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Bible Studies

Showing 251–300 of 349 results

  • Be Right Romans (Student/Study Guide)


    Be Right
    Explore the topics of salvation, justification, and the righteousness of God through a study of Romans, Paul’s “how-to-manual” for disciples.

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  • Be Victorious Revelation (Reprinted)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • 1 Thessalonians : Living To Please God (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you feel like an ordinary Christian. Not especially gifted or knowledgeable. Does anyone really notice your faith? Does any of it matter? Time to take a look at the Thessalonians.

    When this group of ordinary first-century pagans believed in Jesus Christ, they changed so dramatically that many others across the Roman world were imitating their faith, hope and love. The apostle Paul, thrilled to see their vibrant Christian lives, recorded his delight in this lovely warm letter, packed with advice and encouragement to keep going. This was a transformation that would change lives, cultures and destinies far beyond first century Macedonia.

    Learn through this Good Book Guide how an unremarkable, pointless existence, can be transformed into lives marked by an unshakeable faith, overflowing love and sensational hope. It is this kind of life that ordinary Christians like you are called to. So that, in the our world of suffering, hostility and trials we will be blameless and holy when our Lord Jesus comes.

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  • Contentment : Healing The Hunger Of Our Hearts (Student/Study Guide)


    We all know what it is to feel discontented with our lives with what we have, how much we can get, what we do, who we live with, how we are and what the future promises.

    The constant hunger for something more may seem like the aches and pains of growing old something that we must just put up with in this far-from-perfect world. But the Bible shows that discontent is the symptom of a lethal disease that will kill us if we do not find a cure. It was discontent that first led humans into rebellion against God, with the catastrophic consequences that have followed from that decision.

    Yet Jesus Christ promises that anyone who believes in Him will never again hunger or thirst. The apostle Paul was able to say that he had learned the secret of being content in any and every situation in need or in plenty. Discontent is a problem of our hearts not our circumstances. This Good Book Guide can help us to understand why we become discontented, how Jesus Christ alone can help us, and on a practical level, how Christian living can bring the treasure of contentment to our daily lives.

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  • Growing In Christ Series (Student/Study Guide)


    Growing in Christ is designed to help you master the fundamentals of the Christian life as you explore the Scriptures. Growing in Christ has two parts:

    Lessons on Assurance– Basic Bible studies on five beginning principles for following Christ, plus five corresponding Scripture memory verses entitled Beginning with Christ.

    Lessons on Christian Living– Bible studies on eight more principles for Christian growth, plus eight Scripture memory verses entitled Going On with Christ.

    For use in groups or individually, Growing in Christ can help you establish a firm, scriptural foundation for your life as you develop habits of Bible study and Scripture memory.

    You will study these topics:
    Assurance of salvation -Answered prayer -Victory over sin -Forgiveness -Guidance -Putting Christ first in your life -Relying on the Lord’s strength -The importance of the Bible -Giving -The church -Good works -Witnessing

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  • Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life (Student/Study Guide)


    Having influence, making a difference and leaving a legacy is a costly privilege. Doing so is to step into a destiny filled with opportunities to yield, to lead, and to boldly go where others have not gone before. It requires quietness in the midst of turmoil and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. As you journey with Glenda Malmin through the life of Esther and those she related to in The Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life, you will find your life woven together with the ancients and see their lives in yours. Esther and her beloved mentor Mordecai both had hesitations, concerns, opinions and deep challenges in their roles and yet remained surrendered to the will of God.

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  • Name Of God


    Throughout history, God has revealed Himself through many and various Names and Titles. Each of these have some distinctive feature about them. However, there is a Name which is above every Name, and this Name includes or comprehends in itself all the Names and Titles of God. It is the all-comprehensive Redemptive Name of God as revealed in the Triune Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    This volume endeavors to set forth the glory of the Triune Name of the Triune God. Its biblical insights are provocative, especially in the area of the application of “The Name” in Water Baptism.

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  • Hidden Power Of A Mothers Heart (Student/Study Guide)


    In this book, the third book in Glenda Malmin’s “Hidden Power” series, mothers, grandmothers, and mothers-to-be will be encouraged and challenged as they relate to the mothering journey of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Based on biblical narrative, historical research, and anointed fiction, this book will bless the reader as it leads her through the seasons of Mary’s motherhood and applies relevant biblical principles to her own through the examples of other contemporary mothers.

