Audio Books
Showing 801–850 of 2197 resultsSorted by latest
Finding Hope : A Story Of Tragedy Triumph And Redemption
$14.99What would you do if your expectation of life changed in
an instant?Finding Hope is a memoir that chronicles the journey one woman faced when she gave birth to a critically ill baby.
This inspirational book begins in the hospital delivery room, then NICU, where the most fragile babies are treated and brought back to life. In the years to come, more struggles
emerged.How do you find hope in adversity? Faith is the only way.
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Refreshed : Devotions For Your Time Away
$15.99Add to cartVacations often give us an opportunity to rest and reflect. However, when our normal routines and habits are suspended, it can be hard to spend time with God.
These 30 devotions have been specifically designed to help you to rest in the Lord’s goodness and glory during your time away so that you can return home feeling refreshed spiritually as well as physically.
Author John Hindley, who also wrote Serving without Sinking, says this:
“I want to help you find rest, peace, joy, hope, and renewed zeal. We go away to be refreshed. Christ is the one who sets his Spirit in our hearts to cause streams of living water to well up within us and flow from us. Sometimes we rest away from Jesus, but how much better to rest with and in him? He is where our true refreshment is found.”
You can pick and choose which devotions to read depending on the type of vacation you are on (for example, city break or beach) and there are optional family activities and questions linked to each devotion giving other family members an opportunity to reflect alongside you.
Gates Of Hell
$29.99Add to cartThe gates of hell shall not prevail.
Decimated by war, revolution, and famine, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia was in critical condition in 1921. In The Gates of Hell, Matthew Heise recounts the bravery and suffering of German–Russian Lutherans during the period between the two great world wars. These stories tell of ordinary Christians who remained faithful to death in the face of state persecution.
Christians in Russia had dark days characterized by defeat, but God preserved his church. Against all human odds, the church would outlast the man–made sandcastles of communist utopianism. The Gates of Hell is a wonderful testimony to the enduring power of God’s word, Christ’s church, and the Spirit’s faithfulness.
Unstoppable : Pressing Through Fear, Offense, And Negative Opinions To Fulf
$19.99Add to cartYou Can’t Stop Now!
In her book UNSTOPPABLE, Denise Renner brings fresh insight from God’s Word on how we can overcome key hindrances that the enemy exploits to try to prevent our God-given gifts and talents from being used to bless others.
*fear of man
*other people’s negative opinions
*even our own poor opinion of ourselves!No one else can take your place; your part is absolutely crucial to God’s plan. So don’t let anyone or anything stop you from doing what Jesus wants you to do or from receiving what He wants you to receive. This book will help you be unstoppable as you push past every obstacle you are facing and keep pressing toward the glorious prize that awaits you in Christ Jesus!
Sacred Smallness : Finding Kingdom Greatness In A Fruitful, Hidden Life
$19.99Add to cart‘I asked God for a mic, and He gave me a broom!’
Have you noticed Jesus’ kingdom is upside down? To be first, you must be last. To find your life, you must lose it. To receive, you must give. And to lead, you must follow.
Jenny Kutz Papapostolou, who accepted God’s assignment to run a children’s orphanage in Greece, knows from experience that to achieve greatness in God’s Kingdom, you must first learn humility.
In Sacred Smallness, Jenny points out that, while Christian culture often heralds notoriety and wealth as the ultimate success, God is delighted in humble surrender–even when it leads to sacred smallness and holy hiddenness.
The granddaughter of well-known ministers Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jenny observed firsthand that successful ministry actually begins in servanthood and shares:
*The best place to be faithful is wherever God has put you
*God’s measuring stick is all that counts, so don’t compare yourself to others
*God says you’re precious, so refuse all pressure to be perfect
*The key to finding quiet, dynamic strength in mustard-seed faith
*How to identify and remove idols that block you from God’s highest and bestTrue excitement and success await in your God-destined place, and it all begins with a heart toward God.
Were Stronger Than We Look
$15.99Add to cartCaregiver, are you overwhelmed? Do you secretly have bouts of despair, bitterness, and even hopelessness?
As a caregiver, you run the risk of disappearing. Your time goes overwhelmingly to the needs of your loved one. Your relationships get strained, and your challenges and anxieties are difficult to articulate. It’s easier to just keep your head down and do what must be done.
What’s more, you probably didn’t sign up for this role or train for it. And yet here you are, reliving the trauma that got you here, providing support you didn’t know you had in you to give, struggling with fatigue, making critical, life-altering decisions, and yearning for the community you had that has changed or disappeared.
Rich in stories and unflinchingly pragmatic, We’re Stronger than We Look is an invitation to look up and remember the life you’ve been given, the image of God that you bear, and the assurance that God loves you as much as you love the person entrusted to your care. This message is delivered by a caregiver who, while writing this helpful book, has cared for her paraplegic husband, who was suddenly disabled in a bicycling accident.
Fuego De La Presencia De Dios – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartAlguna vez ha experimentado realmente la presencia de Dios? Si no es asi, que cree que se interpone en el camino?
Cuando Moises se encontro con Dios en la zarza ardiente, eso cambio su vida y su percepcion de lo que es Dios. En ese momento en que la zarza ardia, empezo a comprender y a apreciar lo sagrado de la adoracion. La adoracion apropiada tiene que encajar con lo que estamos adorando; por lo que si adoramos a Dios, debemos hacerlo en sus terminos. Esto implica tener un espiritu de reverencia y santidad, como Moises al quitarse el calzado y arrodillarse ante El.
El fuego de la zarza no atemorizo a Moises, sino que hizo derramar la esencia de lo sagrado en su vida. Le hizo experimentar la presencia de Dios en una manera que nunca habia sentido. Permita que este libro le ensee como encontrar a Dios al igual que Moises.
What Would It Be Like to Encounter God Face-to-Face?
Have you ever truly experienced God’s presence? If not, what do you think is getting in the way?
When Moses met God at the burning bush, it changed his life and his perception of who God is. In that burning-bush moment, he began to understand and appreciate the sacredness of worship. Proper worship has to fit the one we are worshiping, so if we are worshiping God, we must do it on His terms. This means having a spirit of reverence and holiness–like Moses taking off his shoes and kneeling before Him.
The bush’s fire did not frighten Moses, but rather it poured the essence of sacredness into his life. It gave him an experience of God’s presence he had never had before. Let this book teach you how, like Moses, to encounter God afresh.
