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    Audio Books

    • Contador De Historias – (Spanish)


      Todos buscamos la grandeza. Y el exito que alcanzamos depende de la narrativa que escuchamos.

      Luis Garcia ejerce como ejecutivo de una importante multinacional. Su vida es, para cualquiera que la contemple desde afuera, un exito absoluto. Reconocido, laureado, con una altisima remuneracion economica, Luis Garcia toca la gloria con ambas manos. Sin embargo, poco despues de alcanzar uno de sus maximos logros empresariales, su existencia se quiebra, y conoce el amargo sabor de la bancarrota fisica, emocional y familiar.

      Esa crisis lo hace recalar en un tranquilo pueblito de la costa. Alli llega abatido y absolutamente desanimado, pero tendra un encuentro que cambiara su vida para siempre. La experiencia que vive lo conducira a la verdadera cumbre, y le hara conocer que es y como es la autentica grandeza.

      El Contador de Historias es un libro realista que aborda las claves fundamentales del verdadero liderazgo. A traves de una narrativa agil, dinamica y llena de giros inesperados, Jose Luis Navajo lleva al lector en un viaje cargado de suspenso, donde reira, reflexionara y, sobre todo, encontrara las claves y diferencias entre ser activo y ser efectivo. De asombrar a transformar, y del liderazgo de imposicion al liderazgo de influencia.

      We all strive for greatness. And the success we accomplish breaks forth from the narrative we hear.

      Luis Garcia is a top executive at a multinational company. For anybody who sees him from the outside, he is an absolute success. Awarded, recognized, highly paid, Luis Garcia reaches the sky. However, right after one of his biggest business achievements, his life goes into burnout, and he goes financially, emotionally, and relationally bankrupt. The crisis takes him to a peaceful coastal town. When he arrives, he is depressed and downhearted, but one encounter soon changes his life. He soon learns what authentic greatness is all about.

      The Storyteller is a realistic book about the core foundations of true leadership. Through an agile, witty, and dynamic storytelling technique, full of unexpected twists, Jose Luis Navajo takes the reader on a ride charged with suspense, humor, and thought-provoking ideas. Most importantly, during the ride the reader, too, will find the difference between being active and being effective and move from amazement to transformation; from impositional leadership to influential leadership.

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    • Personas Inesperadas – (Spanish)


      Este libro te llevara a un nuevo nivel de confianza en ti mismo, y te movera a re-escribir tu historia. Con demasiada frecuencia encogemos nuestros sueos al tamao de nuestros recursos. Sin embargo, cuando te enfocas en tus sueos intencionalmente, muchas cosas van a ocurrir. Esta es una historia de grandes victorias contra obstaculos que parecian insalvables. Puede ser tu historia; esa que te cuentas a ti mismo, de ti mismo.

      Personas inesperadas cambian el mundo responde las siguientes preguntas:
      *Estoy viviendo mi vida a mi maxima capacidad?
      *Cual es el proposito mayor de mi vida?
      *Como escapo paras perseguir mis sueos?
      *Como construyo una vida que impacte mi mundo?

      Piensa profundamente. Ora fuertemente. Actua agresivamente. Nunca te rindas.
      Exito es el resultado de la constancia de proposito. Personas inesperadas cambian el mundo, porque estan dispuestas a pagar el precio.

      A captivating story of endurance and victory against overwhelming obstacles. The discovery of a man’s identity against the backdrop of slavery, negative forces, and a world in turmoil. Stories that every man will identify with-to discover a new source of strength for himself.

      Here is a book that will release a new level of confidence in men, that will stir the hearts of those who desire to live full out. Here is your new narrative! Just a Bartender answers the age-old questions:
      *Am I living life at my full capacity?
      *What is the larger purpose of my life?
      *How do I break out and go after my dreams?
      *How do I build a life that counts?

      A man’s definition becomes the center of his decisions. What a man does with his hands starts in his heart. Here’s how to achieve your deepest desires. Here’s how to make your story the one you’ve always wanted.

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    • Envision : A Simple Guide To Living A Fanatically Abundant Life


      Shane Perry knows what it’s like to step out on faith, to dream beyond your means and your abilities. He knows what it’s like to feel as if it will never happen. He also knows what it feels like to see the dream actually manifest in real life. That’s what this book is all about. You are only limited in life by what you think. You have to see yourself going beyond what you are currently doing. Shane wants to call you to a higher place. He want to summon from within you that great power of purpose that will ignite the vision God has for your life. There are no special people who magically start living their life on purpose. You have to set you mind and your actions on a target and follow that path all the way through to the end. Shane can help you reach your ultimate goals and live a life of fulfillment.

      God’s design for your life is to experience a prosperous and fanatically abundant life. He wants to cause you to live in a place of more than enough, of overflow. As we learn to construct our vision according to God’s plan, we will learn how to write a vision that covers every area of our life. You’ll learn how to write a vision for your ideal weight and optimal health. You’ll discover how to heal from the pain of your past and experience true freedom. Finally, you’ll set financial goals, anything from being debt-free to achieving a life of financial independence and security. The great thing about writing out your vision is that you are free to deal with any aspect of your life that you want to change. Follow the pattern Shane lays out and prepare yourself for an amazing shift in your life. Get ready to experience God’s best for your life by follow these biblical principles that are guaranteed to yield positive results in your life.