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  • Hidden Power Of Undefeatable Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    The second installment in Glenda Malmin’s ‘Hidden Power’; Series. The reader will journey with the author in the remarkable story of the ancient Rizpah in The Hidden Power of Undefeatable Faith, while discovering principles of unbeatable faith, intercession, and fulfilled destiny

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  • I Am : Discovering Who Jesus Is (Student/Study Guide)


    In the midst of friends’ grief, a crownd’s hunger and follower’s fear, Jesus made some bold claims: “I am the Resurrection.” “I am the Bread of Life.” “I am the Way.” His claims are still true in our grief, fear and uncertainty. These eight studies help us see Jesus more clearly and live with hope and confidence because of who he is.

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  • I Believe : The Apostles Creed (Student/Study Guide)


    I believe in God, the Father Almighty…’

    The Apostles’ Creed is recited by Christians throughout the world each Sunday. For many it is a dull routine, and for others, it is spoken with confusion or doubt, rather than with confidence and joy.

    Do we really need creeds? Increasingly, people do not like the idea of pinning truth down. Others want to stick to the Bible alone, and think that creeds have no place in our worship.

    But most churches have found it helpful to have a summary of Christian beliefs. Creeds summarisze who we are, they teach us what is important and they help us avoid error. In modern business language, they are our ‘identity documents’.

    This Good Book Guide aims to fill out the content of the short statements of this creed which are so familiar to us. In ten studies, it shows how they are derived from the Bible – the teaching of the apostles – and what the significance of this momentous formula is for our daily lives. Saying the creed need never be dull, confused or joyless again…

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  • Psalms Soul Songs (Student/Study Guide)


    Exploring love, temptation, fear and guilt from the Psalms

    How often do you get the tune of a mindless song stuck in your head? Its one way that Christians can end up thinking and wanting things just like the world around us. So God has given us a collection of songs that can help us re-tune our hearts to what He thinks and wants instead.

    You may feel as if your soul is downcast or sick troubled by worry, sin, suffering, fear or guilt. David, the Israelite king who wrote many of these songs, tells us that the Word of God revives the soul its powerful stuff! And how to revive your soul is the theme of this selection. Mostly written by people rolling in trouble, they take us from the problems we face, and turn us back to God, the rock.

    In these psalms you will find medicine for your soul. Learn to fear God instead of others, to trust Him in difficult times and to sing a new song to the God who saves.

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  • Pressing On Toward The Heavenly Calling (Student/Study Guide)


    Pressing On Toward the Heavenly Calling will challenge you to reach for the abundant life in God that Paul testifies is available to every one of us. Through daily meditation, readings and questions for reflection, you will be asked to consider the truth of Scripture and apply it to your life. At each week’s end, you will also read about the life of Paul, a man who burned in the refining fire of God for nearly thirty years. Through this 12-week study, you will be inspired to join Paul on this great eternal quest in Pressing On Toward the Heavenly Calling.

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  • Meeting Jesus : Women Of Faith From The New Testament (Student/Study Guide)


    The Gospel records are extraordinary for their accounts of the encounters and conversations Jesus had with women of all kinds. But this wasn’t sexual attraction – these women grew to love Him because He treated them with dignity and compassion. In an age where women were considered second-class citizens, Jesus devoted time and care to them all – the godly, the grieving, the sick, the stressed, the sinful outcasts and even the foreign ‘dogs’.

    But in all his dealings with women, Jesus wanted to give them the opportunity to hear and receive His good news – that however we live, we all need God’s forgiveness; that whatever we have done, we can be forgiven by God, through Jesus. Women didn’t only experience a welcome from Jesus; they received a brand new life of hope, joy and peace, as forgiven children of God.

    Worldwide the good news of Jesus still transforms the lives of countless women today. By using this Good Book Guide to examine the encounters of these eight women who met Jesus, you too can learn about His liberating good news, discover what it means to have true faith, and experience His transforming power in your life.

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  • Holy Spirit : Understanding His Work In Our Lives (Student/Study Guide)


    You may have heard a lot about the Holy Spirit… or very little. Christians and churches seem divided over this issue. Some are always talking about gifts of the Spirit, baptism of the Spirit, Spirit-filled people and so on. In other circles, the Spirit seems to be rarely mentioned.

