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Christian Living

Showing 1201–1250 of 2458 results

  • Just Between Us God


    Find delight in an ongoing conversation between your heart and God’s!

    These more than 90 inspiring devotions will encourage you to direct your thoughts toward your heavenly Father.

    Each devotion, rooted in scripture and written from Christ’s heavenly perspective, will leave you feeling perfectly loved and blessed; while each prompt will help you to begin a personal, one-on-one dialogue with God. With each turn of the page, you will delight in an ongoing conversation just between your heart and God’s!

    Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him. Psalm 37:7 MSG

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  • Wild At Heart Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    The bestselling book that has revolutionized the lives of millions of men, revised and expanded.

    John Eldredge has revised and expanded his phenomenal bestseller, Wild at Heart, and invites men to become most complete selves by:
    *recovering their masculine heart;
    *seeing themselves in the image of a passionate God; and
    *delighting in the strength and wildness that they were created to offer.

    In this life-changing book, John Eldredge provides a look inside the true heart of a man and gives men permission to be what God designed them to be–dangerous, passionate, alive, and free.

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  • 2 Kinds Of Faith


    Step Up to What God Has Said in His Word The Two Kinds of Faith explains directly from the Scriptures what real faith is. This book is a must-read for anybody who desires a deeper walk with God. Read it expecting the Holy Spirit to reveal principles that are easily applicable to your life situations, bringing powerful results because the Word of God is true and practical.

    What are the two kinds of faith?

    1. “Sense knowledge” faith, where we must see, hear, or touch to believe.

    2. Real faith, where we do not see, hear, or touch, yet we believe-and receive.

    We might understand this difference intellectually. Yet if we’re not actually applying it in our everyday lives, it can have serious consequences for our relationship with God and the effectiveness of our prayers. Some people lose faith altogether when they feel God has not heard their requests. Many whose prayer lives were ineffective have turned to philosophical and metaphysical cults. Unanswered prayers stand between the believer and a life of faith.

    No matter what we may think or feel in the natural, God’s Word is true, and it is the only foundation for faith. To help us live in this reality, we must actively exercise faith rather than “hope.” You never receive what you are “hoping” for. Hope is always in the future. But faith is now!

    As we become one with the Living Word in our actions, faith will become an unconscious reality for us. We will never need to struggle to produce faith. We will only think of the need before us and God’s ability to meet it. Real faith means acting on the Word, independent of any physical evidence. To believe is to step up to what God has said in His Word, and to have faith is to arrive there.

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  • 10 Questions Every Kid Should Ask And Answer About Christianity


    Written by Rebecca McLaughlin, Author of Confronting Christianity

    In a world of increasing ideological diversity, kids are being challenged to think through their own beliefs at an early age. Questions like How can you believe the Bible is true?; Why can’t we just agree that love is love?; and Isn’t Christianity against diversity? can seem like roadblocks for kids who are following Jesus, as well as for those who might otherwise consider faith in Christ. In this helpful book-written both for Christian kids and for those who think Jesus is just a fairy tale character-Rebecca McLaughlin invites readers ages 12-15 to dig deep into hard questions for themselves and perhaps discover that the things that once looked like roadblocks to faith might actually be signposts.

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  • Nudges From Heaven


    There are certain experiences in one’s life that would seem best forgotten. Other moments are a celebration and collection of incredible experiences resembling a beautiful tapestry which should be displayed. This book is a combination of both-the moments fondly remembered as well as the ones… well, the ones when I wish I would have listened to the prompts of heaven.

    Throughout our lives, we all experience nudges from heaven, and with such a nudge comes a choice. The choices we make affect those around us, especially those closest to us. Every choice has a ripple effect, either for good or bad.

    This book provides an inside look at some of the choices I’ve made in the hopes that you will recognize God’s voice and feel His nudge in helping you navigate this thing we call life.

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  • Where Prayer Becomes Real


    If we’re honest, most of us feel bored, distracted, or discouraged in prayer. We look for resources to give us the “right” words or teach us the “right” technique and are disappointed when they don’t seem to help. What we fail to realize is that prayer isn’t a place for us to be good or right, and it isn’t a place for us to perform or prove our worth. It’s a place for us to be honest, present, and known–a place for us to offer ourselves and receive God.

    Spiritual formation experts Kyle Strobel and John Coe want to show you what you’ve been missing when it comes to prayer. In this down-to-earth book, they show you how to fearlessly draw near to a holy God, pray without ceasing (and without posturing), and delight in the experience of being fully known and fully loved. Each chapter ends with prayer projects or practices to help you see a difference in your prayer life, starting now.

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  • When Faith Is Forbidden


    Journey alongside Persecuted Christians

    Take a 40-day journey to meet brothers and sisters who share in the sufferings of Christ. When Faith Is Forbidden takes you to meet a Chinese Christian woman who called six months in prison “a wonderful time,” an Iraqi pastor and his wife just eight days after assassins’ bullets ripped into his flesh, and others from our spiritual family who’ve suffered greatly for wearing the name of Christ. Each stop on this 40-day journey includes inspiration and encouragement through the story of a persecuted believer. You’ll also find space for reflection and a suggested prayer as you grow to understand the realities of living under persecution-and learn from the examples of the bold believers you’ll meet.

