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    Audio Books

    • Everyday Wisdom To Satisfy Your Soul


      90 Devotions Focus on the Soul-Satisfying Refreshment of Life in Jesus Christ

      Everyone looks for satisfaction in their lives. For Christians, true soul satisfaction comes only from one place: Jesus. When we rest in Him, our spirits experience that long-sought fullness. The satisfied soul is not a bored soul, but one that experiences both good and bad and comes forth victorious in Jesus. In the 90 devotions in Everyday Wisdom to Satisfy Your Soul, you’ll find many faith experiences: praise, joy, thanksgiving, overcoming, and more. Each encouraging reading includes a title and a scripture. Perfect for personal quiet time or as a thoughtful gift, Everyday Wisdom to Satisfy Your Soul is sure to bless your heart.

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    • Mujer Crea – (Spanish)


      Mujer, crea es el tercer libro de la serie de libros de bolsillo Mujer, de Omayra Font, y lleva el mensaje de la capacidad creadora de la mujer. La mujer es inherentemente creativa porque todas tienen el don para cambiar las cosas, mejorarlas y convertirlas en algo diferente; llevan, inherentemente dentro de si, el potencial de crear. No obstante, hay dos tipos de mujeres: las que conocen su creatividad y la expresan abierta y exitosamente; y las que estan convencidas de que no son creativas en absoluto. El proposito de este libro es ensearles a buscar y encontrar sus talentos dentro de si, y llevarlas a potencializarlos al maximo.

      Woman, create is the third book in the series of pocket books Woman, by Omayra Font, and carries the message of the creative capacity of women. Women are inherently creative because they all have the gift to change things, improve them and turn them into something different; they inherently carry within themselves the potential to create. However, there are two types of women: those who are aware of their creativity and express it openly and successfully; and those who are convinced that they are not creative at all. The purpose of this book is to teach them to seek and find their talents within themselves, and to bring them to their fullest potential.

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    • Unlocking The Code Of The Supernatural Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The Mystery of Being a Christian

      It can be hard for us to admit we are dissatisfied with our spiritual life. That we are in a place where going to church is not yielding the victory we desire. A place where we pray things like, “God, I will never do that again,” yet find ourselves doing it again and again.

      If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in fact a new creation. How would you like to start really experiencing that new life? Once you do, you will discover a world of unlimited spiritual possibilities.

      Being a Christian is a mystery in which Christ lives in us through a radical transformation of our spiritual DNA. We have a relationship with the living Jesus that changes every dynamic of our life. And we are given our own access code, which is the Word of God. This is how we enter into the benefits and features of our new life.

      What you need in order to overcome sin, sickness, poverty, and defeatism is to become conscious of, and intimate with, the indwelling Christ. Once you do, you will never again be manipulated by fear and insecurity. You won’t be caught in a vicious cycle of striving for God’s love and acceptance. You will be confident in your new identity, which will empower you to live the supernatural life God intends for you. You will operate in revelation knowledge, wisdom, spiritual understanding, and miracles. The bondage of sin, shame, and condemnation will be released by the power of the Holy Spirit. Demons won’t be able to oppress you because you will have an overwhelming consciousness of God’s love.

      Whether you are a new Christian or a long-time believer who has never been able to fully apply Christ’s victory to your life, this companion study guide to Unlocking the Code of the Supernatural will help you become all God created you to be. You will no longer be a victim, defeated, or broken. God wants to use you for His glory! From this day forward, there are no more limitations on your life.

      Designed for both individual and group study.

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    • In His Presence


      Here, at last, is a real solution to the prayer problem!

      In His Presence by E. W. Kenyon is not about who others were and what they did in prayer, but about who we are and what we can do in prayer. It lifts the curtain to the Holy of Holies and reveals our ability to enter in and stand before the presence of God.

      In this book, you will discover that God’s ability is available to every one of His children. You will be challenged to climb the heights and sound the depths of tremendous spiritual realities, including the authority of the name of Jesus and how to use it.

      In His Presence has been a challenge and blessing to countless multitudes all over the world. It removes the mist surrounding the prayer life, leading us out of spiritual mysticism into the true light of life.

      This is your invitation to open the door…enter…and stand in the Father’s presence!

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    • Unlocking The Code Of The Supernatural


      The Mystery of Being a Christian

      It can be hard for us to admit we are dissatisfied with our spiritual life. That we are in a place where going to church is not yielding the victory we desire. A place where we pray things like, “God, I will never do that again,” yet find ourselves doing it again and again.

      If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in fact a new creation. How would you like to start really experiencing that new life? Once you do, you will discover a world of unlimited spiritual possibilities.

      Being a Christian is a mystery in which Christ lives in us through a radical transformation of our spiritual DNA. We have a relationship with the living Jesus that changes every dynamic of our life. And we are given our own access code, which is the Word of God. This is how we enter into the benefits and features of our new life.

      What you need in order to overcome sin, sickness, poverty, and defeatism is to become conscious of, and intimate with, the indwelling Christ. Once you do, you will never again be manipulated by fear and insecurity. You won’t be caught in a vicious cycle of striving for God’s love and acceptance. You will be confident in your new identity, which will empower you to live the supernatural life God intends for you. You will operate in revelation knowledge, wisdom, spiritual understanding, and miracles. The bondage of sin, shame, and condemnation will be released by the power of the Holy Spirit. Demons won’t be able to oppress you because you will have an overwhelming consciousness of God’s love.

      Whether you are a new Christian or a long-time believer who has never been able to fully apply Christ’s victory to your life, Unlocking the Code of the Supernatural will help you become all God created you to be. You will no longer be a victim, defeated, or broken. God wants to use you for His glory! From this day forward, there are no more limitations on your life.

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    • Activate Heaven : Use The Power Of Your Voice To Win Your Battles And Walk


      Some things will not happen until you open your mouth. Your voice has the power to bring heaven to earth.

      God has given believers the ability to speak as He spoke, causing things that were not to be. The believer’s voice pulls, roots out, throws down, destroys, and builds up and plants (Jeremiah 1:10). When we speak according to the Spirit of God, our voices bring heaven to earth. When we open our mouths, heaven is speaking. When we prophesy, heaven is speaking. When we speak by the Spirit of God, heaven is speaking. No matter how much it seems like hell is raging, when we open our mouths and speak God’s Word, heaven comes.

