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    Audio Books

    • Pointing To The Pasturelands


      All theology is doxology.

      Anglican theologian J. I. Packer was one of the most widely respected Christian writers of the twentieth century. Author of over forty books and named one of the most influential evangelicals by Time magazine and the readers of Christianity Today, Packer’s impact is immense. He was known for profound theological writing that was always lively and worshipful.

      Pointing to the Pasturelands recovers several decades of Packer’s contributions to the pages of Christianity Today. This includes his editorial columns, longer articles, and brief answers to readers’ theology questions. The book concludes with a profile of Packer from Mark A. Noll. Enjoy timeless insights from a man whose life was devoted to knowing God and making him known.

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    • Rocking It Grand


      Grandma–You Can Be a Game-Changer for Generations to Come.

      Today’s grandmas live in an ever-changing, fast-paced, highly-competitive, busier-than-ever world. We struggle with balance as we help our children manage theirs–grandbabies, work, exercise, staying healthy, and leading our growing families.

      Chrys Howard and Shellie Tomlinson have more than 20 (as of now) grandchildren between the ages of newborn to 30 years old. Together they inspire grandmas with personal stories, learned insight, relevant Scripture, and a few laughs to encourage new and seasoned grandmas to press on.

      Rocking It Grand includes four, easy-to-remember R’s in each of the 18 devotions:
      *Remember it is a scripture passage to absorb;
      *Read about it is a personal message from Chrys or Shellie;
      *Reflect on it is a quote to highlight their message; and
      *Rock it provides an action step to reinforce the topic.

      Become more confident and intentional with your grandchildren, your adult children, and their spouses; more grounded in your faith; and ready to rock your role as the best grandparent you can be.

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    • Rhythm Of Us


      Are you feeling stuck in your marriage? Do you long to enjoy your spouse over a lifetime but you don’t know how to get there?

      Chris and Jenni Graebe want you to know that every marriage can thrive. Using thoughtful, accessible stories and practical guidance, the Graebes provide an “anyone can do it” vision for healthy marriage, leaning into life-giving, universal rhythms that guide our deepest passions and priorities. For marriage partners, Chris and Jenni show how the classic spiritual practice of the rule of life can create a dynamic and lifelong “rhythm of us.”

      Together and individually, you will learn how to create space in your busy lives to spend time with Jesus and become more like Jesus. Instead of reacting to the pull of life into a thousand meaningless directions, you will learn how to craft an intentional rhythm to guide you toward a life and marriage of significance.

      What profound yet seemingly ordinary everyday rhythms can bring you closer to God and each other? What core rhythms are key to every healthy couple? You will answer these questions in unique ways to your relationship and situation. The Rhythm of Us also includes exercises to evaluate your personal habits, values, and vision inventories.

      Leave behind the busy life of chaos and hurry and develop your unique Rhythm of Us. Change your marriage for the better. Start living intentionally and fully now.

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    • Pilgrim Legacy


      A story that must not be erased from America’s history or from the public squares of nations worldwide…

      “In all the history of the world, as nations have arisen and fallen amid endless war and bloodshed, the founding of America was utterly unique,” writes Derek Prince. “Reaching the shores of an unknown wilderness, a small group of people planted seeds–not of military might, or wealth, or power, but seeds of faith and freedom. And those seeds took hold and grew.”

      Such seeds affect the destinies of nations.

      A nation participates in shaping its own destiny through the process of sowing and reaping: what nations sow, they will reap. If they seek to align themselves with God’s purposes, they will experience His favor and blessing. But if they seek to align themselves with purposes that are in opposition to God’s, they will not prosper.

      Who were the Pilgrims? Why did they come to America? What difference did they make in the history of our country–and what does their legacy tell us about our country’s destiny?

      The seeds sown by our Pilgrim ancestors 400 years ago continue to influence our culture and government. The basic principles by which they lived–beliefs in personal liberty, freedom of religion, and living in covenant with others–laid a strong foundation for America’s religious and political freedom. Without question, what the Pilgrims sowed, America has reaped as an abundant harvest.

      Yet how long will the blessing of the Pilgrims’ influence continue? The light of this nation is still shining. But something is going wrong. Like a heavy, unanticipated fog, a spiritual darkness is gradually moving in to dim that light.

      In The Pilgrim Legacy, internationally recognized Bible teacher and scholar Derek Prince discloses the biblical principles and tools at work in the lives of this small group of Christians who were, in a sense, the spiritual ancestors of the United States. It was these principles that not only helped to establish the nation but enabled America to be a stepping-stone in spreading the light of the gospel of the kingdom around the world.

      By discovering and implementing the principles by which the Pilgrims lived, we can continue The Pilgrim Legacy today and preserve the spiritual destiny of our nation.

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    • Mirate Bonita Mirate Feliz – (Spanish)


      Con frecuencia pensamos que es muy facil responder si nos preguntan quienes somos. Sin embargo, si lo preguntamos a nosotros mismos, no podemos contestarnos a ciencia cierta. La mayoria de las personas no saben quienes son; mas bien responden a base de lo que hacen. De ahi parten las inseguridades, los miedos, la dificultad de reconocer sus talentos, tener relaciones interpersonales satisfactorias, sentirse bien con lo que son y ser felices. Sonia Luna, en este su primer libro, comparte sus profundos conocimientos sobre la mujer y el ser humano, no solo a nivel espiritual, sino sicologico y emocional. Empieza por presentarse a si misma desde nia y luego adolescente, para explicarnos el desarrollo del ser y como quienes somos es un viaje que se va desarrollando porque esta moldeado por nuestras experiencias desde que nacemos, las influencias de nuestras familias, los momentos que nos marcan y las numerosas etapas que vivimos en nuestro desarrollo como seres humanos. Nuestra autora nos invita a descubrir quienes somos, lo cual requiere nuestra principal atencion. Cuando sabemos quienes somos, logramos alcanzar la plenitud y la felicidad, y vemos lo mejor en nosotros.