    For more than 20 years, Todd Nettleton (host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio) has traveled the world to interview hundreds of Christians who’ve been persecuted for the name of Christ. Now he opens his memory bank-and even his personal journals-to take you along to meet bold believers who will inspire you to a deeper walk with Christ.

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  • She Writes For Him Black Voices Of Wisdom


    In these turbulent times when the ugly stain of racism is at the forefront of our society, bringing rampant division and mistrust, we desperately need ways to come together.

    To build bridges of understanding between allin the body of Christ, we bring you twenty-three voices of Black Christian women, authors, ministers, educators, leaders, and mothers. Their powerful life experiences and heartfelt wisdom will shake you, open your eyes, and help you understand your sisters in Christ.

    From the ways women of color are treated in our society, to raising Black daughters and sons, to how a Black woman can have a white supremacist attitude, to how to respond as Christ would have us, their stories will be a link in bridging the gap between us with love.

    As a Christian, my response to all the tension, the polarization, and toxic environments currently unfolding in America is to consistently ask the Lord, How can I best represent you? . . . Change starts with you and includes repentance, listening, being willing to move out of your comfort zone, and having empathy for someone who doesn’t look like you.

    –Mercy Lokulutu

    May this powerful volume be a part of the bridge of love and understanding we need to walk across with our sisters.

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  • I Am Who The Bible Says I Am I Have What The Bible Says I Have I Can Do Wha


    Three of the greatest spiritual realities that every believer should identify and assimilate into their walk with Christ as they read and study God’s Word include: What the Bible says about our identity as born-again new creatures in Christ, What we have received through the redemptive work of Christ, and What we can do as Christians who are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

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  • Nevertheless She Believed


    Nevertheless, Hold onto Faith!

    This lovely devotional collection is designed to help you grow deeper in your faith and connect to the heavenly Father’s heart. Dozens of practical and faith-filled devotions inspired by Matthew 21:22 (“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”) will help you celebrate the beautiful gift of prayer and strengthen your heart-connection to the Master Creator. You’ll discover a deeper understanding and love for the One who holds the whole world in His hands.

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  • Gods Unstoppable Breakthrough


    Experience God’ s Unstoppable Breakthrough and Blessings!

    You may be facing an issue that seems like an insurmountable mountain in your life. Or, your circumstances may be so difficult you feel surrounded by walls with no way out. You ask God to knock down those walls, just as He did for Joshua at Jericho. But they’re still standing. Sometimes, God removes the obstacles from our lives immediately and dramatically. But what can we do when the mountain doesn’t move, when the breakthrough doesn’t come, when God’s promises aren’t fulfilled, even when we pray?

    That’s when we have to plant ourselves in God’s Word and presence and let Him take us over our mountain! The breakthrough starts as our roots grow deep. This is what Joseph did when he was in the pit and the dungeon. “Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall” (Genesis 49:22). He grew over his wall, his mountain, by adopting a heavenly perspective rather than an earthly one. The result was a multitude of blessings for him, his family, and the world.

    You can rise up over your own mountain of difficulty, opposition, or hindrance. As you do, that mountain won’t look as high as it used to. Every negative situation will divinely position you to be where you need to be in life. You will rise over circumstances you thought were too powerful for you. You will rise over the wall of limitation that once surrounded you. You will rise over the dead end or impossibility that threatened to defeat you. The trials of life have no power to stop you from being abundant and fruitful in God, receiving His blessings, and fulfilling the plans He has for you. Then, your breakthrough will become a breakthrough and blessing for others, too, enabling them to rise over their own mountains of difficulty.

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  • Hidden Man : The Secret To Living In The Spirit Realm


    The Hidden Man by E. W. Kenyon is a masterly unveiling of the deeper walk in the Spirit. “The hidden man of the heart” is the human spirit recreated in Christ. The only way to know God and the Lord Jesus Christ is through the spirit because this is how God imparts His messages to us. He unveils spiritual realities to our hidden man, and one of those vital messages is an understanding of our identity in Christ. It is of utmost importance that we understand who we are. Until we do, we can’t know the riches that belong to us and the abilities that are ours.

    Faith, like wisdom, is a product of our spirit. Until our spirit gains mastery over our senses, our faith will never be strong and vigorous. Faith is developed and wisdom is enriched as we meditate and act on the Word of God.

    The secret of the divine life is to learn how to live in the spirit realm and have one’s lamp filled with the oil of heaven. This book will open new spiritual vistas and make the Word a thrilling reality for you!

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  • Feeler : Discovering How Sensitivity Helps You Discern And Act On Gods Voic


    The Scriptures give us a full-color picture of a God who is moved by emotions such as yearning, love, and compassion. Our human emotions reflect the emotional qualities of our Creator, who made us in His own image. Feelings have a vital place in any believer’s life, not just in those who have a more sensitive nature due to their personalities.