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    • Provided : The God Who Walks In The Middle Of Your Need


      Jehovah Jireh. “God provides.” But how? For whom? And, most urgently, when?

      “Trusting in God” is an easy catchphrase for believers, but Dr. Cornelius Quek claims that many Christians haven’t actually experienced what it means to actively, wholeheartedly, uncomplainingly give their financial security and daily needs to God. For anyone in need who cognitively knows that God provides financially but lacks experiential proof, this book presents the opportunity to understand God’s care in a whole new light while being inspired by Quek’s own testimonies of God’s miraculous provision.

      Dr. Quek goes beyond superficial speculation about God and money to prove that the key to our provision is in the past: God doesn’t just provide-He has already provided. From heaven’s perspective, provision is a done deal. It’s the Christian’s current reality, not just a good idea for the future.The biblical keys, prayers, and declarations in each chapter will enable believers to experience God’s provision for themselves, right here, right now.

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    • True Wealth : How To Fulfill Your Dreams Without Losing Your Soul


      Mani Erfan grew up in Iran as a faithful Shiite Muslim, but with the help of his father’s courageous actions, he avoided enrolling in the Iranian military and was given the opportunity to come to the United States instead. While studying at the University of Florida, Erfan gave his life to the Lord through a unique experience at a Christian businessman’s meeting. Within a few days of accepting Jesus as his Savior, unexpected money showed up in Erfan’s bank account, a court case was dropped, and he was reinstated at his job. Despite working at various companies that treated Erfan poorly, the Lord told him to stay put. In doing so, Erfan earned millions of dollars and learned importance of being obedient to the faithfulness of God. He then began a successful recycling company, funded by Muslims even though the sole purpose of his ministry was to preach Christianity to followers of Islam. God then told Erfan to quit his job and start a catalyst company, UNICAT. It was a risky endeavor and Erfan had to trust the Lord to carry his family through as he was trying to grow and launch his new business. Through the pages of True Wealth, Erfan expands upon what God has done in his life and he demonstrates the importance of obeying the voice of the Lord, even when you don’t understand why the Spirit is directing you to do something. Today, Erfan uses the wealth he has amassed in business to reach the Muslim world with the gospel through satellite TV and the Internet. He lives out the principle that, for Christian businesspeople, the goal of gaining wealth and market share is not to stockpile money for personal, frivolous use, but to use the income that God provides to impact the world for the kingdom of God.

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    • Our Good Father


      Jesus said, “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son”. He went on to give one exception, “and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”

      If you desire a revelation of God the Father, you only have one place you need to go, listen to his son Jesus. Our Good Father takes the words of Jesus to bring a fresh understanding to the person of God the Father. Through the use of personal stories, analogies and humor, Our Good Father uses the words of Jesus to paint a picture of the true nature of God.

      Insightful, illuminating and thoroughly thought-provoking, Our Good Father will grab your attention from the first page and won’t let go. Be prepared to question your perceptions about God, as you get to know the true Father as seen through the eyes of Jesus. A delightful sense of humor and engaging style of writing make this book, not only thought provoking, but inspiring and entertaining as well.

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    • Respectable Sins


      Now available in softcover with a new, contemporary watercolor design that blends with Jerry Bridge’s most popular books. This new edition now includes the study guide (formerly available separately), combining that resource into this book.

      What Ever Happened to Sin? Jerry Bridges helps us confront the sins we tolerate.

      The Christian journey is a life of practiced godliness, but too often we overlook or minimize sins that, while corrosive and destructive to ourselves and those around us, are overshadowed by more flashy, headline-grabbing sins. This classic book from Jerry Bridges helps readers understand and commit to a life of holiness by examining patterns of behavior we often accept as normal, rather than as violations of God’s law.

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    • Treasure Principle : Unlocking The Secret Of Joyful Giving


      In this revised and updated edition of the best-selling book, author Randy Alcorn introduces readers to a revolution in material freedom and radical generosity, combining thoughtful Bible exposition with highly practical applications for everyday life. This edition includes a new section that addresses some common questions and misconceptions about biblical principles for our stewardship of material resources. As you engage with the perspective-shifting truths in this book, you’ll learn that when Jesus told His followers to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,” He intended that they discover an astounding secret: how joyful giving brings God maximum glory and His children maximum pleasure.

      In Randy Alcorn’s The Treasure Principle, you’ll unearth a radical teaching of Jesus-a secret wrapped up in giving. Once you discover this secret, life will never look the same. And you won’t want it to!

      Story Behind the Book
      After years of writing and teaching on the theme “God owns everything,” in 1990 Randy Alcorn was sued by an abortion clinic (for peaceful, nonviolent intervention for the unborn). Suddenly he had to resign as a pastor and was restricted to making minimum wage. Legally unable to own anything, Randy gave all his book royalties to missions work and need-meeting ministries. He and his family have experienced the reality of The Treasure Principle-that God really does own everything, takes care of us, and graciously puts assets into our hands that we might have the joy and privilege of investing in what will last for eternity.

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    • Treasury Of Prayer


      E. M. Bounds was one of the most prolific and powerful writers on the subject of prayer. Leonard Ravenhill took Bounds’ seven books on prayer and condensed and compiled them into one hard-hitting volume. This may be the greatest work ever published on the subject of prayer.

