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    • Wondrous Pursuit : Daily Encounters With An Almighty God A 30 Day Devotiona


      Are you a new Christian looking for direction in your spiritual walk?

      Are you a longtime Christian looking for fresh perspective?

      Do you feel like you’re waiting for something to happen?

      Lost your sense of excitement and purpose?

      Wondering how to experience God in your everyday life?

      The wondrous pursuit is for you.

      In Wondrous Pursuit, blogger Jarrid Wilson walks with you through 30 days of intentionally chasing after God. Each day, a Scripture passage, accompanied by reflection points and questions to help you go further, challenge you to think about a different aspect of your pursuit of God and to dive more deeply into his word. Along the way, learn how to build a continual, daily practice of looking for God and relying on his direction–after all, he is the most glorious goal, the most wondrous pursuit, we could possibly find.

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    • Road Back To You


      Puts the wisdom of an ancient tool within easy, entertaining reach for greater self-awareness and insight into personal and professional relationships with profound applications for spiritual growth.

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    • Case For Grace


      The Case for a Creator explored the scientific evidence for God; The Case for Christ investigated the historical evidence for Jesus; The Case for Faith responded to eight major objections about Christianity; The Case for The Real Jesus refuted the current challenges to the Bible and Christ … Now, in The Case for Grace, Lee Strobel crafts a compelling and highly personal case for God, focusing on God’s transforming work in the lives of men and women today. Writing with unusual candor, Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming love for spiritually wayward people. He travels thousands of miles to capture the inspiring stories of everyday people whose values have been radically changed and who have discovered the “how” and “why” behind God’s amazing grace. You’ll encounter racists, addicts, and even murderers who have found new hope and purpose. You’ll meet once-bitter people who have received God’s power to forgive those who have harmed them-and, equally amazing, people mired in guilt who have discovered that they can even forgive themselves. Through it all, you will be encouraged as you see how God’s grace can revolutionize your eternity and relationships … starting today.

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    • Listen Love Repeat


      Our culture is obsessed with self. In our schedules, our relationships, and especially online. (Can you say “selfie’?) But in the midst of this near-narcissism, people are less content than in decades past. Why? Because we have forgotten the joy that comes from putting others first. Becoming such a person requires us to live alert, listening for “heart drops,”-hints from those in our lives who might need a helping hand or a generous dose of encouragement. Living alert lifts our own spirits, showing us that blessing others blesses us even more. Listen, Love, Repeat gives practical, creative ideas for reaching out. Some are heart-tugging and sentimental. Others are sneaky and hilarious. Topics include loving your family and friends, reaching out to the lonely, blessing the “necessary people” who help you get life done every day, and how to love the hard to love. Bonus material includes recipes for sharing. Additionally, scriptural examples are studied of those who lived alert, including Jesus-the one who noticed those who least expected to be noticed.

      As we scatter kindness, we create a safe space where we can openly share the gospel with others. And we get to see lives changed right before our eyes-not only the lives of others, but our lives as well. Most importantly, Listen, Love, Repeat will enable us to scatter kindness, not to selfishly shout, “Hey! Look at me!” but in order to humbly implore, “Well…will you look at him?”

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    • Danza Divina – (Spanish)


      La Trinidad es la doctrina central de todo nuestro sistema de creencias cristiano. Sin embargo, a menudo nos dicen que no debemos intentar entenderla, porque es un “misterio”. La Danza Divina explora ese misterio, demostrando como una concepcion mas profunda del Padre, el Hijo y el Espiritu Santo transformara nuestra relacion con Dios, y renovara nuestras vidas.

      Invitation to a Dance

      The Trinity is supposed to be the central, foundational doctrine of our entire Christian belief system, yet we’re often told that we shouldn’t attempt to understand it because it is a “mystery.” Should we presume to try to breach this mystery? If we could, how would it transform our relationship with God and renew our lives?

      The word Trinity is not found in the New Testament-it wasn’t until the third century that early Christian father Tertullian coined it-but the idea of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was present in Jesus’ life and teachings and from the very beginning of the Christian experience.

      In the pages of this book, internationally recognized teacher Richard Rohr circles around this most paradoxical idea as he explores the nature of God-circling around being an apt metaphor for this mystery we’re trying to apprehend. Early Christians who came to be known as the “Desert Mothers and Fathers” applied the Greek verb perichoresis to the mystery of the Trinity. The best translation of this odd-sounding word is dancing. Our word choreography comes from the same root. Although these early Christians gave us some highly conceptualized thinking on the life of the Trinity, the best they could say, again and again, was, Whatever is going on in God is a flow-it’s like a dance.

      But God is not a dancer-He is the dance itself. That idea might sound novel, but it is about as traditional as you can get. God is the dance itself, and He invites you to be a part of that dance. Are you ready to join in?

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    • Divine Dance : The Trinity And Your Transformation


      The Trinity is supposed to be the central, foundational doctrine of our entire Christian belief system, yet we’re often told that we shouldn’t attempt to understand it because it is a “mystery.” Should we presume to try to breach this mystery? If we could, how would it transform our relationship with God and renew our lives?

      The word Trinity is not found in the New Testament-it wasn’t until the third century that early Christian father Tertullian coined it-but the idea of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was present in Jesus’ life and teachings and from the very beginning of the Christian experience.

      In the pages of this book, internationally recognized teacher Richard Rohr circles around this most paradoxical idea as he explores the nature of God-circling around being an apt metaphor for this mystery we’re trying to apprehend. Early Christians who came to be known as the “Desert Mothers and Fathers” applied the Greek verb perichoresis to the mystery of the Trinity. The best translation of this odd-sounding word is dancing. Our word choreography comes from the same root. Although these early Christians gave us some highly conceptualized thinking on the life of the Trinity, the best they could say, again and again, was, Whatever is going on in God is a flow-it’s like a dance.

