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    Audio Books

    • Crayons Crumbs And Christian Growth


      Parenting children is a wonderful blessing that comes with great challenges. As you navigate these waters, it can be easy to feel disconnected from life and your faith. But these years can be the greatest of your life-years in which God shows you how real He is, how faith actually works, and how you can enjoy the blessings He’s given you.

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    • When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart (Anniversary)


      In 1998, after 12 years of counseling the wives of men in sexual sin, Kathy Gallagher wrote the original version of When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart. Presented in the form of letters which addressed the most pertinent struggles wives deal with, this book proved to be a lifesaver for thousands of women over the years. The 20th Anniversary Edition of When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart adds nine chapters of new material, making it more compelling than ever. The hurting wife will quickly find that Kathy sympathizes with her emotional turmoil and offers solid counsel on a wide range of issues. But most importantly, she will be directed to the only true source of hope: Jesus.

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    • Run To Win


      Plan to Run, Train to Run…Run to Win

      Anyone can start a race, but it takes planning and training to finish it.

      A good long-distance runner knows the importance of planning his race. As he passes the starting line he is already considering how he will cross the finish line. As he takes his first easy step, he has planned how he will take his last grueling step.

      As a Christian man, you are already running the race of life. You are not competing against other people, but against the deadly enemies of the world, the flesh, and the devil. How do you plan to maintain your pace throughout this race? To obtain the prize, you will need to run to the very end. You will need to cross that finish line. And to do that, you will need to plan your race. You will need to plan the ways you will run today so you can continue to run in the difficult days ahead. That is what this book is all about.

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    • Limitless Thinking Limitless Living


      Our God-given potential, our zeal for advancing His kingdom, our divine dreams–these areas of our lives are meant to be without limitation. But most of us haven’t prepared for living a limitless life. Having overcome challenging personal, emotional, and financial limitations. Danette Crawford takes you through each step of the process of removing hindrances, enlarging your vision, and increasing your expectations of the big things God wants to do in you, through you, and for you. Thoroughly biblical and practical, Danette shows you how to adopt and maintain limitless thinking for a lifetime of limitless living. Get ready, because your life without limits is about to being!

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    • Love Again Live Again


      Everyone gets their feelings hurt in life. As these wounds fester and compound throughout life, they become scars that affect our current relationships. Anyone suffering from a wounded heart feels a sense of separation from people, but the separation it creates from our heavenly Father is far worse for our mind, body and soul. “Broken Heart Syndrome” is a recognized medical condition. Tests show that the pain caused by relational stress or trauma releases stress hormones to circulate through the body. This causes the inner layers of the heart to shred, damaging the cardiac muscle and its capacity to pump blood throughout the body. The chest pain this can cause resembles a serious heart attack. Stents or angioplasty can treat blocked vessels, but modern medicine still has no quick fix for a broken heart. Joan Hunter reveals how to heal your heart from past hurts. To do this, you must be set free from the trauma of past relationships that prevent you from giving of yourself to those most important to you today. In doing so, you will also restore your most important relationship–the one with your heavenly Father.

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    • Lasting Peace : A Historical Biblical And Prophetic Lens On The Crisis In T


      The crisis in the Middle East is not a political issue. It’s a spiritual issue.

      This book will help you understand the complex issues continuing to unfold in the Middle East today, and how they relate to key prophecy in Scripture.

      Rapidly unfolding events in the Middle East shape the future, not just for Israel but for our entire world. This insightful commentary by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis combines historical, biblical, and prophetic teaching to help readers understand what’s happening and how believers should respond to these events.

      Drawing from the perspective of a Jewish believer in Jesus, this book will give readers a biblical understanding of the complex issues continuing to unfold in the Middle East today-and how they relate to key prophecy in Scripture.

      A Lasting Peace will help explain why there is constant upheaval in the Middle East, what to watch for in the days ahead, and whether peace is really possible.

      *Unpacks how current world events point to the end times and what to watch for in the days ahead
      *Helps readers break through the confusion of the Middle East crisis and learn if peace is really possible
      *Presents the unique perspective of a Jewish believer on Middle East events and significant moments of our times

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    • God And The 12 Steps


      Is your life falling apart because of addictions? Are you desperate to be free? Are you ready for a new life that has value and purpose? Can you believe that God cares about you and that He is ready to give you a new beginning? This recovery manual, and the support groups that use it, could very well be your answer. By committing yourself to this unique and powerful approach, you will find strength to overcome the past and be filled with hope for a better tomorrow.

      Each of the twelve steps is written from both a practical and Biblical perspective. Through this easy-to-follow presentation, you will discover:

      -The true nature of God
      -Your true spiritual identity
      -How to overcome addictions and experience complete and permanent recovery
      -Biblical ways to heal and restore broken relationships
      -How to develop a “Relapse Prevention Plan”

      This approach celebrates and teaches the most powerful “chain-breaker” that exists: the everlasting Word of God. You can base your future on every promise it contains, including the following:

      The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives (Psalm 37:23).

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    • Stories Of Divine Healing


      Strengthen your faith, receive your miracle!

      Miracle testimonies are more than just accounts of past events; they are invitations to a fresh experience of God’s supernatural power!

      Respected pastor and healing minister, Randy Clark presents a unique compilation of amazing miracle testimonies to help strengthen your faith for whatever healing breakthrough you need!

      Every miracle account in Stories of Divine Healing offers a new gateway for your own healing. As you read, you will encounter Jesus’ compassionate heart and matchless power over every sickness and disease.

