not just when extraordinarily hard or wonderful things happen…but today.

    Bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons invites you on a new journey to Beholding and Becoming. With more than 850 pieces of intricate, original artwork, Ruth encourages you to elevate your gaze to the One who created all things.

    Today is an opportunity for God to demonstrate His love and His faithfulness in the midst of your mundane. No circumstance is too ordinary or too forgotten for Him to meet you there in worship. His transforming grace turns your “everyday ordinary” into a holy place of becoming.

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  • Dad Tired And Loving It


    Do You Want to Be a Spiritual Leader? Start Here

    Have the day-to-day realities of being a dad and husband left you frustrated or just plain worn out? You’re not alone.

    Jerrad Lopes felt that way too…until he started blogging about his struggles and discovered thousands of other men who want to be good husbands and fathers but don’t know where to start.

    You will learn that spiritual leaders:
    *realize their story isn’t the story-it’s all about Jesus
    *point their wives, children, community, and world toward God
    *stumble their way through spiritual leadership rather than doing nothing
    *seek humility rather than striving for perfection
    *refuse to let their sin and shame stop them from leading their family
    *look for adventure in the kingdom of God, not in the world
    *create gospel-centered memories with their wife and children

    When you begin to understand the bigger picture of God’s purpose for you in your marriage and family, you’ll see that the good news of Jesus makes it possible for you to love and lead without fear and discouragement.

    Get equipped and encouraged as you become the man God is calling you to be-even when you’re dad tired.

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  • Crutch Of Success


    Born in Korea in 1956 soon after the end of the Korean War, Steve Stirling was stricken with polio at age one when his father unknowingly brought the virus home after consoling a friend whose child had contracted the disease. Steve survived; the son of his father’s friend did not. Marital and financial struggles caused Steve’s father to leave him at an orphanage when he was five. Three weeks later, his three-year-old sister was left there as well.

    After four years, they were adopted by an American couple, Jim and Lynn Stirling, who settled in Anchorage, Alaska. The Stirlings now had seven children, all but one of whom was adopted.

    Steve’s legs were paralyzed but his mind was sharp. He excelled in school, earned degrees at Cornell and Northwestern universities, and married. He and his wife, Sook Hee, moved from city to city as Steve moved up the corporate ladder with several Fortune 500 companies. They had two children and plenty of money, but their marriage was not happy.

    Then they came to a saving faith in Jesus and their lives changed forever. They traveled to Korea and miraculously located Steve’s birth family. On a subsequent trip to visit the orphanage where he had grown up, Steve encountered a fellow handicapped orphan who had also become a Christian and his words caused Steve to rethink his life direction. He decided to shift his executive career away from the corporate world in order to devote his energies to nonprofit charities, working for World Vision and several others. Now he is the executive director for MAP (Medical Assistance Programs) International, based in Georgia, and spends as much time as possible spreading the gospel message as well as distributing medical assistance to developing countries. “For me, joining the MAP family feels like ‘coming home,'” he says. “It’s a culmination of my personal and professional life experiences.”

    A vial of polio vaccine costing sixty cents could have prevented Steve from contracting the disease.

    Steve’s favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (nas). He sees God’s hand bringing all the elements of his life together perfectly for His purpose.

    “I believe God has called me to be the voice of millions of children who desperately need life-changing medicines,” Steve says. “He has given me these experiences, even polio, to prepare me to be used by Him. I’m not bit

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  • Your Battles Belong To The Lord


    Internationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer offers encouragement and practical insight for overcoming life’s problems and challenges by dealing with them according to God’s Word.

    Have you ever felt you tried every solution on earth to solve a problem, but nothing worked? Have you ever wondered where the difficulties you face are coming from? Joyce Meyer has answers.

    In Your Battles Belong to the Lord, Meyer explains that once you recognize the devil–who is real and active in the world today–as your true enemy and the source of many of your struggles, you can overcome them and live a life of peace, freedom, faith and victory. When facing life’s battles, there are certain things you must do for yourself, such as being diligent to study and apply God’s Word, trusting Him, praying, helping others, and maintaining a positive attitude and a thankful heart. But there are other things only God can do. When you do your part, God does His-and He is always ready and eager to defend you and help you.

    In this fresh approach to the subject of spiritual warfare, Meyer focuses not only on the nature and strategies of the enemy, but also on the power and love of God, who always defeats the enemy and leads you to triumph. No matter how difficult your challenges are, if you have God with you, you have all you need to win every battle.