Nube Por El Dia Fuego Por La N – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cart!Descubra a donde le esta guiando Dios!
Como puedo saber la voluntad de Dios para mi? Esta es una pregunta que nos persigue a todos; a veces surge cuando estamos buscando el trabajo adecuado, pensando en mudarnos a una nueva ciudad o decidiendo si nos casamos. En cada etapa de la vida tenemos decisiones dificiles que tomar, por lo que anhelamos la instruccion de Dios y la tierna seguridad de que vamos por el camino correcto.
Nube por el dia, fuego por la noche es una compilacion de las enseanzas de A.W. Tozer acerca de la voluntad de Dios. Una obra extraida de los sermones que predico el autor en su exitosa congregacion Southside Alliance Church, en Chicago, y cuyo titulo proviene de la hazaa por la que Dios saco a su pueblo de Egipto y lo condujo a la tierra prometida.
A Tozer no le era extrao enfrentar decisiones dificiles. Su sabiduria y su discernimiento biblico le ayudaran a usted en la toma de sus propias decisiones y a asegurarse de la presencia de Dios en cada paso del camino.
How can I know God’s will for me, personally? It’s a question that haunts us all at times–maybe when we’re looking for the right job, thinking about moving to a new city, or deciding whether or not to get married. At every stage we have difficult decisions to make, and we long for God’s direction and his warm reassurance that we’re heading the right way.
A Cloud by Day, a Fire by Night captures A.W. Tozer’s teaching on the will of God. Taken from sermons he preached at Southside Alliance Church, his successful church in Chicago, the title comes from the story of God leading His people out of Egypt and into the promised land.
Tozer was no stranger to facing difficult decisions. His wisdom and biblical insight will help guide you in decisions of your own, nd reassure you that the presence of God will be by your side every step of the way.
Never Ashamed : Stories Of Sharing Faith With Scoffers And Skeptics
$14.99Add to cartMost books on evangelism deal primarily with different approaches to sharing the good news. From street ministry to personal witnessing, books abound on how to present the gospel in a variety of ways and situations.
But Never Ashamed isn’t a book about how. Rather, it’s a book about why. Author Avi Snyder explains:
*Why we mustn’t be ashamed of sharing the good news in an open and direct fashion.
*Why believers find it difficult to share the good news of salvation, despite the variety of fruit that always abounds.
*Why non-believers often choose to walk away from the claims of the Messiah, even when they know or at least suspect in their hearts that His claims are true.
*Why the early church felt compelled to proclaim His message, regardless of the risks and costs.
More than this, however, Never Ashamed is a book of stories:
*The man who told Avi he wouldn’t stop him from jumping out a window.
*The Marxist lady trying to figure him out who eventually concluded he was a provocateur
*The woman who prayed for God to give her compassion like Him and wept when she received it
*The Soviet guard who helped Avi’s team pass out literature
These and many more encounters that Avi shares will make you laugh, cry, and be filled with joy at the winsome ways in which he brings people to Jesus.
Derrota El Auto Sabotaje – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartEs cierto que la vida presenta muchos desafios, pero muchas veces el mayor obstaculo para nuestro propio exito y felicidad proviene de adentro. De hecho, somos expertos en autosabotaje. Si pudieramos apartarnos de nuestro propio camino, !imaginense lo que podriamos lograr! Eso es exactamente lo que el autor de exitos de venta John Mason te ayudara a hacer en este libro. Al concentrarte en areas de la vida en las que podrias estar interponiendote en tu propio camino, Mason te ayudara a conquistar:
*dialogo interno negativo
*falta de concentracion
*problemas de confianza
*sentirte abrumado
*y mucho masCon su entusiasta ayuda, descubriras como puedes establecer y alcanzar tus metas, mantener una actitud positiva y enfrentar cada dia con un espiritu de gratitud y posibilidad.
It’s true that life holds many challenges, but often, the biggest obstacle to our own success and happiness comes from within. In fact, we are experts at self-sabotage. If we could just get out of our own way, imagine what we could accomplish! That’s exactly what bestselling author John Mason is going to help you do in this book. Honing in on areas of life where you might be standing in your own way, Mason will help you conquer:
*negative self-talk
*lack of focus
*trust issues
*and so much moreWith his enthusiastic help, you’ll discover how you can set and achieve your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and face each day with a spirit of gratitude and possibility.
Especialista En Personas – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartEn el mundo ideal, la gente se ama, perdona hasta 70 veces 7 y no juzga para no ser juzgado. Mientras tanto, en el mundo real, los amigos cercanos pueden tener envidia, los miembros de la familia difunden chismes y los menos esperados nos abandonan. El mundo real muestra que el verdadero desafio es gestionar al otro. Necesitas que la gente sea feliz. Invierte en ellos, aprende a ver lo mejor de cada uno y aprende aqui como no esperar algo a cambio y aun asi encontrar satisfaccion y felicidad en tus relaciones. Comprender al otro es el primer paso para lograr grandes amistades y grandes acuerdos .
In the ideal world, people love each other, forgive up to 70 times 7 and don’t judge in order not to be judged. Meanwhile, in the real world, close friends may envy, family members spread gossip, and we’re abandoned by those we least expect to do so. The real world shows that the real challenge is managing the other. You need people to be happy. Invest in them, learn to see the best in each one, and learn how not to expect something in return and still find satisfaction and happiness in your relationships. Understanding the other person is the first step to great friendships and great deals.
Courage : A Message From Heaven
$14.99Add to cartThroughout history, all of the greatest men and women of God needed courage to fulfill their destinies. From Abraham to the men and women of the first century church who spread the gospel, all needed courage to hold fast to their faith during numerous trials and tribulations.
“We need that same courage today,” says author Branden Brim. “We live in a time of uncertainty, a time where fear is being spread, and Christians are being discouraged. But we don’t have to give in! We can be bold because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Because of His sacrifice, we can be as bold as lions!”
In his book Courage: A Message from Heaven, Branden shares personal, modern-day, and biblical stories of courage, how it’s obtained, why it’s needed, and how standing on God’s promises can grow both courage and faith. He also shares dreams and visions he received from the Holy Spirit that have encouraged him in his own life and ministry.
“Before writing this book, the Lord showed me a vision of the importance of courage,” Branden says. “After having that vision, I knew that the only way I could accomplish the will of God in my life was to have courage, and I believe that sentiment rings true for everyone living in the world today.”