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    • Joy Of Service


      SKU (ISBN): 9781910587966ISBN10: 1910587966Julian HardymanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2017Publisher: 10 Publishing

      2 in stock

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    • Sacrament Of Happy


      Imagine hearing your physician tell you that chips and queso contain more nutritional benefits than kale and quinoa. Or opening an envelope that looks like just another bill, and unfolding instead an official document declaring you the sole beneficiary of an anonymous billionaire’s estate.

      In her new book, The Sacrament of Happy: Surprised by the Secret of Genuine Joy, Lisa Harper unveils a similarly extravagant, unexpected surprise, declaring that happiness-just plain feeling happy-is a gift from God that you can unashamedly enjoy.

      Wearing the twin hats of seminarian and belly-laughing adoptive mom, Harper delivers a warm, vignette style built upon solid theological scaffolding. She observes, for example, that God’s choice of wording for the first verse of the first psalm (a word often translated as “blessed”) literally means happy-one of many biblical reasons for dismantling the old-school idea that joy, not happiness, is the truly spiritual one of the Christian family. In truth, they’re more like fraternal twins than distant cousins, meaning we as Christ-followers are not called to jettison happiness-like a no-longer-needed set of spiritual floaties-as we learn to swim in the deep waters of intimacy with God. Beyond merely a circumstances-based, up-and-down emotion, happiness comes from a deep conviction in the unmitigated goodness of our Creator-Redeemer, freeing us to feel and express genuine joy, fulfillment, and contentment, regardless of personal or global tumult.

      The author’s personal story includes such happiness killers as sexual abuse, the deaths of near loved ones, a heartbreaking failed adoption, followed by the arrival of an adopted daughter from Haiti who is HIV-positive. Yet she writes on themes like: “The lost sacrament of laughter”-“Does happy have a personality type?”-“Tuning out the Pharisees who try to mute your happiness in the context of spiritual maturity.” So this is obviously not a book of trite, untested cliches. It goes well beneath most people’s surface understanding of happiness, gently guiding readers closer to the heart of God . . . with naturally a few genuine laughs and grins to enjoy along the way.

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    • Ultima Flecha – (Spanish)


      Cuando llegues al final de tus dias, no mediras el valor de tu vida a base de exitos y fracasos. Todo eso comenzara a difuminarse en una sola memoria llamada “vida”. Lo que te dara consuelo, o te perseguira hasta tu ultimo suspiro, es lo que pudiste haber hecho, pero no hiciste; lo que pudiste haber sido, pero nunca llegaste a ser; la vida que hubieras podido vivir que nunca viviste.

      Este libro es un mapa que desafia probabilidades y altera destinos. Descubre los atributos de quienes desafian la mediocridad, a medida que Erwin Raphael McManus examina las caracteristicas de aquellos que arriesgaron todo por una vida que tan solo podian imaginar. Imaginate viviendo la vida que estabas convencido de que tan solo era un sueo.

      Todos comenzamos esta vida con una vaina llena de flechas. La eleccion es tuya. Te aferras a tus flechas, o las arriesgas todas optando por vivir hasta que no te queda nada que dar?

      When you come to the end of your days, you will not measure your life based on success and failures. All of those will eventually blur together into a single memory called “life.” What will give you solace is a life with nothing left undone. One that’s been lived with relentless ambition, a heart on fire, and with no regrets. On the other hand, what will haunt you until your final breath is who you could have been but never became and what you could have done but never did.

      The Last Arrow is your roadmap to a life that defies odds and alters destinies. Discover the attributes of those who break the gravitational pull of mediocrity as Erwin McManus examines the characteristics of individuals who risked everything for a life they could only imagine. Imagine living the life you were convinced was only a dream.

      We all begin this life with a quiver full of arrows. Now the choice is yours. Will you cling to your arrows or risk them all, opting to live until you have nothing left to give?

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    • Love Vs Fear


      Can perfect love truly cast out all fear? Do you wonder if God’s love, written in the pages of the Bible, is truly as infinite, unconditional, and tangible as it says? Do you feel that your fear is holding you back from living a full life?

      If so, you are not alone. In Love vs. Fear, you will learn where your true value lies, and come to understand that God created you with a purpose and for a reason.

      These pages are filled with stories of imperfect people who came face to face with perfect love and overcame great fears. This can be your story too!

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    • i The Root Of Sin Exposed


      Since the Garden of Eden sin has ravaged people’s lives, leaving behind a plethora of troubling problems such as anxieties, fears, insecurities, confusion, unbelief, bitterness, sexual hang-ups, and even addictions. Most people look for answers in all the wrong places. They ought to look within. They ought to look at i. i is the “self-life.” i is the core of the fallen human nature. i is the realm where sin grows and flourishes. i: the root of sin exposed unravels the mystery of the corrupted human nature, and convincingly proves that all of man’s struggles with sin can be traced to the pride-driven “self-life” that emerges from it. Rather than relying on trendy quick-fixes, this book digs deeply into the treasures of Scripture to provide struggling believers everything they need to deal with their problems at the root level: the inescapable, ever-present i.