      *Be inspired by over 100 faith-stirring miracle testimonies, documented, categorized and indexed for easy access
      *Receive supernatural encouragement by reading real-life testimonies of healing from blindness, deafness, diabetes, heart problems, chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease, tumors, cancer,andmuch more!
      *Strengthen your faith to receive your personal breakthrough by practicing Randy Clark’s simple teaching on activating miracle testimonies
      *Experience the Holy Spirit’s healing presence that hovers over miracle testimonies

      Strengthen your faith, and lay claim to your own healing miracle today

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    • Moving In The Glory Realms (Unabridged) (Audio CD)


      A Blueprint for Revival!
      Many believers today yearn for an encounter with the supernatural.
      They hunger to experience the glory of God they’ve only read about in the Bible.
      Joshua Mills believes that all Christians are intended to live, move, and operate within what he calls “glory realms.” Now Joshua opens up God’s glory by explaining the different realms, spheres, and dimensions of the kingdom. He systematically builds a faith framework in which the reader can begin to move into the glory of God with ease.
      Joshua breaks down our understanding of God’s glory into three parts: first, moving in the Spirit, which is about understanding the different dynamics of faith, anointing, and God’s glory; second, moving in the supernatural by recalibrating ourselves to heaven’s frequency, working with angels, and accessing the highest power of God’s glory so that the miraculous dimension begins to manifest; and third, moving in the heavenlies, dealing with spiritual travel and prophetic encounters, manifesting divine abundance, and living in heavenly revelation. Throughout, Joshua shares many unusual and extraordinary testimonies of God’s glory working through uncommon signs and wonders, heavenly experiences, angelic appearances, and other manifestations of the miraculous, Through his dynamic teaching and powerful testimonies, Joshua will not only help you understand God’s glory, he’ll also guide you into experiencing and walking in the glory every day.

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    • Promises For The Overcomer


      Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

      As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you also have “overcome the world.” You are an Overcomer. That means you can live in light of the victory God has already won on your behalf, and you can choose to walk in that victory each day.

      This plan will guide you through eight specific blessings God has promised for those who live as Overcomers-blessings that will serve as the foundation of your daily life in His kingdom. Are you ready?

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    • Spirit Of Christ


      Andrew Murray’s writings were a cherished and vital part of his ministry in Africa. In this classic work, Murray stressed the importance of one truth: that the Holy Spirit must be known by every believer as an indwelling life of spiritual power. For Murray, this indwelling was to be accepted and treasured, until it became part of the consciousness of the believer: As the Holy Spirit possesses us, all of our lives, even the least things, must be surrendered to His leading. If God’s people can learn to wait on the Holy Spirit for divine leading and working, placing ourselves entirely at His disposal; then there will be manifestations of the Spirit’s power in the church such as the world has never known. In this book, Murray teaches on all aspects of the Holy Spirit, in the hope that God’s glory would begin to work through His church in powerful ways that would be a witness for all the world.

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    • Real : The Surprising Secret To Deeper Relationships


      1. Finsta And Rinsta
      2. The Way We Were
      3. True To Yourself?
      4. The Joy Of Repentance
      5. Your Roots Are Showing
      6. Dealing With Sirens
      7. True Authenticity
      Epilogue: A Land Without Repentance

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      Every woman longs for authentic friendships with others-but in a world of carefully-curated social media, most of us are merely keeping up appearances. Both online and offline, we’re all prone to only presenting the best side of ourselves.

      This book shows us that the secret to growing the relationships we crave is in developing a biblical habit of repentance. By being honest about our sin before God and receiving his forgiveness, we’re freed be honest about our sin with others. When we drop the act and allow ourselves to be vulnerable by sharing our struggles, not only are we strengthened in our fight against sin, but we experience authentic fellowship and real friendship.

      Catherine Parks empowers women to fight side by side against their sin, and shows how by getting real about our struggles, we can create genuine community in an “I’m fine” culture.

      This book is great for reading with your book group, women’s group, accountability partner, or one-to-one mentor-discussion questions are included for every chapter.

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    • Engendered What Was God Thinking


      What was God thinking when He made man and woman, and what does that have to do with the roles they play? What did the Creator want marriage and family to look like? Did God anticipate an age filled with confusion about gender and sexuality or confusion about what it means to be a godly man, woman, husband, wife, father, or mother? Of course, He did. Yet, all confusion is cleared up when we look to our Creator. After all, we are His idea in the first place. In the pages of Engendered, author Patsy Cameneti sets out to carefully examine what the Bible reveals of Gods thoughts and creative intention in making man and woman. Stripping away culture and tradition, she shares raw truths from Gods Word that answer all the questions above and many more. Patsy points out that as we consider the subject of man and woman and their roles, well see that the model for both male and female is nothing less than God Himself! And His design becomes the pattern for all cultures, all ages, and all time

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    • Suelta Las Piedras – (Spanish)


      Cuando una mujer sorprendida en el acto de adulterio fue echada a los pies de Jesus, la multitud sedienta de sangre lleno sus manos con piedras y exigio apedrearla hasta la muerte. Esta confrontacion aun retumba en nuestras vidas hoy. Seguramente podemos identificarnos con la verguenza de la mujer y su pecado expuesto. Desafortunadamente, tambien nos podemos identificar con la multitud hipocrita, deleitandose en el rechazo del “otro.” Pero podemos identificarnos totalmente con Cristo, el Dios que intervino para salvarla? Para aquellos que se han vuelto cautelosos con el cansado y a veces hasta ofensivo dogmatismo cristiano, Carlos Rodriguez puede ser la chispa que encienda las llamas de la fe en el verdadero Jesus. El lo dice como es, con un deseo de motivar a aquellos que se sienten dispuestos a cautivar el mundo a su alrededor, no por medio de agendas politicas o religiosas, sino mediante la gracia y el amor. Suelta las piedras invita a los seguidores de Jesus a soltar sus piedras religiosas y, con las manos abiertas, engranar en el gratificante estilo de vida de un amor al estilo de Jesus.