    The Feeler by James W. Goll delivers a remarkable biblical perspective on our emotions and how they help us to discern and act on God’s voice. We experience the love, joy, and presence of God with our feelings. Our emotions have an impact on our bodies, our level of holiness, our relationships, and our decisions.

    The Bible tells us we need to have our “senses trained to discern good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14 NASB). What are we training? Both our natural senses and our spiritual senses. Our physical senses, with the addition of “knowing,” correspond to our spiritual senses in these ways:

    Eyes (sight): visions and dreams

    Ears (hearing): voices and sounds

    Heart (touch): emotions and feelings

    Tongue (taste): good and evil

    Nose (smell): good and bad

    Mind (knowing): divine thoughts and impressions

    This book will show you how to listen for and recognize the often subtle ways God’s Spirit speaks to believers, as well as how to discern good and evil spirits. With consecrated gifts and senses, you can reach out to the body of Christ and to the world at large in both spiritual and practical ways, making you much better equipped to fulfill your role as an ambassador of the gospel.

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  • Enthusiast Growing As An Enneagram 7


    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Enthusiast, number 7 of the Enneagram personality types.

    This book will help Enthusiasts, and those who love them, better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 7, including the Enthusiast’s deadly sin and their greatest strength.

    Some attributes of the Enthusiast:

    Motivation: To be satisfied. This leads to Sevens pursuing the things they think will bring them happiness and true satisfaction in life.

    Biggest Fear: Sevens fear being deprived or in pain. They avoid negative emotions as much as possible.

    Head Triad: Sevens, along with Fives and Sixes, receive all information as something that needs to be thought over and analyzed before they can trust their feelings or gut to process it. Sevens take information in as something to analyze, and then they move on to feeling.

    The sixty days of this devotional are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and how Enthusiasts react in times of stress and growth.

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  • Guardian Growing As An Enneagram 6


    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Guardian, number 6 of the Enneagram personality types.

    This book will help Guardians, and those who love them, better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 6, including the Guardian’s deadly sin and their greatest strength.

    Some attributes of the Guardian:

    Motivation: Security: physical safety, having a supportive community, and maintaining the status quo.

    Biggest Fear: Sixes fear being without support or guidance. This, they fear, might lead to them making horrible life-altering decisions and choices.

    Head Triad: Sixes, along with Fives and Sevens, receive all information as something that needs to be thought over and analyzed before they can trust their feelings or gut to process it. This is the most pronounced in Sixes as they take information in as something to analyze…and then analyze their own conclusion.

    The sixty days of this devotional are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and how Guardians react in times of stress and growth.

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  • Perfectionist Growing As An Enneagram 1


    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Perfectionist, number 1 of the Enneagram personality types.

    This book will help Perfectionists, and those who love them, better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 1, including the Perfectionist’s deadly sin and their greatest strength.

    Some attributes of the Perfectionist:

    Motivation: To be good, have integrity, and achieve this by following the rules.

    Biggest Fear: Ones fear being evil or corrupt, unable to do good things or make a difference.

    Gut Triad: Ones, along with Eights and Nines, receive information through their gut, instinctively feeling if something is right or wrong. When Ones see others blatantly disobeying the “rules” that are very obvious to them, it triggers an anger response, and can cause Ones to be burdened by boiling frustration.

    The sixty days of this devotional are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and how Perfectionists react in times of stress and growth.

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  • Hope For This Present Crisis


    Our culture has lost its mind. Now, we are waging a bigger fight-a war for our soul.

    Is it possible our world has gone mad? We are under siege and the war is not from without; it is from within. The collapse of the Roman Empire occurred in a single generation and was not so much the result of invasions by their enemies but the result of moral decay and internal corruption. Similar patterns are emerging in America. We neglected or abandoned our traditional institutions long ago, but now it’s time to take them back.

    Today, forces are at work to strip the principles and precepts of faith from public venues or minimize their significance. Many progressive leaders are convinced that when Christianity disintegrates it will create peace on earth. But the loss of our heritage will merely create a spiritual vacuum that will be filled with folly, crammed with chaos, or invaded by Islam. The reality is: Western civilization will become so decadent and reckless that America will collapse like a house of cards.

    In Hope for This Present Crisis, Dr. Youssef provides a diagnosis of the insanity of the current culture and a seven-step prescription for restoring sanity to a world gone mad.  Here’s the seven-step path to restoring a world gone mad:

    *Remember the Truth – Stand firm on the truth of the gospel.

    *Restore the Soul – Seek God’s approval not the approval of other people.

    *Revitalize the Family – Guard your children from the horrors of the Internet.

    *Reestablish the Classroom – Support conscientious, caring public school teachers.

    *Respect our Freedoms – Know your rights.Reform our Society – Morally and spiritually purify yourself.

    *Revive the Church – Demonstrate the forgiving love of Jesus at all times.

    This book will teach you how to stand up to attacks on your faith, and defend Christianity as a meaningful contribution to society.

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  • Philippians A Biblical Study


    Internationally renowned author and Bible teacher Joyce Meyer provides a close study on Philippians, emphasizing the true joy that comes from serving others through Christ.