      In Activate Heaven, John Eckhardt shows you how to use your voice to advance God’s agenda in the earth and equips you to stand against everything the enemy uses to silence your voice, from depression and confusion to sickness, pain, and rejection. The enemy would like nothing more than to silence the church. But when we open our mouths, the sick get healed, demons flee, miracles and finances are released, resulting in situations turned around. Speaking the will of God-speaking forth that which is in heaven-is the essence of the prophetic. Therefore, it’s time to stop complaining and start prophesying. It’s time to stop talking about how bad things are and begin to open our mouths and declare that as we speak heaven comes.

      This book will teach you how to use the most powerful tool you possess: Your voice. You will be empowered to rip off the muzzle placed upon you by man, and you will exercise the supernatural power of your voice.

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    • Joyful Finances : You Were Made To Prosper


      Do you work endless hours only to feel like there just doesn’t seem to be enough money at the end of the month? Have you ever felt under attack in the area of your finances?

      There is a war raging, and if you live in North America today, you are most certainly in the middle of it. While we may not see military vehicles and armed soldiers on every corner, realize that an army is fighting against you every day.

      You’re not alone. But make no mistake about it: God designed you for prosperity and abundance.

      Join Ryan Bondy as he shares from his thirty years of experience in business and investing. Learn how he and his wife Megan embraced a fresh perspective on life, love, and relationships to enjoy lives of joyful finances that previously seemed to elude them. Joyful Finances will introduce you to concepts that are sure to expose your heart’s deepest desires. Don’t allow life to steal one more minute of joy.

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    • Mystery Of The Power Words


      Speak the words that make hell tremble!

      There are timeless words, straight from the Scripture, that – when spoken and applied – paralyze the devil and cause accelerated supernatural shift. These words defeat demonic powers, heal disease, accelerate financial increase, overcome temptation, and demolish strongholds. These are the power words… and Satan is absolutely intent on removing them from the believer’s vocabulary.

      It’s time to open our mouths and release the thunder of Heaven!

      Kevin Zadai, bestselling author of Praying from the Heavenly Realm and The Agenda of Angels, was taken behind the heavenly veil where the Lord revealed to him certain power words that can release the power of Heaven and bind the strategies of hell.

      These powerful words include: The Blood – Repentance – New Covenant – Kingdom Dominion – The Fear of the Lord – Resurrection Power – Holy Fire – Visitation – Habitation – Divine Prosperity and many more!

      Mystery of the Power Words will help you…
      *Understand the pathways for walking out your destiny on Earth
      *Access the battle strategies of Heaven that reveal God’s intent for your life
      *Decode the veil of secrecy that surrounds the power words God wants you to understand and boldly speak
      *Clearly discern God’s will for you and your family
      *Identify and defeat the enemies of your advancement
      *Establish a link between praying in tongues and walking in Kingdom dominion

      All of Heaven is waiting for you to release these supernatural words! Wield the power of the tongue for the sake of the Kingdom! Decree and declare words of victory over your life today!

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    • Woman Thou Art Blessed


      No matter your circumstances, God calls you blessed!

      While you may not be able to control the unexpected trials and troubles you face on a daily basis, you can learn how to draw strength from the blessing of the Lord!

      In his dynamic style, Bishop T.D. Jakes presents encouraging devotionals that help you boldly declare ” Woman, Thou Art Blessed!” over every circumstance.

      Over the next 90 days, immerse yourself in biblical truths about your blessed identity. Each devotional entry includes powerful declarations of blessing to help you confess and declare what God says about you–that you are deeply loved, highly favored and radically blessed.

      When you see yourself the way God does, you can live the abundant life that Jesus promised!

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    • Simple Path To Following Jesus


      New Christians are full of questions. What now? How do I become more like Jesus? Where do I start making changes in my life? What does God want from me?

      This little book has the answers, based on Micah 6:8 (NIV): “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Pastor Rusty George explains that Christianity doesn’t have to be complicated. In this one verse God has revealed the simple, practical path to following Jesus.

      This small book is the perfect tool for churches or individuals to give to new Christians.

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    • Glorious Pursuit : Becoming Who God Created Us To Be


      The Glorious Pursuit examines how you can experience the long-term change that comes from following Jesus and reveal Him in how you act toward others. By examining the virtues of Christ, you’ll be introduced to a new way of experiencing Him that is authentic and gives meaning that lasts.

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    • 21 Days Of Deeper Prayer


      He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” -John 7:38

      Do you wish your Christianity had a little more of that kind of power in it? Jesus told His followers that those who believe in Him will have rivers of living water flowing from the depths of their beings. These rivers come from the presence of the Holy Spirit.

      When we receive Jesus, God’s Spirit takes up residence within us to be our Teacher, Guide, Ruler, and Comforter. But have you consistently experienced an intimate relationship with Him, where He moves with awesome power, flowing through you into the lives of the people around you? Would you like to know Him in this way?

      God wants you to experience Him more fully than you ever have in your life! What if I told you that if you spend the next twenty-one days reading this little book and joining in interactive prayer, then genuine rivers of the Holy Spirit will burst through your life? Would you do it?
      If you are willing, God Himself will shower you with His presence. You will learn how to pray to a heavenly Father who hears and answers you. You will experience moments with Him that will transform you from the inside out and take you to the next level in your Christian walk. God will change you right in front of the people who you know you best. They will clearly see that you have been changed, that you have something you didn’t have before, and they will want what you have. You will know, see, taste, and feel the potency of the Holy Spirit in prayer as you bring others before God.

      Jim Maxim is not a preacher or a pastor. He calls himself “a regular Christian guy who is a businessman.” Yet, he has experienced all this and wants others to experience it too! Prepare to discover an extraordinary life in God!

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    • Counting The Days


      How can we know if the Bible’s promise of everlasting life is true? One word: prophecy. One prophecy (among many) says that troubled times would come, with “men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth.” These certainly are troubled times. The CDC reported that in June 2020, a massive 30 million Americans seriously considered committing suicide.

      However, among its fearful predictions, the Bible also gives wonderful hope to those who will listen. Only God knows the future, and thanks to the Scriptures, so can we.

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    • Makers Diet Updated And Expanded (Expanded)


      The Maker’s Diet Is Back!