      When a woman caught in the act of adultery was thrown down at Jesus’ feet, the bloodthirsty crowd filled their hands with rocks and demanded she be put to death. That confrontation still reverberates in our lives today. Surely we can relate with the shame of the woman and her exposed sin. Unfortunately, we can also relate with the hypocritical crowd, reveling in the rejection of “the other.” But can we fully relate with Christ, the God who intervened to save her?
      For those who’ve become wary of tired and sometimes even offensive Christian dogmatism, Carlos Rodriguez may be the spark that ignites the flames of faith in the true Jesus. He tells it like it is, with a desire to motivate those who feel ready to engage the world around them, not through political or religious agendas, but through grace and love. Drop the Stones invites followers of Jesus to drop their religious rocks and culture war cliches, and, with open hands, engage in the rewarding lifestyle of a Jesus-styled love.

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    • Family Tree : God Gets His Family Back


      Aren’t we all God’s children? Don’t we all belong to the family of God?

      Would it surprise you to learn that in the Old Testament God doesn’t call Himself our father and doesn’t refer to people as His children? Being a member of the human race doesn’t mean we automatically qualify for membership in God’s family. Before Jesus took on flesh, God revealed Himself as our Creator, Maker, and King. It’s only on His terms, not ours, that we become His true sons and daughters.

      “The Family Tree” offers a fresh perspective on God’s relentless love and pursuit of you and reveals how you can become part of the family that God gets back. Vignettes that explore the thoughts and feelings of Bible characters propel you through the gospel to a conclusion that demands a response.

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    • Once We Were Strangers (Reprinted)


      In 2012, Mohammad fled his Syrian village along with his wife and four sons, escaping to Jordan through the wilderness. Four years later he sat across from Shawn Smucker in a small conference room in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Though neither of them knew it, Mohammad had arrived in Shawn’s life just in time.

      This is the story of a friendship. It is the story of a middle-aged writer struggling to make a living and a Syrian refugee struggling to create a life for his family in a strange and sometimes hostile land. It’s the story of two fathers hoping for the best, two hearts seeking compassion, two lives changed forever. It’s the story of our moment in history and the opportunities it gives us to show love and hospitality to the sojourner in our midst.

      Anyone who has felt torn between the desire for security and the desire to offer sanctuary to those fleeing war and violence will find Shawn Smucker a careful and loving guide on the road to mercy and unity.

      1 in stock

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    • Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Water Spirits


      Gain victory over the spiritual forces of the deep!

      What are “water spirits?”

      Everyday people are feeling the effects of unseen evil forces, and yet, they don’t know what’s attacking them, let alone how to have victory.

      While many spiritual warriors are familiar with principalities and powers like Jezebel and witchcraft, few have heard of marine demons. Also called “water spirits,” these powers wreak havoc in places near bodies of water. From Python, to Leviathan, to Triton to Rahab and beyond, spiritual warriors are feeling the effects of water spirits but often don’t know how to combat these evil forces.

      Bestselling author, Jennifer LeClaire provides a revolutionary guidebook on how to prophetically recognize these spirits and engage in victorious warfare against them. This book will identify each water spirit, equipping believers to overcome them.

      Be prepared to:
      *Recognize the symptoms of the spirit of Python and learn to break free from its squeezing stronghold.
      *Detect the twisted lies of a Leviathan spirit in your life and in contemporary culture.
      *Overcome the spirit of Rahab that attempts to prevent you from crossing over into your new season.
      *Unleash the power of Holy Spirit and partner with Him to change spiritual climates in your life and city.

      Discern the presence of these water spirits and become equipped with spiritual warfare strategies to defeat them!

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    • Prophetic Voice Of God


      Embark on a wild and unique prophetic adventure with God!
      The New Testament makes prophecy a priority for all believers. If you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, you are called to hear God’s prophetic voice!
      But if this is true, why do so many believers struggle to hear the Holy Spirit’s language?
      Lana Vawser empowers you to hear God for yourself by tuning in to how he is uniquely speaking to you!
      Through easy-to-understand, revelatory teaching and powerful prophetic examples, Lana illustrates how God has created all believers to hear His voice in their own distinct way.
      The Prophetic Voice of God will mentor you on how to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking especially to you!
      Experience a Breaker Anointing: The simple, practical teaching will break off the fear, striving and anxiety that many feel when it comes to hearing God speak prophetically.
      De-Mystify the Prophetic: Lana makes prophetic hearing accessible to anyone, no matter who you are or what context you come from.
      Discern the Prophetic Voice of God: Learn how to identify freshly spoken words from God and decipher the many different forms they can come in–signs, symbols, numbers, coincidences, pictures, and more.
      Receive Impartation and Revelation: You will be activated to look and listen for God’s prophetic voice everywhere.
      Tune in, and receive your word from the Lord!

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    • Eternity Is Now In Session


      Something in us is waiting-for what, we don’t know. Something different? Something better?

      For Christians, perhaps the deepest expression of what we’re waiting for is found in the phrase “eternal life.” But what is eternal life? Why do we want it? And how do we know if we have it?

      In Eternity Is Now in Session, bestselling author John Ortberg dispels the myth that eternal life is something way out in outer space that we can only hope to experience after we die-and that being saved is merely about meeting the minimal entrance requirements for getting into heaven. Instead, John unpacks the reality that the moment we trust Christ, we are initiated into “eternal living” with God as a here and now reality, one that will continue beyond our life on this earth.

      Jesus defined eternal life just once, in John 17:3: “. . . that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” The kind of “knowing God” that is eternal life is an interactive relationship, not just an affirmation of certain facts about God. Once we begin the transformative journey of truly knowing God, we can start to experience His presence, favor, and resurrection power right here on this earth-in the details, tasks, and challenges of daily, ordinary life.

      And as we begin to know God this way, we’ll realize each moment of our lives is a vehicle to the eternity we’ve been longing for all along.