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  • Joy In The Sorrow


    We all wonder how we will cope in times of terrible suffering, and how we can best support others who are suffering. And we all ask the question: how does suffering square with God’s character and purpose?

    As a young pastor, Matt Chandler knew he needed to learn how to help hurting people. He studied the Scriptures, and he learned from people at the Village Church who remained joyful in their suffering. And then suddenly he was having to live what he’d learned.

    This is the moving story of Matt’s battle with a potentially fatal brain tumor. But it’s also the stories of those who taught him, and teach him, how to walk with joy in sorrow.

    This book will make you cry, laugh, and worship God. And you will see how you can live with joy when times of sorrow come, and how you can support others going through tough times.

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  • His Testimonies My Heritage


    Hear the voices of women of color on the most important subject in any age–the word of God.

    This inspiring collection of devotions is by a diverse group of women of color–African-American, Hispanic, Caribbean, and Asian women. Contributors include Kristie Anyabwile, Jackie Hill-Perry, Trillia Newbell, Elicia Horton, Christina Edmondson, Blair Linne, Bev Chao Berrus and more.

    It is a faithful exposition of Psalm 119 and incorporates each contributor’s cultural expression both within the teaching and as they bring the word of God to bear on their lives.

    You will be thrilled and encouraged by hearing God speak through his word as it is expounded by these faithful women teachers, and you will long for more.

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  • Moral Questions Of The Bible


    Are all the moral commands of the Bible meant to be obeyed exactly for all time, or are there some that need to be adapted for our modern world?

    Scripture contains lots of guidance on ethical issues, including statements about polygamy, slavery, divorce, sex, and other things that sound strange to our modern ears. Even Christians, who believe the Bible is God’s word, disagree on whether women should wear head coverings, whether Christians can ever lie, whether women should preach, and whether Christians should drink alcohol. How can we resolve these issues and figure out how to apply the Bible to our lives?

    David Instone-Brewer helps answer this question by showing how the Bible’s moral commands were understood in their ancient cultural context. The more we understand what God and the biblical authors intended to communicate to the original audience, the better we will be able to make sense of how to apply those commands today.

    In brief chapters that address a wide variety of moral issues, Instone-Brewer equips Bible readers with a paradigm they can use to discern matters for themselves: Is a biblical command timeless or time-bound? If the command itself is time-bound, what is the timeless purpose behind it? And how do we remain faithful to the Bible’s commands today even when handling subjects the Bible does not address?

    The Scripture in Context series is driven by the conviction that there is nothing as exciting, direct, provocative, and spiritually enlightening as the Bible when we read it as it was meant to be read. Each book in the series dives into the ancient cultural context behind Bible passages, examining the effect this context had on what the Bible writers were saying and how we should understand their words today. When we read the Bible in light of its context, it is anything but boring. Instead, God’s word can speak to us as powerfully as it did to those who first read it.

    Chapters are short and informal, so it’s easy to read one chapter at a time or the whole book straight through.

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  • In Season And Out


    Grow in the Scriptures throughout the church year with David deSilva as your mentor.

    Beginning with Advent and moving through the church year, David deSilva brings his years of experience as a biblical scholar to the church in the form of sermons delivered to his home congregation throughout the church year, now adapted into a thoughtful and inspiring collection of reflections.

    These reflections, which draw on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary, will inform and inspire your understanding of Scripture, written with Dr. deSilva’s characteristic warmth and wisdom.

    In Season and Out makes for excellent devotional reading that will feed saints both in front of and behind the pulpit.

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  • How To Keep Your Head On Straight In A World Gone Crazy


    We are living in a day when countless multitudes have lost their way both morally and spiritually. Like a ship without anchor, this last day’s generation is being tossed to and fro by a flood of deception and wrong influences that is tragically causing people to lose their moorings. What should we do to make sure we don’t get sucked in to the chaotic swirl of moral and spiritual confusion sweeping the world today? That is the vital question prolific author and Greek scholar Rick Renner answers in this riveting and timely book.

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  • Seeing Angels Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Joshua Mills’s book Seeing Angels is one of the most in depth, scriptural examinations of angelic ministry by one of the cutting-edge charismatic leaders in the church today. Joshua goes beyond the usual takes on angels regarding spiritual warfare and explores who they are, how to recognize them, what they do, and how to cooperate with them in your life. This companion study guide, designed for both individual and group study, will help readers delve deeper into the meaning of angels and apply these miraculous truths.