      We often think that it is quite easy to answer if we are asked who we are. However, if we ask ourselves that question, we cannot answer with any certainty. Most people do not know who they are; rather they respond based on what they do. Hence the insecurities, fears, and the difficulty in recognizing their talents, having satisfactory interpersonal relationships, feeling good about who they are, and being happy. In See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy, Sonia Luna shares her profound knowledge on women and human beings, not only on a spiritual level, but also on a psychological and emotional level. She begins by presenting herself as a child and later as a teenager, to explain the development of being and how finding out who we are is a journey that unfolds. This journey is shaped by our experiences since birth, the influences of our families, the moments that mark us, and the many stages that we go through in our development as human beings. Sonia invites us to discover who we are in order to achieve fulfillment and happiness, and see the best in ourselves.

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    • Spiritual Renewal : 90 Devotions For A Deeper Fellowship With God


      The great work of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Christ in our hearts and lives as the crucified one who dwells within us. Let this be the chief aim of all your devotion: complete dependence on God and an expectation of continually receiving all goodness and salvation from Him alone. –Andrew Murray

      To live a life of grace filled with God’s blessings, Christians must set aside time each day to read the Scriptures, spend time alone in prayer, and seek to draw closer to the Lord. In Spiritual Renewal: 90 Devotions for a Deeper Fellowship with God, Andrew Murray provides quiet reflections on the Bible that invite believers to enter into God’s presence and fellowship with Him daily. Murray shares his heartfelt teachings on:

      *Fellowshipping with Christ on the cross
      *The exceeding greatness of God’s power
      *How temperance in all things brings us closer to the Lord
      *The missionary messages of the apostles
      *The role of the Holy Spirit in the church

      Through intimate hours spent with your Savior, you will experience the depths of God’s abiding presence, the joyful sense of peace that comes from fellowship with our heavenly Father, and the abundant life in Christ that is available to all who seek it.

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    • Creative Glory : Embracing The Realm Of Divine Expression


      Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spirit that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, embracing the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.

      Creative glory manifests to…

      * Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
      * Bring forth what is new-what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
      * Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
      * Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders..
      * Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
      * Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
      * Release dreams and visions from God.
      * Supply supernatural provision.
      * Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.

      As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.

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    • God Is For You


      God Is FOR You!

      Here is a beautiful collection of 180 devotions that will speak to your heart, while helping you to grow in your faith and encouraging you to spend one-on-one time with the Master Creator. God Is FOR You is a stirring reminder of the perpetual encouragement that can only be found in God’s Word. It’s the perfect book to give as a gift or use for personal quiet time.

      May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father. . .encourage your hearts and strengthen you. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 NIV

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    • 60 Second Refreshment: Daily Messages From Gods Heart


      60 Seconds to Hear God’s Voice!

      You’ll discover everyday inspiration and encouragement from God’s Word in the 60 Second Refreshment: Daily Messages from God’s Heart, where you’ll find 365 days of love and hope straight from the heavenly Father Himself. An ideal any-occasion gift or personal pick-me-up, this encouraging book is guaranteed to brighten your day and lighten your way! This gift will keep on giving for years to come!

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    • 1 Good Word A Day


      If you were to pick one word for the year, what would it be?Invite . . . Abide . . . Balance . . . Simplify . . . ?

      Every January, many of us proclaim our word for the year, choosing something inspiring that will help us set our intention for the coming months. But what would happen if rather than choosing one word for an entire year (because let’s face it, some of us forget by March), we focused on one good word each day-one thought-provoking, spiritually relevant, and encouraging word that reveals the many lovely and delightful truths of who Jesus is in our lives?

      One Good Word a Day offers simple, but deeply spiritual meditations that will help readers linger on one word each day so they can identify and reflect on how Jesus as the Word influences their daily lives.

      Jesus is more than one word. He offers us abundance, hope, peace, kindness, courage, mercy, and so much more. One Good Word a Day reminds readers that in Christ, we find all we need to live encouraged and uplifted every day.

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    • Unlikely Fighter : The Story Of How A Fatherless Street Kid Overcame Violen


      Some memories are permanently seared into our childhood brains with a hot iron of adrenaline and fear. For five-year-old Greg, it was the memory of his ma walking back to the house after confronting his stepdad with a splintered, bloodied baseball bat in her hand.

      Greg Stier was raised in a family of bodybuilding, tobacco-chewing, fist-fighting thugs. He never knew his biological father because his mom had met his dad at a party; she got pregnant, and he left town. Though his mom almost aborted him, in a last-minute twist, Greg’s life was spared for so much more.

      Unlikely Fighter is the incredible story of how God showed up in Greg’s life–and how he can show up in yours as well. This is a memoir of violence and mayhem–and how God can transform everything.

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    • 1 Year Praying In Faith Devotional


      The faith journey can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be.

      Abraham, Joseph, David, Paul, and even Jesus himself–all heroes of the faith who experienced both the soaring grace of answered prayers and crushing sorrow when God seemed unwilling to respond or too far away to hear. And yet, even in the darkest times, God was working, writing an unseen story of redemption that would save the world.

      When we pray, how do we see beyond the immediate and into the eternal? How do we know when to keep praying and when to give up; when to consider something a promise from God and when to recognize that it was from our own imagination? Why does silence from God rarely mean no and almost always mean come closer?

      The One Year Praying in Faith Devotional answers these questions and many more, taking you through a 365-day journey that will help you experience a prayerful relationship with God like never before.