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    • Start With Amen


      One power-packed word: amen. Millions of Christians all over the world say this word every day. Yet few realize what richness, depth, truth, and connection are packed into this sacred phrase. Throughout the centuries, Christian tradition has taught us to end prayers with amen. But the Bible is full of stories and passages where God’s people started their prayers with amen. Why? As Beth Guckenberger shows, amen is more than just a way to punctuate a conversation with the God of the Universe. Amen is a declaration of who God is and who we are in relation to him. It is a moment of submission and worship, saying “So be it” to a Sovereignty that holds all things, and acknowledging “It is as you say” to him who holds our lives. In Amen, Beth unpacks all the Bible has to teach us about the moment we say amen to God. Using key scripture passages mixed with fresh teaching and personal stories, she invites readers to experience the richness they’ve been missing. Amen is more than just a word. Amen is a full invitation from God packed with all that he requires from us and all he longs to bestow upon us as his beloved children. As Beth writes, “He is beckoning us all. Come to me. Learn my ways. You are my child, whom I dearly love and bought with a price. The God of Amen rescued you so you can echo amen back to him. God intended this word to be a moment of intimacy, drenched in reverence, replete with peace-the moment when you rest in him and are rejuvenated by him. There is so much more he wants to give. Amen.” If Christians long to be truly connected to their Creator, they must begin with amen. For, as Isaiah 65:16 says, “Because he who is blessed in the earth will be blessed by the God of Amen.”

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    • Perfect Sinners : How To Look At Yourself Honestly And Joyfully At The Same


      Intro: What Does God Think Of Me?
      1. How Can God Love Me When He Hates Sin?
      2. How Strong Does My Faith Need To Be?
      3. Does God Only Love Me Because He Has To?
      4. Does God’s Love For Me Vary?
      5. Will God Still Love Me If I Never Obey Him?
      6. Should I Ever Feel Guilty?
      7. Does God Reward Us Differently?
      7.5. But Does God Really Still Love Me?
      8. Why Is Change So Slow?
      9. Why Are Believers Warned Not To Fall Away?
      10. How Do I Enjoy Greater Assurance Of God’s Love?
      Final Word: Perfection Is Eternal – Sin Is Not

      Additional Info
      How am I meant to feel as a Christian?

      You can go to an evangelical church on a Sunday and be told: “Christian, you are loved by God, no matter what you’ve done. God could not love you more than he does.” You can go to another evangelical church and be told: “You’re a wretched sinner”. The emphasis can feel very different, and yet both churches are teaching truth.

      Holding both truths together in balance can be tricky but it’s essential for healthy Christian living. Overemphasizing one at the expense of the other causes all sorts of problems.

      Perfect Sinners will help us keep the balance, as we distinguish between our “status” before God and our “walk” with him.

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    • Dream It Live It


      Each of us has an internal drive that grows restless from living a mundane and goalless life. Shane Perry has seen people overcome seemingly impossible circumstances to live the life of their dreams. These people are not special or separate from the rest of us. They are, in fact, just like us with only one difference-they dared to capture a vision in their minds and to hold it there until it became a reality.

      Shane Perry has followed the principles in this book. They have worked for him, time and time again. They are timeless truths rooted in Scripture, and they carry great validity when followed and applied. We were all put on earth for a purpose and we each have been given the tools to follow that purpose. By following the six principles outlined in this book, you can live the awesome life you were meant to live. But this will only happen when you get a revelation of who you are and of what God has specifically created you to do in this life. Then you can formulate a vision, complete with goals and plans, that will chart the course to get you there.

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    • Porn Project (DVD)


      The Porn Project in 1 sentence:
      But how do you actually do that?

      This talk will challenge our beliefs (what is porn?, history, theology), our behaviours (addiction, accountability, triggers, lifestyle, environment etc), and look beyond ourselves at how porn might be hurting others around us (spouse, children, dating relationships, people involved in the pornography industry etc).

      The goal is to be less of a presentation and more of a training. Training to equip and empower individuals (men and women), parents and leaders on how to navigate this conversation no matter if you dabble, struggle, or are addicted to pornography in any of its forms.

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    • Set Your Family Free


      The Modern Family is Under Spiritual Attack!

      The devil is contending for the souls of our children in both our society and our homes.

      In an increasingly secularized culture, Children are bombarded with evil, dysfunction, and death on a daily basis. Even the family itself is a spiritual battleground, where the sins of the parents impact the next generation.

      As a parent, your child’s spiritual wellbeing is your responsibility.

      Bob and Laura Larson have over thirty years of exorcism experience, ministering deliverance to tens of thousands, and also, preserving a spiritually safe atmosphere in their own family unit.

      In Set Your Family Free, you will learn the top ten spiritual warfare strategies parents can use to raise children who are spiritually healthy and equipped to be victorious over the devil’s attacks. These include:
      *Breaking generational curses so that your children can start from a clean slate
      *Speaking blessings over your children with edifying words
      *Praying spiritual warfare prayers over your children
      *Purposefully parenting your children by equipping them with the right warfare tools

      Equip your family for battle so you can all stand victoriously against the powers of darkness!

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    • This Changes Everything


      The teen years have been hijacked-by fashion, music, movies, and games; by the pressures of school, peers, and society; and by superficial expectations set by the world. But there is something more glorious than all these influences that has the power to change the life of a teenager: the gospel. Written by a teenager for teenagers, This Changes Everything is a deeply theological yet practical and accessible book on how the gospel radically transforms every aspect of the teen years, including pursuing relationships, managing time, combating personal sin, and cultivating healthy habits. In a culture awash with low expectations for young people, this book exhorts teenagers to embrace a gospel-centered perspective on their lives and pursue wholehearted devotion to Christ now.