It is his hope that Courage: A Message from Heaven will make you bolder and more determined to achieve all that God has planned for you.
Why Marriage Counseling Fails
$16.99Add to cartLike life itself, marriage has moments of joy…and sorrow. As difficult as marriage can be, many who have said “I do” try to stick it out when problems arise because the alternative–being alone–is not very appealing. If the couple truly wants to save their marriage, they usually turn to counseling.
Unfortunately, most marriage counseling ends with the couple dropping out and then, more often than not, ending their relationship. In some cases, the problem is not the couple but their choice of counselor. One who is poorly trained, disinterested, or obviously biased can destroy a marriage.
Why Marriage Counseling Fails explores different scenarios that cause problems for couples as well as the different types of counselors who can help or harm a marriage. Dr. David B. Hawkins has more than forty-five years of experience as a marriage counselor and has helped thousands of couples save their marriages.
“Sadly, when it comes to reaching out for help for marriage counseling, few have a sense of trust and confidence in their counselor,” he says. “Stories abound about how they came out of a counseling session worse than when they went in.”
Dr. Hawkins defines the “five I’s” of a qualified marriage counselor as one who:
*Offers wise instruction
*Takes an active interest in the couple
*Offers insight into why problems recur
*Is willing to work intensively
*Works in-depth to help the couple find long-term solutionsWhy Marriage Counseling Fails offers insights into marital issues, the brokenness of the counseling system, how to find good help, and how to insist upon effective help when turning to a counselor.
Rediscovering You : Solving Your Personality Puzzle To Enhance Your Life
$15.99Add to cart“Who are you?” the Caterpillar asked Alice in Wonderland.
It’s a question that many of us might ask ourselves. What makes us grumpy one day and cheerful the next? Why would some of us prefer to receive little love notes from our spouse rather than a back rub? What makes some people behave like Energizer bunnies until they collapse? In short, what makes us tick?
Author Craig Walker sets out to put the puzzle pieces together in Rediscovering You. He merges personality tests, the Enneagram, the Five Love Languages, and the Word of God into one mosaic to provide you with a detailed and accurate self-portrait so that you can see yourself as you truly are, with all of your strengths, weaknesses, and complexities.
“Decades of conducting counseling sessions taught me that self-awareness is the single greatest leap forward to personal happiness and better relationships,” Craig says. “The Word of God, personality, Enneagram, and love languages honestly answer the question, ‘Who are you?’ Knowing that answer will change everything. It will create a ripple effect across all of your relationships.”
Rediscovering You uses Scripture to address three areas:
*Personality, the way we operate day to day
*The Enneagram, what motivates us to do what we do
*Love Languages, how we give and receive love“This book will speak to those who truly want to learn how to love others as they love themselves, but first, they must learn to love themselves as God sees them,” Craig says. “Taking a deep look into your personality, the personalities of specific men and women throughout Scripture, learning how you are truly meant to be loved, and being honest with yourself will together build a beautiful and unique tapestry of your identity in Christ.”
Lets Go Deeper
The only thing holding back the spread of the gospel is the church.
This book will teach me how to go deeper in my relationship with God so that I may become a more fully developed disciple of Jesus to help bring the gospel to the world around me.
The Bible tells us there is one true God who sits on the throne of the universe. He is the Creator of everything, and He is worthy of all the praise and honor of the world’s people. Because He is our Creator and the Sustainer of life, He has the right to rule over us and expect obedience.
In Let’s Go Deeper, J. Lee Grady shares how by revealing Himself to Moses, God demonstrated His true desire to be with us. Even though He is almighty, enthroned in the glory of heaven, He makes Himself accessible and available to those who love Him.
Join in the journey of discipleship with this practical guide of thirty short and powerful lessons to take you deeper in your relationship with God. This resource will transform your Christian faith and act as a tool kit for those who are new to Christianity. Following Jesus and coming to know your Creator doesn’t have to be difficult; you just have to be willing to take the first step toward Him.
Give Yourself Some Grace
$14.99Add to cart“Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven,” the saying goes.
That’s true, but many Christians struggle to accept both their own imperfections and God’s forgiveness.
This devotional will encourage imperfect Christians with the stories of imperfect people from the Bible. Learn from the accounts of folks like:
*Sarah, who laughed at God’s promise of a child
*Joseph of Arimathea, who followed Jesus, but secretly out of fear
*John Mark, who deserted a missionary trip and caused a rift between Paul and Barnabas
*Peter, whose up and downs warrant multiple readings
*Martha, stressed out and irritable with Jesus in her homeThe good news? Every one of them–and many like them–overcame their shortcomings to accomplish great things.
Give Yourself Some Grace shares two wonderful truths: you are not alone in your struggles, and God is always happy to forgive. It will encourage you whatever your age or background.
Daily Wonders Devotional
$16.99Add to cartInspiration for your grateful heart.
Rooted in the biblical truth of James 1:17: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. . .” This inspiring daily devotional encourages you to live every day with a grateful heart for the many blessings God provides. Each titled devotional reading will touch your heart as you encounter daily wonders from your heavenly Father, including laughter, comfort, kindness, miracles, family, time, music, hope, and prayer. Every day’s reading begins with scripture and ends in prayer.
Lazarus And Me
$15.99Add to cartHave you ever wondered what happened to Lazarus after Jesus resurrected him from death?
Lazarus was given an extension of life and time spent on earth. Do you think Lazarus lived a drastically different life after his resurrection? Would you think and live differently if you were given such an opportunity?
Dr. Asher Chanan-Khan, a world-renowned cancer researcher and clinical oncologist, experienced such a “Lazarus moment” in his very own life when his terminal cancer was miraculously paused, rendering him an extension of life. Now, 15 years later, Dr. Asher ponders upon his living in these “Lazarus moments.”
Discover how you too can learn about God’s grace in the face of imminent mortality and how the author’s journey in these extended moments of life are purposefully designed to bring glory to his Creator.
Sis Take A Breath
$24.99Is life so busy and chaotic lately that you’ve had trouble finding a moment to simply catch your breath? The good news is Kirsten Watson knows what you’re going through, and she’s got your back.