      But God is not a dancer-He is the dance itself. That idea might sound novel, but it is about as traditional as you can get. God is the dance itself, and He invites you to be a part of that dance. Are you ready to join in?

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    • God Is Good


      God is better than we think…

      so it’s time to change the way we think about Him.

      “God is good.” More than a positive thought, theological concept or Biblical statement-what you do with these three words defines your reality and determines your destiny.

      In a world of fear, disease, crisis, torment, uncertainty, and hopelessness, what you believe about God’s goodness reveals how you will respond to the trials and circumstances of everyday life. Your view of God impacts everything!

      Respected pastor and bestselling author, Bill Johnson presents a new groundbreaking book that calls readers to build their lives on one unshakeable foundation: the assurance that God is good.

      Through revelatory insights and powerful supernatural stories, this landmark message will show you how to:
      *clearly discern the difference between the will of God and the enemy’s plans.
      *confidently pray for breakthrough, believe for miracles, and have faith for God to move, no matter what comes against you.
      *discover Heaven’s perspective on tragedy, loss, pain, natural disasters, sickness, and other difficulties
      *partner with God to release supernatural solutions to a world in crisis.

      Build your life on the solid foundation of God’s goodness and experience new realms of supernatural thinking that bring Heaven to Earth, changing the atmosphere around you!

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    • Life Explored Handbook (Student/Study Guide)


      * Session 1: The Good God
      * Session 2: The Trustworthy God
      * Session 3: The Generous God
      * Session 4: The Liberating God
      * Session 5: The Fulfilling God
      * Session 6: The Life-Giving God
      * Session 7: The Joyful God

      Additional Info
      Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

      Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows that the greatest pleasure in life is not enjoying the gifts God has given, but enjoying God himself. This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions.

      This Handbook contains everything a participant needs for the course, guiding them through the sessions with plenty of space for notes.

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    • Principios Y Poder De La Sabid – (Spanish)


      Se ha dicho que la diferencia principal entre ganadores y perdedores es su perspectiva. La mejor posibilidad de tener exito en el negocio, en el gobierno, en la familia-en cualquier ambito de la vida-es desarrollar una perspectiva que mejore la que ya traemos a la mesa. Esa perspectiva unica es una perspectiva dirigida por la sabiduria. El empresario y lider civico Dale Bronner ha estudiado, probado, y aplicado los principios de la sabiduria. Con la vision que ha recibido, ha ayudado a miles a aprender como expresar al maximo sus capacidades. Principios y Poder de la Sabiduria te guia hacia los innumerables beneficios de la vida dirigida por la sabiduria, demostrando por que la sabiduria es “lo principal”.

      It has been said that the primary difference between winners and losers is their perspective. The best chance of real success in business, in government, in the family-in any realm of life-is to develop a perspective that will enhance what we already bring to the table. That unique outlook is a wisdom-driven perspective. Businessman and civic leader Dr. Dale Bronner has studied, tested, and applied the principles of wisdom. With the insights he has gleaned, he has helped thousands learn how to realize their maximum capacities. Power Principles guides you into the countless benefits of the wisdom-driven life, demonstrating why wisdom is the “principle thing.”

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    • Theres A Miracle In Your Mouth


      Miracles are God’s will for all Christians, not just a few “special” believers. However, many Christians believe that’s it’s not God’s will to heal them or bring complete restoration to their lives. In There’s a Miracle in Your Mouth, E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett share how your attitudes and what you say may be keeping you from experiencing the fullness of God’s power in you. Begin today living the joy-filled, abundant life that God promises to all of His children!

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    • Venciendo Enemigo – (Spanish)


      When was the last time a Christian hurt you?

      The demonic trio of slander, gossip, and offense has gained huge momentum both in our society and in the church. They ruin marriages, relationships, destroy churches, and discredit those in spiritual leadership. Even worse, instead of fighting them, believers daily aid these spirits. And daily, other believers fall victim.

      Satan’s favorite lie is that spiritual attacks always come from outside-that Christians can’t hurt each other. But when Pastor Kynan Bridges rips the mask off of the accuser, the truth is revealed: Satan’s spirits of slander, gossip, and offense are using believers themselves to infect the church with bitterness and spiritual disease. Using a careful study of the Word of God, Pastor Kynan shows how to fight back and find unity in Christ.

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    • Live Your Story


      Once Upon a Time…

      God has been writing His story since before creation, and He is writing you into it. You are a vital part of God’s story. Many of us struggle to find our place in our own story, let alone our part in His. Live Your Story shares Stephanie N. Hall’s journey of finding her story and the lessons she is learning in the process of living it.

      This story begins, as it should, with the Master Storyteller. It is only in the light of our relationship with God that we are able to fully see who we were made to be and why. After all, who better to guide us to our design than the One who designed us? On the solid foundation of relationship with Him, we can discover who we are meant to be, live our part in His story, and influence eternity!

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    • From Footmen To Horsemen


      Dr. James Brewton has described in detail here a process or progression in spiritual maturity, from salvation to discipleship to leadership. Anyone who has ever served on a sports team, a corporate team, or in the military, knows that teamwork requires discipline, focused effort, humility, honor, respect for authority and character development. It is no different in living life as a Christian. It’s time to become the army of God and the bride of Christ, not just the body of Christ. Make yourself ready Church. You are God’s answer and solution and wisdom to the world’s woes. It’s time to shine even brighter as the darkness increases.

      It’s not too late Church! Both the world and the Kingdom of God need and deserve your best. Jesus set the example, and modeled transformation for us. He purchased our freedom and redemption and victory and inheritance with His own blood, and His own life. He gave His best; we can do no less. The Church is God’s only plan for the earth; there is no Plan B. We have everything we need to get the job done, so it’s time to stop making excuses and feeling sorry for ourselves. As warriors and championship-winning teams know, the best defense is a good offense. It’s time the Church plays offense again.