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    • Praying Life : Connecting With God In A Distracting World


      Author Paul Miller shares his insights and conclusions about how to connect the broken pieces of your life and allow prayer-even poorly delivered-to fill the gaps with meaning and substance. Miller’s down-to-earth approach and practical nature will help you see that your relationship with God can grow and your communication with Him can get better. Parents will find Miller’s family-life experiences especially helpful.

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    • Living Well : God’s Wisdom From The Book Of Proverbs


      Proverbs stick with us and help us navigate life. Our finances might be guided by “a penny saved is a penny earned,” or we might remember not to be lazy from “the early bird catches the worm.” And who can cut corners with “a stitch in time saves nine” ringing in their ears?

      God has given us a book with such memorable wisdom–the Old Testament book of Proverbs. In Living Well, you’ll look at a different topic in each chapter and learn how Proverbs can guide us to live wiser, more God-honoring lives. Whether in our finances or our relationships, our approach to work or play, following wisdom is a countercultural way to live. Living Well gives us the blueprints for such a life–starting in the book of Proverbs.

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    • Stroke Of Faith


      Mark Moore always believed he was in charge of his life. All that changed on a beautiful Saturday morning in May 2007. Suddenly he was no longer in control of anything. Though his life will never return to his pre-stroke normality, through this crisis, he has gained a deeper understanding of the centrality of God’s role in his life and in all of our lives. A STROKE OF FAITH tells the story of moving from acceptance to surrender and from hope to faith. It reveals God’s work in Mark’s life as He transformed him from thinking he had everything under control to knowing God has had control all along.

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    • 20 Ways To Make Every Day Better


      #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shares powerful, practical ways to experience a new level of joy and excitement about life every day.

      The traffic is backed up, the kids are screaming, and the car is making a funny noise again. Any one of these challenges can test our temperament and rob us of joy. Our impulse is to write today off and hope for a better tomorrow. However, this creates a hard pattern to break. One terrible day easily turns into many-and soon we’re living a life far from what God has in mind for us. A new, transforming sense of excitement, happiness, and contentment in our lives is possible when we pursue God’s goodness each day. In 20 WAYS TO MAKE EVERY DAY BETTER, Joyce Meyer shares biblical illustrations, actionable advice, uplifting stories, and the encouragement we need to start enjoying the life God created for us.

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    • Create In Me A Pure Heart


      She who gives herself to wanton pleasure,” observed the apostle Paul, “is dead even while she lives.” These ominous words perfectly articulate the living hell in which many Christian women are currently living. The Christian community has long thought that sexual sin is strictly a man’s problem, but statistics indicate that the problem among women is much more widespread than anyone might have imagined. The desire to connect with someone emotionally, the indulgence in romantic fantasies, the craving for male attention and the ever-present godless influences of the media have all combined to create what has quietly become a spiritual epidemic in our midst. Create in Me a Pure Heart addresses the unique issues that the struggling woman faces. Utilizing the profound insights found in the author’s best-selling book, At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry, this book offers a clear-cut path to freedom that will prove to be invaluable to pastors, counselors and struggling women.

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    • Evangelical Sacramental And Pentecostal


      1. The Extraordinary Invitation Of John 15:4
      2. Luke-Acts: The Spirit And The Life Of The Church
      3. The Grace Of God: Evangelical, Sacramental, And Pentecostal
      4. The Evangelical Principle
      5. The Sacramental Principle
      6. The Pentecost Principle
      Conclusion: Some Observations And A Case Study
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Evangelical. Sacramental. Pentecostal. Christian communities tend to identify with one of these labels over the other two. Evangelical churches emphasize the importance of Scripture and preaching. Sacramental churches emphasize the importance of the eucharistic table. And pentecostal churches emphasize the immediate presence and power of the Holy Spirit. But must we choose between them? Could the church be all three? Drawing on his reading of the New Testament, the witness of Christian history, and years of experience in Christian ministry and leadership, Gordon T. Smith argues that the church not only can be all three, but in fact it must be all three in order to truly be the church. As the church navigates the unique global challenges of pluralism, secularism, and fundamentalism, the need for an integrated vision of the community as evangelical, sacramental, and pentecostal becomes ever more pressing. If Jesus and the apostles saw no tension between these characteristics, why should we?

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    • You Are More Precious Than Gold


      As women, we’re often told to live for God and follow Him, but how can we be expected to do this if we don’t have the proper tools and teaching? If young women don’t know how to properly live for God, they’ll start to follow the world’s definition of beauty.

      True beauty is all about inner beauty, and it’s something God has planted in each one of us. God is our beauty mark, and He needs to be rooted into every aspect of our being. Embracing our inner beauty happens deep in our soul and allows us to be radiant from the inside out. It affects all areas of one’s life, and it proves you are more precious than gold.

      Sarah Evangeline has embraced her inner beauty through Christ and cannot stop until she shares this truth with other young women. Throughout her book, Sarah teaches and helps guide young women to the knowledge that they are adorned by the King, the Creator of the universe. It is time for you to cherish and embrace your inner beauty.

      Will you join Sarah on this journey? Will you make God your beauty mark?