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  • Created For Purpose


    You are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!

    You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.

    When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our personal purpose to God’s eternal plans for the world and our exciting role in them.

    God created all human beings to have dominion over the earth. And He has assigned each of us a portion of “territory” where we can exercise the measure of our dominion on earth. This dominion is based on the faith, anointing, and gifts He has given us. Our words and actions are most effective when we are in the territory God has assigned to us and are seeking first His kingdom. This “territorial” power is not merely symbolic. It is a reality in which we must live. The territory in which we are to be fruitful is not random or general but specific.

    In Created for Purpose, you will discover God’s plan for your life as a loved and valuable member of His creation, what it means to be called by God, and how to know and live in your purpose throughout your life.

    You are not an accident. You are present on this earth for a significant reason. Find out who you were meant to be!

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  • Best Of Smith Wigglesworth


    A collection of excerpted chapters from ten of Smith Wigglesworth’s most cherished and best-selling books, including:
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Faith
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Healing
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Heaven
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Spirit-Filled Living
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Spiritual Gifts
    *Smith Wigglesworth on the Anointing
    *Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit
    *Smith Wigglesworth Only Believe
    *Smith Wigglesworth Ever Increasing Faith
    *Smith Wigglesworth on God’s Power

    Together, these books have sold more than 900,000 copies. Wigglesworth was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal movement. His life led him from simple plumber to one of the world’s premier healing evangelists. Now, in one volume, readers can savor his inspirational teaching on an array of subjects, including prayer, spiritual healing, miracles, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the realities of heaven, and how to develop the faith to ask for miracles. This is the perfect introduction to Wigglesworth’s teachings for the new Christian or a cherished addition to the library of a seasoned believer.

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  • Seeing Angels : How To Recognize And Interact With Your Heavenly Messengers


    A recent study found that 57 percent of Catholics, 66 percent of Evangelical Protestants, and 10 percent of Jews have reported having a personal experience with a guardian angel. And 20 percent of those who identified themselves as having no religion also claimed having encountered an angel.

    Seeing Angels is one of the most in depth examinations of angelic ministry by one of the cutting-edge charismatic leaders in the church today. Joshua Mills goes beyond the usual takes on angels regarding spiritual warfare and explores who they are, how to recognize them, and what they do.

    *Part I, Understanding Your Angels, is all about understanding who angels are, exploring why they are necessary and how different angels minister comfort, healing, love, prosperity. It reveals who they carry out specific geographic assignments for cities and nations, as well as the more unique and extraordinary assignments they receive.
    *Part II, Discerning Your Angels, explains how to become more aware of the unseen heavenly realm, as well as how to recognize divine intervention when it does reveal itself to human sight. Such manifestations include random strangers, visions, or signs and messengers that believers receive. Joshua also explains the way he has interacted with visions of radiant light, swirling colors, and what he describes as atmospheric shifts. All of this is intended to make believers become more aware of both invisible and revealed spiritual realities.
    *Part III, Working with Your Angels, deals specifically with how to minister alongside these heavenly messengers as they stand watch, provide protection, and administer strength and comfort. This includes recognizing their movements and how to effectively pray for angelic encounters to take place.

    With a foreword by Patricia King, Seeing Angels is among the most comprehensive teachings on recognizing angelic beings and understanding how to partner with them in ministry.

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  • Complicated Heart


    People always ask Sarah how she forgave her alcoholic mother.

    How do you forgive someone who wounded you so deeply, who carelessly brushed aside your pain, who caused such destruction? How do you forgive them when your wounds are still open, they show no remorse, and you’re so tangled up with them you’re not sure how to get untangled?

    These are the questions Sarah Mae has wrestled with since she was fourteen years old–the year she moved in with her mother.

    The Complicated Heart takes readers on a journey where they will experience Sarah’s story with her. Readers will be able to peek behind the curtain into the heart of her mom as well, through journal entries and letters. The story of Sarah and her mom is the story of how light finds a way in, even in the deepest darkness. It is a story that shows victory, hope, and redemption in the midst of trauma and pain.