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    • Life Explored Leaders Kit



      1 X Life Explored DVD
      1 X Life Explored Leader’s Handbook
      1 X Life Explored Handbook
      1 X Quick Start Guide
      1 X Video Download Card

      Additional Info
      Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

      Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness. Each session explores an aspect of God’s character. We see that the God of the Bible is good, trustworthy, generous, liberating, fulfilling, life-giving and joyful. And ultimately we see that the greatest pleasure in life is enjoying God himself.

      This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions. It will also provoke good discussions among those who know and love Jesus.

      This Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to run your course – a leader’s handbook, a guest handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions, giving you flexibility to run it one-to-one, or in larger groups; in churches, or in homes.

      The DVD features 13 subtitled languages; English SDH, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian. We’re working with our translation partners on translating the course handbooks but these will take longer to complete. Please see our translations page for further information.

      Session 1: The Good God.
      Overture part 1: A preview of the six stories we’ll be experiencing together on Life Explored, and an introduction to the opening question: What’s the best gift God could give you?
      Overture part 2: Explores Genesis 1.

      Session 2: The Trustworthy God.
      Hotel part 1: Colonial India. A girl’s view of her best friend is changed unexpectedly, and forever. What comes to mind when you hear the word “God”?
      Hotel part 2: Explores Genesis 3.

      Session 3: The Generous God.
      Gold part 1: The Californian gold rush. A prospector risks his life in the quest for gold. What keeps you going in difficult situations? Gold part 2: Explores Genesis 12.

      Session 4: The Liberating God.
      Lawn part 1: Suburbia. A man is hooked by a late night infomercial and feels his life would be complete if only he could have the perfect garden. What’s your “if only”?
      Lawn part 2: Explores Exodus 12.

      Session 5: The Fulfilling God.
      Geisha part 1: Edo-Period Japan. A woman is drawn away from her husband

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    • Life Explored : Whats The Best Gift God Could Give You (DVD)


      1. Overture – Part 1 and Part 2
      2. Hotel – Part 1 and Part 2
      3. Gold – Part 1 and Part 2
      4. Lawn – Part 1 and Part 2
      5. Geisha – Part 1 and Part 2
      6. Celebrity – Part 1 and Part 2
      7. Space – Part 1 and Part 2

      Additional Info
      Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

      Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness. Each session explores an aspect of God’s character. We see that the God of the Bible is good, trustworthy, generous, liberating, fulfilling, life-giving and joyful. And ultimately we see that the greatest pleasure in life is not enjoying the gifts he has given, but enjoying God himself.

      This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions.

      This Life Explored DVD has superb production values and a warm, engaging presentation of the gospel by Rico Tice, Barry Cooper and Nate Morgan Locke. It includes two videos per session and is over 150 minutes running time. Works alongside the leader’s handbook and guest handbook.

      It features 13 subtitled languages on the same disc making it superb value. Ideal for using with an English-speaking group where one member would benefit from viewing subtitles in their mother tongue. The languages are English SDH, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian. We’re working with our translation partners on translating the course handbooks but these will take longer to complete. Please see our translations page for further information.

      Session 1: The Good God.
      Overture part 1: A preview of the six stories we’ll be experiencing together on Life Explored, and an introduction to the opening question: What’s the best gift God could give you?
      Overture part 2: Explores Genesis 1.

      Session 2: The Trustworthy God.
      Hotel part 1: Colonial India. A girl’s view of her best friend is changed unexpectedly, and forever. What comes to mind when you hear the word “God”?
      Hotel part 2: Explores Genesis 3.

      Session 3: The Generous God.
      Gold part 1: The Californian gold rush. A prospector risks his life in the quest for gold. What keeps you going in difficult situations?
      Gold part 2: Explores Genesis 12.

      Session 4: The Liberating God.
      Lawn part 1: Suburbia. A man is hooked by a late night infomercial and feels his life would be complete if only he could have the perfect garden. Wha

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    • Life Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


      Section 1 – How To Run Life Explored
      Section 2 – Life Explored Sessions
      * Session 1: The Good God
      * Session 2: The Trustworthy God
      * Session 3: The Generous God
      * Session 4: The Liberating God
      * Session 5: The Fulfilling God
      * Session 6: The Life-Giving God
      * Session 7: The Joyful God
      Appendices – Answers To Tough Questions; Video Scripts

      Additional Info
      Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

      Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness. Each session explores an aspect of God’s character. We see that the God of the Bible is good, trustworthy, generous, liberating, fulfilling, life-giving and joyful. And ultimately we see that the greatest pleasure in life is not enjoying the gifts he has given, but enjoying God himself.

      This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions.

      This Leader’s Handbook contains everything you need to lead a course and works alongside the Handbook and DVD. It features training material and advise and includes questions from the Handbook, complete with answers!

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    • Way Of Perfection


      Although Teresa of Avila lived five centuries ago, her superbly inspiring classic on the practice of prayer is as fresh and meaningful today as it was when she first wrote it. Teresa’s deep desire throughout is to teach a deep and lasting love of prayer beginning with a treatment of the three essentials of the prayer-filled life-fraternal love, detachment from created things, and true humility. Her teachings are not lofty speculation but come from the fruit of her practical experience. The next section develops these ideas and brings the reader directly to the subjects of prayer and contemplation. Teresa then gives various maxims for the practice of prayer and leads to the topic that occupies the balance of the book-a detailed and inspiring commentary on the Lord’s Prayer.

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    • Christians Secret Of A Happy Life


      This inspiring message reveals the profound secrets of a happy and successful life. You can be free of doubt, fear, insecurity, depression, temptation, failure, and much more. Your faith, consecration, and obedience to the will of God will be nurtured and strengthened through the wise counsel of this beloved author, Hannah Whitall Smith. The joy of the Lord can be yours forever!By putting these principles into practice, you will discover the way to true happiness. God’s promises can become your assurance for a happy life.