      More than fifteen years after its groundbreaking release, The Maker’s Diet is still changing lives with a vibrant program that can pull you out of the grip of debilitating disease and help you enter the Promised Land of excellent health.

      Jordan Rubin knows what it was like to be living at death’s door. Twenty-five years ago, he was suffering from Crohn’s disease in addition to a host of incurable digestive illnesses, leaving him with a bleak future. At just nineteen years old, Jordan wondered if he’d survive to his next birthday.

      After visiting seventy doctors and trying every “miracle” drug, diet, and supplement on the market, he found himself tearing through the pages of the world’s oldest, most sacred, and bestselling book-the Bible. What he found was a superb health plan that literally transformed his life and gave rise to The Maker’s Diet.

      On the following pages, you’ll discover how to live at your peak health by following Jordan’s 40-Day Health Experience: 40 days to abundant energy and improved appearance.

      While Jordan’s three-phase, 40-day health plan remains intact, in this new edition, he’s directed his healthy-living prescription to Millennials, the first generation to suffer in alarming numbers from chronic degenerative and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Type I diabetes, and even Parkinson’s disease. Additionally, the addiction to opioids-from prescription pain relievers to fentanyl-has created an “overdose crisis” among young people. With all this bad news, our very existence as a species is threatened if we don’t change-and change quickly. But Jordan has some good news: you can redirect your own health destiny, no matter how old, or how unhealthy, you are right now.

      If you’re suffering from debilitating disease, feeling hopeless, and doubting if you will ever feel like your old self again, let Jordan Rubin show you how you can make a comeback and experience robust health. Let The Maker’s Diet change your life today.

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    • I Am A Sheep


      If someone were to call you a sheep, you might take offense to it. However, in the eyes of God, being His sheep is meant in a loving way as one cared for by the Good Shepherd, Jesus. Author Debbie Cole learned of this truth during a period of struggle in her life.

      While practicing sheep herding with her dogs, Debbie began to notice how sheep interacted with her. Through this experience, Debbie believes God was showing her the need for her to follow Jesus as a sheep that He cares for. Her new book, I AM A SHEEP?!?!, expounds on Debbie’s journey of faith in learning who she is as a child of God, a sheep of the Good Shepherd, Jesus. She combines the truths she learned with the experiences herding sheep and witnessing how sheep respond to someone they trust, like a shepherd. Despite the valley she was in, Debbie made time for daily Bible reading and study.

      The twenty-third psalm from King David is what stood out to her as one capturing the essence of a believer trusting the Good Shepherd, as He leads us next to still waters and green pastures.

      Readers will enjoy learning the distinct characteristics and qualities that sheep have, shown through the author’s time with her flock, as well as how parallels can be drawn between a sheep and shepherd and our relationship with God and Jesus. There are also questions at each chapter’s end to inspire thought on the topics shared. Sheep may be seen by some as unwilling to follow their shepherd, but I AM A SHEEP?!?! proves sheep following after Jesus are following the one that loves and cares for them the most. Debbie Cole draws from her experience as a shepherd, sheep owner, dog handler, and devoted Christian to shed light on how our relationship with Jesus parallels His love for the sheep of this world. She has valuable experience in tending sheep and competing in sheep dog trials and thus possesses deep insight into their nature and tendencies. She is a skilled sign language interpreter and has presented many classes and lectures on this relationship to both Deaf and Hearing audiences. For many years she has spread the love she received from Christ with her husband, two daughters, ten grandchildren, and all who know her.

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    • Winsome Conviction : Disagreeing Without Dividing The Church


      In today’s polarized context, Christians often have committed, biblical rationales for very different positions. How can Christians navigate disagreements with both truth and love? Tim Muehlhoff and Rick Langer provide lessons from conflict theory and church history on how to negotiate differing biblical convictions in order to move toward Christian unity.

      We generally assume that those sitting around us in church share our beliefs. But when our personal convictions are contested by fellow Christians, everything changes. We feel attacked from behind. When other Christians doubt or deny our convictions, we don’t experience it as a mere difference of opinion, but as a violation of an unspoken agreement. Tim Muehlhoff and Rick Langer offer a guide to help Christians navigate disagreements with one another. In today’s polarized context, Christians often have committed, biblical rationales for very different positions. How do we discern between core biblical convictions and secondary issues? How do we cultivate better understanding and compassion for those we disagree with? Muehlhoff and Langer provide lessons from conflict theory and church history on how to avoid the dangers of groupthink and how to negotiate differing biblical convictions to avoid church splits and repair interpersonal ruptures. Christian unity is possible. Discover how we can navigate differences by speaking in both truth and love.

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    • Vibrant : Developing A Deep And Abiding Joy For All Seasons


      Have you ever met someone who possessed a quiet radiance so rich, so dynamic, that you ached for more, someone whose presence is so compelling you feel refreshed by a single conversation with them? If you know someone like this, you anticipate your times together. You realize their joy is contagious, their peace is deep, and their compassion is engaging.

      Such people are “vibrant.” Regardless of their socioeconomic status, their education, their marital status, or their health, these people are determined to live joyfully, seeing each obstacle as an opportunity for growth. The vibrant individual’s persona is attached to their convictions rather than their circumstances.

      Author Carol Burton McLeod believes everyone can choose to be Vibrant: Developing a Deep and Abiding Joy for All Seasons-and such a life begins by emulating Jesus. His life was filled with challenges and yet people were drawn to Him. Every character trait that we are called to embrace, every action of kindness or love, and each word of compassion or tenderness is a telling reflection of Christ within us. We are called to be a vibrant show-and-tell of what God is able to accomplish through one ordinary person.

      Carol explores what it means to follow Jesus in a world filled with disappointment, rejection, and discouragement. And she provides gentle encouragement and suggestions from Scripture to help us do just that.

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    • What Now : How To Live A Life Filled With Purpose


      Many times a new Christian is left standing alone, confused and wondering what happened-or what happens next. What Now was written to give the new child of God some foundation to start on. It will also erase some of the old-passed down ideas about God and open the mind up to the Word of God.