    There are plenty of books around that will claim to offer insight into the work of the Spirit…but what does the Bible actually say on the subject?

    This Good Book Guide has been put together from a survey of every single verse in the Bible that mentions the Holy Spirit and His activity. It will help you discover what God’s Word means when it talks about being ‘filled with’ or ‘led by’ the Spirit. Or the differences between the Spirit’s work in the Old and New Testaments. You may be in for some surprises!

    But most of all, this Good Book Guide will show how your life can and should be changed and shaped by the Spirit of God, who gives us life, and brings glory to Jesus Christ.

    Please note: These studies take slightly longer than a typical Good Book Guide study.

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  • Lamp Unto My Feet (Student/Study Guide)


    Every true believer is daily moving toward his eternal destination. However, before that final crossing into the land of immortality, the Christian pilgrim must first travel through a hostile empire, fraught with dangers, toils and snares. How will he find his way through this land of shadows? Fortunately, the Father of lights has not left us to fend for ourselves; but rather, He has provided a roadmap, the Word of God. Little wonder that David christened it A Lamp Unto My Feet. A sequel to Gallaghers The Walk of Repentance, this is a 12week journey through the beautiful Psalm 119. This practical, personal study is a great resource for any individual seeking guidance in the midst of lifes struggles. Through daily meditation readings and questions for reflection, believers will be asked to consider the truths of Scripture. At each weeks end, they will also read about the life of David, a man after Gods own heart and author of this epic psalm. Every reader will be brought into a deeper love, respect and appreciation for Gods Word.

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  • David : Gods True King (Student/Study Guide)


    It’s the stuff of legends.

    An unknown, unlikely-looking kid defiantly takes on the ultimate enemy weapon – an enormous, unconquered super-warrior. He sets out unprotected and alone, yet astonishingly, he slaughters the evil giant – the enemy is routed and David wins a complete victory for his people.

    It’s easy to see why the story of David and Goliath is still so popular. We love David the hero, the shepherd boy who became king of Israel, chosen by God as a man ‘after His own heart’. But what about David the despised ‘worm’, the hot-tempered bully, the weak father, the lustful playboy and the coldly-calculating murderer? Did God really know what He was doing when He chose David?

    This Good Book Guide on the life of David reveals the secret of Davids success and the reasons for his many failures. But it also uncovers the greater story of a better hero. In just six sessions, you will learn how this weak Israelite king points us to the ultimate king, Jesus despised like the worm of Davids psalm, yet finally winning the ultimate victory for His people over sin and death.

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  • Getting A Grip On The Basics


    When a child is born, doctors and family encourage the new parents to provide three elements essential to the survival of the newborn: love, nourishment and protections. These same elements are vital for every newborn Christian as well. This workbook will help those new to the Christian faith find these basics for survival.

    Through studying the Scriptures and completing this workbook, Christians will find and experience the love of God, receive spiritual nourishment and be able to rest in the protective care of the Lord and His Word. This dynamic study course will help readers become grounded in the fundamentals of Christian faith and learn important principles to vital Charismatic believers, including:

    “How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit,”
    “How to Grow and Develop Your Faith,”
    “How to be an Overcomer,” and much more!

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  • Mark 9-16 : The Servant King (Student/Study Guide)


    Have you ever arranged to meet someone for the first time, only to miss them because you expected someone who looked quite different? But more serious would be to miss God Himself, just because He didn’t look like we expected…

    This is exactly what happens in the second half of Mark’s Gospel. Jesus is the King. But He comes to serve and suffer, not to fight political battles. He is Israel’s Messiah. But He comes to judge those who believe they are already God’s people. He is the promised Rescuer, but He can’t even seem to save himself. Rejected by religious leaders, deserted by His followers, it seems everyone is missing who He really is.

    Could we make the same mistake as the people of Jesus’ day? This Good Book Guide will help you to know and understand Jesus, just as Mark knew Him – nothing that people expected, but more than any of us could hope for.

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  • Women Of Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    Ask the average person about women from the Old Testament and they will probably imagine that these ancient documents have little to say. After all, doesn’t the Bible come from an age in which women were totally repressed? In fact, until recently, hasn’t the Bible itself been responsible for keeping women down?