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    • Break Loose : Find Freedom From Toxic Traps And Spiritual Bondage


      Every Christian gets stuck. But not every Christian needs to stay stuck.With a lively voice and real-world experience, Bishop Bloomer encourages the believer to break loose from the chains of bad habits and hurtful attitudes. In short, forceful chapters bursting with biblical support, he tackles everything from fear to debt, to depression, addiction, sickness, anxiety, bad relationships, and more. But the focus of Break Loose is not these negative issues, but rather the positive reality: abundant freedom in Christ. Bloomer advocates an outward-facing faith that relies on God’s healing of self to provide healing to others in the church, neighborhood, and community, setting off a chain reaction of freedom, forgiveness, and love that will have an eternal impact. Includes resources for healing and renewal, as well as Bishop Bloomer’s “Spiritual Warfare Dictionary.”

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    • Unmasking The Accuser


      When was the last time a Christian hurt you?

      The demonic trio of slander, gossip, and offense has gained huge momentum both in our society and in the church. They ruin marriages, relationships, destroy churches, and discredit those in spiritual leadership. Even worse, instead of fighting them, believers daily aid these spirits. And daily, other believers fall victim. The church’s main problem today is a lack of love, forgiveness, and unity.

      Satan’s favorite lie is that spiritual attacks always come from outside-that Christians can’t hurt each other. But when Pastor Kynan Bridges rips the mask off of the accuser, the truth is revealed: Satan’s spirits of slander, gossip, and offense are determined to tear the kingdom apart, and they use believers to do it-leading to bitterness and spiritual disease.

      With a careful study of the Word of God, Pastor Kynan shows a way out. In this book, you will learn how to:
      *Recognize the devastation of slander
      *Identify the satanic nature of gossip
      *Avoid the temptation to be hurt and offended
      *Release those who have wounded you
      *Use love and forgiveness as a powerful weapon to walk in victory over the enemy, the accuser of the brethren.

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    • Cosmic Initiative : Restoring The Kingdom Igniting The Awakening


      Jesus never said “Seek first” about any pursuit or purpose except the kingdom of God. But the church has essentially abandoned this central message, so that kingdom realities have become lost to us. Our neglect has been costly, because God’s kingdom on earth; His cosmic initiative; has the authority and power to revolutionize our culture. This transformation occurs first within us and then around us, igniting the world with forgiveness, healings, miracles, righteousness, and peace.The reason most people today do not seek the kingdom is that they have not seen it. Once they truly see it, they seek and follow the remarkable vision they have glimpsed. This is because discovering the kingdom is not just information but an adventure in revelation and transformation.

      Well-known speaker and kingdom-seeker Jack Taylor invites us to be reintroduced to the kingdom of God and to experience the recovery of the kingdom gospel leading to kingdom power, kingdom love, and the greatest kingdom harvest the world has ever seen.

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    • Greatest Thing In The World


      A Timeless Classic

      One Sunday evening, D. L. Moody and friends were gathered around a fire. Some guests urged Moody to expound on some portion of Scripture. Being tired after the services of the day, he gruffly told them to ask Henry Drummond, who was also present. After some urging, Drummond finally produced a small New Testament from his hip pocket, opened it to the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians and, without any notes, began to speak on the subject of love. Moody said, “It seemed to me that I had never heard anything so beautiful, and I determined not to rest until I brought Henry Drummond to Northfield to deliver that address. Since then I have requested the principles of my schools to have it read before the students every year.

      “Over the decades, this teaching has become one of the best-loved and most inspiring messages on love ever written. Other writings of Drummond in this unique collection include:
      The Program of Christianity
      The City Without a Church
      The Changed Life
      Pax Vobiscum (Peace with You)
      Eternal Life

      Through this dynamic message, we can experience the beauty of lasting love in all its fullness and learn how to bring God’s peace and joy to those around us

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    • Blessing Of Humility


      We all admire humility when we see it. But how do we practice it? How does humility?the foundational virtue of the normal Christian life?become a normal part of our everyday lives?

      Jerry Bridges sees in the Beatitudes a series of blessings from Jesus, a pattern for humility in action. Starting with poverty in spirit?an acknowledgment that in and of ourselves we are incapable of living holy lives pleasing to God?and proceeding through our mourning over personal sin, our hunger and thirst for righteousness, our experience of persecutions large and small, and more, we discover that humility is itself a blessing: At every turn, God is present to us, giving grace to the humble and lifting us up to blessing.

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    • Walking To Jerusalem


      Small beginnings. Detours along the way. Questions about how and when God is going to fulfill His purposes. We know the end of David’s story, but David only knew it step by step. Like us, he had to follow God’s path even when it seemed too slow. He had to believe that realizing our life’s purpose is only the beginning of our calling, not the culmination of it. He had to trust that God sometimes allows years to go by between an anointing and a crown.

      In Walking to Jerusalem, Dr. Chris Hill travels through the twelve cities that shaped David’s life and explores what those places mean in light of God’s calling to us. Dr. Hill also walks with us through the “cities” in his own remarkable story. Along the way, you will discover, or reawaken, your own unique calling. You will more fully understand the places you have already traveled, become attuned to the spiritual city where God has you now, and be better equipped for where God is leading you.

      Walking to Jerusalem reminds us that where we start does not determine where we end up. Each step we take is a part of who we will become. So journey with David from his Bethlehem beginnings to his Jerusalem home. Discover with this shepherd boy that destiny is never just a destination. It’s a process God uses to shape who He has called us to be.