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    • 10 Steps To Your Best Life


      There used to be a time we called normal. In the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, we led distracted lives in a chaotic world. Though things seemed in control, we were lacking the joy of accomplishment, the courage from pushing through the unknown into the beautiful, the wonder of walking down an untraveled road to a new destination. We sought refuge in the safe confines of what we knew, what was familiar.

      Then, everything changed.   Things will never go back to normal. This may seem pessimistic, but author Brent Crowe shows us there is a time-tested, pandemic-tested approach to a more fulfilling kind of life. There is a new normal that can, and should, emerge from the ashes of 2020. The ancient wisdom of Jesus gives us just that.

      10 Steps to Your Best Life extracts 10 clear steps that Jesus taught for living in and through the most difficult times of transition. Discover how to emerge from the shadows with a clear vision for living well in a post-pandemic world.

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    • Divine Disruption : Holding On To Faith When Life Breaks Your Heart


      An insightful biblical and conversational response from Dr. Tony Evans and his four children-Chrystal Evans Hurst, Priscilla Shirer, Anthony Evans, and Jonathan Evans-on how God uses the hard things of this life to draw us into a deeper faith in Him.

      Divine Disruption explores the many hardships we experience in life and how God breaks through with the power of hope. In the book, Dr. Tony Evans and his four children-Chrystal Evans Hurst, Priscilla Shirer, Anthony Evans, and Jonathan Evans-discuss their faith-shaking experiences: from the deep grief of losing six loved ones in less than two years’ time, with the most devastating blow being the death of Lois Evans, the matriarch of the family, to a deep dive into dealing with the various hard, unexpected things we all face. Life throws many curves-whether the loss of a job or health due to the ongoing worldwide pandemic, or marriage and relationship issues, problems with children, even the recent racial and political unrest.

      The authors step together into a unique Kingdom Legacy partnership, opening themselves to the honest questions, raw emotions, and solutions they learned to cling to amid their various struggles as they honor their mother’s wish to work together. Through their bond and individual strengths, they demonstrate how even the most devastating tragedies can bring glory to God as He continues to meet their needs and build their faith.

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    • God Is My Hiding Place


      If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.–Corrie ten Boom

      Dutch watchmaker Corrie ten Boom, with her courageous, God-fearing family, sheltered Jews from the Nazis during World War II. This led to her arrest and suffering in prison and concentration camps–told in her bestselling book The Hiding Place (and feature-length film of the same name. Her dramatic life story and her more than 40 other books have prepared millions of readers to face their own futures with courage–relying on God’s love to forgive, overcome, heal, and restore.

      Now, for admirers of Corrie ten Boom as well as a new generation of readers, this 40-day devotional based on Corrie’s writings will strengthen your faith, re-root your soul in Christ, and increase your experience of God’s peace. Receive the courage and comfort of the Holy Spirit, and remind yourself of what Corrie ten Boom knew and lived: God is your hiding place.

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    • Resurrected Faith The Heart Of A Contender


      A Firm Foundation Publishing Title

      Wake up!

      Far too many believers sleepwalk through life unaware of the pandemic of dead faith threatening their lives and those they love.

      You have heard the Holy Spirit’s alarm and awakened with a deep longing for more of the presence of Jesus in your day-to-day life. Your heart aches for freedom from anxiety and meaningless repetition, hoping for the abundant life Jesus promised with overflowing joy, peace, love, and so much more.

      Book one, Resurrected Faith: The Heart of a Contender, awakens you to the crisis of dead faith jeopardizing our families and churches. Unfortunately, you and I are powerless to revive what is dead. However, as we answer Jude’s ancient call “to contend for the faith,” the resurrection power of Jesus will transform us from the inside out. What is dead can live again!

      You will be challenged to consider your singular heart’s cry. Don’t allow dead faith to hit your spiritual snooze button. Instead, permit the Holy Spirit to ignite a passion to know Jesus and make Him known within your heart.

      While dead faith ignores the symptoms and continues to go through religious motions, resurrected faith will ignite the activity of “faithing” through an intimate knowledge of Jesus and not a lifeless creed. Your struggle for living faith will keep you from being fooled by counterfeit religion.

      With the Spirit’s help, you will take a closer look at yourself and comprehend your God-given identity as a follower of Jesus. Knowing who you are, gives you unshakable confidence to contend for the faith and live what you believe. Finally, you will see how to persevere in the ongoing fight for resurrected faith with the heart of a contender.

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    • When Strivings Cease


      This is not a call to get busy; it’s a call to get discerning.

      In this hustling, image-forward age of opportunity, women are more anxious than ever. Despite all the affirming memes and self-reflections that dominate social media feeds, approval and worth often seem assigned to what we do rather than who we are. And we end up constantly feeling behind, lacking, and like we’re failing–at home, at work, with friends, with God.

      Ruth Chou Simons knows something of feeling measured by achievement, performance, and the approval of others. As a Taiwanese immigrant growing up between two cultures, Ruth was always on a mission to prove her worth. Until she came to truly understand the one thing that changes everything: the extravagant, undeserved gift of grace from a merciful God. In When Strivings Cease, Ruth guides us all on a journey to find freedom from the never-ending quest for approval and affirmation. She shows us how to:

      *examine the ways we look to superficial means of acceptance and belonging, and find relief in realizing we can’t be so amazing that we won’t need grace;

      *stop seeing God as someone we perform for and start finding delight in responding to God’s welcome; and

      *find relief from running the hamster wheel of relying on our own strength, our own abilities, and our own savvy–and always coming up short–by truly understanding the freedom Jesus purchased.