    If these are opinions that you share or have come across, then this Good Book Guide will give you a totally different view of the Bible. It examines the lives and experiences of seven women from ancient Israel, highlighting their flaws and their faith, their struggles and solutions. Women who were wives, mothers and worshippers of God from a pagan prostitute to a prophetess waging war.

    Through the lives of these women we learn about God, ourselves, the great problem with this world, and what God is doing about it. This is not just a history course these stories could change your life!

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  • Names Of God


    God’s names reveal His favor and immeasurable love for you. He is your Healer, Provider, Peacemaker, Conqueror, and much more. By knowing how God expresses His love for you through His names, you can:
    *deepen your fellowship with Him
    *discover your purpose in life
    *find security and peace in His presence
    *receive healing for your body
    *defeat Satan’s influence in your life

    By understanding the nature of God, you’ll reap the blessings of His many promises, live out the great plan He has for your life, and have your deepest needs met.

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  • Elijah : Living Securely In An Insecure World (Student/Study Guide)


    Terrorism. Diseases. Hurricanes.

    Every day the news reinforces what you want to forget–you live in an insecure world. Elijah’s times were no safer. He faced famine, murder and corruption–with both courage and fear. In these eight studies on Elijah’s life, Douglas Connelly helps you look beyond the insecurity of the world to our sovereign God who reigns forever.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP’s revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “”Now or Later”” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.

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  • Mark 1-8 : The Coming King (Student/Study Guide)


    Ten studies for individuals or groups

    Jesus has always been endlessly fascinating to people, yet few know accurately the eye-witness record of Jesus found in the gospels. These ten Bible-studies in Marks gospel provide a great opportunity to find out the truth about Jesus, taking you on a journey of discovery through the first eight chapters, as the disciples learn who Jesus really is. Find out for yourself just how much Mark has packed into his brief account of Jesus!

    Youll learn, beyond doubt, that Jesus is King, but also find answers to many questions: Why does this promised king come in such a secret way? Why is He powerful, yet opposed? Why does He stop people talking about Him? Why do some recogniseize Him, but not others?

    Most of all however, with two very practical sections for personal application in every session, this course aims to help each of us live with Jesus as our king.

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  • Growing Older And Wiser (Student/Study Guide)


    You can’t change the fact that you are getting older.

    And, indeed, you may not want to! Age brings many gifts and opportunities for continued growth. In nine study sessions, Dale and Sandy Larsen help you discover the Bible’s perspective on aging. You’ll discover how God can effectively and powerfully use those who have grown wiser with the passing years.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP’s revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.

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  • Becoming A Woman Of Prayer (Revised)


    So often we think of prayer as something we do to break through to God-to get His attention and to get Him to listen to us. But intimacy with God is His idea. He has taken the initiative and prayer is His gift to us. It is an opportunity for us to respond to His invitation to intimacy by calling, crying, and singing to Him. Prayer is our response to the One who has called out to us and desires to be in a relationship with us.

    In Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Cynthia Heald will lead you through an examination of what the Bible teaches about prayer. In addition to a thought-provoking Bible study, each lesson features classic quotes from some of the great devotional writers throughout history, a reflection from Cynthia, and a suggested memory verse.

    Becoming a Woman of Prayer will encourage you to respond to God’s invitation to deeper intimacy with Him.–This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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  • Ezekiel : The God Of Glory (Student/Study Guide)


    Few books of the Bible seem scarier than Ezekiel 48 chapters of weird and wonderful visions, bizarre street performances and blood-curdling judgements. Perhaps youve wondered what its all about. But, will you ever have the time to study such a large book? Does this stuff really have anything to say to you?

    Here is a Bible-study course that will take you through the whole of Ezekiel in SIX sessions! This whistle-stop tour gives a clear overview of all the main themes of Ezekiels prophecy Gods glory, judgement, and hope focusing on key passages that explain the surrounding chapters. But more than that, youll discover how Gods Word to His exiled people is truly fulfilled in the gospel of Jesus and the experience of Christians.

    Then they will know that I am the Lord is the repeated message of Ezekiel. In a world of false hopes that will ultimately fail, this is a message for everyone.