    Specifically, The Complicated Heart will help you:
    Learn how to forgive when your wound is still open
    Heal even when circumstances don’t change
    Get out of the cycle of dysfunction that you seem trapped in
    Love when it feels impossible
    Persevere in hope even when you think it’s a waste of time
    Support a friend who is dealing with a broken or painful relationship

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  • Relentless Pursuit


    From the CEO and co-founder of Hope for Justice, author of Impossible Is a Dare, and creator of the Dear 26 Year Old Me podcast comes an honest, compelling, and inspiring collection of wisdom and experience to empower those in business and ministry to see their world-changing vision become a reality. In Relentless Pursuit, Ben Cooley speaks with self-made billionaires, Grammy-award winning musicians, megachurch pastors, and network marketers, who give unprecedented access to the challenges, struggles, and doubts they have faced on their journey and share what helped them maintain momentum and achieve success.

    Featuring members of the band Rend Collective, Natalie Grant, John Siebling, Young Living Royal Crown Diamond members, Sir Brian Souter, and others, this book provides strikingly honest stories of how they built their careers and what they learned in the moments they felt like giving up.

    This book is for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world. It will not only provide the tools you need to make your dream a reality but will allow you to apply the lessons these leaders have learned to your life.

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  • Prophet : Creating And Sustaining A Life-Giving Prophetic Culture


    Every believer is prophetic!

    The Bible calls prophets a gift to the body of Christ. This is not because prophets hear God in our place; rather, prophets carry an impartation to connect all believers to the frequencies of Heaven with fresh clarity so they can receive and release the word of the Lord with new confidence.

    James Goll is an internationally bestselling author and prophet to the nations. In this groundbreaking book, James connects you to the speaking voice of the Spirit at a greater dimension than ever before.

    This comprehensive and revelatory work is broken up into four sections, focusing on Prophetic Beginnings, Development, Diversity and Commissionings.

    James teaches you how to:
    *Live in a realm of prophetic sensitivity
    *Recognize the four levels of prophetic ministry and how they operate
    *Understand the anatomy of a prophetic word
    *Receive and release the gift of prophecy
    *Avoid common pitfalls of prophetic ministry
    *Seize your prophetic destiny
    *Operate prophetically in you the sphere of influence

    These words from a respected general of the prophetic movement are saturated with divine empowerment, calling forth a generation to declare words from Heaven with power, integrity and accuracy!

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  • Risen Motherhood : Gospel Hope For Everyday Moments


    Find Hope and Joy in Everyday Moments

    Motherhood is a series of moments-some of them magical, others messy and mundane. In every part, God is there and wants to pour gospel truth into you. Learn how you can grow spiritually and share His love with others, especially with your family, right where you are.

    Discover how the gospel impacts all the areas of your everyday life, including your:
    *Attitude-examine your heart and get answers to overcome common issues, such as anger and frustration.
    *Marriage-see your husband the way God sees him and transform your view of your spouse.
    *Body image-reject cultural pressure for physical perfection and pursue internal beauty.
    *Relationships-love those you interact with from a gospel-motivated mindset.
    *Home life-spend your time at home with purpose and intentionality.

    Experience how the “big picture” of Scripture-creation, fall, redemption, and restoration-applies to you in powerful and practical ways.

    That is how you live out Risen Motherhood: by remembering who you are in Christ, what He has done for you, and what He has called you to do.

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  • Remaking A Broken World


    Our world is fractured on every level?”???”from the family to international relations. The news constantly reports broken relationships, strife-ridden communities and warring nations.
    So what hope is there for a world of fractured relationships? Discover the Bible’s surprising answer: the local church.

    This revised and updated edition of Christopher Ash’s Bible overview takes readers through the big sweep of Scripture, following the theme of scattering and gathering God’s people. It shows how the local church is at the heart of the Bible story and at the centre of God’s plan for remaking a broken world.

    This book will refresh your love for the local church, and give you new hope for the hurting world around you.

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  • Walking With God Devotional


    In Walking With God, New York Times bestseller author David Jeremiah distills the wisdom of the Bible into 365 beautifully crafted devotional readings that will help guide your walk of faith every day of the coming year.

    The Walking With God Devotional features select Bible verses and quotations from well-loved authors that include C. S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, A. W. Tozer, J.I. Packer, D. L. Moody to name but a few.

    The chocolate brown faux leather cover of the Walking With God Pocket Size Devotional is banded in a cross filigree design that wraps from the front cover to the back. David Jeremiah writes the Introduction to the devotional. Each day’s reading starts with a Scripture verse, followed by a short devotional and finished off with a quote from an author.

    This well written devotional is sure to strengthen your daily walk with God. It will also make an encouraging gift for friends family and those just starting their walk of faith.