As a mom of seven kids, wife of a professional athlete and cohost of a popular podcast, Kirsten is often asked by other women, “How do you do it?” They see her with her hands full and wonder, What keeps her going-and smiling-with everything she’s juggling? Kirsten’s answer begins with a simple first step: take a breath. The second step is also simple: lean in and understand that the Word of God gives us the breath we need to handle every situation because when we inhale God’s Word, we exhale peace.
In Sis, Take a Breath, Kirsten offers you:
*encouragement during the chaos that every day seems to bring;
*practical life hacks for the moments when it’s hard to take a deep breath;
*truth from Scripture when it’s hard to find the strength to keep going;
*relatable personal stories to help live and love well in today’s frantic world.Discover a new way to exhale deeply through it all and find hope to make it through. Take a breath, sis. You got this.
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Journey Of A Lifetime
$14.99Add to cartMany Christian teen girls struggle with identity and discerning God’s purpose for their life. This guided devotional journal will help them grow in their relationship with the Lord and set out on an adventure of faith, love, and bravery.
Written in a whimsical and friendly tone, this unique devotional encourages readers to draw out their own personalized roadmap for the path God has put them on–both literally, by completing bucket list-??inspired activities, and figuratively through daily prayers.
Girls who are fond of inspirational quotes, enjoy coffee dates with friends, and have a touch of wanderlust will be especially enticed to pick up this devotional.
Includes quizzes, recipes, and journaling prompts.
Famous At Home
$17.99Add to cartNo one wakes up and decides, “I’m planning to ruin my marriage, neglect my kids, and cause mistrust in my family.” Yet our personal pursuits and busyness can lead us there. In this book, marriage and leadership coaches Dr. Josh and Christi Straub show how seven core decisions can help us put what’s most important center stage in our lives.
Famous at Home is Josh and Christi’s realistic, grace-filled look at the struggles families face in a culture that competes for their time, attention, and identity. Whether you’ve found yourself putting more effort into becoming famous on stages outside the home, or your stage is the home, Famous at Home offers guidance and inspiration to help you give your family the best version of you instead of your leftovers.
Famous at Home will help you and your spouse:
*Be on the same team–fighting for each other and not against each other
*Stay emotionally connected even if work, distance, or busyness are in the way
*Deeply invest in the emotional lives of your childrenYou really can be famous at home, showing up in intentional and meaningful ways for your biggest fans. All it takes is realizing that the greatest red carpet you’ll ever walk is through your front door.
Glad Youre Here
$15.99When Craig Cooper and Walker Hayes met, Walker was an alcoholic atheist reeling from the backlash of a failed music career. Through their unlikely friendship, Craig’s life demonstrated the love of Christ in a way that shattered Walker’s misconceptions of Christianity, ultimately leading him down the path to a dramatic conversion. The two are now close as brothers, choosing to be next-door neighbors and ripped out the fence between their homes as a testament to the power of the gospel to break down barriers and unite people together in Christ. Glad You’re Here helps us discover how building relationships, sacrificing for the good of others, and drawing near in times of need can lead to powerful transformation. Through story and biblical reflections, Glad You’re Here helps readers see how God works in the everyday lives of those who love him.
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Choose Life : Answering Key Claims Of Abortion Defenders With Compassion
$17.99You’re pro-life. But can you explain why?
You already believe in choosing life. But when the counterarguments are coming at you from every angle–legal, biological, medical, ethical, moral, philosophical, and biblical–how do you defend the pro-life view? And as you defend it . . . how do you speak with wisdom, humility, and compassion?
Now more than ever, the times call for a balance of truth and mercy. There are good, wise, and thoughtful rebuttals of every claim made by pro-abortion advocates. Collected here in one place, Choose Life offers you reasonable responses from leading experts in their respective fields. The authors are accomplished women and men from all walks of life.
They’ll help you know what to say–and why to say it–when you’re faced with claims like:*”The courts have already settled the issue.”
*”The fetus is not a person.”
*”My body, my choice.”
*”I shouldn’t have to raise an unwanted child.”
*”My circumstances justify ending my pregnancy.”
*”Abortions are helpful to women and society.”
*”The pro-life movement doesn’t care about social justice.”It’s time to set aside the strident fist-shaking and hurled insults. Learn to make the pro-life case with intelligent arguments and compassionate love–just the way a Christian should.
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Hope In 60 Seconds
$22.99Now more than ever, we all face trying situations. The hope we need and hunger for is not a strategy or state of mind, but faith in Jesus. He stands secure for us in the face of every trial, from loss to sickness to injustice. Through 20 short prayers, 10 personal stories of miraculous transformations, and Biblical teachings, Hope in 60 Seconds will help you take the first steps towards a journey of security in the hope of Jesus.
“At twenty-one I was as far from hopeful as anyone could get. Maybe as far as you are now.”
These are the words of Christina Baker as she considered her traumatic life: from childhood abuse to troubled teen years, to a descent into substance abuse, she resonates with a lost world who understands first-hand how easy it is to lose hope. Then, just as she was about to go to jail for drug possession, the Hero of Hope, Jesus Christ, came into her life and set her on a completely new path.
If you are weary and doubting, Christina understands. Hope in 60 Seconds will help you to:
*Be encouraged and empowered by someone who has been in a similar place of discouragement and discovered Christ’s authority and love,
*Learn how Jesus establishes hope and begin to experience it first-hand in the darkest of circumstances,
*Grow in your ability to connect with Jesus and find the hope you have longed for all of your life, and
*Prove that a connection with Jesus is the ultimate source of hope.
The message of Cristina’s life is Jesus, the hope we need and hunger for–a hope that will stand secure in the face of brokenness, loss, sickness, abuse, a brain tumor diagnosis, injustice, and death. In Hope in 60 Seconds, she shares the steps of her journey to encounter, receive, and walk in the hope of Jesus, and offers readers powerful wisdom for how they can take the same journey for themselves.
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Heaven Here : Experience God’s Glory This Side Of Eternity
$19.99Add to cart“…GOD IS NOT FAR FROM EACH OF US!” – Apostle Paul (Acts 17:27)
Pastor Josh Adkins was born into a renown Christian evangelist family. Yet throughout his life, he often found himself feeling burned out, disappointed, and distant from God–until a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit changed everything!
In his candid, often humorous style, Josh reveals through Scriptural teaching and over 50 miraculous testimonies how near God really is, how His kingdom is already breaking into the earth, and how Jesus desires all believers to daily engage with Heaven!