      With personal story, biblical insights, practical applications, and original artwork by Ruth, this transformational new book helps us see the beautiful truth that God’s favor is the only currency we need, because in Christ we are enough.

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    • Symphony Of Salvation


      SKU (ISBN): 9781641584050ISBN10: 164158405XEugene PetersonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 2021Publisher: NavPress

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    • Permanent Markers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780736984805ISBN10: 0736984801Janel BreitensteinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2021Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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    • Making Faith Magnetic


      As followers of Jesus, we know that the good news is deeply attractive. But we often fear that to those on the outside, it comes across as irrelevant or even repellent. Sometimes the Christian worldview feels so out of step with everything else going on that we don’t know how to share our faith.

      However, author Daniel Strange wants to show you that the connections are there–in fact, the longings that our culture cannot help but express are the very ones that Jesus fulfils.

      Building on the work of theologian J.H. Bavinck, Dan reveals five recurring themes that our culture can’t stop talking about, or, as he puts it, the “five permanent ‘itches’ that in our work, rest, and play, we have to vigorously scratch.” From TV to books to social media, these are the questions we can’t stop asking and the tensions we can’t stop wrestling with–and Jesus speaks powerfully into each one.

      This book will help you to spot these connections in our culture, excite you about how Jesus makes sense of humankind’s deepest questions and longings, and equip you to speak of him to others in a way that is truly magnetic.

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    • Finding My Father


      Blair Linne’s personal story of growing up without a father at home reflects the experiences of millions. She weaves her personal story with thoughtful theological reflection, inviting readers to learn from God what father really means and to trust him, even if they feel their earthly father has let them down.

      This book will help readers to shift their eyes from what they do not have in their earthly fathers (who, whether present or absent, loving or the opposite, can never be perfect) to what they do have in their eternal Father, who will never disappoint, reject or abandon them.

      Readers will see that the gospel promises not just forgiveness but also a place in God’s family, experienced in a local church, where they can enjoy the fullness of his fatherly joy, care, wisdom, provision, protection and security.

      Also includes a chapter by Blair’s husband, the Christian hip-hop artist Shai, on his own story of fatherlessness and faith.

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    • How Do We Live In A Digital World


      Use your technology wisely.

      Technology plays a prominent role in our lives. Recent developments have created new communities and revolutionized how we obtain information. Many people rely on digital media for work, study, and entertainment. Whether we are comfortable with digital media, it is here to stay. But are you the master, or is it mastering you?

      In How Do We Live in a Digital World?, C. Ben Mitchell considers the benefits and burdens of digital media. Technology is not morally neutral; the situation is more complicated. Rather than taking uncritical or consumerist attitudes, Christians need to show discernment. Gain wisdom for how you should live in a digital world.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • Who Is Jesus Of Nazareth


      What you can know about Jesus.

      Jesus is the most influential person in history. But not everyone agrees on who he was. Was he a fraud, a failed savior, or the Messiah? What can you know for sure about him?

      In Who is Jesus of Nazareth?, Craig L. Blomberg shows what you can know about Jesus and how you can know it. There is a wealth of information about Jesus from ancient sources, whether Christian or non–Christian, oral traditions or written manuscripts. Blomberg guides you through these sources, so you can investigate them for yourself. Explore the evidence about Jesus and why he matters today.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • Why Does Friendship Matter


      How you can make the best of your friendships.

      In a world where making friends-and unfriending-can be done with a click, is friendship the most disposable relationship? Or is it an underappreciated treasure? How should you think about your friends?In Why Does Friendship Matter?, Chris L. Firestone and Alex H. Pierce consider the profits and perils of friendship. Everyone needs friends. Friends help us navigate and enjoy life: “The sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel” (Prov 27:9). Firestone and Pierce define friendship, draw from perspectives of the past, and consider different types of friendship, its limits, and possible red flags. Learn what makes for a good friend and how you can be one.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • How Can We Help Victims Of Trauma And Abuse


      How you can support survivors with the hope of Christ.

      Chances are that you know someone who has experienced trauma-or you’ve experienced it yourself. So how can you respond wisely, carefully, and helpfully?

      In How Can We Help Victims of Trauma and Abuse?, Stephen N. Williams and Susan L. Williams draw on their expertise in theology and counseling to equip you. Ignorant helpfulness can be damaging; a truly fruitful response must be informed, not just well–intentioned. Before we can aid in recovery, we must gain a deeper understanding of trauma’s emotional and spiritual implications. Moreover, we need a Christian perspective on trauma. Discover how Christ is the light and life that defeats darkness and death.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • What Is Islam


      How to love your Muslim neighbor.

      Islam is the second–most popular and fastest–growing religion in the world. Islam and Christianity share some common commitments, but there are crucial differences. However, the greatest barrier to dialogue is that Christians and Muslims often misunderstand each other. Do you understand Islam?

      In What Is Islam?, Chawkat Moucarry compares the teachings of Islam and Christianity on the most essential issues, such as the Bible, God, Jesus, sin and forgiveness, Muhammad, and God’s kingdom. Moreover, Moucarry dispels the many myths and misconceptions that both religions hold about the other, paving the way for charitable discussion. Understand how the gospel is good news for everyone.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • Beautiful Hearted Women Of The Bible


      Enjoy Valuable Time with Your Daughter and the Lord by Connecting through Stories, Discussion, Prayer, Action, and Creativity

      Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible is a creative, hands-on, 40-week devotional that provides a sweet space for moms and daughters ages 5-10 years old to grow in their relationship with God and each other.

      Each devotional features a woman of the Bible who served God in word and action. The examples will develop beautiful hearts of strength, courage, and love in both moms and daughters as they admire the fortitude and inner beauty of these women and will ultimately point them to Jesus.

      Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible reaches beyond the mind to the heart, connecting moms and daughters and helping to raise difference-makers for Jesus.

      *Imaginative and reflective questions within each story
      *Three questions and a simple prayer at the end of each story
      *”Girls in Action”-practical ways to put your faith in action
      *”Creative Fun” with lots of clever activities

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    • Slippery Slope : 6 Stories Of Faith, Friendship And Imagination (Audio CD)


      Adventures in Odyssey audio dramas release the imagination of both young and old as listeners follow a host of characters through adventures in the town of Odyssey. Geared towards kids ages 8 and up, these audio dramas teach biblical truths and moral foundations for children to make decisions from throughout their lives. Perfect for car rides and initiating important conversations with kids.

      In A Slippery Slope, album #71 of the series, a girl loses her faith and walks through the process of seeing if she can ever find it again. Each of the six episodes conveys a strong moral theme:

      1. “The Team”-Teamwork
      2. “Please Adjust Your Frequency”-Pride
      3. “Higher than Our Ways”-Grief
      4. “Triple-Decker Sundae”-Faith
      5. “Set a Watchman”-Friendship
      6. “Worth It”-God’s Way

      Recently winning the “Radio Program of the Year” from the National Religious Broadcasters Association, the team that creates these audio dramas continues to deliver content children love and adults can trust.

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    • Sacudimiento Y Avivamiento De – (Spanish)


      !Sacudimiento… avivamiento… y cosecha!

      Los ultimos tiempos se estan revelando ante nuestros ojos.

      Primero, habra sacudimientos sin precedentes.

      Hoy en dia, el mundo esta siendo sacudido de manera sin precedentes. Y esto es solo el comienzo. Las naciones, instituciones, economias, familias, individuos, el medio ambiente, el cosmos, el mundo espiritual; en fin, en cada dimension y esfera de la vida, veremos poderosas olas de sacudimiento que interrumpiran el curso de nuestras vidas y eliminaran nuestro falso sentido de seguridad en los recursos terrenales, obligandonos a volver la mirada a nuestro Creador.

      El proposito principal de los sacudimientos es juzgar al mundo por su pecado y rebelion contra Dios. Sin embargo, Dios usara el sacudimiento que estamos experimentando ahora para refinar a los creyentes, de modo que seamos purificados hasta convertirnos en el remanente que esta listo para la inminente aparicion de Jesus.

      Segundo, habra un avivamiento sin precedentes.

      A medida que respondamos al sacudimiento con arrepentimiento y profundo fervor a Dios, estaremos preparados para tomar papel activo en el avivamiento de los ultimos dias, en el que se revelara la gloria soberana de Dios. Habra un movimiento sobrenatural integral caracterizado por milagros, sanidades, salvaciones, provision financiera, vision profetica, santidad renovada, adoracion poderosa, discipulado solido y profundo amor.

      Finalmente, !habra una cosecha de almas sin precedentes con impacto global!

      El Espiritu Santo empoderara a la iglesia para alcanzar a los perdidos con demostracion de milagros, seales y maravillas. Millones de personas en todo el mundo vendran al arrepentimiento genuino, entregando sus corazones al Seor Jesus.

      En Sacudimiento y avivamiento de los ultimos tiempos, el autor de best-sellers, Guillermo Maldonado, profundiza sobre el tema de los ultimos tiempos introducido en sus libros anteriores, revelando como…
      *Evitar el juicio de Dios
      *Responder correctamente a los sacudimientos divinos en su vida y en el mundo
      *Ser avivado y continuamente lleno del Espiritu
      *Participar en la cosecha mundial de almas
      *Moverse con poder sobrenatural

      !Necesitamos entender el ciclo de Dios en los eventos de los ultimos tiempos para poder alinear nuestras vidas a Sus propositos trascendentales en estos dias finales!

      Shaking…Then Revival…Then Harvest!

      The end times are unfolding before our eyes.

      First, there will be unprecedented shakings.

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    • End Time Shaking And Revival


      Shaking…Then Revival…Then Harvest!

      The end times are unfolding before our eyes.

      First, there will be unprecedented shakings.

      Today, the world is shaking in alarming ways. And this is just the beginning. Nations, institutions, economies, families, individuals, the earth’s environment, the cosmos, the spiritual realm–in every dimension and sphere of life, we will see powerful waves of shaking that disrupt the course of our lives and take away our false sense of security in earthly resources, compelling us to return to our Creator.

      The main purpose of these shakings is to judge the people of the world for their sin and rebellion against God. Yet God is using the shaking we are now experiencing to refine believers so we will be purified to become the remnant that is ready for Jesus’s imminent appearing.

      Second, there will be unprecedented revival.

      As we respond to the shaking with repentance and wholehearted devotion to God, we will be prepared to take an active role in the coming last-days revival in which God’s sovereign glory will be revealed! There will be an all-inclusive supernatural movement characterized by miracles, healings, salvations, financial provision, prophetic visions, renewed holiness, powerful worship, strong discipleship, and profound love.

      Finally, there will be an unprecedented harvest of souls with global impact!

      The Holy Spirit will empower the church to reach the lost with the demonstration of miracles, signs, and wonders. Millions of people worldwide will come to genuine repentance, surrendering their hearts to the Lord Jesus.

      In End-Time Shaking and Revival, best-selling author Guillermo Maldonado expands on last-days themes introduced in his previous books, revealing how to…
      *Avoid God’s judgment
      *Respond correctly to the divine shakings in your life and in the world
      *Be revived and continuously filled with the Spirit
      *Participate in the worldwide harvest
      *Move in supernatural power

      We must understand God’s cycle of end-time events so we can align our lives with His momentous purposes in these last days!