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  • 1st Down Devotions


    On the gridiron, the right calls combined with the right talent move the chains. First Down Devotions inspires you to let God help you advance the spiritual chains in your life. These unique interview-based devotions offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the spiritual lives of football’s top athletes. Recounting their successes both on and off the field, the players will encourage you to turn to God for inspiration. Their struggles are real, just like yours. Their faith in God helps them knock down life’s challenges.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence


    Textured Gray Leathersoft

    Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever.

    With scripture and personal reflections, bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace-for today and every day.

    In this #1 New York Times bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader and are based on Jesus’ own words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture-penned by one who loves him and reveres His Word. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.

    These much-loved devotions will help you look forward to your time with the Lord. Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.

    This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling line. The on-trend cover is elegant and will appeal to men and those looking for a more neutral design.

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  • Basic Steps Of Bible Study


    Beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur has long taught the inductive study method, which has helped millions of people enjoy discovering the truths of God’s Word for themselves. This guide is a great place to start learning how to study your Bible in a truly-life-changing way.
    As you cultivate the inductive skills of observation, interpretation, and application, you will…
    *be equipped to study–and understand–God’s Word on your own
    *increase your knowledge of God and His ways
    *be greatly strengthened and encouraged in your personal faith

    The more you become an active participant in God’s Word, the more you will become aware of all that it means to be in Christ and to live boldly and confidently in God’s truths.

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  • Living With No Regrets


    Say Goodbye to Regrets!

    No matter what you’ve been through, God has made it possible for you to be free from your past and excited about your future!

    God is not mad at you!

    He knew we weren’t going to be perfect. He knew we would need forgiveness from our sins and healing for our broken hearts. That’s why Jesus came! In fact, Jesus paid a high price for our failures, and the last thing He wants is for us to spend the rest of our lives looking back with regrets.

    In Living with No Regrets, Greg Fritz shares simple yet profound truths from God’s Word that will set you free and give you a new lease on life.

    It’s time to move on! Wave goodbye to sadness, guilt, and shame. Get ready for your future by getting over your past.

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  • iBelong : Finding Your Place In The Body Of Christ


    Do you ever feel like you’re on the outside looking in – that maybe you don’t belong? Do you know people who just can’t connect? Veteran author, Robert Gay, provides real-world answers for ending your isolation and getting anchored in a local church. iBelong concisely articulates the need for every Christian to belong to a body of believers. With both scriptural and practical principles, you will understand that as we join ourselves to other believers, destiny and purpose are revealed. Through this book, you will satisfy your God-given need for acceptance and increase your kingdom fruitfulness.

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  • Unborn Untold : True Stories Of Abortion And God’s Healing Grace


    Confused. Scared. Pressured. Alone. That’s what so many of the women and men in these true stories felt when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Many believed they had no alternative but to abort their child, while others made the difficult decision to choose life. All live with the consequences of that decision. And all have experienced the healing grace and mercy of God.

    Their stories will touch your heart, expand your ability to offer compassion to all affected by abortion, and provide practical tools and guidance through the healing process.

    The global abortion epidemic demands a response of support, encouragement, and grace from those on all sides of the issue. Only then will those in crisis pregnancy situations feel equipped and empowered to choose life. And only then can every person affected by abortion let go of the past and move forward into a future filled with healing and hope.

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  • Trials : Daily Encouragements For Overcoming Lifes Struggles


    If you’ve picked up Soul Focus, you may be facing significant trials of your own or are well-acquainted with the heartache they bring. It is my prayer that within these pages you’ll find comfort and hope as you face your hardship or tackle the mourning process that comes after.

    I began writing devotionals after being healed of nearly two years of intense physical pain. Soul Focus is the fruit of that pain. Through various trials, God proved himself faithful, and I discovered that joy and peace can be found during the darkest nights of the soul.

    Soul Focus offers daily, life-giving encouragement to help remind you that you’re not alone. Journaling pages are included throughout to record personal inspirations and reflections on the path to healing and hope.

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  • Power Of Prophetic Vision


    Translate dreams into destiny!

    All of us have been called to something bigger than ourselves–a dream or a vision that only God can help us fulfill. But often, the gap between promise and reality seems insurmountable.

    Healing minister and bestselling author, Joan Hunter, is fulfilling a prophetic vision of seeing nations transformed by the power of God. This was the result of practicing simple, but revelatory principles–even in the midst of crisis. Through it all, the Lord taught Joan how to redeem pain, embrace process, and advance forward!