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  • Self Study Bible Course (Workbook)


    1. Foundations
    2. Deeper Life
    3. Israel: God’s Chosen People
    4. The Future

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    Healing, prosperity, and guidance. If you have questions about God and the Bible, here is a help for you. In this Bible Study course, you will find answers to questions such as:
    *How can I have victory over sin?
    *What is God’s plan for healing our bodies?
    *How can I know I will go to Heaven when I die?
    *What is God’s plan for prosperity?
    *How can I receive answers to my prayers?
    Even if you have never read the Bible before, you will find this systematic study guide easy to use and helpful. Or, if you have been a believer for many years, you will find a new ease in conversing with God, fellowshipping with Christians, receiving guidance, and witnessing and winning souls. Through this study, you will experience important changes in your life and discover an intimacy with God that you may have never known before.

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  • Zechariah : Gods Big Plan For Struggling Christians (Student/Study Guide)


    Christians struggle. We struggle with ridicule and being ignored in a day of small things; with opposition to the message that Jesus is the only way to God; with our own failures and the devils accusations that make us question whether God accepts us. False teachers, false religion, and false priorities plague and distract us.

    In Zechariahs day, Israel had returned from exile, but home was certainly not all they had hoped for. Zechariahs task was to bring comforting words to the struggling people of God.

    These six Bible-studies open up Zechariahs reassuring and revitaliszing message for Gods discouraged people, including Gods great international building project; His solution to sin; His promised Shepherd-King; His great Day of judgement and salvation. Constantly focusing on what these things mean practically for Christians today, this course aims to help Christians live a life shaped, not by these days, but by that day when Gods big plan comes to glorious fruition.

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  • Forgiveness : Making Peace With The Past


    Forgiveness is a door. It’s the way to peace and joy. But it’s a small door, and it can’t be entered without stooping–or kneeling. And sometimes it is very hard to find.

    When we hurt the people we love, how do we go about restoring the relationship?

    When we suffer the pain of betrayal or injury or rejection from someone else, how do we deal with the anger and resentment we feel?

    In eight studies, Douglas Connelly leads the way to help you discover, understand and practice what the Bible says about forgiveness.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study

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  • XTB Issue 12


    XTB Daily Bible reading notes for children, with puzzles, pictures, prayers – and a free XTB Bible Timeline. Zoom in on Daniel, Nehemiah, John and Revelation, using your Bible Timeline to see how everything fits together.

    Issue Twelve of XTB is called End to End. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate the very first Easter in John’s Gospel, meet Daniel, one of the young men captured by King Nebuchadnezzar, find out how the Israelites came home in Nehemiah and explore the last book in the Bible – Revelation.

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  • XTB Issue 10


    XTB Daily Bible reading notes for children, with puzzles, pictures, prayers-and a FREE Mini Bible Dictionary. Zoom in on 1 and 2 Kings and John, using your Bible Dictionary to check out any unusual words as you go.

    Issue Ten of XTB is called Check It Out. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is in John’s Gospel, find out about King Solomon in the book of 1 Kings, and meet the fiery prophet Elijah (God’s Messenger) in 1 and 2 Kings.

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  • XTB Issue 9


    Days 1-10 Look At Various Parts Of The Bible – Hebrews, Acts, John, Mark – With The Who Will Be King? Booklet
    Day 11 Starts Into 2 Samuel And Continues Until Day 27, Ending In Ch 9
    Little Look At Romans Ch 5 Vs 10 On Day 28
    Back Into 2 Samuel For Two More Days Ending In Ch 10
    John’s Gospel Starts On Day 31 And Goes On Until Day 50, Ending In Ch 3
    Day 51 Brings Us Back To 2 Samuel And Ends In Ch 12 On Day 58
    Days 59-62 Take A Close Look At Psalm 51, Relevant To 2 Samuel

    Additional Info
    Read about what happened to David when at last he became king in Israel

    Find out what the whole Bible has to say about our real king, Jesus

    Get a clear picture of the two ways we can live in response to Him with the Free booklet.

    Issue Nine of XTB is called Way To Go. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is in John’s Gospel, and find out about King David in the book of 2 Samuel. But first, we’ll zip through the free booklet Who Will Be King? to check out who’s King of our lives.