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    • Suffering : Gospel Hope When Life Doesnt Make Sense


      Sometimes life doesn’t make sense. When death, illness, unemployment, or a difficult relationship challenges everything we thought we knew, we can feel utterly unprepared to cope. Best-selling author Paul David Tripp weaves together his personal story, years of counseling experience, and biblical insights to help us in the midst of suffering, identifying 6 traps to avoid-including doubt, discouragement, and denial-and 6 comforts to embrace-including God’s presence, God’s people, and God’s grace. Exploring a wide range of common experiences, this raw yet hope-filled book will empower readers to cling to God’s promises when trials come and then move forward with the hope of the gospel.

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    • Dealing With Your Rebellious Teenager


      When your teenager is estranged from you and God and is making unwise (and perhaps downright awful) choices, it’s natural to feel hopeless and helpless. Perhaps you have already done everything you know to do-you have talked with them at length, applied consequences, asked others for help, and prayed desperately, but still you see no change in your child’s life or choices.

      Barbara Miller Juliani draws from her own experience of rebellion and also from decades of ministry to families to encourage weary parents that they can lean hard into the Lord for help in this difficult season. She walks readers through biblical truths about God that will remind them that he is aware of their situation and struggles, that he is near to help, and that he is calling them to walk in faith that results in small, tangible ways to love their teenager.

      3 in stock

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    • Proposito Y El Poder Del Espir – (Spanish)


      Es realmente posible el cielo en la tierra?

      Cuando lidiamos con la derrota y el desanimo, el Espiritu Santo es la clave para la victoria y la paz. El autor de exitos de venta, Dr. Myles Munroe, nos muestra como:
      -Poner orden en el caos en nuestra vida
      -Recibir el poder de Dios para sanar y liberar
      -Cumplir nuestro verdadero proposito con gozo
      -Ser un lider en nuestra esfera de influencia
      -Ser parte del gobierno de Dios en la tierra
      Tenemos acceso al mundo invisible del Espiritu y podemos traer a la tierra influencia celestial. Cuando recibimos al Espiritu de Dios en nuestra vida, descubrimos que sus dones son nuestra primogenitura. Reciba la plenitud del Espiritu de Dios y comience a vivir en el poder espiritual que Dios le ha prometido. “Os conviene que yo me vaya; porque si no me fuera, el Consolador no vendria a vosotros; mas si me fuere, os lo enviare.”
      (Juan 16:7, RVR-60)

      Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?

      When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).

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    • Enjoying God : Experience The Power And Love Of God In Everyday Life


      Mike And Emma’s Monday Morning
      In Every Pleasure We Can Enjoy The Father’s Generosity
      In Every Hardship We Can Enjoy The Father’s Formation
      In Every Prayer We Can Enjoy The Father’s Welcome
      In Every Failure We Can Enjoy The Son’s Grace
      In Every Pain We Can Enjoy The Son’s Presence
      In Every Supper We Can Enjoy The Son’s Touch
      In Every Temptation We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Life
      In Every Groan We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Hope
      In Every Word We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Voice
      In One Another We Can Enjoy God’s Love
      In Daily Repentance And Faith We Can Enjoy God’s Freedom
      Under The Hood

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      We believe in God, we serve God, we trust God, but would we say that we experience God on a day to day basis? Do we really know him personally? What exactly does a relationship with God look like, and how is it even possible?

      In this seminal work by Tim Chester, we’ll see how the three persons of the Trinity relate to us in our day-to-day lives and how to respond. We’ll discover that as we interact more with God, and understand how awesome he is, we will experience the joy of being known by the creator of the universe.

      Every Christian will benefit from discovering the key to enjoying God in every moment of everyday.

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    • Patient Heal Thyself


      Finally! A solution for those suffering with Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Asthma, IBS, and more!

      Today, Jordan Rubin is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and founder of Garden of Life(R), the fastest-growing nutritional company in America. But at the age of 19, Jordan was diagnosed with Chrone’s Disease–an incurable digestive ailment. In one of the most dramatic natural healing stories ever told, Jordan discovered a natural path to complete healing and sustained health.

      In this updated and expanded edition of Patient, Heal Thyself (originally published in 2002), Jordan Rubin shares his monumental discoveries, teaching you how to take control of your own health and unlock your body’s phenomenal healing potential.

      In this book, you’ll discover…
      *How the body can overcome virtually any health challenge by following the Maker’s Diet
      *The key to attaining and maintaining vibrant health lies in your gastrointestinal tract
      *Which specific foods, not found in our modern diet, hold the key to healing a wide range of health conditions
      *Complete protocols for diet and nutritional supplements

      The simple, life-changing strategies and ancient principles found in this book can help you chart a path for wholeness. Get in the driver’s seat and take control of your health journey today!

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    • Astonished By God


      This book is a revised, improved version of Doctrine Matters.

      For more than thirty years, John Piper pastored in the rough and tumble realities of downtown Minneapolis, preaching his people through the ups and down of life one Sunday at a time. When it came to capturing a generation of joy in one final sermon series, he turned to ten trademark truths to leave ringing in his peoples’ ears.

      These ten are world-shaking truths-each astonishing in its own way. First they turned Piper’s own world upside down. Then his church’s. And they will continue to turn the whole world upside down as the gospel of Christ advances in distance and depth. These surprising doctrines, as Piper writes, are “wildly untamable, explosively uncontainable, and electrically future-creating.”

      Join a veteran author, pastor, and Christian statesman as he captures the ten astonishing, compassionate, life-giving, joy-awakening, hope-sustaining truths that have held everything together for him.