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    • X : Multiply Your God-Given Potential


      “Let’s hold nothing back and die empty, pouring ourselves out completely as a gift back to God. . . . This is when we’ll truly come alive and experience life to its fullest.”–John Bevere

      Do you ever feel like a spectator in God’s kingdom? Perhaps you know there’s something you should be doing, but you just can’t pinpoint it. Most of us want to make a big impact with our lives, but struggle with questions like:

      – How can I be sure I’m not missing God’s will for me?
      – What role do my unique gifts play in building God’s kingdom?
      – How do I make sure I live up to my God-given potential?
      – Is my calling less significant if I’m not in “ministry”?
      – How do I balance resting in God’s grace with meaningful actions for His kingdom?
      – How do I break fear and move forward even when it feels uncertain and risky?

      In this profound book, best-selling author John Bevere relies on a careful exploration of Scripture and uses powerful stories to help you think differently about your calling and why it’s so important to God. As you turn these pages, you’ll be empowered to multiply your God-given gifts and step into your potential.

      If you’re ready to trade inaction for greater purpose, your journey begins here.

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    • Engage 365 Beginning And Endings


      A year’s worth of Bible-reading notes for older teenagers, covering the Bible’s overarching storyline.

      This one-year edition of Engage Bible-reading notes takes older teens and young adults through the overarching storyline of the Bible, from beginning to end.

      Engage365 explores the beginning of the world (Genesis 1-11), of God’s chosen people (Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-20), of God’s song book (Psalms 1-23), of the church (Acts), and of life as a Christian (Colossians); plus the life and ministry of Jesus (Luke), and the end of everything (Revelation).

      A fun, engaging way for young people to dig deep into some key books of the Bible and learn how to handle, question and explore God’s word.

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    • If Only : Finding Contentment In The Face Of Lack And Longing


      Finding contentment when life lets you down.

      Life doesn’t always go the way we hope it will. Whether it’s singleness, childlessness or some other big disappointment, it’s hard to be content when life lets us down.

      Author Jennie Pollock knows what it’s like to feel discontent. With warmth and honesty, she answers common doubts that arise when life doesn’t go the way we had hoped: Is God good? Is he enough? Is he worth it?

      She walks readers through the process of taking our eyes off the things we wish we had and instead enjoying the character of the God we do have-a God who is good, who meets all our needs, and whose promises are worth the wait.

      Drawing on encouragements from the Bible and the stories of others, this book helps readers to trust in God’s plan for their lives and enjoy true contentment through a genuine conviction that Jesus is better than even our most keenly-felt hopes and longings for this life.

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    • Finding Soul Rest


      What does it mean to truly find rest?Jesus tells us that he “will give us rest.” But what does that look like in a society marked by increasing rates of overcommitment and burnout? Too many of us have built unhealthy cycles of rest, striving and straining against God’s intent for our lives.In Finding Soul Rest, Curtis Zackery provides a practical guide to finding the deep soul rest that Jesus promises. And it all centers around renewing and restoring our relationship with Christ. This thoughtful devotional on rest calls us to the intentional work of self-examination, helping us move toward a purposeful and sustainable life with Jesus.Through thoughtful reflections on Scripture and devotional questions, readers will rediscover their identity in rhythm with God.

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    • Too Blessed To Be Stressed


      Does your to-do list have footnotes? . . .Are you imprisoned by the joy-sucking dully-funks? . . . Maybe it’s time for a healthy dose of truth gift-wrapped in humor.

      Kick back a moment and take this revealing true-or-false stress test for women:

      T or F I am frequently grumpy and I don’t know why.

      T or F I used to enjoy cooking, but now it’s only a necessary chore.

      T or F I don’t feel appreciated for all the tasks that I do.

      T or F I’m embarrassed if caught relaxing or being “unproductive.”

      T or F The volume in my voice increases to MAKE MY POINT!

      T or F I feel like I live in my car.

      T or F I can’t remember the last time I laughed till I cried.

      T or F A “free” day is exhausting because I must complete all my home duties.

      T or F I tend to eat when feeling tense or overwhelmed.

      T or F I feel like I’m constantly on the defensive.

      T or F I often have unexplained headaches or stomachaches.

      T or F My to-do lists have footnotes.

      Now count the answers that you marked “true” and check out your status:

      4-6: Yellow Alert! You are at risk of becoming stressed out.

      7-9: Orange Alert! Look out, girlfriend, you’re at toxic stress levels.

      10-12: Red Alert!!! You are a bonified Stress Mess and need immediate help!

      If you often find yourself struggling with the stresses of finances, health, career, relationships, self-image, or family, then this humor-filled volume is just what you need. With simple, practical tips for attaining the peace you crave-the peace that passes all understanding-you’ll discover healing, refreshment, and revitalization for your spirit, body, and mind.

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    • Vibrant : Developing A Deep And Abiding Joy For All Seasons (Audio CD)


      Have you ever met someone who possessed a quiet radiance so rich, so dynamic, that you ached for more, someone whose presence is so compelling you feel refreshed by a single conversation with them? If you know someone like this, you anticipate your times together. You realize their joy is contagious, their peace is deep, and their compassion is engaging.

      Such people are “vibrant.” Regardless of their socioeconomic status, their education, their marital status, or their health, these people are determined to live joyfully, seeing each obstacle as an opportunity for growth. The vibrant individual’s persona is attached to their convictions rather than their circumstances.

      Author Carol Burton McLeod believes everyone can choose to be Vibrant: Developing a Deep and Abiding Joy for All Seasons-and such a life begins by emulating Jesus. His life was filled with challenges and yet people were drawn to Him. Every character trait that we are called to embrace, every action of kindness or love, and each word of compassion or tenderness is a telling reflection of Christ within us. We are called to be a vibrant show-and-tell of what God is able to accomplish through one ordinary person.

      Carol explores what it means to follow Jesus in a world filled with disappointment, rejection, and discouragement. And she provides gentle encouragement and suggestions from Scripture to help us do just that.

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    • Harnessing The Power Of Tension (Audio CD)


      The word tension comes from the Latin word tendere, which means “to stretch.” It’s not a bad thing to be stretched in our careers, our parenting, our ministries, or our leadership. Without tension, we become stagnant and stop growing. In fact, we might even say that tension is both inevitable and, in many cases, desirable in life and leadership.