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  • Life Principles From The Women Of The Bible Book 1 (Student/Study Guide)


    Discover how important you are to God as you study the lives of Miriam, Hannah, and other strong-willed, spirited, and resourceful women from the Bible. This interactive workbook helps you develop your own relationship with the Lord as you answer life-application questions, study Scripture, and learn from in-depth character studies

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  • 1st Steps For The New Christian (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780899573113ISBN10: 0899573118Eddie RasnakeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2004Following God DiscipleshipPublisher: AMG Publishers

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  • XTB Issue 8


    We Kick Off In Mark And Cover Chs 14-16 Over Days 1-20
    Day 21 Opens Up The Book Of 1 Samuel And We’ll Look Through Chs 1-5 Until Day 35
    Days 36-45 Examine Some Of David’s Psalms (prayers Or Songs To God)
    Back To 1 Samuel On Day 46 And You’ll Get Through Chs 8-17 By Day 65.
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here.
    Hope You Have Lots Of Fun With The Crown Coder. It’s Very Cool.

    Additional Info
    Find out about Samuel and Saul in 1 Samuel.

    Look at some of the prayers and songs David wrote – through good times AND bad.

    Read about what happened to Jesus on the very first Easter in the final part of Mark.

    And use your XTB Crown Coder to discover who the Real King is.

    Issue Eight of XTB is called The Real King. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate the first Easter in the last part of Mark’s Gospel, to meet the last of the judges – Samuel – and the first king of Israel – Saul – in the book of 1 Samuel, and to dip into some of King David’s psalms as well, plus you get a free XTB Crown Coder…!

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  • XTB Issue 7


    Days 1-20 Follow On In Mark’s Gospel, Looking At Chs 8-12
    The Book Of Judges Gets The Treatment Over Days 21-40 Looking At Chs 1-8
    Days 41-45 Take A Little Look At Some Psalms
    Judges Again – Chs 13-16 – Over Days 46-55
    On Day 56 We Meet Ruth And Cover Her Whole Story Until Day 64
    There’s A Quick Look Into Matthew’s Gospel To Find Out Who Ruth Is Related To.
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here And Some Budding Comedians Try Their Hand At Making You Laugh (or Groan) On The XTB Joke Page.

    Additional Info
    Zoom in on Judges and Ruth

    Take a closer look at Mark and Psalms.

    See how God always keeps his promises.

    Issue Seven of XTB is called Heroes & Zeros. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is and why He came in Mark’s Gospel, to check out the book of Judges to see if the Israelites will live for God now that they’re in the promised land, and to meet Ruth – King David’s great grandmother.

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  • Angels : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    Angels, 8 Studies for Individuals or Groups was written to help you discover for yourself what the Bible says about these marvelous beings. Thirty-four of the Bible’s sixty-six books talk about angels in detail. Every New Testament writer confirms their existence. Jesus himself referred to angels as real beings who were involved in every realm of human activity. Each study includes an introduction, an opening discussion question, personal reflection, study questions, a prayer suggestion, leader’s notes, and more.

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  • XTB Issue 1


    The First 15 Days Look At Acts, Chs 1-4.
    Days 16-29 Make A Start In Genesis, Chs 1-9.
    Day 30 Takes A Little Look At Hebrews 11:7, Relevant To Genesis.
    Day 31 Starts Matthew And Continues To Day 50, Ending In Ch 7.
    Day 51 Picks Up In Genesis Again And Covers Chs 12-22 Over 14 Days.
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here.

    Additional Info
    Investigate the beginning of everything in the book of Genesis.

    Zoom in on Matthew and Acts to discover who Jesus is and why He came.

    See how God always keeps his promises.

    Issue One of XTB is called The Book of Beginnings and will help you investigate the beginning of the universe, the beginning of the early church and the beginning of Jesus’ life and teaching on earth – plus you get free Stickers!

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  • XTB Issue 2


    The First 17 Days Look Through Acts Chs 8-10
    Days 18-20 Take A Little Look At Some Psalms
    Day 21 Gets Us Back Into Genesis And By Day 30 We’ve Covered Chs 25-33!
    Days 31-45 Look At Some Miraculous Things In Matthew Chs 8 & 9
    Days 46-65 Go Back To Genesis To Find Out About Joseph In Chs 37-50.
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here. There Is Also A Little Bit Of Serious Code-cracking To Do On The Very Last Page.

    Additional Info
    Zoom in on Genesis, Matthew and Acts.