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    • Dignity Revolution : Reclaiming Gods Rich Vision For Humanity


      Introduction: A Person’s A Person
      1. With Glory And Honor
      2. Losing Our Humanity
      3. Dignity Rediscovered
      4. Race And The Nations
      5. The Start Of Life
      6. Justice, Prisons, And Immigration
      7. Death, Disease, And Healthcare
      8. Work And Poverty
      9. Identity, Sexuality, And Marriage
      10. Technology And Our Digital Age
      11. Religious Liberty
      12. Politics
      Outro: Learning From The Zong-What Will Be Our Legacy?

      Additional Info
      As Christians, we want to make a difference in this world. We want to have an impact not only on our immediate family and community, but on wider social issues. We want to protect the vulnerable and engage with the issues that really matter. But how?

      This book shoes us how wonderful, liberating and empowering it is to be made in God’s image – and how this changes how we see ourselves and all other humans, and how we treat them and advocate for them.

      Some will feel the call to run for office… others will roll up their sleeves and join the good work of non-profit ministry… and others might simply find little ways to incorporate this vision of human dignity into their everyday lives, and change their community one word, one action, one person at a time.

      Each one of us can be, and are called to be, part of this new movement-a human dignity revolution that our societies need, and that we-you-are uniquely placed as Christians to be join.

      This compelling book shows you how to join the dignity revolution.

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    • Never Quit


      If you’ve ever wanted to quit, read this first!

      Stress. Change. Crisis! Everyone know what it’s like. Everyone has been tempted to walk away, forget it, give up. “Crisis is normal to life,” best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole teaches. But God has a way for you to become a winner in every situation.


      Facing the challenge of a job loss, a mid-life crisis, a troubled marriage, moving, financial difficulties, and general stress can become the fuel that propels you to your greatest victories and success!

      In the fast-reading chapters of this best-selling classic, Edwin Louis Cole offers real, sensible solutions to contemporary changes and crises. You’ll learn…

      –What to do in crisis
      –Ten steps to leave the old and enter the new
      –How to transform crisis into overwhelming success
      –What is your part; what is God’s part?
      When life is just too tough, God’s faithfulness is tougher. Even if you’re tempted to quit, you can make it through!

      Edwin Louis Cole was known for his practical application of wisdom. Using pithy statements and a confrontational style that demanded social responsibility and family leadership, he mentored hundreds of thousands of men worldwide. His powerful books have become the most widely-used Christian men’s resources in the world.

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    • Breakthrough Prayer : Where God Always Hears And Answers


      Prayer is not a practice or a ritual. It is a place. A secret place in the Spirit. A place of divine encounters with our heavenly Father where we express our love for Him and enter the dimensions of His glory and power. Where we welcome His presence, receive His revelation and guidance for our life, and are empowered to serve His purposes on earth while experiencing the outpouring of His grace through miracles, healings, deliverances, and salvations. With a scriptural foundation, the conviction of personal experience, and the evidence of many testimonies, Guillermo Maldonado passionately reveals how to enter this place in the Spirit so we, as the body of Christ, can become “a house of prayer.” Discover the joy of two-way communication with the Father. Learn not only to hear His voice but to listen and act on what He is saying to you. See how to build momentum in your prayer life, creating a spiritual atmosphere in which God moves powerfully on behalf of His people. Discover essential keys for breakthrough–and how to have all your prayers answered according to God’s will and Word. There has never been a more vital time to find our place in prayer. We are in a period of increased opposition from the enemy as we draw closer to the day of Christ’s return. This requires us to attain a higher level of spiritual power and authority, which can only come through prayer that ushers us into God’s presence. Nothing else will prepare us to meet the challenges that are coming our way. Nothing else will prepare us for the second coming of Christ. Now is the time to be spiritually vigilant! Now is the time to watch and pray!

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    • Tribu – (Spanish)


      Two thousand years later , the call to follow Christ has been repackaged to be soft, proof of problems, full of opportunities and promises, but without risk, passion or sacrifice. Is this why Jesus died? If He chose the way of the cross, where would He hesitate to take us? Is it possible that following Jesus is choosing the path of the barbarian?

      Jesus never made a pristine call to a proper and safe religion. Jesus draws his followers to a path far from being an easy route. It is a road full of adventure, uncertainty, and unlimited possibilities. The only way you can realize the deepest longings and desires of your heart.
      This is the path of the barbarian: give your heart to the One who can make you fully alive. Love it with intensity and simplicity. Unleash the wild faith that you carry inside. To be consumed by the presence of a passionate and compassionate God. Go where He sends you, no matter what the cost.

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    • Purpose And Power Of The Holy Spirit


      Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?

      When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).

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    • Moving In Glory Realms


      A Blueprint for Revival!
      Many believers today yearn for an encounter with the supernatural.
      They hunger to experience the glory of God they read about in the Bible.
      Joshua Mills believes that all Christians are intended to live, move, and operate within what he calls “glory realms.” Now Joshua opens up God’s glory by explaining the different realms, spheres, and dimensions of the kingdom. He systematically builds a faith framework in which the reader can begin to move into the glory of God with ease, where he or she will form a deepening awareness of the inflow and anointing of His mighty presence. The book is divided into three parts: part one is about moving in the Spirit, which is about understanding the power of faith, anointing, and God’s glory; part two is about moving in the supernatural by accessing the power of God’s glory so that miraculous signs and wonders begin to manifest; and part three is about moving in the heavenlies, dealing with angelic encounters, heavenly experiences, and regularly operating in the miraculous. Throughout the book, Joshua shares many unusual and extraordinary testimonies of God’s glory working through signs and wonders, heavenly experiences, angelic appearances, and other manifestations of the miraculous, Through testimonies he has shared around the world, Joshua will help readers begin to experience God’s glory for themselves.

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    • Finding Joy When Life Is Out Of Focus


      We all walk through seasons when joy plays an unwelcome game of Hide and Seek. Disappointment, worry, and adversity blur our lens on life, sabotaging our ability to develop the meaningful relationships we long for and realize our worth in Christ.