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    • Gospel Fluency


      At the core of Christianity is belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But how should the gospel affect our lives after we believe? And how can we speak gospel truths into everyday issues of life? In this book, experienced pastor and counselor Jeff Vanderstelt argues that all people-Christians and non-Christians alike-need to hear the gospel on a regular basis. Teaching believers what it looks like to become truly “fluent” in the gospel so that it becomes a natural part of our everyday conversations, Vanderstelt shows how the good news of Jesus is our only hope for every aspect of our lives.

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    • Live Before Your Die The Experience


      This is a dynamic, multi-media enhanced teaching series based on Daniel Kolenda’s best-selling book by the same name. You will embark on a journey that will take you across the world and through history, scripture, and personal experience to discover keys for unlocking your destiny and purpose.

      This special package includes:

      LIVE BEFORE YOU DIE (Paperback) by Daniel Kolenda
      This original book by Daniel Kolenda outlines a straight forward approach to being able to recognize God’s will in your life. No matter where your journey takes you…YOU can experience the wonder of God’s will for your life and live His adventure for you. It’s time to go for it!

      This is a multi-media enhanced teaching series based on Daniel Kolenda’s best-selling book by the same name. You will embark on a journey that will take you across the world and through history, Scripture, and personal experience to discover keys for unlocking your destiny and purpo

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    • Where Was God When That Happened


      Introduction: Is God Really In Control?
      1. God Over All
      2. God Unseen
      3. God Over Evil
      4. God The Father
      5. God Who Wins
      6. God Who Waits
      7. God Only Wise
      Conclusion: Facing The Future With God In Control

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      This is a warm, pastorally hearted guide to the Bible’s teaching on God’s sovereignty.

      When a disaster happens; when personal tragedy strikes; when we are perplexed by world events, Christians can begin to doubt that God is either truly good, or truly in control.

      Christopher Ash faces these questions head on, without flinching at any of the difficulties. First he looks at six different ways people have answered this question – both as Christians and from other religions and none. He then reveals the Bible’s answer: the revelation of God’s character and purposes throughout history.

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    • Capturing God


      Imagine being offered one photograph that captured the essence of Godan image that revealed everything you need to know about everything that matters. And imagine if this picture of God would shock you]] shake you]] and change you forever. Would you look at it? Rico Tice takes readers to the cross in all its shock, inviting readers to see God as they have never seen him before. Readers will see that the God captured in Luke’s Gospel is a God of integrity, welcome, justice and peace.

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    • Power Of Character In Leadership


      How to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power

      You’ve worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same-only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They’ve been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall.

      Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character.

      Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership: How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.

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    • Its Supernatural : Welcome To My World Where Its Naturally Supernatural


      Discover Heaven’s Ancient Blueprint for the Miraculous!

      Divine encounters with the supernatural-signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and angelic experiences-should be normal among those who know and follow Jesus! Yet, many followers of the risen Messiah are tired, bored, and spiritually hungry, desperate for something powerful and transformational. There is so much more to the Christian life than many are currently experiencing. The key is understanding the Code of the Supernatural!

      Sid Roth, host of It’s Supernatural!, has devoted his life to helping believers walk in their full inheritance: a lifestyle where miracles become commonplace, answered prayers are normal, and everyday people are supernaturally empowered to demonstrate God’s Kingdom and fulfill their divine destinies.

      In this epic work, Sid Roth reveals…
      *The missing link to experiencing signs, wonders and miracles in your life and in your church community.
      *The ancient portals that instantly unlock God’s supernatural presence and power in your life.
      *The end-time strategy for sharing the Gospel through the demonstration of signs and wonders.
      *The supernatural connection between the release of God’s end-time harvest, Israel and the Jewish people – and how you can take your place in this great unfolding of prophetic history.

      The life of miracles and Holy Spirit encounter that was common for Jesus and the early church is available to all believers today. Simply discover the code of the supernatural and start living saturated in God’s power now!

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    • Trusting God


      Why is it easier to obey God than to trust Him?

      Because obeying God makes sense to us. In most cases, His laws appear reasonable and wise, and even when we don’t want to obey them, we usually concede that they are good for us. But the circumstances we find ourselves in often defy explanation. Before long, we begin to doubt God’s concern for us or His control over our lives. We ask, “Why is God allowing this?” or “What have I done wrong?”

      During such a time of adversity, Jerry Bridges began a thorough Bible study on the topic of God’s sovereignty. What he learned changed his life, and in Trusting God he shares the fruit of that study. As you explore the scope of God’s power over nations, nature, and even the details of your life, you’ll find yourself trusting Him more completely?even when life hurts.

      This new edition replaces both Trusting God (paperback ISBN 9781600063053) and the study guide (paperback ISBN 9781600063060) by combining both resources into one volume!

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    • 5 Love Languages Singles Edition


      This simple concept can revolutionize all your relationships!

      With more than 10 million copies sold, The 5 Love Languages(R) continues to strengthen relationships worldwide. Although originally crafted for married couples, the love languages have proven themselves to be universal, whether in dating relationships, friendships, the family, or the workplace.

      The premise is simple: Different people with different personalities express love in different ways. Therefore, if you want to give and receive love most effectively, you’ve got to learn to speak the right language.