    Take a quick dip into the book of Psalms.

    Crack codes as you go.

    Issue Two of XTB is called Miracles and Dreams. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate Jesus’ miracles in Matthew’s Gospel, discover why Peter’s dream changed everything for the first Christians in the book of Acts, and meet Jacob the Schemer and Joseph the Dreamer in Genesis. Includes a free XTB code cracker.

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  • XTB Easter Unscrambled


    Easter Unpacked Is Based On John’s Gospel. There Are 21 Days Of Undated Pages With Bible Readings And Various Games And Puzzles To Help Children Grasp The Point Of Each Lesson. At Day 21 The Book Switches From XTB To Table Talk. The Passages Are The Same Each Day For XTB And Table Talk So You Can Use Them Together Or On Their Own.

    Additional Info
    Easter Unscrambled is designed to help children and families explore the Bible together over the Easter holidays. Three weeks of Bible readings help you focus on what Easter is really all about. Meet Dr Luke as he tells you all about God’s rescue plan. Find out Who the rescuer is and Why we need rescuing. Beautifully presented with full-color illustrations, it is actually two books in one:

    XTB (eXplore The Bible) will help 7-11 year olds to get into the Bible for themselves. It’s packed with pictures, puzzles and loads of help to follow the clues to see who Jesus is and why He came.

    Table Talk – is designed for families (or groups) to use together. Based on just a few verses from the passage that XTB uses, it is suitable for families with children aged from 4 upwards. Table Talk forms the basis for a short family time together – maybe just five minutes at the breakfast or diner table, or whenever best suits you.

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  • XTB Christmas Unpacked


    Christmas Unpacked Is Based On Luke’s Gospel. There Are 21 Days Of Undated Pages With Various Games And Quizzes To Help Children Grasp The Point Of Each Lesson. At Day 21 The Book Switches From XTB To Table Talk. The Passages Are The Same Each Day For XTB And Table Talk So You Can Use Them Together Or On Their Own.

    Additional Info
    Christmas Unpacked is a great resource to help children and families explore the Bible together over the Christmas holidays. Three weeks of Bible readings help you focus on what Christmas is really all about. Meet Dr Luke as he tells you all about God’s rescue plan. Find out Who the rescuer is and Why we need rescuing. Beautifully presented with full-color illustrations, it is actually two books in one:

    XTB (eXplore The Bible) will help 7-11 year olds to get into the Bible for themselves. It’s packed with pictures, puzzles and loads of help to follow the clues to see who Jesus is and why He came.

    Table Talk – is designed for families (or groups) to use together. Based on just a few verses from the passage that XTB uses, it is suitable for families with children aged from 4 upwards. Table Talk forms the basis for a short family time together – maybe just five minutes at the breakfast or diner table, or whenever best suits you.

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  • XTB Issue 6


    Days 1-20 Look At Mark Chs 4-8
    Day 21 Starts Joshua And Continues Until Day 40 Ending In Ch 8
    Days 41-55 Continue In Ephesians
    And Back Into Joshua Chs 21-24 From Days 56-65
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here And Some Budding Comedians Try Their Hand At Making You Laugh (or Groan) On The XTB Joke Page.

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    Venture into the Promised land with the Israelites in Joshua.

    Read more about why Jesus came in Mark’s Gospel.

    Issue Six of XTB is called Footprints. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is and why He came in Mark’s Gospel, explore the promised land with the Israelites in Joshua (where battles await!), and unravel the end of Paul’s prison letter to the Ephesians.

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  • XTB Issue 5


    Days 1-20 Look At Mark
    Days 21-34 Make A Start In Numbers Chs 1-11, With A Brief Look Back At Exodus Over Days 23 & 24
    Day 35 Gives A Chance To Look Quickly At 1 Thessalonians
    Day 36-50 Opens Up The Letter To The Ephesians
    Back To Numbers Chs 11-21 Over Days 51-61, Touching On John’s Gospel, Relevant To Numbers
    Days 62-65 Looks At Chs 31-34 Of Deuteronomy
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here.