In Heaven Here, you will:
*Learn how to stop working for God, and instead start working with Him
*Discover the keys to becoming one of Jesus’ closest friends.
*Better recognize the Holy Spirit’s voice and variety of ways He speaks
*Uncover secrets to daily hosting the manifest Presence of God
*Walk in greater authority and power to heal the sick and cast out devils
*See that nothing is impossible in God’s glory realm, even in this lifeThe veil between Heaven and earth has been torn and you are invited to participate with God in demonstrating His miraculous kingdom to the earth. It’s time to discover how close heaven really is!
Do Not Leave Quietly
$16.99Add to cartYou were raised up for this moment to speak on behalf of Heaven.
The battle is raging. Two realms are seeking to influence the natural world – light or darkness. There is no middle ground. Depending on how you participate and show up in life, either Heaven or Hell will advance its agenda into the Earth. The invisible world, by and large, does not simply manifest its objectives and agendas. It seeks a person and requires a voice.
The choice is yours: will you be a voice for Heaven to advance in the Earth… or an idle endorser of Hell’s agenda to steal, kill and destroy?
Mario Murillo is a bestselling author, popular blogger, and minister of the Gospel. He has been an evangelist for nearly 50 years. As culture has changed, Murillo’s message has remained fixed and steadfast. As culture shifts again, God is looking to raise up an army of prophetic people whose voices have impact and actually shape the direction of their nations.
Do Not Leave Quietly is a prophetic call to action for every single reader to:
*To fulfill your destiny, live with purpose and feel significant.
*Give your life and voice to speaking what the Spirit of God is saying.
*Activating the key to seeing signs and wonders flow.
*Discover the secret to prophesying with power and holy thunder.
*Enter the doorway to releasing deliverance.It’s time for the people of God to break the silence. It’s time for those who carry the Word of God to boldly speak forth in love and truth. You were born to be a voice of breakthrough!
Make Up Your Mind
$19.99AS WE THINK, SO ARE WE . . .
Every day we fight battle after battle in our mind?many times unaware of the real fight at hand and wind up defeated, as if we cannot win the battle of our own mind. It’s our own mind, but we can struggle to make it up. Negative mindsets limit our existence by keeping us bound in habits and attitudes unless we know how to break free of them.
Our mindsets matter. Sadly, when people operate their lives caving to unhealthy mindsets, they live defeated lives lacking joy and peace stemming from negative thought patterns.
In Make Up Your Mind, the reader will learn about the root behind common mental battles, focus in on ten key negative mindsets and learn how to overcome them using Scripture and real-life solutions as we adopt the mind of Christ. Each chapter includes a devotional application section and a “Counselor’s Corner” section featuring licensed counselor Michelle Nietert.
Readers of Make Up Your Mind will:
* Solve the subconscious pain that shackles your soul.
* Resolve to renew your mind and release common mindset struggles.
* Dissolve discouragement and discover delight again.
* Absolve ourselves from thoughts absorbed in self.“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts” (Proverbs 4:23, GNT).
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Sister Roar : Claim Your Authentic Voice, Embrace Real Freedom, And Discove
$26.99In Sister Roar, Duck Dynasty matriarch Miss Kay and her daughter-in-law Lisa empower their sisters in faith to discover their true voices, build genuine sisterhood, and live their strongest, happiest, most fulfilled lives–all centered around the only One who loves perfectly–Jesus.
Women’s voices need to be heard–now more than ever. Through faith-filled, poignant, and sometimes hilarious stories about the sisterhood they’ve built with each other and with other women they’ve met on their journey, Kay and Lisa’s scripture-infused message will help readers overcome loneliness, disappointment, and past mistakes.
Readers will:
*learn how to identify their unique roar;
*laugh and cry as they hear Miss Kay and Lisa’s stories of healed heartbreaks and God’s transformation of each of their voices;
*meet beloved women of the Bible, such as Lydia and the woman at the well; and
*discover a place of sisterhood where they can be themselves and be loved for who they are.
Sister Roar is sure to encourage every woman who wants to find her voice, build community, and experience a fulfilling life. Ultimately, Miss Kay and Lisa’s desire is to share the life-changing love and mercy of Jesus. This is their love letter to their sisters everywhere.
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How To Worship In Spirit And Truth
$19.99Add to cartLiving a life in the Spirit should be the quest of every believer! The principles in this book will open the eyes of everyday believers, pastors, and students in the biblical patterns of spiritual worship as described by Jesus in the gospel of John. Drawing on his experience as a pastor, teacher and psalmist, Jerry Zirkle shares key principles on how to move into more authentic and purer New Testament worship.
Faith In The Wilderness
$16.99Add to cart“If we want revival in our communities, then let us learn from those being revived.”
For many Western Christians, the experience of suffering and persecution is remote. For Chinese Christians, on the other hand, persecution is a regular aspect of the Christian life. If a Christian from the West was transported to a Chinese house church, the topic of suffering would be ever–present in preaching and conversation. With decades of persecution under the thumb of the Chinese Communist Party and a rich theology of suffering, the Chinese house church movement has much to contribute theologically to the global church.
In Faith in the Wilderness, editors Hannah Nation and Simon Liu pull together the insights of the Chinese Church for the West. These sermonic letters from Chinese Christians will awaken readers to the reality of the gospel-the ground of our hope-in the midst of darkness. Readers will be convicted, encouraged, and edified by the testimony of these Chinese Christians.
Jesus And Gender
$24.99Add to cartLoving one another as sisters and brothers in Jesus
Many Christian women and men carry heavy burdens. Much teaching on gender relations, roles, and rules binds the conscience beyond what Scripture actually teaches. Gender has become a battleground for power. But God created men and women not to compete for glory but to cooperate for his glory.
In Jesus and Gender, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher paint a new vision for gender-Christ’s gentle and lowly heart. The centrality of the gospel has been lost in gender debates. Our ultimate example is Jesus, our humble king, who used his power to serve others. So we must rethink our identities, roles, and relationships around him. Christ transformed enemies into family. Men and women are allies in God’s mission.
Drawing from Scripture and experience, Fitzpatrick and Schumacher show how Jesus’s example speaks to all areas of our lives as men and women, including vocation, marriage, parenting, friendships, and relating to each other as sisters and brothers in Christ. Real–life testimonies from a variety of Christians-including Christine Caine, Justin Holcomb, Karen Swallow Prior, and others-show a variety of men and women freed to pursue their gifts for God’s glory.