      The 5 Love Languages(R) Singles Edition will help you . . .
      *Discover the missing ingredient in past relationships
      *Learn how to communicate love in a way that can transform any relationship
      *Grow closer to the people you care about the most
      *Understand why you may not feel loved by those who genuinely care about you
      *Gain the courage to express your emotions and affection to others

      “Nothing has more potential for enhancing one’s sense of well-being than effectively loving and being loved. This book is designed to help you do both of these things effectively.” – Gary Chapman

      Don’t wait; discover how your relationships can flourish, starting today!

      Includes Personal Profile assessments and a study guide

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    • Dealing With Disappointment


      13 Chapters

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      Life is disappointing. And disappointment can so easily come to dominate our life-the nagging thought in the back of our minds and the constant ‘but’ coloring all our pleasures.

      In this realistic, hope-filled book, John Hindley shows how to deal with disappointment – what disappointment is, what it does, and how to learn to live with the disappointments while also knowing joy.

      If your life isn’t perfect… you need this book!

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    • Dumpsters And Diamonds


      God sees you as beautiful jewels and sparkling diamonds not discounted written off or discarded as though your life is not important. His plan is to give you a blessed and beautiful future. Gutsy inspiring true stories that will motivate, captivate and energize you so that you can boldly fulfill your God given purpose and destiny. You deserve to find true and lasting happiness that will sustain you whatever may come your way. Your past does not dictate your future, you will become as bold as a lioness, because any woman who knows her God will be strong. This captivating and compelling page turner will cheer you on to achieve your dreams and stir up your visions. You will be empowered to help others from the jailhouse to the penthouse by being a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, an arm to lean on and a helping hand.

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    • Puritan Catechism For Families


      Richard Baxter intended for this book, originally published as The Catechizing of Families, to be a guide that would go beyond the basic catechisms. Baxter hoped for his book to be helpful to family leaders, school teachers, and professors wanting to educate young people in the deeper aspects of Christianity. A Puritan Catechism for Families contains the basics of faith, as well as expositions of the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments.

      Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.

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    • Only Ever : Discovering Big Picture Purpose In Your Daily Journey


      We all have a big-picture purpose that is refined in our daily journeys. God guides us into situations in life to discover who we are and who He is. That process is part of His purpose. God invites us to come closer through relationship to discover His perfect plan for our lives. Purpose is not a moment of arrival, but a personal, everyday demonstration of the only God ever.

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    • Prescription For Healing


      The Prescription for Healing explores some of the common troubles that plague mankind and offers biblical solutions as to how to overcome them. The author has examined the scriptures and provides reference to many scriptures for each particular malady. Created in a glossary format for easy reference, The Prescription for Healing is the perfect companion book to your daily devotion and prayer time.

      Meditate over these scriptures as you pray for yourself and others, and experience the joy that God brings as you rely on His word for healing.

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    • Renewing The Mind 2.0


      Winters Publishing Group Publication

      Renewing the Mind 2.0 is a powerful yet practical message of change and renewal through God’s grace. You will be encouraged and empowered to new life as you walk with Pastors Casey & Wendy on this journey of renewal. This is a process of change that can affect every area of your life. Pastor Treat’s personal story of change will inspire you to go for it and his practical approach to Biblical truths will empower you.

      We all want to change in certain areas of our lives. At times we feel pressured and even condemned about it. In Renewing the Mind 2.0, you will find God’s amazing grace that helps you experience change, but never forces or condemns you for it. God is looking for a way into your life to bring you to new and better things. This book can help that relationship happen and renewal come to pass.

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    • Mine : A Life Fully Surrendered


      You live in an uncertain world on the edge of change. Transform it.

      You have access to the greatest power in the universe through Jesus Christ. Use it.

      You possess a life saturated with passion and potential. Surrender it.

      Have you ever looked in the mirror and realized that the person staring back is nothing like the person who began the journey?

      I have.

      I had to completely relinquish my identity as an individual, let go of my strengths, and trust in God before I could truly embrace my identity in Christ.

      I begin each day praying:

      I choose you to Christ. I choose You to be my master. I choose You to be my voice. I choose You to be my strength. I choose You to be my love. I choose You to be my King. I choose You to be my everything.

      Having God as your identity means that you place your worth in your relationship with Him. Identifying in Christ means that absolutely everything in your life can fall away and you will still have hope.

      You find your identity in Christ by spending time with Him, looking for Him in your everyday life, and seeing yourself from His perspective to the best of your ability.

      The Almighty wants to be your identity, and He promises to never leave you.

      The only way to truly make a difference in the world is to stand beyond the world and surrender your life to God.

      So choose Him. Every. Single. Day.

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    • Journey Through The Bible


      This book is an anthology, a journey, day by day, through the entire Bible. It is not organized by day and date and so may be read at any pace. I do recommend, however, that you read the entries in order. There are 66 individual devotions, one from each book of the Bible beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation.

      I read the whole Bible, including the Old Testament, as if I m reading a love letter from God Almighty (El Shaddai) to me. I advise you to do the same. If you were to page through my Bible you would find places, when God speaks about Israel, that I have lined through Israel and written in Ivey.

      That the God of the universe would write a love letter to me was a revelation. My desire, the reason for these devotionals, is that this same, very personal revelation will be yours as well.

      The whole Bible is for you. This is the legacy that God has passed down to you through the generations. Every promise He ever made is Yes and amen to you (2 Corinthians 1: 20). Not one single word has ever failed, even over the course of thousands of years. You are precious in His sight and He has sent this word of encouragement to you.