    Paul’s letter to the people at Philippi serves as a reminder that if we search for joy in possessions, places, or people, we will always come up short. True, lasting joy comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, living in harmony with His followers, and serving others in the name of Christ. The life lived by the Philippians is still attainable today. In her comprehensive approach, Joyce Meyer takes a deep dive into well-known and beloved verses, identifying key truths and incorporating room for personal reflection.

    Joyce’s Philippians provides a key study tool that will help you develop a stronger relationship with God. If you take time to examine His word, you’ll see how much He loves you and how much He desires that you live a joyful, content life on earth!

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  • Dinner Table Devotions


    Join popular author and Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie around the dinner table for good conversation and spiritual nourishment with your family.

    *Compiled from the widely successful One Year Dinner Table Devotions and Discussion *Starters, this 40-day devotional is the perfect gift for families of all ages, providing:
    *Solid biblical insight on major topics and themes in Scripture
    *Reflection questions to engage the whole family and encourage spiritual discussion
    *Daily verses to read and memorize

    Over the course of the next forty days, your family will develop a deeper understanding of who God is, what he is like, and what he expects from all of us. Coming together around the dinner table, your family will embark on a journey of understanding why we need a Savior and what it means to place our faith solely in Jesus.

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  • Finding God In The Lord Of The Rings (Large Type)


    The bestselling book now revised and updated with new content!

    Hailed as the most popular and best-loved series of the twentieth century, The Lord of the Rings trilogy is more than a great story; it’s a reflection of life’s epic quest for all of us. Examining the Christian themes in J. R. R. Tolkien’s masterwork, bestselling authors Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware reveal a rich tapestry of hope, friendship, redemption, and faith in the face of overwhelming odds.

    More than 200,000 copies sold

    Includes six new chapters and a discussion guide

    A helpful resource for personal study, devotions, or group discussion

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  • Oh Happy Day


    There’s nothing like a good ole gospel tune to lift your spirits, give you hope, and help you through the hard times. Gospel favorites such as Just a Little Talk with Jesus, How Big Is God, In the Garden, and many more are the inspiration behind these 75 soul-stirring devotions and prayers. Each devotion is accompanied by an interesting tidbit about the song, its composer, and the song’s importance to the world of Southern Gospel music.

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  • Fruit Jars And Fireflies


    Life is tough! You may be walking down some pretty dark paths, but even in the darkness, there’s hope and joy when you put your trust in God. This collection of simple country sayings and wisdom-filled devotions will encourage you to keep strolling down life’s path, shinin’ your light and sharing God’s love with others.

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  • In The Grip Of Grace


    Do you live in fear of never doing enough? Do you feel like if you just work harder, work longer, work smarter, you’ll get the right results?

    In a world full of achievement, praise, and accolades, we can easily fall into the trap of thinking we can save ourselves and direct our lives with our own actions. But the way of the cross guides us toward a place where we stop striving, stop pushing, and stop self-initiating-so that we can fall into the boundless, liberating, refreshing grace of God!

    New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado urges us to exchange the pressure of accomplishment for the peace of God’s grace.

    In In the Grip of Grace, Max Lucado will help you:
    *Release a false sense of self-sufficiency.
    *Rest in God’s unbending and unending gift of grace.
    *Remember that God is for you and will carry you through every circumstance.

    Today, leap from the cliff of self-sufficiency. Step out of the gates of legalism. Walk off the pier of guilt and condemnation. That’s the only way to land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you . . . the Father who catches you-every time-in the grip of his grace.

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  • Give Grace : How To Embrace The Beauty Of Life’s Brokenness


    Are you traveling through a difficult season? With journaling pages, discussion and reflection questions, inspiring stories, and colorful design throughout, Give Grace, written by Megan Smalley, provides you with a safe place to process the ups and downs of life and find new inspiration to trust God’s plan as you rest in his unfailing love.

    Through her own journey with loss and hope, Megan is passionate about sharing the message of God’s grace for our lives, whatever we are experiencing today. In Give Grace, she shares her painful experience with infertility, as well as heartfelt stories of encouragement and personal growth from her own life, in order to come alongside us in our own times of questioning and waiting.

    Give Grace will help you:
    *Feel comfortable discussing the challenging times
    *Grow spiritually and reflect on deeper thoughts
    *Identify the purpose behind your pain

    Give Grace is also an ideal gift for anyone going through a challenging time to let them know that they are cared for, loved, and able to handle anything with God’s grace. If you are traveling through a difficult season–however big or small–you will find comfort in the Scripture, stories, and reflections in this beautiful book.

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  • Power Of 1440


    A thirty-day story-driven manual to celebrate the importance and blessing of each of the 1,440 minutes we are given every day, written by an up-and-coming lead pastor of a global church.

    The son of a preacher, eighteen-year-old Tim Timberlake’s tragic and painful personal story of the sudden loss of his father began his journey toward seeing the benefit and blessing of each day. And not just to get through it, but to exhaust every opportunity of potential of that day, moment by moment, fulfilling his God-given purpose.