      In Harnessing the Power of Tension: Stretched but Not Broken, international leadership consultant Sam Chand examines tension as it arises in and between the arenas of business, church, and family. The presence of tension isn’t a flaw in you or a threat from others. It’s not a problem to solve, but a strain to be used. When you develop this perspective and you encounter tension, you’ll be less confused and feel less guilty because you understand that tension isn’t the result of your error or flaw. You’ll experience less pressure to figure everything out and less compulsion to resolve it quickly and completely.

      When we accept tension as a reality of life, we gain confidence and mental clarity when we encounter it. Our focus isn’t on getting rid of tension, but using it to create something better than before. We don’t walk on eggshells, afraid to say the wrong thing. We learn when to speak up, when to ask questions, when to listen, and when to let things go. As we relax in the middle of tension, we see people and situations more clearly, and we invite our families and teams into the process of creatively using tension in life and leadership.

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    • Como Formar Vencedores De Giga – (Spanish)


      Con honestidad, humor y perspicacia biblica, los autores de exitos de ventas, Bill y Beni Johnson lo ayudan a descubrir las claves para una crianza exitosa en el reino de Dios. “Padres, gobernamos con el proposito de proteccion, pero tambien servimos con el proposito de empoderar”, escriben. “Queremos liberar el destino para nuestros hijos, ese es el privilegio de ser padres”.

      En estas paginas obtendra la sabiduria, los conceptos del reino y las herramientas practicas que necesita para ayudar a criar a sus hijos al maximo.

      Descubrira como ser padre de su singularidad, dones y fortalezas, asi como tambien como puede demostrar y revelar quien es Dios para sus hijos. Los autores tambien abordan problemas apremiantes que enfrentan los padres hoy en dia, incluyendo como:

      * Comprometerse plenamente a escuchar lo que el Seor esta diciendo sobre cada nio
      * Mantener una relacion y disciplina
      * Desarrollar el caracter
      * Entrenar a tus hijos para la adoracion
      * Avivar la llama de lo que Dios ha puesto en sus corazones
      * y mas

      No importa la edad de sus hijos, tiene una oportunidad increible de moldear sus corazones, mentes y valores. Aqui esta todo lo que necesita para ayudar a sus hijos a caminar hacia el destino de sus vidas y verlos convertirse en las personas increibles que fueron creadas para ser.

      ?With honesty, humor, and keen biblical insight, bestselling authors Bill and Beni Johnson help you discover the keys to successful parenting in God’s kingdom. “Parents, we rule for the purpose of protection, but we also serve with the purpose of empowering,” they write. “We want to release our children into their destiny–that’s the privilege of parenting.”

      In these pages you will gain the wisdom, kingdom concepts, and practical tools you need to help raise your children to their best.

      You’ll discover how to parent to their uniqueness, gifts, and strengths, as well as how you can demonstrate and reveal who God is to your kids. The authors also address pressing issues parents face today, including how to:

      * be fully engaged in hearing what the Lord is saying over each child
      * maintain relationship and discipline
      * develop character
      * train your children for worship
      * fan the flame of what God has put in their hearts
      * and more

      No matter what age your kids are, you have an incredible opportunity to shape their hearts, minds, and values. Here is everything you need to help your children walk into the destiny of their lives and see

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    • Hear Gods Voice


      Imagine a life in which you clearly hear God’s voice and follow His will daily.

      Do you long for God to speak to you, bringing guidance, strength, and comfort? Perhaps you have been praying for a word from God, but the heavens seem silent. Nothing is more important than knowing how to hear from God because our spiritual life depends on it. Without it, we can’t know and obey His will for us, and we may go down the wrong path or miss His plans for us.

      The Bible teaches and guides us in essential matters, but instruction for God’s specific, daily purposes for our lives comes from His Holy Spirit, who lives within us. Being able to hear from God is a growing, deepening process that leads us into His perfect plans. Through his extensive study of the Scriptures and personal life experiences, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince explains the practical steps you can take to hear from God, develop a close relationship with Him, remove obstacles to recognizing His voice, and understand the ways in which He communicates.

      Hearing God enables us to follow Him more confidently, love Him more deeply, and serve Him more completely. As you cultivate the practice of hearing God’s voice, you will receive the fresh, daily bread that nourishes you spiritually and find divine direction and strength for your ongoing walk with Him.

      This is the lifestyle you have been waiting for: hearing God’s voice and following Him each day, each step of the way.

      “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

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    • Rules Of Engagement


      “Disagreement among Christians is bound to happen. In fact, it’s almost guaranteed. But what happens when that disagreement turns to anger, resentment, and infighting? And what happens when such infighting is taken into public view for all to see? Is there ever a time where a battle of words is justified? How do we know what doctrines and viewpoints call for a full-fledged Christian assault and which ones call for a casual discourse? And where is grace in it all? These are all legitimate questions every Christian needs to address while deciding when and how to engage one another. Rules of Engagement will take the reader on a thoughtful review of the Christian’s higher calling. Through this book, readers will be introduced to a classification system to help them determine which types of doctrines are of high and low importance, thus identifying which hills to die on and which hills to concede. We cannot afford to fumble our way through Christian interaction, since it is the very glory of God which is at stake and the supposed image of Christ that we bear.”

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    • Take My Hand And Walk With Me


      Sometimes along our journeys, we face a rough and rocky path. We cannot see clearly ahead and it’s hard to keep persevering.

      This is the time to take hold of God’s right hand. He will travel with us, strengthening and guiding us, to a whole new destination-a place of abundance.

      Come and discover the ways in which God will bless you when you take his hand in yours.

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    • Gods End Time Temple


      Unlock Biblical secrets concerning the church in the last days.

      This book is a prophetic vision of the end-times church. By comparing biblical accounts of Zerubbabel, Haggai, Zechariah, and Melchizedek, with recent global events, this book unlocks biblical secrets regarding these last days, preparing you to walk in the fullness of your destiny

      The call is clear: If the people of God are to bring about outpouring and revival, we must learn to function in our biblical roles as priests and kings, ministering before the Lord and boldly carrying His Kingdom into society.

      Pastor, prayer warrior, and marketplace leader, Tracy Eckert shares her incredible journey with the Lord as He revealed His blueprint for this “Capstone generation” of the end-times church.