      Finding Joy When Life is Out of Focus will help you choose contentment regardless of circumstance, transform faulty thought patterns through the truth of God’s Word, and persevere when life is unraveling.

      Experienced individually or in small groups, this Study of Philippians for Joy-Thirsty Women includes dynamic teaching, inspiring personal stories, opportunities for life-growth, and a guide for leaders.

      Joy-thirsty women, are you ready to pull your joy out of hiding? Start looking through the grace-crafted lens of God’s perspective – you’ll love the life you see!

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    • All The Wild Pearls


      Every pearl has a story to tell.

      We see our wounds and lose hope of ever being lovely, but this is not the story of the pearl…
      …or the Gospel.

      Every time the Gospel meets a wound, a redemptive story forms. Where we see dirty, Jesus sees beauty soon set on display. Just as pearls start from affliction, so too our redemptive stories start in our cut places.

      Join lawyer, speaker and author Heather DeJesus Yates as she creatively guides our generation through the transformational hope of the Gospel using both her own redemptive stories and those of an unlikely companion…a wild oyster.

      Discover your own collection of redemptive stories, the ways Jesus has transformed your pain, and find hope for those pearls yet forming in your soul. Experience confidence in knowing your redemptive stories, so you can pass them down for generations to cherish, so you can say:

      “Here, daughters of the next generation…these are all my wild pearls.”

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    • Father Teach Me How To Love Again


      “Father Teach Me How to Love Again” outlines the power of God’s love in strong, biblical and practical ways that inspire readers to live a love-inspired life. The modern world is crowded with pressures that are causing an erosion of community spirit and family values.

      Have you lost the ability to love due to life’s experiences?
      Have you suffered broken relationships with friends, relations, spouses?
      If you have given up the hope of ever finding love, this book is for you.

      The author explains that we are running on empty because we cannot give what we do not have. Our love tanks are running on empty.

      “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13).” Using this scripture, the author encourages the reader to focus on love on a daily basis.

      Topics include:
      *The recipe for love
      *The intimacy of love

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    • Pull It Off


      Award-winning musical artist and conference speaker Julianna Zobrist urges women to be confident and discover their true identity in Christ.

      Julianna answers the question that probes many modern women today: How can we be completely transparent and vulnerable with ourselves and others, and yet be secure and confident enough to walk through life without fear? PULL IT OFF is broken down into three parts that will address the issues of authority, identity, and security, in order to reveal the root issue of where our fears stem from. Through personal anecdotes and research, Julianna walks readers through how to maximize our true identities and lean into our unique gifts due to a grounded belief in our acceptance of others, our acceptance by God, and ultimately, the acceptance of ourselves.

      Julianna’s message and music is for anyone who wants to express the joy and freedom of knowing that Christ gives them the strength to be bold, fearless, and confidently vulnerable knowing that you don’t have to measure up to what others think of you but rather, knowing your true strength can shine because of who you are in Christ. “Only when we can come to grips with our worthwhileness, will we ever begin to step out in bravery and confidence and brilliance,” she says.

      When we are secure, Julianna says, we believe that we are worthwhile and can, indeed, pull it off.

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    • Let The Real You Step Forward Now


      Do you struggle with knowing who you really are and enjoying the freedom to live the real you? Do you long for deeper, more meaningful relationships? Are you feeling frustrated, stuck, or confused about your unique purpose and don’t know what’s really holding you back?

      Research confirms that feelings of success result from having a sense of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. True fulfillment flows from having meaningful connections, living true to your unique design, and positively contributing to the lives of others. The greatest gift you can give others is to live your authentic self from a place of wholeness and spiritual freedom.

      Walking in wholeness and freedom is easier than you think! Let Lisa Vanderkwaak help you discover why living the real you is essential to unlocking your purpose. By implementing the keys outlined in this book, you can experience shifts in your closest relationships, your beliefs, your approach to life, and feel empowered to do more than you ever thought possible. These keys, rooted in both spiritual principles and practical research, will give you a simple process to understand how to:

      – Develop more intimate, authentic relationships.
      – Overcome emotional blocks that keep you from moving forward and experiencing wholeness and freedom every day.
      – Gain greater clarity about who you are and what your purpose is.
      – Break through to higher levels of personal and professional growth.

      Life is too short! It’s time to step forward now and discover the joy of engaging your heart, awakening your spirit, and experiencing a life of wholeness, freedom, and greater fulfillment!

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    • Seeing Behind The Veil


      Begin each day with a supernatural encounter! Every day is a fresh invitation to encounter the Holy Spirit in a new way!

      In this unique supernatural devotional, seer, prophet, and missionary, Ana Werner shares insights she has received through prophetic encounters, angelic visitations, and supernatural visions.

      These inspirational entries-drawn from Ana’s personal history of encounters with God-are words from Heaven that are sure to infuse every day with hope, encouragement, healing, and assurance of God’s nearness.

      Including both Scripture passages and prophetic words, these devotionals offer powerful insights on:
      *Dwelling in God’s Presence: living with a consistent aware of the Holy Spirit’s nearness.
      *Spiritual warfare: how winning spiritual battles can impact your everyday life.
      *Amplifying God’s voice: positioning yourself to hear God’s words just for you.
      *Comfort, strength, courage and faith: anchors of hope for the daily challenges you face.
      *Angelic activity: how to partner with the Heavenly hosts to release God’s plans for your life.

      Gain new strength by encountering the supernatural presence of God, every day!

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    • Way Of Life


      Experience the Supernatural as a Natural Way of Life!

      Bill Johnson, respected pastor, bestselling author and senior leader of Bethel Church, lives in a culture of the miraculous. In his groundbreaking new book, The Way of Life, he shares not as a theological spectator, but as an active participant in a historic move of God that has been sweeping the nations.