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    • Genio De Jesus – (Spanish)


      Un manifiesto revolucionario sobre las innumerables formas en que Jesus de Nazaret transformo nuestro mundo y nos capacita para vivir vidas de valor, proposito y gracia hoy. Del autor mas vendido de La ultima flecha y El camino del guerrero. En todos los ambitos de nuestra existencia (arte, tecnologia, matematicas) estamos cautivados por historias de genios. Los genios violan el estatus quo, desestabilizan las viejas formas de pensar y, en ultima instancia, perturban la historia al hacernos ver el mundo de manera diferente. Vemos este efecto cuando consideramos el canon de los grandes genios de la historia, desde Leonardo da Vinci hasta Steve Jobs. Pero cuando buscamos al genio que dejo el impacto mas duradero en la vida humana: nuestra busqueda de la verdad; nuestro deseo de saber quienes somos; nuestra nocion de que la felicidad es mas que buscar servirnos a nosotros mismos – inevitablemente encontramos a Jesus. A pesar de haber vivido en la oscuridad durante la mayor parte de su vida, Jesus de Nazaret es sin duda una de las personas mas influyentes que jamas haya caminado sobre la faz de la tierra. En El genio de Jesus, Erwin Raphael McManus pregunta: que pasaria si estudiaramos y emulamos a Jesus, no solo a traves del lente de su divinidad, sino como un genio que nos mostro lo que significa vivir plenamente humanos? Basandose en las escrituras, la historia y las historias de su propio ministerio, McManus se sumerge en los matices de las palabras y acciones de Jesus, mostrando como no solo pueden inspirarnos, sino tambien transformar nuestra forma de pensar sobre la humildad, la libertad y el proposito que hace que valga la pena vivir. Para los cristianos que desean conocer y comprender mejor su fe, o para los lectores que desean crear su futuro mas poderoso, El genio de Jesus, es un estudio que invita a la reflexion de la persona mas importante que jamas haya existido.

      A groundbreaking manifesto on the countless ways Jesus of Nazareth transformed our world–and empowers us to live lives of courage, purpose, and grace today. From the bestselling author of The Last Arrow and The Way of the Warrior. In every realm of our existence–art, technology, mathematics–we are captivated by stories of genius. Geniuses violate the status quo, destabilize old ways of thinking, and ultimately disrupt history by making us see the world differently. We see this effect when we consider the canon of history’s great geniuses, from Leonardo da Vinci to Steve Jobs. But

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    • Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of Diabetes


      A Pathway of Healing

      Are you in a battle with type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Did you know that over 30 million Americans suffer from diabetes (90 percent of them with type 2) and the ill effects it can cause their bodies? This disease has become a plague in our anxiety-filled and often overweight society. Thankfully, God created the human body, and He has a unique and loving plan for your health. You can discover principles for moving from your illness to His pathway of healing.

      Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Diabetes reveals the unseen forces that trigger disease from within and how we can overcome them. Dr. Henry Wright’s teachings, based on medical findings and powerful biblical truths, affirm that it is God’s will for you to be healthy and whole–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and disease prevention, it’s time to take another look!

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    • Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of Autoimmune Diseases


      Identify the Cause to Find the Cure

      Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease–lupus, multiple sclerosis, Chron’s disease, Grave’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or one of so many others? Did you know that the root cause of nearly 100 autoimmune diseases is listed as unknown in medical journals? Thankfully, we can look to another source–the Bible–to understand one of the major causes of these diseases.

      In a clear and straightforward manner , Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Autoimmune Diseases reveals how to identify the root cause and start on the journey toward healing. This is a journey from the inside out. Dr. Henry Wright’s teachings, based on medical findings and powerful biblical truths, affirm that it is God’s will for you to be healthy and whole–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and prevention, it’s time to take another look!

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    • Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of High Blood Pressure


      Be Strategic in Your Fight Against High Blood Pressure

      Are you struggling to control your high blood pressure? You’re not alone. According to the American Heart Association, the battle against high blood pressure is being fought by over 100 million Americans today–nearly half of the nation’s adult population! But God has a different plan for you–learning the spiritual roots that often lead to high blood pressure so you can better identity the cause and be strategic in winning the battle against this disease and its negative effects on the heart.

      In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of High Blood Pressure, Dr. Henry Wright combines medical findings with powerful biblical truths to show you how to live in the wholeness God has always planned for you–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and disease prevention, it’s time to take another look!

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    • Dishing Up Devotions


      Homeschooling is a challenging journey that’s often misunderstood. The thirty-six weeks that parents have to educate their homeschooled children don’t just come together magically. There are lessons to plan and oversee, records to keep, routines to follow, and kids to motivate. It can feel overwhelming as the teaching parent–usually Mom–tries to tackle both the educational and spiritual aspects of the children’s lives while also keeping up with household tasks such as cooking and laundry.

      Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Activities for Homeschooling Families infuses faith and fun to strengthen family relationships while nourishing the teaching parent’s soul.

      It features thirty-six weekly devotions, faith-building activities for the whole family, and baking recipes connected to the weekly character theme.

      Author Katie Trent’s goal is to take the stress out of homeschooling with a devotional that the whole family will love through:

      *Encouragement from other homeschooling parents
      *Biblical lessons even toddlers can understand
      *Interactive family activities
      *Delicious baking recipes related to the weekly theme

      Homeschooling just got easier–and deliciously fun!