Fitzpatrick and Schumacher’s perspective untangles what God has said about gender from what he hasn’t. By coming to Jesus, women and men can find rest.
Sin Miedo A Encontrarme – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartTenemos la necesidad de encontrarnos con nuestra naturaleza humana, que es en realidad divina. Este libro pretende ayudarte a abrir espacios de reflexion semana tras semana que te conduzcan a descansar en el poder de Dios; darte oportunidades para aprender nuevos conceptos y leyes espirituales, no en terminos de religion, sino como una brujula que te lleve al lugar donde te perdiste a ti mismo; brindarte un recordatorio personal de quien en realidad eres: un hijo o una hija de Dios, y demostrarte como el creer esta verdad cambiara tu vida.
Desconectate del mundo material por al menos una hora a la semana para leer, conectarte contigo mismo, y luego el tiempo necesario para escribir tu parte semanal que falta en este libro. Las actividades que te propongo durante cada semana en esta obra haran crecer tu musculo espiritual y te llevaran a encontrarte contigo mismo.
Empieza a creer; cree de nuevo y sigue cre yendo, pero ante todo, descansa en el poder de vivir confiado.
–Carolina CarvajalWe have a need to meet our human nature, which is actually divine. This book aims to help you open spaces for reflection, week after week, that will lead you to rest in the power of God; give you opportunities to learn new spiritual concepts and laws, not in terms of religion, but as a compass that takes you to the place where you lost yourself; give you a personal reminder that you are really a son or daughter of God; and show you how believing this truth will change your life.
Disconnect from the material world for at least an hour a week to read, connect with yourself, and then journal your thoughts. The activities that the author proposes to you each week in this work will grow your spiritual muscle and lead you to find yourself.
“Begin to believe; believe again and continue to believe, but above all, rest in the power of confident living.” –Carolina Carvajal
Tinder Tattoos And Tequila
Should a Christian use Tinder…get a tattoo…or drink shots of tequila? Anyone who wants to live a life of grace needs to navigate the world’s gray lifestyle choices that may not be wrong, but could lead to sin. “The church has been plagued by two extremes when it comes to living a Christian lifestyle,” says author Bradley Truman Noel. “On one side, we have the serious folks adorned with a really impressive frown, who remind us of all the do’s and don’ts….On the other end of the spectrum are folks who play fast and loose with the rules. They typically don’t spend too much time thinking about holiness, or wondering if their actions align with biblical teaching.” Both sides, Bradley says, miss the power of God’s grace in our lives. In Tinder, Tattoos, and Tequila, you will discover:
*What’s sinful and what’s permissible
*Scriptural absolutes that apply to all believers
*Why we should be eager to be holy in this life
*How to navigate social media and video games
*Biblical principles that can guide every decision
*Ways to receive help from the Holy Spirit
*The balance between understanding the law and practicing graceDon’t let the world’s endless choices keep you from living the life of grace that God has for you!
Secrets Of Hannah
$12.99Add to cartHannah. . .Loving Mother, Faithful Follower of God
“I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I. . .have poured out my soul before the Lord” (1 Samuel 1:15 KJV).
This brand-new devotional, offering equal parts inspiration and encouragement, will uncover the “secrets” of Hannah. Each reading, tied to a theme from the Old Testament story of Hannah–loving mother and faithful follower of God–is rooted in biblical truth and spiritual wisdom. You will be inspired to emulate the example of persistent prayer and unwavering faith extolled in this memorable passage of scripture as you wrap your heart in a timeless message from God’s Word.
Hang In There Girl
$15.95Add to cartOn your journey to adulthood in today’s challenging world, do you long for a coffee date with a big sister in Christ? Time to vulnerably discuss and find answers to so many of the things you need to know, but are not sure how to bring up? Hang In There, Girl explores what it means to fearlessly, boldly, sincerely, and intentionally pursue a life in Christ as a modern young woman. Come and look past society’s pressures and look to the living Word of God to find what it means to truly live authentically onward in the story written just for you. Hang in there, girl, you’re not in this alone!
Designed To Last
$25.99Add to cartDesign a life intentionally. Grow faithfully. Create something beautiful that will last!
Over half a million readers have joined the journey of Instagram sensations Ashley and Dino Petrone. Through their popular online community Arrows and Bow, Ashley and Dino share their adventures, mishaps, and joys of building a life together using an unexpected element: design. Now, in their much-anticipated debut book, Ashley and Dino invite readers into their home and relationship through their trademark honest and hilarious storytelling. They share both never-before-revealed and fan-favorite stories, including:
*getting engaged after only three weeks!
*why they chose to wait until their wedding night
*moving into an RV with three kids (and they’re still speaking to each other!)
*the unexpected, painful circumstances that led them to find deeper hope
*turning Ashley’s creative hobby into a thriving business . . . and so. much. more!Ashley and Dino are the first to say they don’t have all the answers, but they welcome you to join them as they share the struggles and successes that come from intentionally staying committed to God and each other. Because when you build with faith, creativity, and love as the foundation . . . you build something designed to last. Includes exclusive photos and bonus DIY decorating tips!
Astronauts Wife
$26.99Add to cartA true story about making the most of your one incredible life.
On July 20, 2019, Stacey Morgan kissed her husband goodbye before he donned his space suit and headed to his waiting Soyuz rocket. With an overwhelming mix of pride, excitement, and terror, she and her children held hands and watched the rocket ignite and lift off for a nine-month mission aboard the International Space Station . . .
This is the story of the astronaut’s wife. And it’s full of unexpected twists she never saw coming. Because while the love of her life orbited Earth, Stacey was about to embark on a knock-your-socks-off adventure right here at home. Being an astronaut’s wife was different than Stacey expected. The risks were greater, the loneliness was deeper, and the stress was more intense. It was an incredibly challenging yet deeply meaningful season–one in which she learned rich lessons about:
*preparing for any mission or adventure life throws at you
*rediscovering your fun side when you’ve been trapped in survival mode too long
*trusting God’s strength when you feel like you’re hitting the wall
*choosing the path of hope in the face of fear and uncertaintyContaining behind-the-scenes glimpses into a side of space flight that most of us will never experience, The Astronaut’s Wife is a funny, poignant, and meaningful exploration of living life to the fullest–no matter where you roam.