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    • Christianity Explored Leaders Kit (Teacher’s Guide)


      Kit Includes:
      Christianity Explored DVD
      Christianity Explored Leader’s Guide
      Christianity Explored Handbook
      Quick Start Guide
      Video Download Card

      Additional Info
      This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

      This brand new Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to run your course – a revised Leader’s handbook that’s more concise and user-friendly, a guest handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions.

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    • Christianity Explored Handbook


      1. What Are We Doing Here?
      2. Who Is Jesus?
      3. Why Did Jesus Come?
      4. Why Did Jesus Die?
      5. Why Did Jesus Rise?
      6. How Can God Accept Us?
      Day Away Part 1: How Will We Respond?
      Day Away Part 2: What Do We Want Jesus To Do For Us?
      Day Away Part 3: What Choices Will We Make?
      7. What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

      Additional Info
      This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

      This new look, easy-to-use guest Handbook contains everything a participant needs for the course sign and features a section on the reliability of Mark’s Gospel.

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    • Demon Hit List


      Identifying the enemy is the key to casting him out!

      John Eckhardt has created the ultimate deliverance thesaurus to help believers know the specific names and attributes of demons so they can become more successful in casting them out.

      We fear the unknown, but there is power in identification. The demons unmasked in this thesaurus are well aware that they are subject to the name of Jesus, the name above every name! By identifying demons, the believer strips them of their power and exhibits Christ’s authority over every demon name.

      Don’t run from the devil; begin casting out the enemy and stand victorious with Jesus Christ!

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    • Restoring Your Vision


      The story of Blind Bartimaeus offers hope. Scripture often says Jesus was ‘moved with compassion.’ This miracle, and many others, were demonstrations of love. They were statements that:
      * People have value.
      * God is good.
      * He cares about us.

      Bartimaeus’ story is a moving drama of how God cares about humanity. It is more than just a blind man who recovered his sight. In this story God reveals something about His nature and character, and His path to our wholeness.

      Like the opening melody of a great musical score, this story gives way to layers of truths that God has built into the text. With each line there is a new stanza that builds upon the previous melody. In the end, a grand chorus climaxes to a tremendous crescendo.

      Two basic lessons apply.

      First, the underlying concept or truth that is the basis for this story. God wants us to know:
      * Something about Him.
      * Something about us.
      * Something about life.

      Second, like the ‘movements’ of a great musical masterpiece, these truths build with each new verse.

      In the end, we see a series of basic steps whereby we can regain our vision and become whole.

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    • Lave A Lo Milagroso – (Spanish)


      Unlocking the Miraculous contains power-filled chapters such as Prayer that Opens Doors, Praying Under an Open Heaven and Prayer that Releases the Miraculous and much more. It is studded with spiritual truths and the insights of a man who knows that there are no limits to what God can do if we, his children, come before him in prayer. For the author, the only thing worse than prayer-less-ness is prayer without expectation. Intercession is not a human invention; it is God’s idea. He has called us to partner with him in prayer, believing in faith. This book is for those who desire to enter into this divine partnership and join the prayer revolution.

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    • Unlocking The Miraculous


      Unlocking the Miraculous contains power-filled chapters such as Prayer that Opens Doors, Praying Under an Open Heaven and Prayer that Releases the Miraculous and much more. It is studded with spiritual truths and the insights of a man who knows that there are no limits to what God can do if we, his children, come before him in prayer. For the author, the only thing worse than prayer-less-ness is prayer without expectation. Intercession is not a human invention; it is God’s idea. He has called us to partner with him in prayer, believing in faith. This book is for those who desire to enter into this divine partnership and join the prayer revolution.

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    • Christianity Explored : Whats The Best News Youve Ever Heard (DVD)


      1. Good news [11:13]
      2. Identity [17:49]
      3. Sin [13:47]
      4. The Cross [17:22]
      5. Resurrection [13:37]
      6. Grace [16:58]
      Day Away part 1: The Sower [13:26]
      Day Away part 2: James and John [10:45]
      Day Away part 3: Herod [13:29]
      7. Come and Die [13:48]

      Additional Info
      This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

      The fresh new look contains the same award-winning DVD presented on location by Rico Tice. It works alongside the Handbook and Leader’s Guide and has over 150 minutes running time. It also has subtitles in over 14 other languages.

      The Christianity Explored DVD has already won awards for its superb production values and warm, engaging presentation of the gospel.

      It now features 14 subtitled languages on the same disc making it more accessible than ever and superb value. Ideal for using with an English-speaking group where one member would benefit from viewing subtitles in their mother tongue.

      Languages include:

      Simplified Chinese, Spanish, French, Korean, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic, Farsi, German, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Romanian and English for hard of hearing.

      Please note, this DVD is available in NTSC format only. The vast majority of modern DVD players can read this format but older machines may not be able to. PAL discs are available but they only contain English subtitles for the hard of hearing.

      Why only NTSC format?
      Subtitles that have been produced for NTSC format need to be totally re-timed to make them work in the PAL format. This process would have cost many thousands of pounds for so many languages. Given the fact that the vast majority of DVD players in traditionally PAL regions can now read NTSC without problem, we considered this extra expense to be an unwise use of gospel resources.
      If you find that your DVD player will not play this DVD, you may wish to consider updating your DVD player (which will cost around 30).

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    • Christianity Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


      Section 1 – How To Run The Course
      * Getting Started
      * God’s Role In Evangelism – And Ours
      * How The Course Works
      * Identity, Mission And Call In Mark’s Gospel
      * What To Do If…
      Section 2 – Handbook Questions And Answers
      Section 3 – Day Away
      Appendices – Answers To Tough Questions

      Additional Info
      This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

      This Leader’s Handbook contains everything you need to lead a course and works alongside the new-look Handbook and DVD. It features training material and advise and includes questions from the Handbook, complete with answers!