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    • Devotional Minutes To Bless Your Heart


      Dozens of Delightful “Devotional Minutes” Will Bless Your Beautiful Heart

      This inspiring devotional will encourage and delight your soul with deeply rooted truths from God’s Word. Each “devotional minute” reading is complemented by a heartfelt prayer that will remind you of the daily little blessings God provides. The 180 readings in Devotional Minutes to Bless Your Heart will help you to grow in your faith and increase your trust and reliance on the heavenly Father! This lovely package features a ribbon marker and two-color interior design. . .a great gift for women of all ages!

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    • Praying Your Way To A Fearless Life


      If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by fearful thoughts. . .

      This lovely book will walk you through 200 encouraging, inspiring, heartfelt, courage-filled prayers that will help your beautiful soul discover true trust and faith in Almighty God, the Courage-Giver Himself. Every heartfelt prayer begins with a thought-provoking scripture selection and is meant to be a fear-free beginning to your very own personal prayer time.

      A courageous life. . .is just a prayer away!

      Light, space, zest- that’s God! So, with him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. Psalm 27:1 MSG

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    • Bible Promise Book For Teen Girls


      God’s promises–especially for you.

      The Bible is full of promises. And when God makes a promise, you can trust it.

      Here, drawn from several popular translations of scripture, are nearly 1,000 promises of God especially relevant to your everyday life–and categorized into more than three dozen topics from Adversity through Zeal. Each topic includes a brief introductory comment to put the verses into a modern context.

      Need to know what God says about Relationships? How about Temptation? Or maybe Discipline, Justice, or Wisdom are your concerns today. If you need to know what the Bible says about key life topics, turn to the Bible Promise Book for Teen Girls.

      If the Bible says it, you can believe it!

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    • Praying Your Way To Joy Devotional Journal


      If you’ve ever felt more joy-less than joy-full. . .

      This lovely devotional journal will walk you through 200 encouraging, inspiring, heartfelt, joy-filled prayers that will help your beautiful soul to discover true delight and contentment in an ever-growing relationship with the heavenly Father, the Joy-Giver Himself. With Praying Your Way to Joy Devotional Journal, you’ll encounter a beautifully joyful beginning to your very own personal prayer time.

      Joy. . .is just a prayer away!

      I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders.
      I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy;
      I’m singing your song, High God.
      Psalm 9:1-2 MSG

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    • Letting Go And Trusting God


      The Good, the Bad, and the Great Decisions of Biblical People

      Tough decisions will always come, but the strong God who loves you shows you where to go, if only you will listen and follow. Letting God and Trusting God is a devotional that takes a look at both the well-thought-out choices and impulse decisions of biblical people. These 180 devotions can gently help you understand how to make wise decisions, no matter what life throws your way.

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    • Rebuilding Trust After Betrayal


      Practical advice for healing and repairing broken trust and relationships.
      A best friend who undermines you. A partner’s infidelity. A coworker that sabotages you or your workplace. A relative who steals from your family. Intimate betrayal strikes at the core of our capacity to trust and love, crushing the fundamental expectation that gives us the courage to connect deeply–the belief that the person we love wouldn’t hurt us. Whether the betrayal is through infidelity, emotional abuse, verbal aggression, or domestic violence, the psychological wound that cuts deepest is the perception that, ultimately, the person we love doesn’t care about our wellbeing.

      So how can we heal from these wounds and even rebuild trust after betrayal? God provides the strength, guidance, and peace to overcome your current heartache and regain joy. And this handbook can help you do the hard work to walk on that path to healing.

      Quickly Find the Information You Need on Repairing Relationships
      In this handbook, you will learn:

      *What to do when someone has betrayed your trust, or when you have betrayed the trust of someone else
      *How to decide whether or not to repair the relationship and 10 daily steps to do so 3 essential elements of reconciliation
      *And more

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    • Transformed : Live God’s Best


      Have you ever been outside in the hot weather wilting under the heat and took a drink of cold water that brought relief and refreshment? Transformed produces a similar response.

      Transformed helps you walk through a process of healing by identifying areas in your past experiences or daily life that need God’s touch. You will be inspired by included stories of transformation to increase your faith and encourage you to press into the Lord. Chapters build upon each other to walk you through the journey until you come to a place of renewal. Then learn how to confront residual effects that surface so you may live each day to the fullest.

      Are you ready to encounter freedom at a depth you have never imagined? This is your next best read.

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    • Pray Confidently And Consistently


      A vibrant, unstuck prayer life can begin right now.

      As believers, we often struggle to let go of the things that keep us from reaching out to God. We ask ourselves, Why don’t I have this figured out by now? Why do I struggle to take my prayer life seriously? Why do I feel so weighed down by prayer? Why is it so difficult to pray without getting distracted?

      But there’s good news! In Pray Confidently and Consistently, Valerie Woerner, popular author and creator of purposeful journals designed to transform your prayer life, teaches that we don’t have to limp through our prayer lives carrying the weights of every distraction. We can learn to pray boldly to the God of the universe who is beckoning us to come sit with him, share our needs and our hearts, and simply know him.

      Prayer invites action into our lives by the God who is more powerful than we are on our own. What weights do we need to take off so they don’t hold us back from a deeper conversation with God? What distractions are holding us back from running freely with our Father?

      Let’s get rid of the burdens that are suffocating our prayer lives and leaving us gasping for Jesus so we can experience true joy in prayer that we never thought possible. Because, ultimately, prayer changes everything.

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    • If Youre Not Dead Youre Not Done


      Your personal odometer may be showing a bit of wear and tear: balding tires, dented fenders, body corrosion. You may be on the journey of being old, yet you’re still alive and being renewed day by day. That’s right! If you woke up this morning, God has something eternally important and purposeful for you to do or learn. James Watkins’ humorous collection of “pep talks” will have you bouncing out of bed in the mornings. Get ready to recharge your batteries with a healthy dose of hope, joy, courage, and motivation for living life to its fullest.