Thats My House
$14.99Add to cartFor so long, I thought God didn’t care about my family’s finances. Boy, was I wrong! As I read the Bible about His provision for us, there came a shift in my head-and then in my heart. I realized that He is our true provider.
God has no limits and we need to believe in His provision for us in every area of our lives. No dream or vision is too big for Him-and you’ll never find out what He actually wants you to do with your finances until you ask Him. Then you will be amazed at how He uses it to answer your prayers… and the prayers of others!
We have to start somewhere. It takes many little steps for us to see the fullness of what He wants for us. Your finances can be a turning point in your relationship with God. As you physically take steps to trust Him, you will see a physical manifestation of the harvest of blessings in your life.
My Yes Is On The Table
$14.99Isn’t it time you said yes to God?
What’s holding you back? The risk? The unknown? The unwillingness to shake up the comfortable status quo? Whatever it is, if you’re not in God’s best place, you’re missing out on something great. The Lord is calling you into a Promised Land. But it’s going to take some faith steps to get there.
Jenn Hand wants you to be able to say to God, “My yes is on the table.” Not halfheartedly. Not half the time. Not halfway there. Jenn wants you to go all in with God–because God is all in for you.
My Yes Is on the Table takes you into the story of the Israelites as they journeyed out of the wilderness and into the Holy Land that God had granted them. Each chapter will challenge you to move from a fear stop to a faith step. And once you’ve started taking those steps with God, there’s no telling where you’ll end up.
For too long, you’ve been paralyzed by fear of the future. You feel God calling. You want to go forward with His plans. Yet fear has stopped you from taking the leap. No more! Instead of letting fear stop you short, let faith call you forward with newfound confidence and holy boldness. Put your “yes” on the table, and watch God do more in your life than you could have ever imagined.
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Love Awakening : Living Immersed In The Supernatural Love Of God
$19.99Add to cartWear the Father’s Heart on Your Sleeve!
You were created to love and be loved supernaturally, not as a concept or theology, but as a living experience–the very love of God, visibly manifested through you. This is the key to fulfilling your divine destiny!
Author and international speaker Leif Hetland is recognized as an ambassador of the Father’s love–an everyday person who has received divine opportunities to bring God’s light into some of the darkest places on earth. Why? Because he walks in the powerful, supernatural Baptism of Love that breaks off shame, affirms identity, and reveals the unconditional love of the Father everywhere he goes.
Leif equips you to carry the same anointing into your everyday life. In The Love Awakening, you will…
*Discover the heart of Father God as the standard for true love.
*Receive supernatural transformation as you embrace your identity as a loved child of God.
*Become a world-changer by immersing your sphere of influence in the tangible love of God that flows out of you.
*Sustain a supernatural lifestyle of being saturated in the tangible, experiential love of Father God.
Your privilege as a believer is the ability to release the supernatural love of Father God in every sphere of influence. Learn to walk in the Baptism of Love and release the Kingdom of God on Earth!
Everyday Supernatural : Experiencing God’s Unexpected Manifestation In Your
$19.99Add to cartExperience Miracles Wherever You Go… even in unexpected places!
Is your heart crying out for more? Do you long to experience the supernatural? Do you want to live a life marked by Kingdom adventure? Then join Joanne Moody for a life-changing faith journey in Everyday Supernatural!
Since experiencing her own life-changing supernatural healing, Joanne Moody has made it her mission to give away the love and miracles of Jesus everywhere she goes. She believes this is the power and privilege of every believer!
In Everyday Supernatural, Joanne Moody serves up a spiritual feast of captivating testimonies, practical teaching, and powerful activations. You will walk away emboldened with the knowledge that God is intent on using everyday people to perform His miracles and reveal His Son to the world!
Everyday Supernatural will empower you to:
*Overcome the barriers to receiving your own spiritual breakthrough
*Be filled with supernatural faith that Jesus wants to move through your life
*Fulfill your destiny and take your place in the unfolding story of God in the Earth
*Confidently pray for miracles by using the prayers, activations, and strategies provided
*Operate in the authority of Christ to see salvation, healing, and supernatural power in your day-to-day lifeJesus wants to work through you to supernaturally touch the people around you . From your local grocery store to your workplace, from your school to your favorite coffee shop, it’s time to begin releasing miracles everywhere you go!
Receiving Generational Blessings From The Courts Of Heaven
$19.99Add to cartBreak the cycles of sin and defeat in your family bloodline.And become the one who pioneers a new legacy of blessing and breakthrough!
There is much talk and teaching about generational curses and how they can be spiritually transmitted through the family bloodline. But what about generational blessings? The same Scriptures that speak of curses that need to be revoked also point to multi-generational blessings that can transform our lives today and impact our children and grandchildren. What you do today in the Courts of Heaven can release generational blessings for you and your family!
Robert Henderson is a recognized apostolic leader in the church and the bestselling author of the Courts of Heaven series. He has given his life to helping individuals, churches, and nations break legal agreements with the enemy by operating in the Courts of Heaven to step into the breakthroughs that Scripture promises. But now, writing alongside his son, Adam, a powerful new revelation is being released. It was his experience praying for breakthrough over Adam that taught Robert Henderson about both breaking curses and releasing generational blessings from the Courts of Heaven.
You will learn how to:
*Experience Family Freedom by bringing your loved ones before Heaven’s Courts and interceding for verdicts of blessing, freedom and salvation*Pray according to what’s written in the Books of Heaven for you and your family
*Approach the Courts of Heaven for generational blessing using a 5-Step Prayer Model observed in the life of David
*Retrieving Lost and Stolen Wealth from past generations
*See prodigals reclaimed and restored to God as you pray Courtroom prayers on their behalf
It’s one thing to cancel the enemy’s assignment for our life by dealing with bloodline issues and curses; it’s another dimension to proactively and powerfully enter the Courts of Heaven, partner with the purposes of God, and secure blessing today and in generations to come.
Abide : A Pathway To Transformative Healing And Intimacy With Jesus
$17.95In this personal healing retreat from Heather Khym, cohost of the popular Abiding Together podcast, you are invited you to break through the barriers that prevent you from trusting and experiencing the deep love of Jesus and the utter joy that comes when we vulnerably bring our entire selves to the foot of the Cross.