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    • Living In The Light


      1. Definitions And Foundations
      2. The Pleasure-Destroying Dangers Of Sex
      3. The Wealth-Destroying Dangers Of Money
      4. The Self-Destroying Dangers Of Power
      5. Deliverance: The Return Of The Sun To The Center
      6. Deployment: The New Orbits For Money, Sex, And Power

      Additional Info
      What, or who, is at the center of your universe? John Piper shows us the blazing glory of Christ and urges us to set him as the sun at the center of our personal solar systems, so that each area of our life might orbit in the way it was designed to. When Christ is our supreme treasure, we are able to keep money, sex and power in their proper place, enjoying them and glorifying God with them instead of rejecting them or worshiping them.

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    • God Is My Source


      Take the God Is My Source challenge! Many people are faced with overwhelming financial challenges. When they compare their paycheck to their needs, they wonder…How are we going to pay for this? Where will the money come from? What are we going to do? When we look to the Word of God, scripture after scripture proves that God is THE SOURCE of everything we need. In this little book, Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons will help you renew your mind to become fully persuaded that God is your Source. Now, heres the challenge: Read the seventy God Is My Source scriptures every day. Read each scripture, and SAY IT out loud! Follow the WRITE IT assignments. Log every financial and provisional miracle that you receive. When you SEE IT work, it will encourage your faith.

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    • Daily Invitation To Friendship With God


      Your Daily Access to Heaven’s Wisdom, Creativity, Purpose, and Power

      When people are in love they dream together. The same is true for your relationship with God. He wants to share the secrets of His heart-His thoughts, plans and purposes-with you. The Maker of Heaven and Earth wants to dream with you!

      Pastor Bill Johnson shares transformational quotes and profound thoughts that will fuel your day with a greater sense of purpose,vision, and destiny. Take five minutes each day to create a sacred space for you to dream with God, and receive encouragement on how you can bring the love, power, and creativity of Heaven to Earth.

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    • Gods People Triumphant (Audio CD)


      In this six-CD audio teaching, Bible scholar and teacher Derek Prince explains the victory that awaits every believer. Both God and Satan are preparing for the close of this age, and Christians are challenged to play a decisive and victorious role.

      Topics included are:
      *Five Ways Christ Undoes Satan’s Work
      *God’s Program for the Close of the Age
      *Satan’s Program for the Close of the Age
      *Restraining and Casting Down Satan
      *Spiritual Weapons: The Blood, the Word, Our Testimony

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    • Como Recuperar Lo Perdido – (Spanish)


      Creer en Dios no nos exime de pasar por dificultades. Aun cuando tenemos la promesa de que la victoria es nuestra, nos sentimos fracasados y frustrados ante la adversidad. Nos abruman profundas sensaciones de perdida que nos llenan de dolor y de impotencia. Si perdemos algo material que nos cambia totalmente el estilo de vida, sufrimos por aos perdidos en esfuerzos fisicos y mentales, y la fe sufre. Cuando perdemos relaciones, nos cubrimos de luto emocional y no podemos visualizar un futuro. Ante ambas perdidas, nos sentimos vulnerables. Nuestras reacciones espontaneas pueden entorpecer la manifestacion de la victoria que nos corresponde; ni pasa por nuestra mente recuperar lo perdido. Nos aferramos a las imposibilidades humanas y olvidamos las posibilidades de Dios.
      Pero la verdad permanece a pesar de las emociones. Y por encima de las nubes, siempre brilla el sol. Si sufres por una perdida, vuelve en ti. Hoy vamos a ensearte Como recuperar lo perdido.

      En estas alentadoras paginas aprenderas como:
      *Tener la mejor actitud ante una perdida
      *Levantarte de tu caida
      *Tomar autoridad sobre tus pensamientos
      *Reclamar lo que te quitaron
      *Recuperar multiplicado todo lo que perdiste

      Esta es la Palabra de Dios para ti hoy. No te va a faltar cosa alguna. !Lo vas a recuperar todo!

      Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.

      Faith does not exempt us from adversity. Even when we have the promise of victory, we feel frustrated and prone to failure when we face significant losses. Our heart fills with grief and anger. If we lose whatever supported our lifestyle, we suffer feeling the loss of hard working years and embarrassment in front of our family. When we lose relationships, we mourn them and are unable to foresee a better future. We are vulnerable and hopeless.

      But those reactions may stop the ultimate manifestation of the future that awaits us. Enough! Truth has to prevail over emotions. And beneath the clouds, the Sun keeps shining through. If you are suffering a loss, come back to your senses! Right now you we are going to teach how to recover you loss.

      In this inspiring pages you will learn how to:
      *Face your loss with the best attitude
      *Stand up from your fall
      *Take authority over your thoughts
      *Claim and snatch what they took away from you
      *Recover everything you lost…multiplied!

      This is the Word of God for you today. You will never be short of anything. You will recover all and more!

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    • So Long Insecurity


      It’s time to say, “So long!” to insecurity!

      Every woman is insecure about something-her looks, her relationships, her career, you name it. The problem is, not only does insecurity make us miserable, it cripples us and makes us feel worthless, and no woman is ever worthless-especially in the eyes of God. Join respected Bible teacher Beth Moore as she encourages you to say “So long!” to insecurity and embrace all the wonderful traits and characteristics that make you the unique, beautiful, and amazing woman of God that you are.

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    • Bueno O Eterno – (Spanish)


      En estos dias, los terminos “bueno” y “Dios” parecen sinonimos. Creemos que lo que generalmente se acepta como bueno debe estar en linea con la voluntad de Dios. La generosidad, la humildad, la justicia son buenas. El egoismo, la arrogancia, la crueldad son malos.
      La distincion parece bastante clara.

      Pero es eso todo lo que hay? Si lo bueno es tan obvio, por que la Biblia dice que necesitamos discernimiento para reconocerlo? Porque lo que parece bueno, no siempre viene de Dios.