    Today Pastor Tim inspires others to approach each day with its 1,440 minutes in a way that they live out their own God-given purposes and passions. Comprised of thirty bite-size chapters, The Power of 1440 is a day-by-day manual to help readers deal with topics like forgiveness, perspective, mistakes, rest, and living a life that matters. He says, “Win some, learn some . . . but never lose.”

    Every day should be magnificent, not mundane; filled with delight, not drudgery; and a grand adventure, not a grind. It is possible to make today and every day truly remarkable.

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  • Experiencing Jesus Through Communion


    There is miraculous power in the sacrament of communion.

    More than a religious ritual, communion is a doorway into untapped realms of God’s glory and miracle-working power.

    In this 40-day experience, Beni and Bill Johnson take you on a prayer journey through the Lord’s supper as it is revealed in Scripture.

    Discover communion as…
    *A sacred place of intimacy with God
    *A weapon of spiritual warfare
    *A prophetic act that creates dynamic change
    *A catalyst for total healing

    Join Beni and Bill Johnson on this journey of rediscovery, and open yourself to a powerful encounter with the living God!

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  • Journey Out : How I Followed Jesus Away From Gay


    You’ve been looking for Jesus.

    At one time or another you have likely felt conflicted by two opposing desires: the longing to be truly seen and known, versus the drive to hide from real intimacy. This universal human experience points to one simple truth – we want to be loved, but are ashamed of our unworthiness.

    Only one Person could ever meet you in this dilemma, seeing your darkest secrets without flinching, offering the power to change, and loving you without an agenda. This Person is Jesus.

    Before meeting Jesus, Ken Williams describes himself as a homosexual who was tormented by shame and on the brink of committing suicide. But in the person of Jesus, Ken discovered the affirmation, love, and wholeness he had been seeking.

    Since then, Ken has worked tirelessly to help others experience the same hope he found. Today, his life’s work is to cultivate a productive and compassionate environment for those bound by sexual shame, insecurity, and fear, so that they can thrive in righteousness, peace and joy!

    In Changed, Ken Williams will…
    *Reveal that change and freedom from same sex attraction are possible
    *Demystify homosexuality and gender identity issues
    *Help you to make a deep, authentic connection with Jesus
    *Offer wisdom for supporters: parents, family, friends, or pastors

    If you are longing to be deeply known and unconditionally loved, your heart is crying out for Jesus. You will meet Him in the pages of Changed, and discover a new life filled with true hope and enduring joy!

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  • 100 Bible Verses That Made America


    Esteemed author Robert J. Morgan explores 100 Bible verses that powerfully impacted our leaders during defining moments in American history and reflects upon what these verses mean for us as a nation today.

    The Bible has played a starring role in American history from our nation’s beginnings. When George Washington was sworn into office as our first president, he did not place his hand on the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States, as hallowed as those documents are. Instead, he swore upon and even kissed the Bible to sanctify this important moment. The Bible, Washington knew, had ushered American history to this point.

    Trying to explain American history without its Bible is like trying to understand the human body without its bloodstream. Had there been no Bible, there would be no America as we know it. It is the Bible that made America.

    While not every Founding Father was a Christian, a Bible-believer, or a paragon of virtue and not every leader has honored the Bible nor appreciated its influence, there is an undeniable history of leaders who’ve been intimately acquainted with the contents of the Bible, who’ve studied its scriptures and respected its teachings. Journey with Robert J. Morgan as he teaches about the Bible’s role in the defining moments and impact on the people of our nation’s history, reminding us of the beauty at the intersection of faith and country and reigniting our hearts’ passions for both.

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  • Winning The War In Your Mind


    Are your thoughts out of control–just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

    We’ve all tried to think our way out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, only to find ourselves stuck with an out-of-control mind and off-track daily life. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands deeply this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this powerful new book he reveals the strategies he’s discovered to change your mind and your life for the long-term.

    Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. Winning the War in Your Mind will help you:

    *Learn how your brain works and see how to rewire it
    *Identify the lies your enemy wants you to believe
    *Recognize and short-circuit your mental triggers for destructive thinking
    *See how prayer and praise will transform your mind
    *Develop practices that allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts

    God has something better for your life than your old ways of thinking. It’s time to change your mind so God can change your life.

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  • Life 100 Day Devotional


    Do you ever wonder if the gospel is truly “good news” for your actual, difficult, hard-to-fathom, off-the-wall, sometimes painful, often absurd, and even humorous real life? Well, it is. But sometimes we all need a reminder that God’s faithfulness really does follow us into in the face of all that weird, hard, and ridiculous stuff of life.

    In her new devotional LIFE, Lisa Harper gives you exactly that: a gut-honest exploration of the redemptive-and sometimes even humorous-narrative that proves God’s gospel is meant to help us in the big and small things alike.

    Whether we face the individual annoyances of life or a worldwide crisis or a disappointing day, the gospel is big enough to handle real-world, real-time, real-life issues, so jump into LIFE and see for yourself what it might have to say to yours.

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  • Your Spiritual Formation Plan (Workbook)


    My spiritual formation journey picked up speed when I repented of my sin in a fresh way and sought God. I was just a boy when God got ahold of my heart early and changed my life.