Rooted in the teaching of Khym’s Vancouver-based ministry, Life Restoration, Abide shares scripture, essential Catholic teaching, and her personal healing journey to reintroduce you to God as your Divine Healer, the Restorer, and Miracle Worker. Khym offers you a compass to navigate your past as you dig into difficult memories that have disoriented your understanding of God and made you afraid to trust him. She challenges you to cast off your self-protective tendencies and to recognize your need for healing so you can be the person you were created to be.
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Gods Covenant Partners
$14.95Add to cartDick Bernal presents God’s covenant plan for the redemption of all people. Beginning with Adam and Eve in the Old Testament, he traces the threads of covenant through them and the lives of the patriarchs, the making of a covenant people after the exodus and the judges and prophets and kings who governed them. In the New Testament, all the varicolored threads come together in a stunning, finished design that shows what lengths God went to in order to prove His love for us in the life, death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Beyond Racial Division
$18.99Add to cartEfforts at colorblindness and antiracism have not been very effective in addressing racial tensions in the United States.
Colorblindness ignores the realities of race and the history of injustice. On the other hand, antiracism centers racial concerns and in so doing often alienates people who need to be involved in the process. Sociologist George Yancey offers an alternative approach to racial relations where all parties contribute and are mutually accountable to one another for societal well-being. He provides empirical rationale for how collaborative conversations in a mutual accountability model can reduce racial division. History and societal complexity mean that different participants may have different kinds of responsibility, but all are involved in seeking the common good for all to thrive. Avoiding unilateral decisions that close off dialogue, Yancey casts a vision for moving beyond racial alienation toward a lifestyle and movement of collaborative conversation and mutuality.
You Can Rest
$16.99Add to cartIs your worry wheel spinning out of control?
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect 1 in 8 children. With constant access to technology, news cycles, and social media-and with heightened pressures to perform in all areas of life-kids’ brains are simply overwhelmed with worries and fears, and they don’t know how to slow down and rest.
Katy Boatman, who has worked with tween girls in ministry for 15 years, tackles this phenomenon head-on in You Can Rest, a 100-day devotional that takes an empathetic and honest approach to the topic of anxiety in the day-to-day. Structured with a Scripture to open, a devotional to ponder, a prayer to close, and a weekly journaling prompt, the book guides readers to reflect on everyday concerns from a biblical and hopeful perspective. You Can Rest addresses relevant topics such as:
*Anxiety about the future
*Making (and keeping) friends
*Getting sick
*Believing God
*Resolving conflict
*Being misunderstood
*Feeling isolated
*Even falling asleep!Katy is a friendly and comforting voice. She’s the mentor on the page, the one who has gone before the reader, wrestled with all of these issues too, and-despite still worrying plenty herself-can testify to the faithfulness of Jesus. She reminds the reader because of Jesus, we can rest, no matter what is going on in our lives. Packed with grace and truth and sprinkled with humor and delight, You Can Rest shows tween girls that their anxieties do not have the final say. Jesus does.
Who Am I And Why Do I Matter
$12.99Add to cartSooner or later, kids ask big questions about themselves and their faith: Who am I? Where do I fit in? Am I good enough? What do people think of me? What does God think of me?
Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew has been answering big questions from kids for over a decade. In this warm, empathetic book, he shows children how to embrace and enjoy their identity as those loved by God and made in his image. He also gives lots of practical advice on how to remember what God says about who they really are.
Lively stories and illustrations make this book easy for 9-13s to engage with. Readers will be helped to replace fear and anxiety with faith and confidence as they find their self-worth in what God says about them.
Stewards Of The Earth
$22.99Add to cartFifty years of evangelical thought on creation care
Evangelicals have a complex relationship with environmentalism. Some lament the church’s apparent disinterest in humanity’s negative impact upon the earth. Others denounce environmentalism as a distraction from the church’s mission. In the face of polarization over the issue, how should evangelicals steward creation well?
Stewards of the Earth collects five decades of articles from Christianity Today that display the diversity and development of evangelical perspectives on creation care. Some articles address the concerns evangelicals have over cooperating with the broader environmentalist movement or lay out positive ways to navigate or overcome these hesitations. Other articles present constructive approaches to creation care. Readers will gain a nuanced view of evangelical thought over the decades.
With a new introduction by Loren Wilkinson and contributions from writers like Bill McKibben, Ronald Sider, Leslie Leyland Fields, and Andy Crouch, these essays preserve the wisdom of the past to provide insight for the future.
In Search Of Paul
$19.99Add to cartStand on the shoulders of giants!
Have you ever wished you could have a mentor like the Apostle Paul–someone trustworthy to guide your spiritual development and ministry?
Tony Cooke, author, teacher, and student of church history, has assembled a panel of the greatest Christian spiritual leaders of all time, curating a profound, yet accessible, collection of their key thoughts and teachings.
In Search of Paul shepherds you in the footsteps of spiritual giants like the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and more.
*The values and priorities that create a successful life
*The power of living by example
*Timeless qualities of supernatural life and ministry
*Enduring wisdom on topics such as influence, delegation, discipline, prayer, evangelism, and preaching
*Pitfalls to avoid in life and ministry
These men of God left an indelible footprint for the Kingdom of God on this world. Guided by their example, you can do the same!
Keeping Hope Alive
$14.99Add to cartLife changes in a nanosecond when storms sweep in, often without warning. They leave our knuckles white and our hearts broken. With minds barely able to think clearly, we often set our Bible aside. In reality, that’s when we need its comfort and strength most. This devotional is written for those in crisis, for those longing for hope but lacking the ability to focus on a lengthy Scripture passage. These minute-sized devotions offer respite to readers caught in the storms of life.
Each of the 90 devotions follows a pattern:
*Key Verse
*Pause (devotion)
*Ponder (application question or action step)
*Pray (short prayer)
*Relevant quoteReaders of these devotions are facing difficult circumstances and need spiritual encouragement in bite-sized pieces. Their greatest need is hope. They need reassurance that God’s love will never let them go. His presence will never leave them, and His strength will carry them through. Keeping Hope Alive addresses these needs as follows:
*Its overall message directs their minds to God’s character and promises. These bite-size bits of truth will feed their soul and give them the strength and encouragement needed for that day.
*Devotions are short enough to read and keep their focus even when their minds are on overload.
*All segments work together to make it easy for readers to recall truth.
*Relevant quotes reinforce the day’s teaching.