      En este libro aprenderas:
      *Que lo que parece bueno, sabio, estrategico y hasta beneficioso, puede ser daino e improductivo
      *A conocer y entender los estandares de Dios, diferentes a nuestros estandares de lo que es “bueno”
      *A separar lo que parece “bueno” de lo que es “bueno” segun Dios
      *A discernir la voluntad de Dios sobre lo que es realmente “bueno” para tu vida
      *A alcanzar un nivel de comprension y plenitud que lograra alinear toda tu vida al proposito presente y eterno de Dios contigo.

      Bueno o Eterno? no es otro mensaje de auto-ayuda. Este libro hara mucho mas que pedirte que cambies tu comportamiento. Te empoderara para involucrarte con Dios a un nivel que cambiara cada aspecto de tu vida para siempre.

      Porque lo que parece “bueno”, si no esta Dios, no es suficiente.

      These days the terms good and God seem synonymous. We believe what’s generally accepted as good must be in line with God’s will. Generosity, humility, justice-good. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty-evil. The distinction seems pretty straightforward. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say that we need discernment to recognize it?.

      Forgiveness is the bridge that enables dialogue to regain trust, and strengthen the relationship. If we don’t forgive and ask for forgiveness, we may kill the illusion and joy of sharing our lives with each other.

      Through this book you will learn:
      *Whatever seems to be good or strategic, may be harmful.
      *to understand God’s standards, which may not match yours.
      *to discern what is good for you from what is good for Him.
      *to follow God’s will on what he finds really good for you.
      *to achieve a level of engagement with God that aligns your life to His purpose.

      Good or God? isn’t another self-help message. This book will do more than ask you to change your behavior. It will empower you to engage with God on a level that will change forever every aspect of your life.

      Because good, without God, is not enough.

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    • Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs


      Mountain Of Fire And Miracles
      Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs is to give the user’s prayer life a sharper focus. The Word of God says: “And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the tree: therefore, every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire” (Matthew 3:10). Those things that have seemed resistant to prayers may be so because the axe has not been laid to the root. Also, those recurring and stubborn problems that subside only to come back after a while may be because the axe was laid at the branches but not unto the root.

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    • Vuelta Alrededor Del Sol – (Spanish)


      If you had your life to live over again, what would you do differently? New York Times best-selling author Mark Batterson and his mentor, Richard Foth, will help you answer that question before it’s too late. In a storytelling style, Mark and Richard challenge you to take more risks, dream bigger dreams, and quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. The accumulated wisdom from their combined 117 trips around the sun radiates from every heartfelt page.

      Do you want to grab life and squeeze every ounce of adventure out of it? Be inspired by this unapologetic celebration of the life Jesus died to give us.

      Si vivieras tu vida otra vez, que harias de manera diferente? El autor de exitos de ventas del New York Times, Mark Batterson, y su mentor, Richard Foth, te ayudaran a responder a esa pregunta antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Narrando sus historias, Mark y Dick te desafian a correr mas riesgos, a soar cosas mas grandes, y a dejar de vivir como si el proposito de la vida fuera llegar a la muerte. Su sabiduria acumulada en sus 117 vueltas alrededor del sol, irradia de estas paginas, que fueron escritas con el corazon.

      Quieres aprovechar tu vida al maximo, y exprimir de ella cada gota de aventura? Inspirate con esta franca celebracion de la vida que Jesus murio para darte.

      Este libro excepcional te demostrara que:
      La vida es una aventura llena de momentos que te marcan.
      Es mejor dar a tus hijos experiencias que posesiones.
      Cuando ves la vida como una aventura, tus sueos ya nunca estan lejos de ti.
      Se critica creando.
      Mientras mas sabes, mas sabes lo mucho que no sabes.
      Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser quien debiste haber sido.

      En cada vuelta alrededor del sol, esta la inefable aventura de vivir, !Siempre escoge la aventura!

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    • Surprise The World


      Christianity is a surprising religion. It has changed the world in remarkable ways throughout history simply through Christians living out their faith. More recently, we’ve become afraid of a habituated Christianity, thinking that routines will rob our faith of its vitality. The net effect is that we’ve replaced the habits that surprise the world with habits that mimic the world-and both we and the world suffer for it.

      Integrating the five habits in the BELLS model-Bless others, Eat together, Listen to the Spirit, Learn Christ, and understand yourself as Sent by God into others’ lives-will help you spread the gospel organically, graciously, and surprisingly.

      Michael Frost, a world-renowned expert on evangelism and discipleship, makes evangelism a lifestyle that is fulfilling, exciting, effective, and easy to live out!

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    • Pause With Jesus


      Think of reading the biblical stories of Jesus as a written travelogue. Each verse, story, chapter, account stands alone as an example of the exquisite life of Christ as each snapshot from a vacation individually reflects a unique experience of life. Unless surveyed as a whole, the completeness escapes and leaves us grasping mere fragments. The totality of a vacation, missed when viewing individual photos, can be seen by observing the album containing all the pictures, or a video showing the story in motion. Places and people. Good days and bad. Events comprising the entire trip come into focus, accurately portraying a journey that would appear out of balance when only certain pictures were noticed. This biblical travelogue presents description, like snapshots of a historical person. Knitted together, stories from Christ’s life bring into focus a true and astounding picture. More than a portrait of a movement, it is representation of the Man Himself. A Man who loved all the characters of the drama. The lonely? He loved them. The misfits? He loved them. The legalistic, religious, gotta-do-it-our-way-or-we-will-kill-you folks? He loved them. Demonstrations of that love differ with each scene, but uniqueness merges with unity; the same pure, profound love shines in every sighting. What I’ve offered here is an awareness, a glimpse, of what the Gospel writers were telling us. And what life seems to be revealing. These stories have caused me to see Jesus in fresh ways. I am more aware than ever of both my imperfections and His love for me in spite of my frailty. Watching Him with sinners in Matthew’s house, seeing Him gaze at the impish Zaccheus while certainly grinning, hearing His powerful words stifle the storm: such scenes moved me despite my familiarity with them. Moments of study offered me the impossible task of laying aside my preconceptions long enough to live through the events unfettered by prematurely drawn conclusions. Along the way, I met Jesus. Again. And He is very real, very alive. And He seems to think we are all important. May we refuse to think lightly of Jesus. May we refrain from closeness to Him that merely leaves us callous to His majesty. May we refuse to be ordinary. May we not work so hard to rise above others. May we pause. May we pause with Jesus.