      As you take this journey with me, I hope you will see that every book of the Bible has wisdom and promise for you today.

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    • Wondrous Pursuit : Daily Encounters With An Almighty God A 30 Day Devotiona


      Are you a new Christian looking for direction in your spiritual walk?

      Are you a longtime Christian looking for fresh perspective?

      Do you feel like you’re waiting for something to happen?

      Lost your sense of excitement and purpose?

      Wondering how to experience God in your everyday life?

      The wondrous pursuit is for you.

      In Wondrous Pursuit, blogger Jarrid Wilson walks with you through 30 days of intentionally chasing after God. Each day, a Scripture passage, accompanied by reflection points and questions to help you go further, challenge you to think about a different aspect of your pursuit of God and to dive more deeply into his word. Along the way, learn how to build a continual, daily practice of looking for God and relying on his direction–after all, he is the most glorious goal, the most wondrous pursuit, we could possibly find.

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    • 30 Words : A Devotional For The Rest Of Us


      More than anything, our God wants us to spend time with him. But in a culture of instant downloads and drive-through lattes, we learn that faster is better and slowing down is not an option. If we look carefully at Scripture, though, we see God has calling us to live intentionally–relationally–with him. 30 Words includes verses for meditation, discussion questions for group study or personal reflection, and quotes from Christian leaders. Each day, you’ll focus on a single word that can teach us about God and daily relationship with him. And along the way, you’ll find encouragement to open your heart, mind, and soul to God–helping you build a habit of spiritual development with the power to transform your life and faith.

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    • Pray21


      There is an identity crisis among Christian teens. They don’t know who they are in Christ. They do not fully understand that their Heavenly Father actually owns the palace. If they did, they would understand their position. They wouldn’t be living in spiritual poverty.

      Helping young believers see themselves as sons and daughters of the most high God through Jesus Christ is the greatest gift we can bestow upon this generation. It’s the only way to end the identity crisis.

      This three-week experience brings young people and a spiritual mentor of their choice into a 21-day prayer partnership that changes lives and entire churches.

      Young people will walk away understanding that God really believes in them; they matter to his plan. They will finally learn what it means to belong, so they no longer have to fake it or try to fit into this world. And they will gain the confidence to experiment with their faith, risk failure, and become who God designed them to be from the very beginning of time.

      Break the bondage of low expectations that trap this generation in their spiritual identity crisis.

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    • 40 Days To Wholeness Body Soul And Spirit


      One Day at a Time to a Healthier You-Body, Soul and Spirit!

      What is the secret to revolutionizing your lifestyle and walking in Heaven’s supernatural wholeness? It’s simple: taking your journey one day at a time!

      When Beni Johnson began her journey to health, God gave her grace to customize a user-friendly plan that would help her achieve maximum results. This same grace is available for you!

      Too many people try to make dramatic changes to their health through fad diets, seasons of intense exercise, and other extreme measures. Unfortunately, these methods will never bring about the essential lifestyle changes you are looking to achieve.

      In the 40 Days to Wholeness: Body, Soul and Spirit devotional, Beni shares practi- cal strategies in daily, bite-sized entries that will help you successfully begin your personal journey into renewed health, sustained wholeness, and measurable results!

      The Great Physician desires for you to walk in Heaven’s health.

      Get aligned with God’s divine design today and experience freedom-body, soul and spirit!

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    • Streams In The Desert Morning And Evening


      Streams in the Desert and Springs in the Valley combine in this morning and evening devotional to not only sustain and replenish God’s weary desert travelers but also provide refreshment and joy to the thirsty soul.

      Streams in the Desert is one of the most popular and beloved daily devotionals of all time. Now it has been combined with Cowman’s follow-up Springs in the Valley for a perfect morning and evening devotional. Over 900 pages of encouraging readings will speak to your soul with the ageless truth of the Word of God.

      Cowman’s timeless messages lend guidance and hope while encouraging a deeper faith walk. She shares cool draughts of wisdom and insight into God’s character, drawn from the Scriptures and purified through a lifetime of experience. You will relish the opportunity to drink from enduring wisdom twice daily.

      Start your mornings and wind down during your evenings by connecting your heart to the One who knows it best through Streams in the Desert Morning and Evening.

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    • Road Back To You


      Puts the wisdom of an ancient tool within easy, entertaining reach for greater self-awareness and insight into personal and professional relationships with profound applications for spiritual growth.

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    • Case For Grace


      The Case for a Creator explored the scientific evidence for God; The Case for Christ investigated the historical evidence for Jesus; The Case for Faith responded to eight major objections about Christianity; The Case for The Real Jesus refuted the current challenges to the Bible and Christ … Now, in The Case for Grace, Lee Strobel crafts a compelling and highly personal case for God, focusing on God’s transforming work in the lives of men and women today. Writing with unusual candor, Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming love for spiritually wayward people. He travels thousands of miles to capture the inspiring stories of everyday people whose values have been radically changed and who have discovered the “how” and “why” behind God’s amazing grace. You’ll encounter racists, addicts, and even murderers who have found new hope and purpose. You’ll meet once-bitter people who have received God’s power to forgive those who have harmed them-and, equally amazing, people mired in guilt who have discovered that they can even forgive themselves. Through it all, you will be encouraged as you see how God’s grace can revolutionize your eternity and relationships … starting today.

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