    Even in my adolescence, God used some of the core disciplines in this book to shape me, the effects of which I still carry with me today. My parents had laid the groundwork, and God used that foundation and a handful of other people to jumpstart my early experiences with God.

    It was God himself who formed me.
    In the time since those early experiences, as God has continued to form me (and even put up with me), I’ve compiled lessons along the way, and this workbook contains some of the most important ones I’ve learned thus far on my spiritual formation journey.

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  • Absolute Surrender : How To Walk In Perfect Peace


    Your God in heaven answers the prayers that you have offered-prayers of blessing for your own life and for others. He asks only one thing in return: Are you willing to surrender yourselves absolutely into His hands?

    Legendary author and Bible teacher Andrew Murray provides wise counsel that will enable you to take a giant step closer to God as you begin your journey into perfect peace and trust.

    Discover the joys of Absolute Surrender to our loving Father today.

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  • Beyond The White Picket Fence


    Have you ever felt disappointed by your life?

    Have you watched a dream crumble?

    Have you wondered if your life has any meaning?

    From Sheri Rose Shepherd, author of the popular His Princess series (over one million sold), comes a book that helps us live faithfully and fully when life is far from what we imagined. Using scripture and sharing a firsthand account of her picket fence being torn down, she guides us directly to the one who can help us rebuild-our heavenly Father.

    Beyond the White Picket Fence will help you put purpose to your pain and use pieces of your past or present wreckage to lay foundational stones for a new beginning.

    Each chapter contains action steps and prayers you can immediately implement as you let go of the devastation and cling to the new purposes God has for you.

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  • Being The Bad Guys


    How to live confidently for Jesus in a culture that sees Christians as the bad guys.

    The church used to be recognized as a force for good, but this is changing rapidly. Christians are now often seen as the bad guys, losing both respect and influence.

    In our post-Christian culture, how do we offer the gospel to those around us who view it as not only wrong but possibly dangerous? And how do we ensure that the secular worldview does not entice us away with its constant barrage, online and elsewhere, of messages about self-determinism?

    Author Stephen McAlpine offers an analysis of how our culture ended up this way and explains key points of tension between biblical Christianity and secular culture. He encourages Christians not to be ashamed of the gospel as it is more liberating, fulfilling and joyful than anything the world has to offer.

    He also offers strategies for coping in this world, with its opposing values, and for reaching out to others wisely with the truth.

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  • Better Day Is Coming


    What happens when you don’t find your “best life now”?Are you tempted to envy the easy lives of ungodly people?How do you rise above the disappointments and frustrations of this life?

    Perhaps a reminder of ultimate realities would help. For true followers of Jesus, a better day is coming. Guaranteed. It may be by the miraculous intervention of a loving and resourceful God. Or it may be in the ultimate perfection of His eternal presence. But no matter how hard this life gets, you’ll ultimately win.

    In 180 devotional readings, A Better Day Is Coming shows that God is certainly strong and generous enough to heal your disease, protect your job, restore your marriage or give you someone to love.

    But though He can and sometimes will do these things, for His own mysterious reasons, He also often withholds them. What we can say for sure is that your day is coming-that day you actually live with Him, when the perfection of heaven is your eternal reality, when sin and sickness and sorrow are banished forever from His (and your) presence.

    Take the long view of this short life. God will make sure you’re covered. A better day is coming.

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  • You Might Be A Pharisee If


    A faith full of zeal can have a dark side. Just ask Jesus.

    Pharisaism is one of the sins that angered Jesus the most. Yet we are often in bondage to it without realizing it. How can we recognize the warning signs in our own hearts and lives and be set free?

    Do you consider yourself a better Christian than others? Do you enjoy pointing out others’ faults while ignoring your own? Do you fail to practice what you preach? If so, you might be a Pharisee-a modern-day version of the religious leaders in Jesus’ day whom He condemned for their legalism and self-righteousness. It’s time to take a hard look at your attitudes and behavior and allow the Holy Spirit to set you free.

    You will learn the following:

    *Twenty-five signs that indicate you might be a Pharisee
    *Why the sin of pharisaism angered Jesus
    *The opposite character trait Jesus modeled
    *Steps to take to rid pharisaism from your heart and mind

    This book will help you recognize the signs of pharisaism-that is, legalism and self-righteousness-in your own heart and know the steps to avoid this sin.

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  • Christian Antisemitism : Confrontng The Lies In Today’s Church


    Hate isn’t a thing from history.

    The Jewish people and Israel have been described as “a dominant and moving force behind the present and coming evils of our day”; “a monstrous system of evil…[that] will destroy us and our children” if not resisted; and a group that seeks “the annihilation of almost every Gentile man, woman, and child and the establishment of a satanic Jewish-led global dictatorship.” What’s worse is that these comments were all made by professing Christians.

    In Christian Antisemitism, respected Messianic Bible scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, documents shocking examples of modern “Christian” antisemitism and exposes the lies that support them. Carefully researched, this book shows that church-based antisemitism is no longer a thing of the past. Rather, a dangerous, shocking tide of “Christian” antisemitism has begun to rise. In Christian Antisemitism, Dr. Brown shows you how to stem this tide now and overcome the evil of “Christian” antisemitism with the powerful love of the cross!