    Additional Info
    Zoom in on the Great book of Numbers

    Find out more about Jesus in Mark’s exciting Gospel

    Take a peak into Paul’s letter to the Ephesians

    And use the Prayer diary to help you talk to God about what you learn

    Issue Five of XTB is called The Promise Keeper. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is and why He came in Mark’s Gospel, continue journeying with the Israelites in Numbers and Deuteronomy, and unravel one of Paul’s prison letters – to the Ephesians. Also included is a free Prayer Diary.

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  • XTB Issue 3


    The First 15 Days Go Through Acts Chs 15-18
    Day 16 Dives Into Exodus And Looks Through Chs 1-4 Over 9 Days
    We Then Pick Up In Matthew Chs 13-18 Between Days 26-45
    Day 46 Brings Us Back To Exodus And We Go Through Chs 5-12 Until Day 61
    A Quick Flashback To Genesis On Day 62, Relevant To Exodus
    And Then Back Again The Next Day To Exodus, Until Day 65, Ending In Ch 14
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here. There Are Also Some Pretty Serious Maps Of Paul’s Journey On The Very Last Page.

    Additional Info

    Zoom in on Exodus, Matthew and Acts.

    Use the Map Book to see for yourself where everything happens.

    Issue Three of XTB is called Comings and Goings. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate Jesus’ miracles and teaching in Matthew’s Gospel, escape from Egypt with the thrilling book of Exodus, and join Paul on a dangerous journey in the book of Acts. Includes a free XTB Mini Map Book.

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  • XTB Issue 4


    Days 1-10 Look At The Final Part Of Acts, Chs 23-28
    Over Days 11-15 There’s A Chance To Look At Some Of The Letters Paul Wrote To The People He Met In Acts.
    We Get Back Into Exodus Chs 13-17 Over Days 16-25
    And Then Again To Matthew Chs 26-28 Over Days 26-45
    Days 46-65 Pick Up In Exodus Again And We Go Through Chs 19-33 With A Little Look Back At Matthew Ch 5 On Day 54, Relevant To Exodus
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here. There Is Also A Little Bit Of Serious Code-cracking To Do On The Very Last Page.

    Additional Info
    There is a free memory Verse card included in this issue that splits into four ways of learning Memory Verses from Exodus, Matthew and Acts.

    One piece is a jigsaw puzzle, another a little mobile of planet earth, another piece folds into a picture frame and the last piece becomes a helicopter that is ready to fly in just two folds!

    Issue Four of XTB is called Travels Unravelled. Three months of Bible readings to help you explore the very first Easter in Matthew’s Gospel, wander through the wilderness with the Israelites in exodus, and join Paul as he travels to Rome in Acts. We’ll dip into some of Paul’s letter as well.

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  • Faith : Depending On God


    Why don’t I get what I pray for?

    Do I wait in faith for God to change a bad situation, or do I step out in faith to look for change?

    Why don’t I feel more confident that God will help me?

    If you ever struggle with uncertainties about faith, you’ll find good company in the pages of the Bible. Dale and Sandy Larsen lead you through nine Bible studies on people who struggled with faith to encourage you in your journey to deeper trust.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Job : Wrestling With God (Student/Study Guide)


    Why do faithful people suffer?

    Job wanted to know. So he demanded an answer from God. His friends thought he was crazy, but Job persisted. And, finally, God answered.

    As Paul Stevens leads you through Job’s questions and God’s answers, you discover comfort, hope and meaning for the suffering in your own life.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Women Of The New Testament (Student/Study Guide)


    Lydia shows us how to influence the people around us.

    Elizabeth’s life challenges us to care for others.

    Women like Herodias and Sapphira warn us against turning away from God toward bitterness and dishonesty.

    As Phyllis J. Le Peau introduces twelve significant women of the New Testament, she invites you to enter into their lives and learn from them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Meeting The Spirit (Student/Study Guide)


    Who is the Holy Spirit?

    How does he change our lives?

    How does he work in the world?

    In ten sessions Douglas Connelly helps you examine these and other critical questions. You will see that the Spirit of God is eager to work in your life to draw you closer to God.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Encountering Jesus : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


    Terrorism. Diseases. Hurricanes.

    Every day the news reinforces what you want to forget–you live in an insecure world. Elijah’s times were no safer. He faced famine, murder and corruption–with both courage and fear. In these eight studies on Elijah’s life, Douglas Connelly helps you look beyond the insecurity of the world to our sovereign God who reigns forever.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP’s revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “”Now or Later”” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.

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