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    • Feel Better Fast And Make It Last


      If you want to feel happier, more optimistic, more joyful, and resilient, Dr. Amen’s groundbreaking new book is for you.We’ve all felt anxious, sad, traumatized, grief-stricken, stressed, angry, or hopeless at some point in life. It’s perfectly normal to go through emotional crises or have periods when you feel panicked or out of sorts. It is how you respond to these challenges that will make all the difference in how you feel-not just immediately, but also in the long run. Unfortunately, many people turn to self-medicating behaviors, such as overeating, drugs, alcohol, risky sexual behavior, anger, or wasting time on mindless TV, video games, Internet surfing, or shopping. And even though these behaviors may give temporary relief from feeling bad, they usually only prolong and exacerbate the problems-or cause other, more serious ones.Is it possible to feel better-and make it last?Renowned physician, psychiatrist, brain-imaging researcher, and founder of Amen Clinics Dr. Daniel Amen understands how critical it is for you to know what will help you feel better fast, now and later. In Feel Better Fast and Make It Last, you’ll discover new, powerful brain-based strategies to quickly gain control over anxiety, worry, sadness, stress and anger, strengthening your resilience and giving you joy and purpose for a lifetime.

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    • Persevere With Power


      Inspired by the story of Elisha’s faithfulness, bestselling author Samuel Rodriguez explores the power of persevering with hope amid the dark times in which we live. If unending struggles have left you weary or discouraged, then know it is possible not only to break free but also to discover the assignment, anointing, and authority God has waiting for you. Samuel Rodriguez will help you:

      – understand that “pushing your plow, breaking the ground, and sowing seed” leads to blessings, resources, and harvest

      – remain faithful to God and experience his power and provision in the face of impossible circumstances

      – discover God’s guidance for the time and season you are in

      – uncover how the plow of perseverance will always lead to the mantle of promotion

      If you believe that no one knows how hard you have been pushing your plow, if you don’t understand why you are still performing the same labor after so many years, then get ready. Your work is not wasted. Expect a harvest of outpouring from the limitless and living God!

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    • Where Do We Go From Here


      Today’s headlines shout of modern plagues, social tensions, economic crises, and rampant depression. Many are asking, what day is it on God’s prophetic calendar? Trusted Bible teacher and Pastor, Dr. David Jeremiah opens up the Word of God to reveal what it has to say about the days we are living in.

      Sharing how prophecies and wisdom from centuries ago still speak the truth today and point the way forward for tomorrow. Whether one is new to biblical prophecy or a longtime student of the Bible, this timely message will encourage and recalibrate us to the mission of God in our daily lives. Journey with Dr. Jeremiah back to the Bible to find out, Where Do We Go from Here?

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    • Radiance Of Jesus


      A Lively Hope Books And More Title

      RADIANCE OF JESUS: One Hundred Devotions will inspire you to live your Savior’s teachings about his divine Light in Matthew 5:14b-15 [Jesus] “You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand – SHINE!”

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    • Crazy Faith : It’s Only Crazy Until It Happens


      From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Relationship Goals . . . Will you be remembered as a person who claimed to follow God but liked to play it safe? Or as a person who lived your life out on the limb and trusted God enough to live in crazy faith?
      Noah looked crazy when he started building the ark . . . until it started raining. It was crazy for Moses to lead a nation of people into the desert away from Egypt . . . until the Red Sea parted. It was crazy to believe that a fourteen-year-old virgin would give birth to the Son of God . . . until Mary held Jesus in her arms.

      There are many things that seem normal or average today that at one point in time seemed absolutely crazy. Smartphones, Wi-Fi, and even the electric light bulb were all groundbreaking, history-making inventions that started out as crazy ideas. Our see-it-to-believe-it generation tends to have a hard time exercising true faith–one that steps out, takes action, and sees mountain-moving results. Many of us would rather play it safe and stand on the sidelines, but it’s crazy faith that helps us see God move and reveals His promises.

      In Crazy Faith, Pastor Michael Todd shows us how to step out in faith and dive into the purposeful life of trusting God for the impossible. Even if you have to start with baby faith or maybe faith, you can become empowered to let go of your lazy faith, trust God through your hazy faith, and learn to live a lifestyle of crazy faith. With powerful stories of modern-day faith warriors who take their cues from biblical heroes, Michael Todd equips you to:

      – believe for the impossible
      – choose hope over fear
      – be alert to the voice of God
      – cope with loss and doubt
      – develop a deeper level of trust in God
      – speak faith-filled declarations
      – inspire crazy faith in others

      God’s not looking for somebody to give Him all the reasons why His plans can’t happen. He’s looking for somebody to believe they will happen. In fact, He has so much He wants to do through you. The question is, Are you crazy enough to believe it?

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    • Revolutionary Disciple : Walking Humbly With Jesus In Every Area Of Life


      Is It Time for Another Revolution?

      Seismic culture shifts leave Christians wondering how to effect lasting change. While the Bible calls disciples of Jesus to humility, they often display pride. Pride is the enemy of discipleship on every level, and it keeps disciples from making an impact for the kingdom.

      What is the way forward?

      In The Revolutionary Disciple, Jim Putman and Chad Harrington offer clear guidance for navigating cultural changes with humility. They walk readers through the Five Spheres of Discipleship and unveil their four core practices of humility along the way. A tapestry of Scripture and stories, this book uncovers the path to ultimate peace for Christians who want a cultural revolution.

      Take ground for your church, your family, and the kingdom.

      Bridge the gap between the call to follow Jesus and the commission to make disciples of Jesus.

      Join the revolution.

      Learn to walk humbly with Jesus in every area of life.

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