      From over 40 years of personal experience with the Holy Spirit, Bill mentors you on how to:
      *Create a supernatural “greenhouse effect” that impacts the world around us through practicing Kingdom values.
      *Sustain a flow of God’s supernatural power in your life, your family and your church community.
      *Develop a culture that values wholeness-body, soul and spirit-where the Kingdom has tangible impact on every area of our lives.
      *Building supernatural relationships through honor and seeing the significance of every person.
      *Walk in the completed work of the Cross because you are grounded in an “It is Finished” theology.
      *Partner with the Presence of the Holy Spirit to transform the everyday places where God leads you.
      *Run towards impossible situations and release the supernatural solutions of Jesus.

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    • Descubre Tu Proposito – (Spanish)


      Hay personas que participan en proyectos importantes, pero no estan viviendo su proposito. Ni siquiera conocen cual es, y menos saben como cumplir con un proposito que ni siquiera conocen. Proposito, o Idea Central Permanente (ICP) como lo denomina el autor Tiago Brunet, es el principal motivo por el cual haces lo que haces; es lo que te motiva en los dias dificiles. Es lo que define tu identidad. Una persona con proposito esta blindada contra la depresion, el miedo, las criticas, las ofensas y las dudas. En este libro vas a descubrir tu proposito, y cuando lo descubras, 5 cosas cambiaran en tu vida automaticamente: los amigos que tienes, la forma en la que inviertes el tiempo, tu manejo del dinero, la fe que posees, y el diseo de tu destino. Tu vida cobra sentido solamente cuando vives tu proposito. Descubre tu proposito. !Quien tiene proposito ya vencio!

      Some people may be involved in important ventures, but they may not be living their purpose. They don’t even know their purpose, much less are they fulfilling it. Purpose or Idea Central Permanente (ICP, Permanent Central Idea), the way the author Tiago Brunet calls it, is the main motive for whatever you do; it is what keeps you moving through hard times. It is what defines your identity. A person with purpose is protected against depression, fear, doubts and offense. Through this book you will discover your purpose and when you find it, five things will change immediately in your life: the friends you have, the ways you spend time, the way of dealing with money, the faith you have, and design of your destiny. Your life has meaning only when you live in your purpose. Discover Your Purpose. Whoever has purpose is already a winner!

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    • Choose A Changed Mind


      Thoughts are powerful. When we take personal responsibility for our thoughts and their consequences, we can reject destructive patterns. Replacing them with quality values brings order to our inner world. As we submit to Jesus Christ through the Word of God, the dynamics of Holy-Spirit-controlled thinking produces profound transformation in our minds. This book challenges us that we can always choose to change the way we think and experience a renewed mind.

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    • Listen God Is Calling


      Helen Pasanen had a conversion experience at the age of twenty-five, coming to Christ after watching Dr. Billy Graham on television. Subsequently, a near-death experience brought her closer to God and instilled in her a greater sense of mission to tell others that He is only a prayer away. That mission deepened in the mid-1980s, when God began speaking to her in a very deep and personal way, activating in her the gift of prophecy. Ever since, she has been writing and sharing those messages with the world.

      “Listen, God Is Calling” presents prophetic messages in a 365-day devotional, allowing you to more easily meditate each day on the Lord and wonder at the breadth and power of His love. These words of wisdom are especially important to believers in these last days, as He seeks to reveal His heart more urgently than ever to a hurting world.

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    • Being Joseph : The Brother Who Restored A Family And Nurtured A Nation


      Have you ever felt betrayed by a family member? Have you ever needed even a glimpse of hope to help you through a tough situation? In the Old Testament, we read that Joseph was thrown into a pit and then sold by his own brothers. This great betrayal left him feeling alone and in despair. Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of his troubles.

      “Being Joseph” takes a closer, pastoral perspective on perseverance through hardships, the value of forgiveness even when it’s near impossible, and the redemptive hope of reconciliation. Joseph’s story expands on dreams, slavery, seduction, imprisonment, and the restoration of a family. In the worst moments of Joseph’s life, we can see that God never left his side. The lessons we can learn from this book can help enrich our daily lives in this difficult world today.

      All ages will benefit from this captivating commentary on a real family, just like yours.

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    • Church In Babylon


      How do we live faithfully in a country becoming more and more hostile to our faith in Christ?

      Like the Israelites in Babylon, we must find a way to maintain our faith in the midst of a pagan culture. But that requires we answer two crucial questions:
      *How did we get here?
      *How do we prepare for the dark and difficult days ahead?

      In The Church in Babylon, Dr. Lutzer answers both of these questions as he looks at the book of Jeremiah. He will walk you through the many parallels between the Church in America and God’s people in Babylon, and embolden you to be a Gospel witness. You’ll be encouraged not to compromise your faith even when under constant pressure from all corners of society. And more than all this you will have a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ, as you consider the biblical role of those in exile.

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    • Stay The Course



      Pastors and church leaders desperately want to make disciples, but they often find themselves veering off the road of discipleship-or even heading toward a cliff. The many challenges of ministry cause churches to stray from effectively making disciples.

      Stay the Course keeps leaders on the path, so they can help people follow Jesus until the end.

      Church consultant and lead pastor Brandon Guindon uses seven essential practices-or “guardrails”-to guide you along the road of disciple making in your local context. These core practices come from his experience in various church contexts-from church plants to churches in transition-and guard you from danger on your journey.

      Embrace these seven practices as Stay the Course challenges and inspires you. This resource helps you apply them to your personal life and implement them in your church, resulting in churches that faithfully make disciples and disciples who stay on track.