      In this revelatory work, Tracy activates you to…
      *Experience 100-fold fruitfulness in prayer.
      *Decipher the “signs of the times.”
      *Release supernatural strategies and solutions in your sphere of influence.
      *Access heaven and apply the living word to see transformation in your life.
      *Prepare for the glory and crisis of the coming days.

      Don’t miss this timely prophetic word. You have been destined to be an agent of the impossible! Embrace the fullness of your identity as a priest and King, and usher in the return of Jesus.

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    • She Found His Grace


      When Serena Dyksen heard the news that over 2,200 babies’ remains were found on the property of abortion doctor Ulrich “George” Klopfer, her whole body went numb from shock. She began to sob tears of grief. “Is my baby one of those remains?” she questioned. Dr. Klopfer performed her abortion when she was just thirteen years old.

      Just months before, Serena had decided to share her abortion story. After watching one of the last scenes in the pro-life movie Unplanned, she felt it was time to share the hope and healing God had done in her life. Serena’s story reads like a traumatic tale: a childhood of dysfunction, rape, abortion at thirteen years old, a pregnant teenager at the age of sixteen, health issues, and a devastating event that led her to alcohol and drug abuse.

      But in her book, She Found His Grace: A True Story of Hope, Love and Forgiveness After Abortion, Serena reveals the transforming power of God’s healing in her life that set her completely free. She now finds comfort from Genesis 50:20 (ESV): “As for me, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”

      Serena wants everyone who reads her book to know that she walks in freedom because of the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Everyone needs to walk through the healing process of their past abortion, no matter what the circumstances,” she testifies. “If you don’t, you will be walking through deception, pain, and all the bondage that goes with that. But the same God who sent people to show His love for me is the same God who will redeem your life too!”

      Headlines of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s evil highlights the horrors of the abortion industry, but Serena’s testimony overshadows that darkness with the truth of God’s word. There is forgiveness, hope, and healing for your past abortion. “God shines through my life; he can shine through yours too!”

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    • Give Me 40 Days 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      In this special 20th Anniversary edition, join Freeda Bowers on a life changing 40-day journey. Give Me 40 Days is a timeless and practical devotional to help you put everything in your life (marriage, children, finances, fears, hopes and dreams) into a daily connection with Jesus. Give Me 40 Days is your personal invitation for an encounter with God.

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    • Because Of Bethlehem


      A remarkable gift can arrive in an unremarkable package. One did in Bethlehem. In Because of Bethlehem, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will rekindle your connection to the Christ of Christmas and heal your heartache by showing you how to embrace the God who is always near you, always for you, and always in you.

      Max Lucado loves Christmas. Let the sleigh bells ring. Let the carolers sing. The more Santas the merrier. The more trees the better.

      He loves it because somewhere someone will ask the Christmas questions: What’s the big deal about the baby in the manger? Who was he? What does his birth have to do with me?

      And the answers he’s found give us all hope. God knows what it’s like to be a human. When we talk to him about deadlines or long lines or tough times, he understands. He’s been there. He’s been here. Because of Bethlehem, we have a friend in heaven.

      And Christmas begins what Easter celebrates. The child in the cradle became the King on the cross. Because of Bethlehem, we have a Savior in heaven.

      These are the heart-shaping promises of Christmas. Long after the guests have left and the carolers have gone home and the lights have come down, these promises endure.

      Let’s turn on the lamp, curl up in a comfortable spot, and look into the odd, wonderful story of Bethlehem.

      Max has found a lifetime of hope, and you will, too.

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    • Jesus Calling Note Taking Edition Leathersoft Black With Full Scriptures


      With Scripture and personal reflections, bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace–for today and every day.

      In this #1 New York Times bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader and are based on Jesus’ own words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture–penned by one who loves Him and reveres His Word. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.

      These much-loved devotions will help you look forward to your time with the Lord. Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.

      This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling(R) line. The eye-catching cover and devotional and journal in one encourage a close relationship with Jesus every day of the year. Readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love.

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    • Hoping For Happiness


      A biblical framework for living a grounded, hopeful and genuinely happy life.

      Everyone wants to be happy, and we all pursue happiness in different ways. Some people are thrill-seekers; others are homebodies. Some people are loners; others love big families or communities. Some people express things creatively; others consume what is created. Some sing; others listen to music. Whatever we find happiness in, we are united by our desire for work that matters and relationships that fulfil.

      As Christians, we often fall into the trap of basing our hopes on earthly things, even when we know they only make us happy for a short time. But how are we to experience happiness in this life? How do we avoid expecting too much of earthly things and being disappointed, or expecting too little and becoming cynics?

      In this book, recovering cynic Barnabas Piper helps us to throw off both the unrealistic expectations that end in disappointment and the guilty sense that Christians are not meant to have fun. He shows how having a clear view of the reality of the fall and the promise of redemption frees us to live a life that’s grounded, hopeful and genuinely happy.

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    • Letters From Jesus (Audio CD)


      “In Revelation 2:2, Jesus tells the church in Ephesus something intimate-Google Street View intimate. He says, ‘I know your works’ (Oida ta erga sou). Four words don’t seem like much, but in the Greek, it packs a punch…. Jesus chooses the Greek word oida, which expresses total, comprehensive knowledge. It is intimate knowledge that comes from being up close and personal. This knowledge isn’t hazy on the details. It doesn’t struggle to remember. It preserves the particulars. In the mind’s eye, everything is sharp and clear, like a well-taken photograph.” -Chris Palmer

      Letters from Jesus: Studies from the Seven Churches of Revelation explores Christ’s warnings to the seven most prominent churches in Asia Minor in the book of Revelation. These letters date back to 95 A.D., but they help us make a fascinating discovery about civilization: life hasn’t changed that much over the last two millennia.

      Author Chris Palmer illustrates the truths contained in the Letters from Jesus using modern, everyday examples. The host of the popular podcast Greek for the Week, he unpacks Greek words and phrases in these verses from Revelation with humor, joy, and biblical scholarship.

      Why study Greek, even just a little bit? As Chris explains, looking at the New Testament in the original language in which it was written can offer us some beautiful insights into God’s Word. “It’s like reading the Bible in high definition,” he says. Also, “studying God’s Word in the original language forces us to approach it with reverence and awe, humbling ourselves to obey what it says, whether it’s something we want to hear or not.”