    In The Power of Prophetic Vision, Joan mentors you through these same simple steps.

    Discover how to:
    *Speak resurrection life back into your dreams
    *Identify and remove blockages to your dream
    *Break agreement with lies that war against your destiny
    *Overcome failures, setbacks and mistakes
    *Confidently stand in the calling of God for your life
    *Partner with the Holy Spirit to walk out the process step by step

    Now is your time! Wake up to your Dreams!

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  • Jesus Calling Family Devotional


    This special edition of Sarah Young’s #1 bestselling book Jesus Calling is perfect for families.

    Each day offers an adult devotion from Jesus Calling and a children’s devotional excerpted from Jesus Calling : 365 Devotions for Kids. With the devotions side by side for children, parents and children can read their own devotion and then read, talk, and pray together. These beloved devotions are based on Scripture and written as though Jesus is speaking directly to you and your children-including enriching questions designed to take you deeper into the Savior’s heart for your family.

    Author Sarah Young has touched millions of lives through her devotionals. This special edition of Jesus Calling invites you to take your children along for the journey-grow closer while experiencing Jesus’ love in a fresh, joyful way.

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  • Promises From God For Mothers


    Promises From God For Mothers is a Christian gift book designed to fix your mind on God’s powerful promises for you and to allow His Word to guide you on your journey of motherhood. Thirty different topics will encourage and strengthen you when the days are long.

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  • Disciplines Of A Godly Man


    No man will get anywhere in life without discipline-and growth in godliness is no exception. Seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes’s inspiring and best-selling book Disciplines of a Godly Man-now updated with fresh content-is filled with godly advice aimed at helping men grow in the disciplines of prayer, integrity, marriage, leadership, worship, purity, and more. With biblical wisdom, memorable illustrations, and engaging study questions, this practical guide will empower men to take seriously the call to godliness and direct their energy toward the things that matter most.

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  • 7 Longest Yards


    Quadriplegics do not simply walk again – yet millions watched as Chris Norton took ten nearly impossible steps. With his fiancee, Emily, supporting at his side, those unbelievable steps became the start of an extraordinary journey for them both.

    In a moment, Chris went from a talented 18-year-old college football player with a promising future to flat on his back with a broken neck and a 3% chance of ever walking again. The life Chris dreamt of – including his hope for finding love – was shattered. At least, so he thought. Determined to prove the doctors wrong and to find love, Chris pushed himself through grueling, daily workouts until four years later, Chris walked across the stage to receive his college diploma, with Emily’s help and the world’s astonished applause.

    Meanwhile, Emily faced her own challenges as she sunk into a deep battle against anxiety and depression. Despite a devoted fiance, a fulfilling career working with youth, and a strong faith, she couldn’t shake the mental darkness that clouded their promising future.

    Day by day, decision by decision, Chris and Emily committed themselves to taking the extra step, trusting God, and leaning on the help of others. In a story of unforgettable grit and courageous faith, this extraordinary couple’s journey led them to ultimately tackle the longest seven yards together – down the wedding aisle and into a new life.

    And what a new life it has become: as Chris and Emily have chosen to welcome foster children – 14 and counting! – into their home and hearts. From their private struggles to shared blessings, their moving memoir told from both of their unique perspectives is your stirring invitation to put one foot in front of the other, especially in the face of the impossible. You might just find, as they have, that God can transform our lowest points into life’s greatest gifts.

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  • Gracious Walk : A Path That Leads To Purpose And Fulfillment


    In this enjoyable book, Raymond Peeples shares his journey toward personal transformation and fulfillment-a path he started walking on Good Friday many years ago. That day, hurting, confused, and wondering if there was a better way to live-he stepped inside a church in Rochester, Michigan, and called out to God for help. After accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, his life was changed forever. At that grace-filled moment, Raymond was removed from the “center” of his world, a position he gladly relinquished to the Lord Jesus. Now, his life revolves around fulfilling the will of God and touching the lives of others with God’s wondrous grace. Thus, you have the title of the book, Gracious Walk.

    The stories in this book will make you laugh, warm your heart, enlighten you, and inspire you to serve God and be a blessing in the lives of others. Most of all, each story will be a stone in the path that leads to that ultimate goal for all of us, seeing Jesus face-to-face and dwelling in His presence forever.

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