    This book will show you how to confront everyday antisemitism in all areas of your life and become a champion for the people of Israel.

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  • Finding Hope In Crisis


    Life changes in a nanosecond when storms sweep in, often without warning. With minds barely able to think clearly, we often set our Bible aside. In reality, that’s when we need its comfort and strength most. This devotional is written for those in crisis, for those longing for hope but lacking the ability to focus on a lengthy Scripture passage.

    This book contains 90 devotions. Each day’s entry follows a pattern:

    *Key Verse
    *Pause (devotion)
    *Ponder (application question or action step)
    *Pray (short prayer)
    *Relevant quote

    This book is for those who are in crisis. This looks different for everyone. For some, it means facing the fallout of betrayal or divorce. For others, it means a cancer diagnosis, the death of a loved one, experiencing job loss or home foreclosure, or watching an adult child make choices that carry lifelong consequences. Some would say that hitting a relationship roadblock with a friend or family member constitutes crisis, while others would say it’s losing their family pet.

    Regardless, their greatest need is hope. They need reassurance that God’s love will never let them go, his presence will never leave them, and His strength will carry them through. Finding Hope in Crisis addresses these needs.

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  • Chosen Book Two 40 Days With Jesus


    The healing of the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda. The Sermon on the Mount. The calling of Simon the Zealot.
    The Chosen – Book Two features forty brand-new devotions that each contain a Scripture, a unique look into a Gospel story, suggestions for prayer, and questions that lead you further in your relationship with Christ.

    See Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him best and explore the backstories of people like Simon the Zealot, Philip the Apostle, and the Samaritans.

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  • Infected : How To Stop The Global Spread Of Rage, Deception And Insanity


    A spiritual virus more devastating than COVID-19 has infected the global population. It has triggered rage, offense, and murdeous attacks that have exploded in our nation and around the world. If left unchecked, this virus leads to insanity, affecting the mind and body. We see the results all around us and people have no idea it is ruling their lives.

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  • Glory Of The Cross


    Walk in the victory that defined the lives of the apostles and the early church-it’s still possible today!

    Spiritually, the single most powerful moment in history is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Often, that which is the cornerstone and centerpiece of the Christian faith has been reduced to something many believers assume they grasp, understand, or have figured out. It’s as if we think the cross is elementary in our understanding of Christianity. Yet, it’s applying The Glory of the Cross that grants us access into the very depths of intimately knowing and experiencing God Almighty.

    The cross makes it possible for you to apply the victory of Jesus over every area of life that His death and resurrection impacted.

    Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, pastors of All Nations Church and leaders of Chavda Ministries, provide dynamic teaching coupled with miraculous stories, of how applying the glory of cross grants you access to supernatural miracles, divine healing, encounters with the Holy Spirit, reconciliation to God, understanding of your spiritual identity, applying the power of Jesus’ blood, six keys to victory in spiritual warfare, and so much more.

    When Jesus died on the cross a supernatural explosion of glory was released, sending shock waves throughout the entire human experience. Jesus’ death and resurrection were cataclysmic events that impact more than your eternal destiny – they can change every moment of your life today!

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  • My Wynter Season


    One man’s story of navigating loss..and discovering death is not the end. When Jonathan Pitts took his wife of 15 years into his arms for an anniversary dance, he had no idea that within a month he would be on a completely different journey, navigating life after the sudden and unexpected death of Wynter at the age of 38. One day he was married to a successful author and magazine publisher, putting the finishing touches on their book on marriage, and the next he was widower with four grieving daughters. Without warning, the future they had planned dissolved, and Jonathan was left trying to make sense out of what had happened. How could he cope with the gravity of such a loss? How could he support his grieving children who missed their mother deeply? How could he carry on Wynter’s legacy and honor her memory? How does anyone keep their faith in God after all this?
    Traveling Home is the faith-filled story of how, in his grief, Jonathan wrestled with these questions, faced his biggest fears, and walked out the other side.

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  • Walking With God (Large Type)


    Read the beloved Walking With God Devotional in large print when you pick up a copy of the Walking With God Large Print Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional. David Jeremiah is a New York Times bestselling author who pairs down the Word of God into 365 beautifully crafted devotional readings that will help guide your walk of faith.

    The saddle tan faux leather front cover of the Walking With God Large Print Devotional is heat debossed with a beautiful nature scene that includes a majestic mountain peak in the background and a pine tree forest in the foreground. The scene is framed by a gold foiled border with a heat-debossed shadow frame. The title is gold foiled on the front cover and spine and accented with heat-debossed scroll elements.
    Walking With God

    This 365-day devotional is printed in large print that is easy on the eyes. David Jeremiah writes the introduction to the devotional. Each day’s reading starts with a Scripture verse, followed by a short devotional, and ends with a quote from an author.

    The Walking With God Large Print Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional features select Bible verses and quotations from well-loved authors, including C. S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, A. W. Tozer, J.I. Packer, D. L. Moody, to name but a few.

    A satin ribbon marker ensures you never lose your place, and the 384 pages are gilt-edged. The interior pages are printed in full color.