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    • Biggest Win : Pro Football Players Tackle Faith


      This is a gospel-centered book that dives deep into how athletes of all ages and ability levels can live out their faith and glorify God through sports. To achieve this goal, the book takes a unique insider’s look at the lives and faith of six strong Christian NFL players on the 2017 Philadelphia Eagles team who are committed to God’s Word, genuine Christian discipleship, accountability and obedience to Great Commission living. It uses their stories to help teach key biblical truths to sports-minded readers.

      How do you grow and thrive as a Christian in a competitive sports environment? Christian athletes of all ages and skill levels struggle to live for God in a high-pressure world where you are measured by your last game and biggest win. This book will equip each competitor, regardless of his or her sport, to seek the biggest win-living by faith in God through the ups and downs of their sports career and the rest of their lives. Looking at sports through the unique lens of six Christian pro football players, The Biggest Win tackles a vast array of vital spiritual topics that every competitor-from youth leagues to the professional ranks-needs to understand, such as living for God as an athlete, finding your true identity in Christ, applying God’s Word to your present struggles, navigating the uncertainties of sports and life, how to be part of a faith community, sharing the gospel as an athlete, and how to transition to regular life after your playing days are over. This book will be a powerful tool to help athletes learn that true greatness and ultimate victory come when they live for Jesus and for his glory.

      -Helps Christian athletes at all levels live their faith
      -Addresses topics that all athletes face – such as where to find your identity, dealing with success and failure, coping with change, sharing your faith in a difficult environment, and much more
      -Suitable for small group study with questions after each chapter
      -Useful for parents, coaches, and other mentors to use with individual and groups of athletes

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    • Rethinking Sexuality : Gods Design And Why It Matters


      This ground-breaking resource challenges and equips Christians to think and act biblically and compassionately in matters of sexuality.

      Sexual abuse, sex addiction, gender confusion, brokenness, and shame plague today’s world, and people are seeking clarity and hope. By contesting long-held cultural paradigms, this book equips you to see how sexuality is rooted in the broader context of God’s heart and His work for us on earth. It provides a framework from which to understand the big picture of sexual challenges and wholeness, and helps you recognize that every sexual question is ultimately a spiritual one. It shifts the paradigm from combating sexual problems to confidently proclaiming and modeling the road to sacred sexuality.

      Instead of arguing with the world about what’s right and wrong about sexual choices, this practical resource equips you to share the love and grace of Jesus as you encounter the pain of sexual brokenness-your own or someone else’s.

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    • How To Win Souls And Influence People


      Wendy Potter shares “how” she witnesses to people in every walk of life. She also shares why she does it – to win souls because the King is coming, and she wants as many people as possible to experience the light and life of Jesus Christ.

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    • Making Connections : A Workbook For Finding Your Place In God s Story (Workbook)


      Making Connections is a hands-on aid to learning the grand story of the Bible. It can be used as a standalone resource, but is best suited to be used alongside the textbook by the authors Telling God’s Story (Broadman & Holman) in addition to the Bible. It is designed to be used in the local church for Bible studies, pastor-led studies, and Sunday school.

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    • En Lo Secreto – (Spanish)


      En algun momento todos necesitamos una palabra de consejo, consuelo o esperanza, que nos de fuerzas para continuar. Quisieramos reunirnos a solas con alguien que sepa como ayudarnos, nos guie, y nos de una estrategia para salir de una situacion o entrar en una. Llegamos a desear que alguien nos hable claro, sin mascaras ni diplomacia, ni falsedad, nos guste o no lo que te pueda decir, pero que lo haga con amor y sinceridad. Tal vez deseamos que tan solo nos escuchen sin hablar, sin juzgarnos, y que nos comprendan. O soamos con el momento y lugar donde podamos descansar y sentir una genuina paz.

      Ese lugar y esa persona existen. El te espera ahi, en lo secreto. Ahi encontraras las respuestas a muchas preguntas, direccion a muchas salidas y entradas, consuelo y esperanza. Ahi recibiras una confrontacion sana y constructiva que te mostrara las cosas del caracter y la vida que deberias mejorar o cambiar. Ahi encontraras transformacion.

      Este libro reune 52 consejos y reflexiones por cada semana del ao, pero estan presentados sin orden especifico, para que acudas a ellos segun tu necesidad. Ponerlos en practica tendra un impacto muy grande en tu vida, y encenderan en ti una pasion de buscar de Dios en la intimidad, y dejar que El te hable de una manera especial y personal. //

      At any moment in life, we all need advice, a comforting word of hope, to regain strength to go on. We long to meet with that someone who can guide us, someone who is able to give us a strategy to get out of or into a situation. We wish we had someone to speak to us clearly, frankly, and without falsehood or nice words, even when we don’t like what we hear…but to do so with love and honesty. Or maybe we just need someone to listen in silence, without judgment, but with understanding. We dream of the time and place in which we can rest and enjoy feeling truly peaceful.

      That place and that person are real. He is waiting for you there, in the secret place. There you will find answers to many questions, ways to get out and get in, and receive comfort and hope. You will encounter that healthy and constructive confrontation that may show you character traits you should change or improve. There is where you will find transformation.

      This book has fifty-two lessons and thoughts for every week of the year. However, you also may read them as you need them. They will impact your life and ignite a passion to pursue intimacy with God, allowing Him to speak to you in a personal and speci

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    • Growing In Gratitude


      As women, we are often encouraged to “count our blessings.” But truly biblical gratitude is much more than this. Mary K. Mohler unpacks Scripture to help us grow in gracious gratitude (thanking God for who he is) as well as natural gratitude (thanking him for his blessings) and to identify and deal with some of the things that hinder us to help us rediscover the joy of a thankful heart. This thoroughly Bible-centered unpacking of the reasons for gratitude builds on Mary K. Mohler’s 25 years experience in mentoring seminary wives at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make this book ideal for group use as well as for individuals.

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