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    • New Thinking New Future (Audio CD)


      “The way leaders think matters-it matters a lot. The problem is that we almost universally make a colossal subconscious assumption that the way we think is the only possible way to consider our situations…. It’s like our minds are running antiquated software that’s slow, glitchy, and unproductive-but it’s all we’ve ever known. We need to upgrade the software in our heads!”-Sam Chand

      With candor, humor, and personal stories, Sam peels back the layers of our assumptions to challenge us to think more deeply, more clearly, and more productively than ever before. He addresses fundamental topics all leaders instinctively address, including security, location, ownership, team, growth, and benchmarks of success. And he provides questions that leaders can ask themselves to develop New Thinking for a New Future.

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    • Shaping History Through Prayer And Fasting (Audio CD)


      Become a World-Shaper.

      The times we are living in are scary, to say the least. The world is unstable. Global politics are volatile. The rate of change we now experience is spiraling out of control. We’re uncertain about what will happen tomorrow, and we feel helpless to do anything about it. Yet what we are facing isn’t new. In the past, there have been many wars. There have been threats and acts of terrorism. History is spotted with violent episodes of unimaginable carnage and horror. And what did people do about them? The only thing they could do: they prayed! Discover with Derek Prince how your prayers and fasting can change the world. Using experiences from his own life, he illustrates how you can make a difference. You don’t have to fight. You don’t have to hold high political position. You don’t have to be a certain age. You don’t even have to have power, money, or influence on earth. What is important is your influence in heaven. Learn to touch the heart of God through prayer-prayer that will change the world!

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    • Madrinas – (Spanish)


      Hay un papel exclusivo de las mujeres, que abandonamos facilmente. Vivimos cerca la una de la otra, pero no la una con la otra, ni la una para la otra. No queremos entrometernos ni juzgar y, tal vez, no queremos vernos realmente exitosas. El mundo esta feliz con este estado infeliz de las mujeres, uno que nos empuja a conformarnos a un patron de desconfianza, desconexion y competencia. No es de extraar que nos hayamos perdido, y hayamos perdido nuestro camino.

      En su libro mas personal y poderoso hasta el momento, la autora de libros de exitos de venta del New York Times, Lisa Bevere, ofrece a las mujeres una vision catalizadora y transformadora de una forma diferente de vivir, una que abraza la presencia de una madrina: las mujeres mayores y mas sabias, fuertes, a las que puedes acudir y de las que puedes aprender, que se asocian a nosotros en la vida. !Y todas necesitamos una!
      Basandose en su propia vida, las mujeres biblicas y el mundo de los cuentos de hadas, Lisa le mostrara como transformar lo que tiene en lo que Dios quiere que tenga, seguir hacia delante durante las temporadas de duda, y amarlo lo suficiente como para decir la verdad sobre la vision mas grande y expansiva de Dios en su vida. Las palabras sinceras y compasivas de Lisa son su mejor primer paso para vivir como hija de Dios, rodeada de relaciones fuertes y confianza en su llamado.

      There is a role unique to women that we abandon easily. We live near each other, but not with each other–and not for each other. We don’t want to intrude or judge and, maybe, we don’t want to see each other truly succeed. And the world is happy with this unhappy state for women–one that pushes us to conform to a pattern of distrust, disengagement, and competition. It’s no wonder we’ve lost ourselves, and our way.

      In her most personal, powerful book yet, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere offers a catalytic, transformative vision for women of a different way to live–one that embraces the presence of a godmother–the older, wiser women you can go to and learn from, the strong women who partner with us through life. And everyone needs one! Drawing from her own life, biblical women, and the world of fairy tales, Lisa will show you how to transform what you have into what God wants you to have, push you forward during seasons of doubt, and love you enough to speak truth about God’s larger, expansive view of your life. Lisa’s candid, compassionate words are your best first step to living as

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    • Power Portals Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Joshua Mills firmly believes that all Christians are intended to live, move, and operate in the realm of the supernatural. In this study guide companion to his book Power Portals, Joshua explains how they can release the power of God in all areas of their life–spiritually, emotionally and physically. Much more than just discerning or sensing what God is doing, believers can participate in the supernatural on a daily basis. To do this, there are gates, or portals, of connection with the divine. These include the eyes, ears, mouth, heart, hands, and feet. There are also geographic portals, places that are home to great movements of God in which people are moved en masse. Places where people go in order to experience the move of God.

      The Power Portals Study Guide will help you to understand how these connections work and reveals the benefits that come to the believer when they make the connection.

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    • Power Portals : Awaken Your Connection To The Spirit Realm


      Joshua Mills firmly believes that all Christians are intended to live, move, and operate in the realm of the supernatural. In Power Portals, Joshua explains how they can release the power of God in all areas of their life–spiritually, emotionally and physically. Much more than just discerning or sensing what God is doing, believers can participate in the supernatural on a daily basis. To do this, there are gates, or portals, of connection with the divine. These include the eyes, ears, mouth, heart, hands, and feet. There are also geographic portals, places that are home to great movements of God in which people are moved en masse. Places where people go in order to experience the move of God. As usual, Joshua’s writing is filled with amazing personal stories of the supernatural at work in his life and ministry.

      Most Christians earnestly desire to connect with the Holy Spirit, but we all need to understand that the Holy Spirit earnestly desires to connect with us, unleashing divine miracles and supernatural forces that can change the world around us. Power Portals explain how these connections work and reveals the benefits that come to the believer when they make the connection.

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    • Abide In The Secret Place


      “‘When thou prayest,’ said Jesus, ‘enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret’ (Matthew 6:6). This means two things. First, shut the world out, and withdraw from all worldly thoughts and activities. Second, shut yourself in alone with God, to pray to Him in secret. Let this be your chief aim in prayer: to realize the presence of your heavenly Father. Let your watchword be, ‘Alone with God.'” –Andrew Murray

      From time spent alone with in prayer, Andrew Murray discovered that every Christian can expect God to reveal Himself in intimate, powerful, and soul-restoring ways. In this collection of 120 daily devotions, Murray reveals spiritual gems of truth about the personal revelation we can access when we abide with Christ in our secret prayer spaces. Through those intimate hours spent with your Savior, you will experiencing the depths of God’s abiding presence, the joyful sense of peace that comes from fellowship with our heavenly Father, and the abundant life in Christ that is available to all who seek it. You will discover that God has already granted you everything you will ever need, and that He delights in saying “yes” to you!