    The Walking With God Large Print Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional is an ideal Christmas gift for an elderly friend or family member that needs a larger print.

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  • How To Listen So Your Kids Will Talk


    Good parenting depends on good communication. The problem is, we parents tend to over-talk. Not only is this ineffective, it discourages children from sharing what’s on their hearts. In this immensely practical book, communications expert Becky Harling shares the best listening practices to transform your family’s relationships and set your children up for success, including how to:
    – help them express their feelings in healthy ways
    – listen to affirm their strengths
    – model how to navigate conflict with grace
    – listen to God, knowing that he “bends down to listen” to us (Psalm 116:2 nlt)

    Whether your son or daughter is in preschool, grade school, or high school, intentional listening will help them feel heard, valued, and empowered to find their unique voice. The practices you put into place now will set a foundation for strong relationships into adulthood.

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  • Journey To The Cross


    Journey through Lent with Best-Selling Author Paul David Tripp

    Lent is one of the most significant times of the yearly Christian calendar. It is often associated with solemn observation and preparation-mourning past and present sin and letting go of the worldly things that keep the heart from experiencing God more fully. In this 40-daily lenten devotional, best-selling author Paul David Tripp invites readers to set aside time from the busyness of their lives to focus on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus. Each short reading encourages believers to abide in the abundant joy found in Christ, as they encounter the Savior more fully and follow him more faithfully.

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  • Place Called Heaven Devotional


    As Christians, we know someday we will leave our familiar country and be united with God in heaven. And yet many of us know very little about this place called heaven. In his bestselling book, A Place Called Heaven, Dr. Robert Jeffress opened the Scriptures to answer ten fascinating questions about heaven. Now he offers this devotional to help us think about heaven on a daily basis and put into practice the heavenly qualities of truth, honor, righteousness, purity, loveliness, character, excellence, and praise.

    A Place Called Heaven Devotional includes 100 devotions to elevate your thinking from earthbound concerns to heavenbound comforts. Each devotional includes reflection questions and a closing prayer to assist you in seeking the things above. The beautiful packaging makes this a perfect gift for anyone who longs for biblical insight and a daily reminder of the hope of heaven.

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  • Walking In The Fruit Of The Spirit


    The Fruit of the Spirit Are Supernatural Powerhouses

    Do you desire to look and act more like Jesus and walk daily in the power heaven promises? Developing the fruit of the spirit will enable you to express the might of God Himself and make you more than a conqueror in every situation!

    The fruit of the spirit are more than just nice Christian character traits. They are supernatural powerhouses–not something you do but who you are in Him. They demonstrate your true identity as a child of God.

    Gloria Copeland, noted author and minister of the gospel whose teaching ministry is known throughout the world, shares how to release the power that equips you to meet every challenge of life with confidence and live the overcoming life God planned for you!

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  • 7 Words You Never Want To Hear


    When life is over and you stand before God, what will he say to you? There is no greater tragedy than for someone to go through their entire life thinking they are a Christian only to hear these seven fateful words at death: “I never knew you; depart from me” (Matt. 7:23). A.W. Tozer said, “It is my opinion that tens of thousands, if not millions, have been brought into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ and they have not been saved.” How can you be sure that your profession of faith is more than just words? Seven Words You Never Want to Hear explores the mystery of salvation through the Scriptures and personal stories. Author Denise Wilson invites you to take the challenge that the apostle Paul gave to the church at Corinth-examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. The gospel changes everything-beliefs, lifestyles, and priorities. Has it changed you? Don’t wait until death to find out if you got it right.

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  • Speak Your Name


    Only one name has the power to heal sick and broken people, make blind eyes see clearly, and even to restore the dead to life again. Speaking that one name can eliminate fear, calm moments of intense anxiousness, and transform deeply rooted depression into a forever reality of blessing, favor, and peace. Jesus is that name–and it holds all power in both heaven and on earth.

    Filled with stunning imagery, all 40 devotionals include scripture, encouragement, and a declaration prayer. Speak Your Name is both a beautiful and powerful reminder of the reality of Jesus and the authority of His name.

    From the foreword by Sadie Robertson Huff:
    “Laney will always lead you to the love of Jesus . . . I will tell you, her way of loving is to tell you the truth, challenge you, and push you to your fullness in Him. Get comfy, open your heart, laugh at yourself, and be willing to be challenged and encouraged by Laney’s lead and Jesus’ love.”

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  • Ocean Of Grace


    Reflect on Jesus in the run-up to Easter with this collection of daily devotions and prayers by great Christian writers from church history.

    A collection of daily devotions and prayers by great Christian writers from throughout church history, including Augustine, Charles Spurgeon, John Bunyan, Catherine Parr and Martin Luther.

    Their time-tested words continue to paint a compelling portrait of Christ’s death and resurrection, and will encourage and inspire readers as much today as they did when they were first written.

    Each daily reading has been selected, edited and introduced by Tim Chester to make these treasures accessible to every reader. They will help you reflect on Jesus in the run-up to Easter. Ideal to start at the beginning of Lent.

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