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    • Shattering : An Encounter With Truth


      A paranormal encounter with a psychic relative convinced Jessica of a spiritual reality outside the bounds of her Christian upbringing, projecting her on an intense quest for spiritual truth. As the mysterious realm of energies and meditation opened before her, she expanded her practice by seeking in-depth training at a Buddhist Center in California, a meditation retreat in South America, and an ashram in India. After a decade of passionately pursing spirituality, she became a certified yoga teacher and a master level Reiki practitioner. Jessica then moved forward with her dream to share these teachings with others, but strange things began to occur. Before her business plan for an instruction center was completed, a terrifying and profound spiritual encounter shattered not only Jessica’s goals, but the very lens through which she viewed the world.

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    • Give Me 40 Days


      Do you need a manifestation of the healing power of God in your life? If so, Give me 40 Days for Healing could quite possibly be the tool the Lord will use to teach you how to bring forth what you already possess. Jesus did it all for you on Calvary. Healing in every area of your life – spirit, soul, and body, has already been bought and paid for by Jesus Christ. Total health is a part of your covenant in God, but it will not come to you automatically. You must learn how to appropriate what already belongs to you.

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    • Pride Versus Humility


      There are universal spiritual laws that govern the success of our lives, and Pride Versus Humility explores one of those vital laws that is often overlooked: “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12 NIV).

      With candor and biblical force, Derek Prince confronts central issues concerning pride and humility. As always, what he shares is not only insightful but also immensely practical. Ranging from the vital role of humility as we draw closer to God, to the absolute necessity for humility in any position of leadership, to the indispensable role of humility in our relationships with others, the contents of this book can have a life-changing impact on you as you learn the hazards of pride and discover God’s perfect pattern for humility.

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    • Awaken : Letters From A Spiritual Father To This Generation


      Words of Wisdom for the Next Generation of Ministry

      We live in a time when the church is failing to live up to its own standards. It has tragically been losing the respect of those it tries to win to Christ because it has succumbed to sin, pride, and corruption. In the past, a lost world looked to the church as the example of hope and integrity; today, many people laugh or roll their eyes when the church is mentioned. It has largely lost its relevance in the world.

      In Awaken, best-selling author Terry Nance has composed a series of letters to younger and newer believers, aiming to help them avoid many of the sins and mistakes of their spiritual fathers as they hold high the standard of the kingdom of God with which they have been entrusted.

      We the church must realize that we are called to be kingdom leaders for Jesus Christ, not empire builders for ourselves. We must awaken to the understanding that we carry Jesus to this world, and His spirit within us must be reflected in everything we do.

      Nance’s challenge is clear: Set a standard of holiness in your own life, endure affliction as a good soldier of Christ, run your race with patience, and persevere until you come to the finish line. As you do, you can leave behind an army of leaders in the next generation who will take up your banner for Jesus and carry it forward with honor.

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    • Heritage Of The Saints


      The heritage of the saints is the presence of the Holy Spirit.

      The Heritage of Saints delves into Jesus Christ’s mighty gift to mankind: the Holy Spirit. As Lockyer eloquently explains, every believer is rich with the abundance of the Spirit in His sevenfold manifestation: the baptism, the gift, the indwelling, the anointing, the sealing, the pledge, and the in-filling.

      Although an understanding of the Spirit and His work is essential for spiritual growth, His presence throughout the Scripture can be overlooked by the believer. To remedy that, Lockyer traces the Spirit’s presence, role, and activity in the Bible and practically guides the reader in how to do the same.

      Believers who are eager to learn more about their inheritance will appreciate Lockyer’s timeless insights on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

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    • Abbas Child : The Cry Of The Heart For Intimate Belonging


      Is an impostor robbing you of God’s love?

      We’ve bought into the lie that we are worthy of God’s love only when our lives are going well. If our families are happy or our jobs are meaningful, life is a success. But when life begins to fall through the cracks and embarrassing sins threaten to reveal our less-than-perfect identity, we scramble to keep up a good front to present to the world-and to God. We hide until we can rearrange the mask of perfection. Sadly, it is then that we wonder why we lack intimate relationships and a passionate faith.

      All this time God is calling us to take the mask off and come openly to Him. He longs for us to know in the depth of our beings that He loves us and accepts us as we are. When we are our true selves, we can finally claim our identity as God’s child-Abba’s child-and experience His pure pleasure in who we are. Brennan Manning encourages us to let go of the impostor lifestyle and freely accept our belovedness as a child of the heavenly Father. In Him there is life.

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    • Project 52


      Project 52 invites you to experience fifty-two stories from Scripture in a one-on-one, small group, or family setting. It’s a journey through God’s story that will equip you to share it.

      For every story, there is a Devotional, Discussion Guide, and a Cartoon to help you learn and Share the Story with others. As you journey through this project, you will know the Bible and you will also be equipped to share the One whom the stories are pointing to: Jesus Christ.

      Jesus says, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:31b-32). Just as a student must know what his or her teacher has to say in order to learn, understand, and grow, a disciple of Jesus Christ must be rooted and equipped in the Word of God for all seasons of life. Whether you are journeying through Project 52 as a long-time disciple of Jesus, or were recently introduced to Him, may His word come alive in you and in others as you Share the Story.

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