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    • Overflow Of The Spirit


      All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available continuously, effortlessly, and naturally to every Christian. First Corinthians 12:7-11 reveals the nine-fold manifestation-wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues-but the Holy Spirit has much more that He wants to share with all Christians and He is ready to fill them to overflowing.

      Most people believe they can only have one or two of the gifts mentioned in Paul’s letter, yet the Bible clearly shows that believers can receive all of them. In fact, the apostle himself probably evidenced all nine gifts. However, these are only examples of the way the Spirit of God may reveal Himself to His people. They are not the only ways He will do so.

      In Overflow of the Spirit: How to Release His Gifts in Every Area of Your Life, Dr. Mark Virkler and co-author Charity Virkler Kayembe, his daughter, endeavor to teach you how to connect with the Holy Spirit moment by moment and intentionally draw upon His supernatural abilities. You will learn how to tune to the indwelling Holy Spirit and release Him into every situation of your life. Rather than life being you in action, it will be the Holy Spirit in action through you. Blessings will overtake you as you live and walk by the Spirit.

      The overflow of the Spirit opens the door to an entire lifestyle of intimacy with God that, once mastered, releases the heavens and God’s provisions for your life. The authors’ clear, lineal, biblical teaching is interspersed with real-life stories that clearly illustrate each point. Application exercises at the end of each chapter help to guide you into putting the lessons into action.

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    • Seekers : An Interactive Family Adventure In Following Jesus


      Seekers is like nothing you’ve never seen before, a fascinating and wild escape room in book form that leads families into exciting conversations about our amazing God. In this mysterious journal, you and your family will travel through the Bible, following God’s fingerprints to find what he’s up to. Each of the 20 cases delves into a theme from Scripture and how it reveals who God is, how he works, and what he calls us to do. All of this unfolds through riddles, puzzles, art, and clues for families to solve together. Includes an in-depth family guide with thematic insights and answers to questions and riddles.

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    • Astounded : Encountering God In Everyday Moments – 52 Devotions Filled With


      Some days, real life is more outrageous than fiction. But sometimes, everyday moments are unexpected miracles.

      Craving a few minutes to step away from schedules and stress? Take a deep breath. “Astounded” is the reprieve you need. Angela Donadio shares raw, personal stories and shows us how to keep our eyes peeled for the miracle hidden in life’s messy moments. Because sometimes, when we least expect it, God breathes on a situation and leaves us astounded. As a mom, pastor’s wife, musician, adventure junkie and author, Angela understands the roles women carry and the unique pressures they face.

      Learn how God can use even the worst of circumstances to bring out the best in us. Laugh at life’s unpredictable moments while we apply the Bible to our everyday lives. Look for opportunities to make moments matter no matter what.

      Astounded offers 52 devotions for daily or weekly encouragement. Each devotion includes a key Bible verse, fresh spiritual insight, and practical application to help you encounter God in everyday moments.

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    • Preparing For The Great Outpouring


      Though the Holy Spirit has spoken to many in the Body of Christ that we are on the precipice of the greatest revival the world has ever seen, our hearts need to be prepared for a move of God. Preparing for the Great Outpouring: Is Your Heart Ready for A Move of God? addresses ways in which God prepares our hearts individually and corporately for a move of the Spirit. The book delves into six areas that serve as indicators that a vessel is actually prepared for revival.

      * Brokenness
      * Hunger
      * Prayer
      * Persistence
      * Thankfulness
      * Courage

      are key heart ingredients to the move of God. These indicators have accompanied past outpourings such as the Azusa Street Revival, the Brownsville Revival and the Toronto Blessing. These essential heart attitudes serve as prophetic signals that our hearts are ready for the end time outpouring that God is about to send to the world!

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    • Masquerade : Deception In The Last Days


      Deception abounds in the world today as Satan continues his masquerade as an angel of light. But while he may be the king of deception, he is not alone in marketing falsehood and deceiving multitudes with lies and twisted beliefs. Jesus warned His disciples to not allow themselves to be deceived. And Paul warned Timothy to stay away from people who welcome, live in, and teach deception. Deceptive teachings lead only to trouble and sorrow. But the Truth will reveal and deliver us from them. Join author and evangelist, Donna Sparks, as she takes up the important task of exposing deception and removing the masks from lies masquerading as truth.

      Foreword by Daniel Kolenda. As the successor to world renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Daniel is the president and CEO of Christ for All Nations-a ministry which has conducted some of the largest evangelistic events in history. He also hosts an internationally syndicated television program.

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    • Creator Father King


      Creator, Father, King is a One Year devotional written to help teens learn more about God and see His love, His perfect character, and His eternal plan of redemption to reconcile lost sinners to Himself. Josh Cooley uses verses from all 66 books of the Bible to show how God can be found throughout Scripture.

      Each of the 365 devotions includes a “what does it mean” section, a “now what” section, and a “did you know” section. It gives practical ideas for spiritual growth, additional perspectives and background for each devotion, and a summary of how each devotion describes God.

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    • On The Edge Of Incredible


      I’ve got some great news for you! You are much closer than you think to living a life that deeply satisfies your heart and soul, even if it feels like that’s not true for you right now. In fact, for many people it feels impossible. It might even look impossible. Despite our feelings and perspectives, though, it is still absolutely, undeniably true: you are living on the edge of incredible.

      You’re receiving an invitation with these very words-an invitation to more freedom than you’ve ever thought possible. It’s an invitation to revel in unconditional acceptance, to make a positive impact in the lives of those around you, and to move past the edge of incredible right to the very centre of it.

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    • Portrait Of Gratitude


      A Portrait of Gratitude will guide you through the art gallery of life, explaining the exhibits of an artistic God. In these pages, you will be given an opportunity to reflect upon and study the biblical thank offering, a reflection about what it means for a believer to live out a life of gratitude for God’s mercy and goodness in his or her life.

      The book is broken down into four easy to read sections to guide you through the galleries of the Bible and see the many inspiring examples God gives us through biblical characters. It is designed for Christians, to strengthen their walk with God, help them learn about the historical use of the thank offering, and grasp how its example can be applied to life in today’s modern world.

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